1 Munaa , Kerrij.iry 1 l&f, ;- Today's Stocks 3LACKWCOD on (Courtesy H. !i. J.ihnston Ijo. IM) u ill kr VANCOUVER AmeVion Clnn 1 .... ' m n n r- -vi.-aji LauuilLU 13'2I BRIDGE uiuiorne 325 H. R. X 02 Cariboo Gold 85 L L By EA5LEY BLACKWOOD Congress .04 Cronln Babine .01 ' j , Partner a Helper, Not a Scapegoat Giant Mascot .43 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS in' Mr. Heinsite might describe a partner as follows: ! "A partner has many uses. When things go wrong j you can show that he is at fault. If you make an j error yourself, you can usually manage to blame i that on him, too. You can almost always prove you j are smaller than he is. And that makes you foel! LEGAL. NOTICES Indian Mines Pioneer Premier Border Privateer ' Reeves McDonald Sheep Creek (a.sk) Silbuk Premier Vanancla Spud Valley Sliver Standard Western Uranium SU-Van "'' THE DAILY NEWS lassified Rates lime 4:80 p m. day prerlou iMlrstlun. "CIRCULATION" : rents Der worn per in- minimum Jjhartte 60 cent good." Mies, M) rents. Card of Heath Notice. Funeral TODAY 3501 Canadian National Railways turner. of sale Prince Rupert DrynVk mid Shipyard 654 , .03 "2 . 1.49 . .05'2 . .03 1.25 . ' .55 .10''2 .01 ,02"2 .52 .50 .09 .05 1 2 .18 5.30 .30 200 10.00 .12 1.80 .13 12.00 Marriage and Enjt!emenl YEAR AGO reinents, 'I 00. ! Oil ........ 3057 ItOONS IOR RENT jj l ,jjIo V floiiblf prte. N'l Pefunds South dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Miss llnish 1 H 3 J 3 h a a D- -K J 10 0 It BUSINESS PERSONALS i fi not accept responsibility 1 ail or the above may be true,! but I have one comment to make. It is expensive. ! Let me suggest a u-ij- of; thinking concerning partner j which, apparently, is not wide-! ly popular. Consider him as a' player who is trying to help' you! and whom vnn nre truinn Ll 8ealed offer addressed to E. A Bromley. Vim-President. Canadian National Runways. 3fi5 MeXllll Street, f f jfci'ieU bus uiht-rwu iiuxirrrvi.i j m'.jAi wroiiK cifcfcitlfictttlon unlM jiiu.X'H "I ucli prrurB Is received I'tjinf t Uoum of flnt InwrfUm. Thll tdvtrlilMMAl I lal n,.l..k. J .v- J...I I .. . : u j 7 4 TWO furnished rooms. Now house. No children. Abstainers. 1063 !)Ui Ave. East. (3101 Hesl last I Montreal. Quetiec. Hnd marked "Offer I on Drydoek," will be received un tfc Lrq.w CorUi Bowd Of by tic Covrnr4 pi B'titU Colitmbn. a she) ( Mr. Mel H K III KUI.LY furnished housekeeping """" ,EMT M"UlJ"Y. room. Plume Hlue 638 after 1",'' I'V' "". I!'" i""1-. THE ELECTRICIAN I). Guvat lloii.se wiring and electi icj repairs. 149 lilh Av. West Phone Red IBS. cm, PLUMBING. cuj,iimi:c olfheat- ng, sheet riieti.) work. Phone 543. Call 630 (Jib West. Letour- "!" (c; WORLD'H FJNEfT CLF.ANE4W Ano Canadian A. P. Consolidated Central U-duc llo'ine Oil 1 a.sk 1 Mercury Okaita i! yal Canadian li'iyuiite . ".. lOKOMO Ath..rift Con.sOi. Discoverv VANT AD H- A K Q J 10 4 l- 2 C- 11 (Mr. N) s .5 a h 7 a I 8 7 5 4 3 C A 10 8 3 Honth (Mr. I J P"1- I2!)p) BUSINESS And 37 ROOMS A.NI IK) Alt I) help. Make it a pai tm r.shio in j the true sense of the word. li think you'll have just as much' fun. And I know you il enjoy, nore profit. In today's deal Mr. New ltd: the seven of hearts. Mr. H. m-iite won with the 10. cashed the ale) REPLIES 8- -A H K 7 0 4 10 ROOM and board fur two men PROFESSIONAL 1.95 kleutkolux. Phone Blue 70 for Parts Jales Service In private home. I'lnuie Reri H 9 8 6 D A Q C K 2 Bevcoui t 23 1 2 ! tire holding replies 140. Hlilpyard at Prince Rurt. B.C., ln-(iiKliiiK three-wction Homing dry-cliK'k. whurvofi. hnilflini.. plant, ma-torliils. supplies, tools and macliiiuiy. us presently eill)jed and located and in Its present condition of repair The facility beinK offered for sal. includes forty-six acres, more or less (if land or land covered by water. A list of buildings, plant, tools uri machinery, plan of proerty and conditions of sale, may be obtained from the following: (26) ouiiaio Canadian 23 The bidding: following News W I I HI Ik 1 I.' At rUnl i! -I. - a Con. Smelters . 22 75 If Con west 4 05 ! ioV, hi' ; d" refund ' 3S " West North Pass 2 S Pass 4 S tee, then led the king. On the .South hird heart Mr. New signalled' with the 10 of clubs and Mr! East 3 11 All pass )d Boxes: repaired. 'tf) j FULLY furnished modern two- Graham Ave.. uonalda 51 Eldona 32 East Sullivan 3.75 Giant Yellowknife 9.05 865 878 888 895 plies must be OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 Dale ruffed in dummy vlth the trey of spades. na ..1 ... th. T, Norton ered with the nine. Certainly this startling development 1 INVISIBLE Repairs, Drpssmak- nr Dcaroom ,i. " liou.se, 1 ms ' In Mrs. M. Bait,, 727 W - '-"PMiince. -- Phone 451. 1. state and In.sur- Tl'.1" "ve awakened Mr. New God s Lake (271 called for in person v.fjvu . JieHKMLe S tn U .1-... . DRESSMAKING and king, picked un the last n.mn. 1 1" . laK that..hc was altera- 31) FOUR-ROOM house. Apply 225 It tions. Phone Red 224. and discarded his iwo clubs in 11. hlnB '? Prt" 'a nve. iMist. i'lione (ireen J. J, Hehun, Manager. Canadian National Hullways, Vancouver B.C. Robert Cameron. Drvdoclc Superintendent. Prince Ruiwrt, B.C. , J. R. McMillan, Vice-President. Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg, Man. E. A. Bromley. Vice-President i 884. NEARLY everyboay uses .84 .16 .21 .35 .75 .09 1.61 ()MIN(. I.VENTS Auxiliary card party, mi 17. (28p) Hardrock Duvex Joliet Quebec Little L-:ng Lac ...... Lynx M id sen Red Lake .. dummy's diamonds. Thus nt ho with , , nine , wlnn!"" made five-odd. a lowly spot. "Didn't you have a trump i higher than dummv's irevi" i -mimih h.i 3A SUITES I OR RENT Wil.FORD Fleet rlcal Works Dealer for Ekolite Sounders. (33) CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 832 ! fiuidi' and Brownie t 4. asked Mr. Heinsite. who alreudv SELF - CONTAINED completely redecorated healed apartment In K. & C. Block. Available Jan :c Kali' and Novelties. Siren .School', Ken. 6, in bddle't ' knew the answer "Tout. i...... MAOAZINEa, UoreiUr. Newt SUmL GFORCE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Clack JUG ami Red i (O , Mi Kenzle Red Lake .. .30 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.42 Norantla 59.73 Louvicourt 14 Pickle Crow j.qs the third round of hearts with !27. For inspection nnd nuriien. FOR chimney your live Of snaries nnrl mh.n I leaning and odd ! 'rs phone 57. G P. Tinker Co. (.'lmrch W.A Valentine 0. 11 at Mrs. L. M. M5 Borden St. jobs, phone Oreen '(73. (42p dummy overruffs with the jack, j mai makes me a sure trump . trick, with the kini-in nver I CARS? Bob Parker of course (45 Lid., eves. Red 578. (26) SELF-CONTAINED complerely rerieroraleri 3-room suite. Available Foi 1. phone G. P Tinker Co, Ltd. 57 ' (27) Card Party, Feb. 11. 135' Canadian National Railwnv Montreal, Quo. 4 flHS Inspection can oe arranged on application to the Drydock Superintendent at Prince Rupert BC. Offers, to be considered, must be In writing and the successful offerer nust deposit 10 percent of the purchase price. In Canadian Funds, Immediately upon acceptance of his offer, the balance to be prfld upon transfer of title. The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. Possession to be given on the date of transfer of title. E. A. BROMLEY, Vice-President. dummy's queen." I Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert, Terrace and Ktthnat .5534 .14 ',2 4.05 6.H5 .91 .26 1.50 Petrol Oil & Gas New Senator Sherritt Gordon Steep Rock Silver Miller Sweet Grass Oils Golden Manitou Can. Chem. & Cellulose Mr. Heinsite's sueeestod nln (anji.an l.ci'ion W.A. Valen-ri a, nee, Feb. 12. Legion WOUld have set the crinki-net- In i I BOTTLE Collector. Phone Green ; 6'-i (36pi j BURNKR and chimney cleaning, j Phone Blue 331. c2Gi Mito CENTRAL Nice clean family apartment, Phfje rtlack 277. (26) addition to setting up a trump ; Winner, it Would have nrevnntuH I Luxury Sr earner Prince Georgt SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday aw 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN 9.00 in Vi.iinlin; I'ia, Feb. CARS? Bob Parker's of course.. Landover Oils 10'i SUITE. Phone Red an (29 Gor- to HELP WANTED Fn'M AI.F il W A Rake bale, iclersun's. Feb. 13. Houses Want'.ri to Buy rF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS Mr. Dale from getting rid of his clubs in time. . i True, Mr. New was asleep at I the switch. But Mr. Heins'ite I knew his partner was not a! keen player. How much easier I he could have made it for Mr. New. If he led the four of hearts : at trick three instead of the king, Mr. Dale would have cov- CFPR RADIO DIAL " 1240 Kilocycles WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service CLERK TYPISTS ' EXCLUSIVE BC. CIVIL SERVICE DIS- 1 Three-bedroom house, twobath-TRIC FORESTERS' OFFICE 1 rooms, cement basement, two PRINCE RUPERT ' Iots- Tnis 12-year-old house is Salarv: SI20-l5fi mr mnnivt close to the hospital and Mc- Kix Athabasca 1.43 Ncsbitt Labine : 1.87 ) Boreal 2.38 1 ! Mark. 65rh Anniversary ! i PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man. j ! KP) Mr. and Mrs. A. Batters i celebrated their 65th wedding j anniversary here. Retired from , farming in 1924, the couple have r'sWA RunimaHe and . Feb. 13. 206 6th St. Valentine Dance, Feb. viUiUi.n cnly. Tickets . Barber Shop. (Subject to Change) MONDAY 1 plus $15 per month Special 1 Bride st Price $8000. Easy terms , For reservations write ot I call City or Depot omce, I Prince Rupert, E C. nf Prayer, Cathedral, March 3. eveninRx. (47) tnree cinmren, eiht -frandchil- SCOTT McLAREM CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 , BLACK DEATH j Almost 30.000,000 persons were-i ; killed in Europe by bubonic pla- j ' and seldom attack human be- I ings unless they are molested. ' flclw:!rt P.T.A. Ten and uvins? Allowance. TypliiR speed ; ""s- 40 words per minute. Applicants II. Ci. Helirer.' on Ltd must be British Subjects under' , . . 40 years of age except in case and Insurince of ex-Service women Appiica- ' p'K L kP,hQ"ne 98 ,ank WUson' n, Black 197 tion forms obtainable from Dis- eves. trlct Forester, Prince Rupert, to be returned not later than Feb- , TWO - BEDROOM unfun.lshed ruary uiti. Ht), house, close in Please reoly cji 18. , drert and six great-grandchil-' dren. for you." P M 6:00 70 71J 7 .10 8:00 8 15 J 00 i):30 10 00 10:1 IO:S0 11 00 W A. Rummage Sale, (45) BLONDIE A Cured Epicure By CHIC YOUNG Lux Radio Theatre t'BC News CBC News Roundup Pacific Pianoforte Presenting ... CUC Symphony Oreh. National r'arm Radio Forum Cale Continental t'BC News Provincial Affairs Bub MrMiillm .Show Meat Iter Report. Mllsiciil Masterpiece MS-oir TUFSDAY Uox B'.i.i, Dally News. (26p' 'uchters Easter Tea, : EXPERIENCED office clerk and Mrs ','J 3, .1. he j bookkeeper. Knowledge of hi of in the Moose Moose" Kn'rimr hpung I bokkecpinK machines an ad- 42 vantaye hut not. esseniiul ruin WANTED TO LENT Of Mis l'Teri flrim or part tine. Steady employ- THREE-ROOM unfurnished l?:00 !h Ave. West, April 15, suite or four-room unfurnish meni M.a.A. Box 894, Daily ".',tj - -4 (28) Prl house. Apply Room 85, Prince j News. :'l Spi'i' - Sale, Apii! A M 7:00 Kiipert Hotel. (27) BC Fishermen's Croan.-nst (37) 126 ltl 11.1)1 NG MAI fJilALS 13 i:i .Musical l ink 7. SO t'BC New.s; Weather ; -.:ir, Ms.1, ,11 lin k :1.1 Mf-rnine leoiloiis IVE' LISTINGS WANTED j Show, , PHILTOTT, EVITT Sj CO. LTD. ''litre Spring 30, May 1. -4 I 8:00 CBC News; Weather List vour house with H. G. HELGERSON LTD. "and prepare to move." Phone 06 ( THANKS Phone 6!il or 652 j Innuire about our budget plan; for your homo improt emem No I down payment. $100 to $2,0(10. 6 to 24 nios. to pa. (31 j Or Uiii F. Wilson, Black 197 eves (311 h to extend our heau-'' and appreciation for 1 kindness, messages "y anil beautiful f()ral b:io Hires Hill doml 8:15 hlenkfast Club 8:45 Laura Ltd. 9:00 BBC News and Comty. B:15 Aunt Lucy SI.SII njiie Uliul May B.-59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Happy tlan;; 10:45 The Benlali Hhow aetf 7 41 HUSINESS PROPERTY ",' e i v t q irom our "1 our sad he- j ' ui tlin loss of Rill , Vour Ileal ing Dollars (a, Farther With TO CLOSE AN ESTATE A ''id tftpZl (WR (the COVERS j r HfrS V KING OF THE POYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY , I ' (IMS fitfCTO ALBUM Mr 6iVMI-A)d MYM ' THBlXXLiTTUh KAYASLWMt l.lEANWMII-E filAt&C) WE ' 9m'mm'm J?," . '':'T-. ' I LtJ'i XaJrrX7H Ure-MeS t-ees - rirre , . til -1 T Wl ifnr svgJ P riIMri mm WmZl, 11:00 your..r,id Neihlmr esueciallv th,mV .V"- nATr.l t.f..,:; ir. i i. 1c 1 !'-WK. wnsi. diock,: W 1 i Hisii p.; ui i inciA-iHi itiver jiuru -vu;u , ai-on-itui mvustment. lt:!S iKrtliirAeritiifh. Air tj? - USUI Messs,. ri'rtod -Vi V II. (J. lL-lgerson Ltd. LUMP EOO STOKER P: 11:1.1 ariialinii Knteilaliis P.M. "'Kin, uie nurses at " Hiipert General Ho-''ail Corliss und the rlaki'i's. 11,1 Jon Bacon. I ltl '''i'lay Feb. 5. "let-Ion 216 6th St. Phone 96 (27) 45 THE ' BEST view lot, close in. basement excavated 37'2XlOO. Price onlv $12:")0. II. (;. llcloorsoii Ltd. Phone 06 Or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (27; 1 '! :IH) 1J:I5 12:25 12 SO I!:. VI 1 :ol) 1 :.m 2 liu 2 :.1l) :i . I A :i::ui 3:45 Hi-Ill X Years Timi Main CBC News Interlude HC. earm Ilroailenst, Interlude Iteeui is for on lleeiird AllMllll lit. School Iti'oailenKt Traiis-r'unuilii Mai nice. Hnive Voya;;. Ilia'thmn Yesterday's Favorites Coal SjieclHUIes: Lignite-In ton lots ... aie.MTon Diplomat Egft Ton lola t.HOOToll Alhcir & Mt-Caffery !Ad. Phones 116-117-58 ClHi'l FOR your fuel reipiirenint.s: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace, Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane, PHI I. POTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 6:2 viral "".sic by the ! ' liuys, featuring (anada's chum-'"I'"'',-. Admls- i28i Si 4fi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NTAI ' flll " lulick (31) 294. SEWING MAt niNE-) LI L ABNtR NISs I'IKSONAli By AL CAPH 1 A LES Repairs Ken tn Is. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) 11 cuCk-e.'.'-H WON'T BE FOLLVIN' US, AG INI, ANY LI'LTHINGAM KIN DO Y th' engine's lATff ( 'PSSTfJ-THtT NICE ) ' CFNNULMAM S ( SEMS WRUSTSD J FO VO -FO SAY TEN f R SERVICE FO A WHILE. IT LLIAKt QUITE. A brrO.L 1Q RECOVER FROM THET SKONK ATTACK H-, BOAT Shed About 60x60 on lot 00x100. Two stalls for boat building or repair work. Included is combination handsaw, circular saw and 12-inch jointer, 3 h p. electric motor, etc.. Price $3500. For further particulars contact E. Skogmo, 508 Mils-grave Place, Prince Rupert, phone Black 613. 26p) Lucky Envelopes WORMLEY, England (CP) The 32 THOUSAN'QOLLAHS? ) FOR SAL'J MISC. ei CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOW ME IN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 o.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 m i Unit's our name. SERVICE BAND SAW, 14" Delta and -V red cedar boat lumber, 18 foot lengths, about 600 feet. Ap-ply 1119 6th Ave. East. (27) SHEET of Va-lnch-fir"'plywood and quantity of used No. 1 fir 2x4s, suitable for odd jobs. Call at 115 1st St. itf-nc) " - ,s. - 'hat's our claim. 'iries "no their need, "ne we suroi,, i 'cl RAF will drop 10,000 plastic envelopes Into the Atlantic next year to help the National Institute of Oceanography study oil pollution of Britain's beaches. Finders will be paid 2s, 6d an envelope. f M at 386 ' LADY'S mouton coat, si7ie 16. Phone Green 360 after 7 p.m. '"Tc to smile and fix. (29) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE f to VOI.r f.f--. ".""V FRIGID AIRE electric range, two months old. Phone 669. (29) QUAKER oil heater with oil drum and all connections. Cheap for cash. Apply Family Shoe Store. (27) COLEMAN oil floor furnace, never out of crate, $180. Phone Blue 549. (29) me n..?rders. making BUT YOU'VE JUST SOT SEE, SINNY, I PVINS TO 60, VOU If NOW THAT. TO SAW VEs EVE.' Y Y SOOD APARTMENT J . S ..fr1" UTr V I 1 K3THSB PRACTICALLY BUT... I JuaT HAVENT50T no m; on each one? ' PPly big 1 f woollen ' le'lt?r ,aM- ri,lick- OROEREPE TO IMPORT THE CLOTHES FOR IT PSSST.' r . -1 , 1 ee-s4y 1 the prettiest c-irl w town for the state 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COU.E6E WINTER EE ENP YOU'LL SEA POSITIVE SENSATION THERE, CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 5-13 Call 30 flth Ave. West. (s) DINING PLEASURE in . SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe oJl,Vo PAieLHNS.' "V 1 '.V BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 36 ROOMH FOR RENT rA 'TS J- fwx M ' tvii,. l.una saw fil- ONE large furnished housekeeping room, IV, blocks Irom Post Office. Phone Blue 727 after 5 p.m. (31), (41) i I 1