Prince Ruoert Da ly News Monday, December 28, 1953 0 Attend Christmas Ball Crafts Make Life Interesting For Busy Ontario Housewife Id by Local Pulpworkers FORT FRANCES, Ont. CP Mrs. Frank Eeles has fascinating hobbles that provide relaxa Uie social highlights of Nick Gurvich was master of l5tma.s weekend was the ceremonies for the big Chrlst-,niiual Boxing Day Ball . mas party which saw Mr. O'Neal Sy Local 708, Interna- welcome the guests with a wbih motherhood of Pulp. Sul- for a happy festive season., d paper Mill Workers. Dozens of prizes were award- 400 Columbia Cellulose ed, capped by presentation of (S and their escorts the Jones waltz trophy, won this , the armories for the year by Nell Stromdahl and Mrs. event at which Pat Nick Gurvich. The winners were president, and other chosen by Roy Evans and the tion between nousenoia cnores. In addition to weaving rugs and drapes, painting pictures and teaching art, she makes pottery from clay she digs herself and bakes in a kiln she made herself. And soon she plans to attend night classes in bought in 1942' soon paid for itself, and she also sells paintings. In 1945 she won a prize at the international textile exhibit at the University of North j Carolina. . In her living room hang . drapes she has woven and the ! chairs are covered with a fabric 1 she made on her loom. Some materials are free for the pick- ing. Mrs. Eeles says that dog- i wood strips, golden-rod stalks, I straw or rushes can be used to weave Into place mats or window shades. As a summer project, she made an outdoor kiln to fire her pottery. For painting, Mrs. Eeles has en attic studio where she con KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune -up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. Yeu'll be pleased with our service. s ot the executive ymycu iiuiiy was presented Dy Mr. and Mrs. nowara Nultall, last year's winners. jewelry-making. Mrs. Eeles, whose husband is a customs inspector in this town bordering the Minnesota line, started the extensive handicraft activities for amusement and relaxation and discovered they were money-makers opening up a part-time career In craftmanship. She started making pottery a ell-Known snadians ducts a Saturday afternoon Superior Auto Service Limited Matt W. C. R. Jones, mill manager of Columbia Cellulose, who put up the trophy, and Mrs. Jones, were among euesti at the ball. Another feature of the event was presentation of a gift, a pair of slippers, to Jack Fuller, one of the longest-time residents of Prince Rupert. Mr. O'Neal made the presentation. Prince Rupert Bethel of Job's Daughters catered for the affair and attended the check room. year ago and now sens nericiass works to florists; a loom shei ..Tne recreation and relaxa- '53 bin tion derived from an afternoon I r.f nainlintr la wnrfh nil milrh St ower ower Mo I &r it ).' 'j,s. ' J rtonors ias a finished Droduct." th? inTVt'aimdlM PreM known ! inures in ,n mimical scene the were MMMkml: CI II) I housewife says King George and MEMBERS of the Merry Menders Club for polio patients at Winnipeg's Jerrace CytVt TERRACE Miss Norma J. Kenney, bride-elect of this month, was honored here at a shower at the home of Mrs. J. Ihe prominent uanaaians d during the year. ,m Graydon, who died at me in Brampton, Ont., 9, was the Progressive 'rrative party's chief Princess Elizabeth hospitals help themselves and fellow victims back to health. The picture shows four couples In a wheel-chair square dance. Clock-wise from bottom are: Norma Crew, and Stu Millett, Ellen Shaw and Les Chambers, Elsie Jordan and Ben Fawley, Freda Edwards and John Bryant. ' ; ' lion an on external affairs at e he served as a delegate JnffedJL ere Sandhals. . Some 20 friends attended the pre-nuptial party at which many useful gifts were presented to the honoree and refreshments were served by the hostess. United Nations founding nee at San Francisco In d was Opposition leader VANCOUVER (CW British Winnipeg Merry Menders Club Helps Polio Patients on Road to Recovery Commons from 1942 to Columbia is being used as a proving ground for a mail distribution system which may be adopted as a Canada-wide process. The experiment embodies a The bride-elect is daughter or former lands minister E. T. Kenney and Mrs. Kenney. Her fiance Is Nelson Morrison of Terrace. 'r Stirling, former minister mal defence In the Ben-.iwrnment, died at Kel-BC.. last January. Two : Liberal premiers of On-fietl during the year ; F Hepburn, who drew .'.'.er.'Jyn by his vigorous string of four terminal post offices In Vancouver, Prince Ru WINNIPEG CP The Merry Menders, polio victims on the road back to health, roll through hospital corridors in their wheel chairs with gitts of courage. As they give, they re pert, Prince George and Nelson. another Merry Mender' chore. The entertainment schedule goes like this: Wheel-chair table tennis every night; Tuesday, bingo; W'eunesday, quiz and games; Thursday concert Friday is unplanned entertainment as many patients go home for the wek-end. . The Merry Menders keep busy in other ways, too, and one of their interests is square-dancing. The dancing Is done sittlns down and ' the command ot "Swing your partner" is complicated by an occasional Interlocking of the front wheels of the wheel chairs. All mall for the districts sur ( W80IB3 Pp ) USEfUL HINT No. 24 QS, V W Canned foodi koep V"8XTCK'7 m because" they orn fio- vS?V'' I I processed in staltd viiXj J containers. " M I .. CURED FOODS M rounding these points Is "rough ceive. The Merry Menders Club was started by polio patients con valesclng at Princess Elizabeth sorted" and seni. directly to the terminal points for distribution to the addressee. Under the previous system, mall was critically sorted according to final destination, a more complicated process. The Merry Menders publications committee puts out a weekly newspaper called the Hospital here. Their aim is to ORGANIZE RECREATIONS if You're TIRED ALL THE TIME EnrgtlMdr et bit ran-dawn now nd then, bred-wt, heiTji-hudL and maybe tethered bj backache. Perhapa nothinf emuljr wranf, just a temporal touc cenditwa cawed by eaceaa acids and wastes. That's the time t take Dedd'a Kidney Pitb. Dedd'a stimulate the kidneys, and a bela festers their normal adno sf' reOMrmf escess acids and wastes Then nu feel better, slees better, werk better. Get Dedd'a Kidney Puis new. Lack for the blue bai with the red band at all VuffjsU. You can depend eo Dedd'a. 52 help other polio victims, as wen organization of nightly cn-as themselves. Itertalnment in the hospital is Princess Elizabeth patients 1 1'fnempfoij HlCfll :al premiership from 1934 ' and Gordon D. Conant, : Hepburn's successors, long-time champion of r,p rights. Senator Wll-3ut( of Lunenburg, N.S., f of six Liberal senators :ri during the year. Duff, was the oldest and had n the Senate since 1936 iiB fix terms In the House raons that started in 1917. enators who died this year : H. Lacasse, L. A. David, Poone, Donald MacLen-,d J C. Davis. ,IIU'S I.I ADKKS Church of England In i was hard hit by deaths 1 They Included most Rev. German. 66. Archbishop of 11 ol ai jS'i Weekly Flickers. President of the Merry Mend era is school principal Vic Dot-ten, who says: "Time can hang- terribly heavy on your hands in hospital. None of us are actually ill now. It's Just a matter of therapy treatments and a scheduled routine. ' "But there is still a lot of spare time. The club and its activities use up that extra time vere who have graduated to wheel chairs pay visits to the more than 50 iron-lung cases at King George Hospital. They read to them, gossip with them and write letters for them. TWO-WAY DEAL The visits pay off In two ways. "The Iron-lung patients see Terrace Kiddies Enjoy Yuletide Party Series Special to The Dally News TERRACE A series of Christmas parties for youngsters has Winter unemployment conditions in Prince Rupert are not as severe as were expected earlier in the year, It was reported to the rT local branch of the Employment how much we have recovered very nicely. . Advisory committee at jts nasi and how we are improving, meeting. The meeting, attended Says Stu Millet, visiting coin-by R. H. Davidson, Bob McKay, , mittee chairman. "Th:t gives 1 featured pre-Christmas activities .here. Partipc tiraapri hv fVlllimhift Cliff Gilker, J. S. Black, W. H. I them courage, s Und, Rt. Rev. A. L. I Brett, Edgar Woodward, D. Walk- I "We see how much worse off 11 first Anglican Bishop er and lex Haig, decided to hold j some polio patients are than we! Cellulose, St. Matthew's Sunday S vTTTTF. ( another meeting early in the new ourselves, ana mat gives us St.hool. Church of the Sacred courage. It's a two-way deal,' year--to review conditions. Mil IP Heart and Rcbekahs and Odd Fellows have provided Santa j Claus visits for most youngsters j in the village, and at the last i three parties, an additional treat I vns showing of films by Claude Dale. , H L. Roy, 78, a pioneer of hurch of England in the ho us also president of .ifss-Federation of Canada. .! Vancouver. Others were a H. A. Hasiam, missionary lucationlst, and Rev. H. A. r, missionary to Baffin . Dignitaries Congratulate Peter Leighton at , Ceremony ! ITMTiffiTnn rt I Another popular pre-Christ-! mas event was the traditional ' I Mil I . I I . 1 1 1 I ' 1 mm ) City, church, provincial and caslon were Bruce Brown, ML A, fnrirral diiznitaries were on hand Rt. Rev. H. G. Watts, Bishop of United Church lost its service of nine lessons, with il speaker and secretary to congratulate Peter Leighton Caledonia, Inspector Taylor of christmas caroiSi held at St. 1 when ne received mt vjutxn 5 w nvmr. n.u. ... . v,..,, , 'v7; Matthew's Anglican church Sun- tred Sisco who died in De- coronation medal from Indian and Mr. Anf leld. Also present ... M w was Cecil nyan, cniei tuunwiiur r 1 1 ' $3.85 HI 1 I plus tax f BOTfUO IN BOND 1 O'Connell officiating. 1 oj. ! Bupennienuenv r. c. muicm. T. E. Holling. United I prPsent at the memorable oc 1 of Metlakatla, Mrs. Susan Cook, Readers were Joan Dale, Melisa sister of Mr. Leighton, Robert Dolu dh a h pioneer who helped to j ..!. I II... Ik. ! """ tuvi, r time Metlakatla '., I V, patriarch , , k and a O'Connell, Larry Pruden, Claude fec(or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, tlr: " Girl Guides Pay about church union in '! at Victoria, aeed 88. f Roman Catholic Arch-? of Ottawa. Most Rev. Christmas Visit To Old Folks latter a niece of Mr. Leighton. I In making the presentation, ' Mr. Anfield said that "there was nothing greater in life than to serve one's people." 1 He said he was sorry that the Oldtlmcrs at Prince Rupert's 1 mii3 j ESS ran ! V it at I I " : I 1 wB. ntntjLtn I t uU JIUI! j 1 : zx iv 'rtre Vachon, died at age Dallas, Tex., while en route tralia for an eucharistlc x Henry Somerville, edt-i the Canadian Register, it Toronto. Justice M. B. Archibald, 86, it Nova Scotia Supreme died at Halifax. Ontario 5 who died this year in-1 Mr Justice W. T. Hender-d 79; Mr. Justice H. D. " 5. and Mr. Justice R. O. 87. ':ss WORM) Pioneer Home were serenaded vision of Metlakatla hadn't been last night tiy a group of Olrl fulfilled, "but time will see all GuldM I things come to pass." Peter Leighton was the unanimous Rome 30 Guides of the First RuVt under choice of his people when he Prim company ih" leadership of Captain Mrs. federal government sought a mar, to head up the presentation of w 1 HUrhcock travelled to the ,iBht for en'ran- ,!:'t cmn.eni. gifts to the pioneers. tv,. iri werp warmlv wel- "This mcaal which the Queen FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY ' John ton, 64, president bf ' comeci by the oldtimers, who en-.' has ordered bestowed upon you. Imperial Bank of Canada, (nv(,H ,he DOnular carols and has been well and truly earned, RockMpunt wd Sidney H. Logan, former uartlcuarly a Olrl Guide action said Mr. Anfield. "I know of no 1p"t of the Canadian Bank A(;n Von de Musica." one who would have'Strugglcd so mnwrce, died at 71. I , Th'e Guides presented each patiently year In and year out as nation circles lost Dr. H. L. 1 , wltn a small gift box of 1 you have, trying to solve the rt. 71. emeritus professor of home-made cookies and candy,' problems of your people," Mr. "Phy at Dalhousie Univer- ,h ,,n their visit with Anfield said. iJNADIAN WIIISKL nl well-known radio com Guide Vespers and Taps. In reply, Mr Lcilihton, over- Transportation for the girls come With emotion, said he would was Drovlded by F. E. Anfield. P. convey from the bottom of his w p niirl lvfrs W. Rothwell, Dr. henrt a thought eehoed throuTh- PRINCE RUPERT TO W. S. Kcrgin, Bob Parker and out the British Commonwealth: T'Ood Save the Queen." Frank Skldmore. "or on current affairs who t Halifax. f newspaper world lost A. D. ! "zie, former part owner of 11 western Ontario dally Papers who died at Sarnla, a?rd 70. Clifford M. Slfton, '"uibcr of the well-known rtlan newspaper family, died 'ikatoon, Arthur Partridge, "rtner manager and secre-the Canadian Daily News's Association, died at Tor-The 1953 list also includes CraiE. 66, who was editor ' Edmonton Journal, '"-known women who rild ''1 Included Mrs. M. J. Cold-W. the wife of the national and Comfortable 111 ?S::rPsi3 I .M,u.Vo,r,;rt'cu. . ,ls"llD , GEO AND (OttLtO H I110CW TH SUPERVISION U w THE CANADIAN SOVERNNENl KETCHIKAN win ssr B.E Goodrich $15.00 IVKtNUtXL $27-oo fr of the CCF party: Dr. PETERSBURG! FOOTWEAR $29 70 WHEN YOU " MiicMurchy, intcrnatlon-innwn for child welfare work "icd at Toronto at age 91, M. Tilly Rolston, 66. mtn-nf education in British nilia's Social Credit govein- JUNEAU $41-40 FLY IVHITEIIORSE 1 KEEP YOUR FEET WARM IN '54 WITH FLEECE-LINED OVERBOOTS Zippered or Laced Men's Rubber or Leather Tops Ladles' Fur-Trimmed Men's Pullover Fleece-Lined Boats ( hllilrrn's. Ladles' or . . . Very Dressy FASHION FOOTWEAR Now available in British Columbia Anothfr Fine I'roducl of - ALBERTA DISTILLERS LIMITED $56 00 I waders HI ! IC AIR LLLIJ LINc scc.oo Jalhitlla dance, December ?). hdy welcome. (300) CALGARY, CANADA This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. " Ask obout our GROUP Fares Utf Phone 266 (flce oppos't Post office) 3rfj Are. Dec. 28, at 10 p.m. Every-'elcome. (It)