352,000 IZ Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July , 1953 receive Wcalher Favors Air Cadets at Camp pular Couple Married Pretty Home Ceremony The Royal Canadian Air Cadet ! summer camp at RCAF station i the program, and entertainment of various types such as movies. PERSONALS - - mniliful and interesting VICTORIA June's federal j Abbotsford, B.C., opened July 5 welfare payments in British Co- j in a blaze of sunshine, promising j lumbla totalled $5,372,155, W. R. good weather for the three two-! Bone, regional director, said to- i wek camps to be held between ! display by Wally Chessum. Scrviteurs were Mrs. Jack Dcvison, Mrs. Frank Bkldmore. Lg took plate last Saturday ,i popular ciiy :uuJic, mm. j Judy Felsenthal returned to ln Vancouver where she visited j the city yesterday with her relatives and friends. . father, Lou Felsenthal, to spend ... , part of her summer vacation Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bowes and t here. Mr. Felsenthal has been in their son, Gerry, have left for ; Vancouver on business for the the Okanagan and Vancouver by The commanding officer for the camp is Wing Cmdr. David B. Babineau of Ottawa, while Wing Cmdr. A. J. Ayotte of Re-glna is chief instructor. While at camp, the cadets will take part in drill, sports, swimming rifle- shooting, and will be studying navigation, theory of flight, areo engines, end first aid. Each cadet will have approximately two hours talent shows, etc., will be provided. Special swimming meets and life saving instruction will be held at Cultus Lake, one of B C.'s scenic summer resort3. Near the end of each camp period, a track meet will be held, with many valuable prizes Mrs. Fred May, Mrs. LeRoy Weiss, i day- Of this amount, $3,252,070 i now and August 16. j Miss Annette Wlndta. Mrs Ttn. ' went to 80,9-10 Old A Re Security! innrnvimaiiv l nnn rarint.) past three weeks. car. Marshall ana wuuam r-.boriie exchanged vows. reremony took place at me of the groom's parent?. d Mrs. W. Osborne, 1000 Street, with Rev. F. An- offirla ting-room was beautifully bert Haugcnschild. Out-of-town pensioners and the remaining ; win attending each camp plus guests were Mr. and Mrs. Homer $2,120,085 were Family Allowan- ! 300 nlgh gchool students enrolled Uvlque and Mr. Gordon Temple, ! ces payments made to 352,075 1 ln tne Reserve Trades training all from Terrace. I children ln 175,513 families. 'plan. Gordon Davles, son of the In June 5J5 families receiving i Twntv-six radets from No. bride, came from Calgary where Family Allowances entered this 559 Squadron, Prince Rupert, are he is attached to the Canadian province from other parts of ! spending the first camp. Con-paratronp battalion, to attend Canada. Departures numbered 1 ducting officer for the squadron the wedding. 1 443. Is FO Ned MacNelll. Mrs. R. Heeks of Edmonton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McAra. Mrs. Margaret Stewart has returned from a two-week vacation I provided by the provincial Air I Cadet league committees. Cad-j'ets who have been building model aircraft during the camp j will have an opportunity to display their planes on sports day. STOCKHOLM. Sweden Two Swedish stamps issued in commemoration of the Stockholm Jubilee are larger than the usual size and depict the city of Stockholm ln medieval times. lied with pink and white flying in service aircraft, part of which time will be at the controls of the plane Conducted tours of Vancouver and Bel-lingham, Washington, . are on ,ers and wnue weaaing 11 vases of pinks and red ,,. The couple were attend-, Mrs. Lena Evelelgh as . , t 1 ,. L. nvt 1L 3E n 01 nouui iiu wu- j i best man. bade wore a tailored suit i mm mm mi ZA7H in ? f If M 4 1 J j A: 1 m :s 1 COMPARE OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT. PREPARATION AND REFRIGERATION SHOWS THE DIFFERENCE ( LOW PRICES ( I' r'- PVW J 1V jTmm . , ) SELECTION ) QUALITY ) wilh white ncresorif"! ire a corsa(;c of red rosos. in i t Kvck iuh gave the , IV. matron of honor wore a dove blue with purple and , acces.soiies. Her corsage aide of pink and white 0I1S. ac reception which follow- lie Canadian Legion audi- 1 ,. more than 150 guests received by Mrs. Osborne, : of the groom, who wore ! i nf navy blue with white ones and a corsage of pink lute carnations. , r the bride and groom were .tulatcd the groomsman rd the toast to the bride, was responded to by the , SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th PM. 6c FRESMIE ring was enjoyed and de-; refreshments were served which the happy married cut Milr beautiful three-; wedding cake, which cen- i ,e bridal table. It was dec- ; DINGS DINGS 1 K- w.WcWs Pound Pound Willi pink tapers In silver i ' s. Lena Eveleigh, close friend bride, finished cutting the j Two telegrams were re- at the Legion, one from ride's father and step- j r in Glace Bay, Nova 8co- i d the other from the sister othcr-in-law of the groom , k.itchewan. W. Rothwell catered. were many beautiful gifts i were opened and put on NABOB PUNCH bollle 39c NABOB TEA, Green Label ... lb, 89c Meal Sauce lor Spaghetti . . tin 35c LUNCH KIT COMPLETE . .. ea. $2.75 STAR WEEKLY ea. 15c BUDGERIGAR FOOD .. .. pkt. 21c FLOUR, whole wheat. Mb. bag 51c FRUIT PUDDING Ac EXTRACTS, Nabob, 2-oz ..21c CANNON FACE CLOTH 1 tM tutt lirte size I 75c .-jw 38c bi Bennett SZ CABBAGE c o,ccLb 10c ONIONS 3 its 21c CANTELOUPE 2'or39c PEACHES '-" 19c GREEN GRAPES -- 27c ORANGES s-ki"- 344 3 dz 69c ing. Again Win Seat Sunlight Soap tAR 10c flAWA CP-Sybll Bennett, 27c Ivory Soap Personal Size . 4 BARS CLEANSER, Old Dutch .. . tin 15c rp tiiwn. Ont.. lawyer who Iho national women's or-Hon of the Progressive vntive party, carries a s Conservative name Into ".rut polltlrnl rampalan M-yrar-old Miss Bennett. int relative of the lat(i nt Dennett, prime minis- sal 45c RICE Dc!ta, Long Groin- 2-lb. box m 1930 to 1935. Is making! rrnid attempt to rrturn Pound - - - mlly name to the Com- ! HARQARINE 10c it first rampalgn In the, umicral .election M- hrc constituency of Haltnn "it to the Liberal eandl- IIP fin DOG FOOD v fewer than 1.500 votes. PORK RIBLETS No. 1, Lb is year's election she cot ly start with a nomlni- nt summer, and since MARMALADE 67c FRANKFURTERS Cello, 1-lb. WAFFLE SYRUP, Nabob, 21-oz.btl. 32c STRAWBERRIES, Brimful, 15-oz tin 25c SUPER-PUREX, Roll 15c TEA BAGS, Nabob, 125 bags .... $1.20 SHIRRIFF'S, BOTH FOR PIE CRUST MIX LEMON PIE FILLER 43c PORK CUTLETS 12-oz 63c lis made a door-to-door s throughout the riding. Is amontt the Inrei1 nf women candidates it last count-ever tn rn-Beneral election for tho Pinnett, who favors v tailored suits and ultra-ue hats, Is one of the most effective publl" s and this summer Is aitsidp her riding to cam-In other Ontario constlt- 1 at St, George, Ont., slv flaui'hter of a Methodist r who was n ardent "id she has never swerved HTM STAFFORD, 10-oz. Tin mushroom: COTTAGE ROLLS Whole or Half, Maple Leaf, Lb 75c APRICOT NECTAR 19c 3Vc 17c EGGS, Grade "A" Large 71c FRESH FOWL ,'he family allegiance. EX BLEACH Pints, Bottle JAV 3c as graduated from the of Toronto In 1928 Grade "A", Lb 5n ifcr four years at Osgoode BUTTER, No. I, Pound ' school was called to ntarlo bar. After a term "'tor with the Agrlcul- Development Board of n- she moved to Geore- gRfg--aTc CLAMS --,t 25c : z ICE CREAM-' 25c Fhere she became a part- GINGER ALE, North Star, Quart . 17c INSTANT PUDDINGS, Hanson's, pkt. 16c t'Croy Dale ln a growing i'ctlcp 1935 she was nnmoH Counsel and Inherited n which had been worn ' t by Prime Minister Ben- flnrts time frnni her po-nd legal activities to act ''rector of the Peel Counr.v "n's Aid Society, and 1 1 member nf hoi- in,i fs Institute and the Im- "uer uaughters of the I g?To1 VEGETABLE SOUP 2to25c'rpySy J . - A 11 SWEETMIIK 99c J 1 1 I - 3AG ao CORN BEEF ----- 45c 1 mi 1