it The Prince Rupert Doiiy (NevA Monday, December 28, 1953 - J f M a m Man Taken to Court on Stretcher WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily lo Hear Magistrate Pass Sentence VANr-ntivpn CP A sick man har the magistrate pass sen- was brought into police court en , tence for infractions under the a tret-her here Wednesday to British Columbia Securities Act. 1 i George E. Campaeu, presiatm 'of Service Realty Company, was fined $25,000 and sentenced to six months In jail. Campbell, I who recently underwent a ser- IWA Protests ; Accommodation On Union Boat i DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ious operation, was convicted of j acting as a broker contrary to j the Securities Act. j Tropical Fruit1! Products Com- Classified Rates THE DAILY NEWS' Tap Dancer S ' n " n , w 4 1 , j - i. n VANCOUVER (CP) Of ficials of 1 pany, Limited, subsidiary or the International Woodworkers j Service Realty, was fined $25,000 of America (CIO-CCLi have! for acting as a security issuer protested to marine authorities : contrary to the act. that improper ship accommoda- I Campbell was brought to court 1 654 DINING PLEASUPii tlon was used to brinn uron from his hopitrtl bed in an am- "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3560 YEAR AGO .: ..... 3063 rnnnf hnr. for f?hrllmil ! bulance, follow;! by a police car. Fred Fieber, secretary of 1-71 of the IWA, said the Nature of his illness was not ois-closed. It was first time he Closure ttms 4:90 p.m. flay previous to publication. -),ifiH. centa oer word per In- scrilon; minimum ;mtk 60 cent, rtt, Notices, 60 rents. Cards of Ttisnlt". Death Notice. Fiiners! iMIres, Marriage and Kugagrjnent Announcement. 12 00. (orrlal Display double price. No Refunds t wt". not accept responsibility for clmulfled ads Inserted Incorrectly , under wrung Classification unless ,.iUkaHon of auch errors la rsceltsd II S5c ft doi P4 einpwi. Pltm thn wit ) J1'1' in protest to the Canadian Mart had appeared In court during the H BUSINESS PERSONALS !..! time Commission in Ottawa was" nearjng 0f the caie. Thit WvcrttMMtis u ftol published f diiplirtd by die Liqes C0M10I Board Of by the OmeioaeaS cl Biitisli Co!bir f KADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe 1 , 1 1 . ? .k ., 7 Z Counsel for Campbell said the bail was set at J.OOfl ices not rendered. He said the most recent com-1 Campbell remained in the nlaint was over a trio bv the . courtroom for about 10 minutes NEARLY ererybodv uses 99. PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, sheet metr.1 work. Triune $43. Call 30 eth West. Letour-neau. (c) .Willi 114 hours of Brit Insertion. (Subject to Change) 10 (S BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL MONDAY Lady Cynthia from Port Mc-!and then was whisked back to WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER M 1 ELEL'TROLUX. Phone Blue J70 for Parts Sales Service? (c) Neill. ' hospital. The ship had no overnight Campbell and his company sleeping accommodation for a j soid shares in s .reai estate pro-trip from Port McNeill to Van- hect in Cuba. - where It was 1 couver that took 16 hours and , planned to buy 50,000 acres of 7 XV SAW FILINO Ail tvoes of saws. Precision Saw Filing, 215 1st Ave. West. . - (101 WANT AD REPLIES We ore holding replies to the following News ad boxes: ' 852 854 865 875 Replies must be called for in person minutes. ; ia a for erowmc tropical fruits. "The men were charged first . . WEB OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 6:00-flopnor 8irfniide I 7 00 C,na News 7:16 CBC News Roundup 7:30 BC. Profile 8:00 Presenting . . . 8:15 CBC symphony Oren. :00 White Anu 9:sa Cafe Continental I0O0--CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Piano RiimbllnKS , 10:30- Bob Mi MullIn Show 1 1 1111 v.enl her: Miisteal Miiterpleeea lul- Till Mlillil-IU 12:00 -8lKn-oft TUEfJDA class passage for this type of service." Wllford Electrical Works. Dealer for Ekollte Sounders. . (12) WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday , at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN I repaired. (tf) Union officials said the logging company employing the men had chartered the ship and the Lady Cynthia was the only one available. , "Owing to tide conditions entirely, it was necessary to make the trip overnight instead of during daylight hours." a company spokesman said. td die's MAGAZINES. uovelCleg. COMING LVEN1S News RtatXJ. CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for'Smithers Every Tuesday and,, Friday. For connections Phone C3-l Christmas Sons of Norway dance, Dec. 28. 18 LOST Ball. H.M.Cfl. AM 7:00 B, C. Plherrne' Broadcast 7:11 MmhHl ( lixli 7:SO CBC News; W either RepCt 7..H.1 Millrl lin k 8:00 CBC News: Wather 8:10 Here's Bill Goon VI.-, Momliic Uevollnns :.lil Hn-oril Alhum 8:45 Muslcril Program B-oo BBC News and Commentary . New Year's BROWN leather sipper wallet Identification B. W. Ketche- invitations con Chatham. For WEDNESDAY Midnight Convlart and Service . ..... n .... Inn n, I I Xt...a f . ) (BID 033 j! Particularly high grade papers JOAN CRAWFORD ets out her darning shoes for her forthcoming M-G-M Technicolor picture, Torch Song," In which she plays a musical comedy star epecisliiing in red hot song and dance numbers. TT" are made solely from raj pulp, tar! inemliers OI wavai neserve!""". k". uaiij mwo ""i. or phone 528. j I300p) : 'iO nELP WANTtO FEMALF. For fesefatlons write 01 I call City or Depot Office, I CARD Or THANKS I Prtnc Rr.pert, B C. Xnvestors Syndicate of. Canada . Ltd. and Investors Matual of Canada trd. T. M. CHRISTIE "Ph. 384 315 Third AvefiiKi W. Representative for Prlnqe Kupcrt. Terrace and Klr.imut EXPERIENClD bookkeeper required for bookkeeping and general office work. Some typing, shorthand not essential. Phone 868. 1301) Fret) E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W Phone Green 960 Loral 708, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Pa hit Mill Workers, wish Jo 0:1.1 Mii'li-al Mnn'h-ran 8:30 Morning Concert 9:ft Time Hignal 10 00-Morning Visit 10:1 5 "CnrnatloD Entertains" I0::io Keiiiirri anil 4'unile 10:45 Tlie Jimmy Shields Show 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11 :15-Kindergarten of the Air ll::ill MeHHiige period h 3rrc ar.r m !': :1Z 1 ' I i Hockey Scores National League Boston 4, Chicago 1 (Friday); Montreal 2, New York 0; Toronto 4, Detroit 2 (Saturday). Western League 2J AGENCIES WANTED I.- 1 11 11 1 in. m ii us I I . . . i IF YOU WANT A I ''4 chrome ! 11:4.1 stiinilliiiitian Melmlle DINING room suite. the firms which donated prions for the second annual BoxitiK Day Bull. Prize donors srir! winners are as follows: Grand Door Prize: Prince Rupert Hotel Assoc. Mr. Jessec; Bint's. Art Murray's Mr. Eck-ert; Indies'. Cook's' Jeweller Mrs Jensen: NBC. Power Co., Miss Nancy Lund; Super-Valu Tommy McBride. kitehen set, fridge, .-washing machine, stove alia other furniture. . 1520 Second Overlook. (1) CITY TRANSFER P M. I !:IM) Born X Vears Toil Noon 11:16 CBC News 12:25 Interlude 13:30 B. C. . arra Broadcast $m "r I CUOERUIUVEWAY M Q :X'flTs ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK d ; i I Rent of Truck and. Equipment H' jn f; Ph. Blue 939. M. Jj SAUNDERS j : u.n s ". 1 1 1 , 1: 'in -n ; . I h Ci11 1 1 I .1 , ; . . . I,i; Vancouver 4, New Westminster 1 2; Calgary 4, Edmonton 1 ; Seattle 3, Victoria 2 (Friday); Vancou- j ver 4, New Westminster 1; Calgary 6, Edmonton 3; Victoria 7, 24 SITUATIONS VVTD. MALE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Spot Dances il): Orotto Mr. FOR odd Jobs and complete Fmas; Dnm'j Dept. Store Mrs. j (anitor service, phone Green 12:55 Rec. Int. 1 1 :00 Afuirnoon Concert' 1 :45-Today's Guest S 00 Festive Season 2:80 Trans-Canada Ma tinea S:I.T Ke'ords for Va 3 45 YeRterriav's Favorites 4:15 The, Barney Potts Show Figus: Gnrclon il Anaerson 1773. . (up) Jink Nlcnian: Ormes Drug Store ; -Mis Rutten; Esquire Men'.-i 1 SHTATIONS WTD. Female Wear-Mr. Patzold; McRaes 4 30 The Oriole's Nent I 4 46 Sleepytlme Storyteller ,1:00 Mock (imitation ( RF, LIABLE baby-sitter. Call! Black 098. (304-nc) j Seattle 4 (Saturday). Okanagan Senior League Penticton 7, Kelowila 5; Vernon 5, Kamloops 3. ' Western International Kimberley 8, Trail 2; Spokane 10, Nelson 3; Nelson 8, Spokane 4. ' rL O CV 1 iWja tc 3 : ' SCOF I McLAKcin ' j f PllOnO VDw . Q T1' f ' CHARTERED' ACCOilNTAjfT ui CTORAr'k I 1:2 P mT' 1 Jamas Block. 603 8rd Ave. W. j rRATixr. CRATING - PACKING parKTvn - STORAGE Prince Rupert, B.C. i First Avenue and McBride Stree I f ! . Phone 347 PA Box 374 sssssssssssssssasa.ssssasa. vssssssss saasassaasassssssssasssssaatnssi III t . i , , BLONDIE Only One to a Customer! Rw rMir .YQI fNn I (THANKS FOR THE COFFEE--! 0J SHOULD BE '- x I I - f HON MANY THER JL fl p - ' I , Mrs. Patzold. Mr. and Mrs. Waltz: W. F. Stone Mr. Cameron; Y u tr o n Jewelers Mrs. Cameron; B.C. T-Vl - Vtl,il I YiM'Uiie WILL baby-sit, my home. OV'ir' B;istnternaUonal Commentary - holidays.. Mrs. Lucy rrouui. 5 20 CBC News: weather Report (JUOpr: 6:30 At Home With the, Lennlcks litfs Mrs. Delenez; Van Meer's 1 ume an. j 5:65 Hae You Heard? Studio Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Soot Dances 2i: Gordon's 86 BUILDING MATERIALS S IF I TAKE MY LITTLE s.. f THE LIFE YOU ; S ( WHO ARE RETIRED H vsfe. - "' , ' 1LJ II X- C AFTERNOON - I Vv LEA K - AT MM AGE? r-S i i" -r - A l'ii yJSc& i)-v'! oS? . HKenWaborfs LUMBER Special until Dee. 31: No. 1 common spruce, hemlock pnrt re-" "hlnlap, ' 2x8, 2x10 $72.00 per M.F.BM. Fir shlulap ana 2x4-77.00 oer MFUM - Pione 5' or PhilPott', Evltt t Co. Ltd. (302) 1302) Hardware Mr. Dearaway; Annette's--Mrs. Agnes Evans; Ru-ni-rt R-dlo Fashion Foot wear-Mr. Trig Kardaai, Mrs. Dolly Karduai; Ideal Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. First Couple, in the Hall: Jerry's Barbershcp Mr. Olsen; Broadway Cnfe Mrs. Olsen. First Couple Dancing: Walts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. 4 Nlckerson's Mr. Eckert;i.. phone 651 or 652 Vance's Home Arts Mrs. Eck-1 rrjquire about our budget' plan fit . I (or y0ur home Improvement. No Balloon Prizes (by numbers) : down pavment $100 to $2,000; 101). Depth's Pharmacy; 200. 1 ,4 nioths to pay. -301) How to Gain Popularity as a Curler uecui rnarmat'y , riunn an, Pvne; 3, Wrathall's: 4. Bud s the player irv the hack. He may faint and require help, - Article No. 20 The' game of curling has al . KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTFD " , By ZANE GREY , ; . Know tha r sends if a J, nLLrf fflBcms.'ycu'ejuiTMc- JSZS&:. Uri-.. M; Place; 5 Bulger's Jewelers; 10 Cabs;' 7, 09 Cabs; 8. Noble's Hectric; 9. OK, Baths; 10, Stvle Barber Shon: 11. Rupert Bak FOR your ful requirements Oil Shell" Stove and Furnace.; Coal Foothills and Bry Wait till you are one down (10) ways been noted for,- the preva Bii Mtn Gas 'Pacinc?"--4,enc i,JWisP..a cup of ery: 12, Kupevt Freeze; 13, Tbn Gullcy Cafei 14. Renal Printers pane Philpott, F.v tt fc Co. J.-td.J roe spirit, ot give anp taiie. it is conee. -ir- And a Clrist4TirrtaJifulgpttW mum number of rules governing, (U) Crowrj in .behind a moving the conduct of its players on the' stone s0 tna the ol. m SEWING MACHINES eu lor luncn oy ine co-op xjuk-ery. til) lowing it can't see what 5ALE3 Repairs Rentals. Singer Bewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) il happening. PERSONAL ice. Because there are thousands of new curlers entering the "roaring game" each year and being initiated into the greatest fraternity , of all, 1 have had (12) Leads and seconds are ex FOR SALE MISC. 32 pected to hover near the skip at all times. Their ARE you wondering what to get Dad for Christmas. Why not an automotive accessory from Super Service? (299) norma! station at the hog I many requests to make reference to the unwritten laws of curling that good sports observe MAN'S bicycle, good condition. Tricycle like new. Call at 429 West 5th Ave. (301p) line is too remote, in case it is necessary to render first aid or in the event that the CONTACT Alcoholics Anonymous. P.O. Box 343, Phone Blue 959. - (6) on the ice wherever the game is played. . skip is out of matches. FAWCETT pot burner, 1 year, $145.00. 527 8th Ave. West. 2p) The following is written in tne M Bl'SINESS PERSONALS spirit of levity, yet the meaning (13) To give spectators a good view of the game, all play LI'L ABNER ' -Rex Mudhen, M.D. By AL tPP - . . ' . ' ; is obvious: . 120 BASS piano accordion, $80. 527 8Vh Ave. West. (301p) ers should line up behind il) If you feel like crossing the Have you a i2t&Z$r SOFT- HCARTC.D 4 IT'S CMRItTMAS.'-AH HAIN'T 1 fj -C?TVs .'T- rf --.. . I j. ItThilf (1 JOHN.'.' '?-BblITE ICCME.-rOGITNOTHIN.'r-AHIil I I '( MteWMA'-'-tl-.ti; ;:.'- it' the tee to get a good look at 32A FOR RENT MISC. the shot being played. 11 THE tX3Nt PAIBOOR n HERETOarVE l I tLTj? - 1 XJJ-"TJ1A,'J.-B(- rVSl.Tl ... i' L i ft Ice, wait until a player Is ready to deliver his stone. It helps him to concentrate. (2) Always speak to a player 1 ? k food vu-somEtm!n i VT' b ( SKi'SSrV? ZV, v. : ' i (14) If, by chance, you have 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HOME been reading these articles, CASH FOR Br-ro n rnnner. brass, batteries, tell your skip that his strategy is all wet. He will then become your devoted friend radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 8th Ave. west. ' ' for life. The End. when he is in the hack ready to "deliver his stone. He will he tn his best conversational mood at that time. (3 Stand behind the opposing skip" while he is giving ice. Don't stand still, and by all 34 ROOMS OR RENT SLEEPING ROOM, close in. 1141 Beach Place. Blue 433. (300) Canada is Urn source of far more than half of the entire Credit Card? Why not use it ot . Super -Service Cor. of 2nd and 2nd where the service is 39A SUITES FOR RENT newsprint supply of the world. means hold your Droom-straw down. (4) As an opposing player pass FURNISHED suite, very clean. Apply 1160 Park Ave. Phone Orn 224. 30'P' es you on his way to the GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER hack, be friendly tell him RRinHT. clean, unfurnished you think the Ice Is getting Phone Black 846 and Red 12. i . - . m...b nnn I apartment, tauus. c.-,,,v,lt. Ants. (2) ; THE HEART OF JULIET JONES . : ; .J By STAN DRKEj 1 - 1 X SnXjT" rTrTwiFI-ANP I NEED TTH V S'jSS, PONT WASTE A THOUGHT CN ' I I & fl VOUTCO' SOb'T TRVIN1DCUCEj! i : Lw E AMP HOW I FEB. OU'VE ALWAS 3 ' I TELL V0U , f3i TH'S HICX TOWN SNC-LEHANK I ; "1 -tlZk ' r'O tvc rXtW W'k TWO-ROOM suite, furnished. (301pi 517 7th west. keener. (5) When an opponent misses his shot, dance the highland fling as a gesture of sympathy. (6) Never be in the hack teady to play your shot, In case vour skip wants time to 2nd to none. 302 NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- 'ted, Distrlb'itors for Mining, BawmlH, Lodging and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries ln-'ted. Granville Island, Vancou-v" 1. B.C. t,f) TWO-ROOM apartment. Phone Red 807. 47 AUTOrnOn'1-E.a into oivMniiTH sTiburban a mete et CHOP SUEY . . . ;..:CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe iV now. less than 16.000 CARS? Bob Parker's of course. THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt miles, A-l shape. Two spare wheels and tires. Can be financed. Phone Blue 411 after 5 pm. House - wiring and electrical phone his wife. (7) When your opponent's draw appears to be heavy, start sweeping behind the tee long before ft gets there. (8) Watch the next sheet carefully. You may have to play on it'next week. (9) Stand as close as you can to "pairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. S2 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, income 1950 Mercury 2-door, $1550 town, must sea, For Outside Orders Phone I3i .Tax specialist. S. O. Furk, ne BulUllnn. Red 593. (20rn' Phnne Black 937. WW