1 , i I." "WOODEN DiCKEL Flying Mishaps in Canada Claim 28 Lives in First Eight Months Prince Rupert Daily Mews Tuesday, September 22, 1953 By The C'una'Uan Pretts n&U a Dim 7Mc Half Nickel Centennial Celebration RCAF. Flying mishaps in the Art Uidtfjwndent dully newspaper devotd to the upbuilding of Prince Rup rt and N.nrtbern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Publfcp by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. J P. MAGOffc President H O PERRY. Vice-PrtMdf :it "' ',;,sca l-n intorrr..-'"'al estlm,t(,, . ..O.Oalj; Mltchei,. ter.s. SoO.M'j- ;'' 1V5,000: Dakota jv, 'ang. $75,000, and 000. As 5 '"See It fT ' -;. L ' " ' ) itilj'oii li.C. l.iouar Changes AUG. 29, 1S53 SubscrlDtion Rates: in Canada during the first eight months of this year have destroyed ut least 28 aircraft valued at approximately $8,350,-000 and killed 70 pirsons. Those figures were complied by The Canaoian Press after a check ;f air crashes as reported In Canadian newspapers since last Jan. 1. ILLINOIS l'y parrteT Per -'tie; per month. Si 00; per year, (10 UO. IVWD By mall Per mo"n'tHr'76e: per year, 8.00. 'v.r.vi ..Aulhorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ovtaw.i SEPT. & K - 1953 JM i I 11 -s4fja6 Since all p!an,;! , a, Ing stages of clovci,-.. Uscence or re-reu':. curate estimat.-j "I CRASHES . Th only city la th United Stat aaJ WAS among the I While not considered complete, they include nine F-88 The survey showej tor Abraham Lmcola bfor t-ftcam Cltf o( Uaoola 0ttUa Cory. 3 :J . s i"B accments as taa- Sabre jets worth approximately 150,0 two Ci-'-linis, tw Mitchells, two Beech'Tal't Expediters, three Mustangs, five IMS' ifrte."ftj ntrlCPI. yjT BCM 1011 01 iitf Mr,,.,. Jan. 28 Dkota. from Vancouver u,c third of the people ofj B.C. who voted in 1 f-against the .sale of ha:d liquor by tke'lass. I I was umiinst any ituikri re- I liixutiun in hard linunr ''clii'i 5 - it m rn. -Tintir n.Tiiiii n mi i " " 11 llarvards, four Laneasters and ! one Dakota. - i Informed sources said the fig-1 iire.'i, although possibly under-j uueaiu, writs;: ijf irniB conditions fca- I I Jan. ZK-MnrVi; route Saskatoon t i estimated, do not necessarily disappeared wim j aboard. Wreckage ! , 14. Icing conditions' i D1CKKIS- ARK RFING I'SED to help celebrate the centennial of Lincoln. 111., which was the first town "to bp named for Abraham Lincoln before he became President. The diekel Is worth seven ur.d one-half cents half a dime and half a nickel. "ViaORIAREPORf7""& The mask of politeness that I Mr. Bonner looked somewlmt idays of Coalition, when he and IMrs. HodKes, he said, worked so ; illlii''ai'. tkik au"ur.,.,i.y iiih jiiecliient rate. A-ainsl then must oe measured the number of service hours -flown (titling i the .period - more than 40.),0!ij. ! Com') lari. sons with other coun-! tiles or with previous periods of becnusc it si-tms to me that we 1 : i;.i!i;n'i:;n.i uiv alieudy Urinkmg I l.iurli fur our own good. Experience everywhere s h o w s itliat the more .outlets you ha"e : tiie more hard liquor you sell ; ! mid the mure money t huni'es hand!,. i Wii.il drinks of hard liquor et.ti!fs wliaL they do, it seems ; rcu. i ijinca.siFr j board disappiarai between Goosp B::y i' nd Torbay, NliU covered later, tim i; ed failure of two w Feb. 5-Pil. ,t a,lC dents from Slrti-Winnipeg, kiliid t "laft erasliH on r, flit'.ht near Gu:,n harmoniously wgemer wr For example, the. air force has And he knew thru good of all. transported upwards ol everyone was glad, Just delight-1 , R . . . f men f i ve the j to me that ;i t'.fvat many are fcing to : id up to i d!.-l!:M3 a wri-k .v.r.i im h i i tif.i :-.y:.tfU! . itself onto the Legislature may j for him, but probably saw be Keiitleiuanly and higher ami through It. He didn't appear one finer, but It's apt to make fm bit .sorry for himself, as he li.st-L ullne .s. i ened to the opposition sorrow The House has been sit tinu j to!' llim- He was glad of the ! opposition's tears for him, and low lor a week, and we've hea'd Ice in Europe under the North Hil.ittie -ii, 11 I h e.l 111 '.i t ItiO 4- ' , . ,,, ,,,.,. wl,,, ,.. siceiable h xaids. Also, each ol td. to see Mrs. Hodges looking ."o well. However, the premier premier didn't didn't go so far as to wish that Mn, Hodges will one day be back in the House. Mrs. Hodges looked pleased at ull this attention, IhmiL'b nelnv a Hood Liberal. i ai'tieally nothing but conioli- f. ;nd liis is now ' e Hiils these jets involved many hours of lying training time. nopen Li if y II all be monuea up I in time for some opposition co- operation when the Liquor A' t ;gets into the House. If Mr. Bon-i ner gels this ro-operaUon he'll L-'ile to muk : know then the i.niiusitiiin tears i she's probably ciiille convinced 1'er v.'ei'k, : in-!, barely meet, then hire of five Ijl'ilKl is Peil' ilier; very ha No matter veil can't e:-tr: ter w an ' extra expendi- noUar-- hy the lius-f, to lilt some faio-rd. how you arime I', j)end five dollar:; fk on hard linunr inents, one side to the other. A whole week and not a cut-cull or a howl of derision or an in-suiting remark. The tone may be lifted, but the entertainment value is almost nil, and so the galleries soon become bored and w) to sleep or melt away. Perhaps this politeness is li:d-ui a! eiious'h this session. Ther" won't be an election for four years, and so it's not necessity lo impress the public with iw- April 20 -La!V: lo base at Ore--, clashed in field r. ville. N.S.. kilhr,: crew memljcrs. May 18-Mitc!v-; crashed at ViliM. t, i:ll eight men iij, for cra.ih unknwr, May 26l.jii'"J-'r Iron Mountain, Of all 10 aboard. whi! in coast excrriw! j: to San Lieso i'h C; stroyers. Wcatht: blamed lor pin i course. Aug. 11-CF-lOOr two houses at VJlc i. let's Pull Together ! I ; GROWTH and prosperity of a city depends Tl upon the spirit of its citizens. 'r 'i lie reason why some towns grow is because ' tilt re are men of push and energy in them who are ..'...!. afraid to spend their time and money to boost their town. They erect substantial homes and modernise their business methods and premises; they join civic groups and service clubs and make every effort to advance the interests of the community in which tiicy and their families are living. They also use every means in their power t induce people toTocate in their city. Wherever they go they tell of the advantages of their town; they v.iite about them in every letter; they send publicity folders and newspapers to friends in other parts of the country, and when anyone visits them they treat them so kindly that they fall in love with , their city. It is enterprise and everyone pulling that makes ;; progressive town don't let that escape your memory. There are some, perhaps too many in Prince Rupert, who imagine: that they have no time for anything but their business and their own personal s ain. They are content to leave the job of publicizing t liis city and creating a happy community to a dozen men and women whose names appear time after time on the executives of civic betterment groups. That is not the spirit that will secure for out-city many of the advantages which we now lack. The spirit we need is one of progressive planning with a long-range program brought to fulfillment to the betterment of all. True, the city council, the clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, the Prince Rupert publicity committee are pulling for our city. Hut a more definite program with each organization doing its share to bring a.' definite project into being would pay off better than half a dozen groups trying to tie together a lot of loose ends. The old saying, "United' we stand, divided we fall," never applied more than it does in the building of a city. More liaison work between the groups would bring about a unified effort that would see Prince Rupert on its way toward taking js rightful place as a major port and the most progressive city in the northwest. '. . ' Itl.l.ATIVH.Y LOW Some ob eivirs leel, too, that lu putliir; into service lot-the first time Canada's own CP-HUM, thi" lo-s of two aircraft ut this .stae.e should be considered rclMivejy low in comparison with similar Ventures by other countries Questioned recently regarding the crash rate, air force officials admitted the number of accidents had increased considerably, but said the number lias not ini leased in relation to the Hying time. The S1.3M000 write-off total I were crockodlle. i Social Credlters are Just a j Premier Bennett was filled i bunch of upstarts who'll do the :rith uolileness, loo. when lie : province no good, igave his Klicy speech. He spied! The premier held up Mr. Jp-jMrs. Nancy Hodges on the fliKir i of Kernle and Mr. Wlnrh j of the House, loyal Nancy, one ; 0f Quran by lo new MLAs, his ! of the few Liberals who turned i own side Included, as shining i up to hear their new chieftain, fexamples of faithful and hon-Mr. Lalng, make his maiden leg- et service to the public. He said 'i.-lalure s)eech. If Mr. Lalng j1(jW sorry he is that Education , bad won Ills gamble and been ie Minister Tilly Rolston and Ki-ithe Liberal premier, why, then, j nance Minister Elnar Gunder-jthe galleries and guest seats on 'son haven't seats in the House, but don't worry, have no fears, shd still l::;ve that same five Collars for proeprics, children's clothes, v,iyn' fits off the wr',-ppne. or nn 'fv family car, re-frieerMor or vacuum cleaner. But Die one third of us who voted to leave bad enmrjh .'''in-.-were outvoted by the two thirds who favored hard liquor by t!l" pjass. It is therefore the plain duty cf the present Legislature of EC, to 'brint; in a law which .-Mi ie-; out. the wishes of th-? j.-ir.i-iiiKr majority. That is only elementary democracy. Rul even v.itiiin the li'iii''; of t'".' people's mandate then? is tier. Que., killing na he said, thpy soon will have By-elections, you know! Tills r seven civilians These crashes ar Former Premier '. 58 of the 70 death! was In answer to CCF chief- tain Webster who, the day fore, said that surely the Premier could find an education the CF-100 crash it litical oratory, desk-poundim;, nasty nume-eiillhig. vocal gymnastics and fireworks. I Everybody's feeling sorry, so terribly .sorry, for poor Attorney-General Bonner because lie has lo bring in a new Liquor Act. Politicians hate the very ' mention of the word liquor, , Liquor can get politicians into jaw fu! hot water with the voters, i CCK chieftain Arnold WehsO r was Sorry for the poor A-O, i Liberal leader Lalng was sorry for him, and so was Conserv..-' live house chief Ijirry Giovando. all sorry for Mr, Bonner about liquor. You see, they're likely getting ready to blame Mr. Bon-; ner if anything goes wrong: It'll ; tier, only five of th r 01 Egypt Held ' curred in jet planes minister and a finance minis'. thp floor of the House would have been bulging with beaming Liberals, many with their hands cut. Anyway, Mr. Bennett, with that gallant smile of his, pointed out Mrs. Hodges to the Hous". He said she was a fine Madame Speaker, had made a great contribution to BC. One couldn t help but wonder why, if Mr. Bennett Is convinced of this, he did his best to defeat Mrs Hodges. Such, of course, Is politics! Beaming at Mrs. Hod.pes, the Premier recalled the happy old I irom among his 27 house sup- (iRl'ESOME t! SPY HILL. Sask f' ls a By Government ! porters. S The premier, however, Ihiiw from an i I stubborn man; he's loyal to I IM-.w.n. . . 1,- I:- j ' ' - ''.V!! ''.'5..- ...., , yi ... t.. "-. - '.. ?; "-' 'r -ck-. '.. . . a' - " "1 I t- : I - i v . J; " . i :v , t. . ; v. - " . i. v v ' I " . ." . ' I 1 , - C CAIRO i An president jskul! to a c.n'.ur? hammed 'a ;;iiD s government bul ,on was .itnun Mrs. Rolston and Mr. son, he's determined to gat arre-te.l iarmir ptemiir MU.sta-j falr here. Tiie sfi I them into the House if he can.! lia nanus, ms nir unu """'ithal of a mmt)ff be all his fault! waa Indiaai, a peas onetime Eiyp'nn bUwr's Monday. Ail 14 face trial before a tribe that Ls recor been wipfd out by i-and so there'll be by-elections. I Once more the premier will take one of those political gambles j that have so far paid off so j handsomely for hiim When will ! his luck run out? He said Fri-Iday that If Social Credit does special cn;r: cre:.eo to deal with fm rarriors. "tr.i'toi " to she revolutionary . . loom for the government to! ! jrir-fi in a. pood or a bad law. j One mi-take would b to whir) : ; is dead horse end carry the "lo-1 ' ;cal option" principle too far. Xn l 1&52 all the people of B.C. were plainly told that they were voting for or against the sale of hard liquor by the glass. Those : pipers whn-h already have beer 'p'.vlers, and which voted "Yes'' by the necessary manzin. should ! not be compelled to get us more ! nuisance petitions and pro j tbrcnsh snecijl elections, ju-'t to ; confirm what they already de-, cided. Surely the people of B.C. have had enough elections to j last them a rood long time. REFLECTS and REMINISCES regime 'and corruption durlntj Hie time of former kin? Farouk. No spt'.'ii'ic charges weie an- IATE5T HfM' its duty it's in for 50 years. Mr. Bennett said how pleased, ! nr.unced against ai.v of the 14. packages." A poor sport, Herr j Hoefs. It was his wife who sneaked parcels Into his home while he beat her to U the c.vid consumption of good food. A hail expert has been telling Ih? west that the best way to reduce this occasional downfall is to so arrange the affairs that it will turn into a mushy snow. And so, from now on all that's necessary in order to prevent lain at Prince Rupert is to be careful to leave coats and umbrellas at home. how delighted, how almost The roundup .came as the three-overjoyed he is that CCF chief-'man criei'Mi.. criminal prepared tain Webster, Liberal leader i to b .L'in 111; is of a!!e;t d olottetvs. Lalng and Conservative boss- Those aire; ted Monday included Giovando t who has only himself ' leaders of two once powerful to bossi were elected. Yes, it's I political pa nirs; several close ad good, said the premier to havejvisers of Farouk ami other pcr-Messrs. Webster, Lalng and Giu- Uoih pn v'.ously acrru cd rf cor-vandu in the House. ruptinn under the monarchy. Then he promptly announced I N ,has- V";?r of ,hl' w?Mis! r-riir man, . I.nnes! povernmnt thrvt governed L';ypt The man who cannot wonder ls but a pair of .spectacles behind which there ls no eye. ONE CHANGE long overdue In B.C. is to end the ridiculous mid costlv monopoly enjoyed by beer bottles as against cans. Scripture faaae for JoJ ay This hour week! That hour week! It's not that way, exactly, but sometimes it seems so. Actu- "He is Lord of heaven and earth.' Acts 17:24. Beer should ; sold in stores, I just as it is in the United States, j let the i) e o p 1 e. themselves! i hMw l.oHlrd bit r. canned beer -- or no beer. from HMD to 1952. his wife, and Hafez Affiri. former chief of Farouk's royal cabinet, were put under hou-e arrest, The new special court is em-powT"d 'o I'r.pt e penalties CAIVINBK will keep Messrs. I.aing and Gionvando, and all other Liberals and Conservatives out ol the Legislature for all time lor those 50 years, anyway. He announced the alternative voting system will be scrapped. He said the two-party system is best- OTTAWA DIARY By Normun M. MucLeoo THAT MOKMN'G FEELING Anyway, the friends I met the other morning must have been in a confiding mood. In other words, a talkative hour, and each having time, didn't mind. "Von know," said he. 'T can't help noticing the number of fellows who are mighty shy of money, if laid off, or are fired or just plai'n out of a job. Per- Imps, in order lo live, they needed all they earned. Yes. I said perhaps." In 1 j io .slates riwhl next door1 to BC 54 per cent of all beer, le i;T.r.ae! in the homes Is can-1 i i ed brer. Canned beer came on I the mmkrt in the U.S. in 1037. i ally, we- often waste more time 'dodging work than the time it I would take to do the work. Time ! ls the very essence of our oppor-j tunity and existence and yet we often waste more time explaining what we ran t do than the ) time it would take to do it. So comments "Tonic For Our Times." ranmvr, from fines to death. The obvious inference now ove-i eeing their future prospects I f,,,,:0 Vnt nw the sale of can-. being draWi, ifoni tthe iltnltot Llo'ed 4 a, irmu offMmii7tr . j -(' 1 Jill fl-l ':; nature of the past week's cabinet! who, young onte but getini; re-organization is that Prime j elderly now, are-showlng disturh-Minister St. Laurent proposes to ing signs of 'dying with their take plenty of time to solve his! boots on. Ined beer h'rjs .hiere-iHPd 740 per jct!.t-a ;i).ve-.tv-i..:c gain over buUk-s. V j The expt-rience of the U.S. ft. i plainly shows that where people get a free thoica, an ever-iu- personal political problems. TANNED AND TOl OIIENED Some score of young British school boys passed through Fort fit. James recently on their way home after weeks of camping in Hie region north of Lake Trem- End the two-party system, to tils way of thinking, Ik made up of SC and CCF. ' The premier was still polite, but cruel and quite factual, when he told the one Conservative and the four Liberals that if the old system of voting just me X had been used last June, they wouldn't have been elected, and there wouldn't be a Liberal of a Conservative in the House. Such contemplation gave the premier much political Joy. It Is well-known that tlie Prime Minister is aware of both problems. But it is also equally clear that he regards neither of them ! creasing percentage oi uiose I who drink beer prefer to do so ; from eans, in their own homes. You'll live longer with a hundred registered on the thermometer than on the speedometer. 1 Guest towel A small body of slightly e.bsorbeiit linen entirely surrounded by waterproof embroidery. Oalt Reporter. 1 bleur, a wild and rugged country. as really urgent. As a matter of fact, no issue that is basically Last week's shuffle in the Mill- l.stry clearly did little more than bring the Cabinet roster up to fuM strength by the appointment of Hon. Jean Lesage to the vacant portfolio of Public Works. I U did nothing to remedy the long-standing and serious grievance of the Toronto-Hamilton They number 09 and are aged between 10 and 19. They are members of the British Schools political rather than administrative retains any great urgency for the Liberal Party Chieftain since the government secured its I Exploring- Society. They say they r.NJOYINO fiOOl) API'LTITE ii,avP been learning how to fend Hans Hoefs is the name of an I for themselves under difficult Fast German Communist who circumstances. They came out as -area over being denied Cabinet new five-year lease on power last . Valuable Cow j BELMONT, Ont, (CP) A pnre-;brea Holstein. Curville Pripei-ss i Phvllis, owned by E, L. Sweet, i.; j ered'ted with a world record for jbuUerfut production in the Jr. three-year-old class. On twiee-I a-day milkint she produced 22.-1785 pounds of milk with 1101 "representation for the first time August 10 -iiu history over any prolonged m respect to the Toronto-period. Hamilton situation, the PM. , Nor did it offer any solution to j clearly is relying upon time to the more general and concelv- j assist In the solution. The (Pffi- they went in everyone in first class shape and knowing a lot more, "Our slay in this most impressive country," remarked liked nothing better than to make violent attacks on American free food distribution. He described the goods as "beggar L Ufa Mm II IS WtvM pounds tat. I Frank Hannell, group leader, SPECIAL ON Sleel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank S 55.00 275 Gal. Tank $ 75.00 375 Oal. Tank S MO.00 , 550 Oal. Tank $110.00 3 Prov. Tux Extra All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Industrial Welding Green 884 225 First Avenue hi tea - ' ably more serious problem in the I fulty there is that the govern-long run of opening the way to ment can't very well pass over 'Cabinet promotion for some of David Croll, MP for Toronto-tthe able younf? Liberals in Par- j Spadina, but doesn't like to ao-liament who are getting restive ; point him because of his suppos Shipyard Representatives Discuss "lias been a character-forming experience that none of us will ever forget." mm edly advanced radical views and Ifejcr Depression in Business Including Alaska, the undefended border between Canada the temperamental difficulties Men Languish CHOOll Represent-! "vast markets of the F.ast and MOtiTDMr rt: and U.S. territory extends more which he displayed when a member of the Hepburn provincial government. But there are atives of two Canadian shipbi.'ild-j other countries presently barred than 5 500 mllps uvi unions, rer.rcsrnling a niaior-; to us." I - , ii ,,f Ki,ivnr,i workers in Can-! Delegates asked that govern- the hnon'i irJ Beltone ment subsidies be paid to shlp-ence ada met her.- in a closed confer-' in an efort to avoid what' ping companies who build and was termed a "major depression; repair their ships in Canadian in our Canad'ui .shipyards." j yards. Announcing the new AH Tronsifor' Hearing Aid reports that Mr. Croll, sensine the hopelessness of any Cabinet aspirations, may settle for en appointment to the Ontario bench. That would leave the way open to deal with the question of Toronto-Hamilton Cabinet rep In Labor Camps MONTREAL (CP) Untold num- hers of workers behind the Iron ,'Curtain languish la slave labor camps,, says the Canadian Con-Jgress of Labor in accusing Rus--sla of fomenting world tensions and forcing the free world to rearm.. Standing "firmly against ap-"peasement in any form," the Savin h the r,sr to personal ('i'""""'" The greatest new Invention In 47 years ' for the Hard-of-Heoring. resentations, i On the larger question of re Iteoresen i atives Oi the Federa.! me group i.iu reeoinmenneu tion Nation ilp rie la Metallurgy i "complete planning of a Can-tCCLi and the BritL-h Columbia! adian government merchant Shipyard General Workers Fed-i marine to insure that Canada eration (CCLi mapped out reso-imay take her rightful place as a lutions deal'.n- with trade and .trading and shipping nation." OPEN A SAVINGS tiring some of his older Ministers to make way for younger blood, the PM is said to be sympathetic to the desire of several of the veterans to quit simultan- No "B" Battery. No Tubes Battery eosts slashed 80 . Clear, brilliant tone lip to 100 hours operation on ne "A" battery. the government's handling of the 370,000-member labor body at itst annual meeting here fully . endorsed "the right of all demo-"cratic countries to strengthen 'their means of defence." But while the free world must ACCOUNT AT shipbuilding industry. A second conference will be held in Ottawa before the end of I eously with himself. In the way his retirement could truly mark the end of one era in Canadian LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed PRESS-WHII.E-YOU-WAIT Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black 627 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) Now on demonstration at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC the year. Delegates demanded that a royal comml-sion be set up to "investigate and inquire into all phases of the operations" of the maritime commission. . They also ranked that steps be taken to reopen trade with the rmalntaln military strength, it should lose no opportunity to ; negotiate a world Jace,, with ,' "Canada taking the Initiative In ' exploring every possibility of ! such a settlement," ' the Con- gitu said. "'" r -mr X'V.l 1 M J politics. And the new Liberal Leader could make a fresh start with a new slate of Ministers. Politically, many of the Federal Liberals agree that such a plan has considerable surface merit. Phone 644 313 3rd Ave., Prlnre Rupert iiim . ... i . it . , t."'"tj