i.mkilHttiti 4 10 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 9, 1953 Recount to Start in Nanaimo Soon NANAIMO, B C. O1 A Judicial recount of ballots cast the June 9 election In the riding of Nanaimo and the Island, WINNIPEG O' -Kelax before starting your vac ion, warns R B. Baiilie, prov .icial highway safety director. I t says tired drivers are a mei ace to themselves and others. ! BLACKWOOD on will be hold July 15 before Judge L. Arnold Hanna In county VWWA'.WWWAW.WJWiVW.V.V.'AW.V.W RADIO DIAL 1240 kc. CFPR court. I ' (Subject to Change t The check was asked by Earle C. Westwood, Social Credit candidate, who lost to Dr. Larry Giovando, Progressive Conservative, by 10 votes ort the fourth count. In the final count, Dr Giavando defeated Dave Stupich, CCF, by 18 balloU. 9e THURSDAY By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Hcinie's Gripe Looks Good, PM. 5:00 At Home With the Lennicfcs 5:25 Int. Commentary 5:30 UN Today 5:45 CBC News. Weather Report 5 55 Have You Heard? 6:00 Supper Serenade 6 :30 Wayne ana tihuster 7 00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 -The Wavs of Mankind" Iiut Dale Finds the Flaw Mr. Heinsite is never at a loss to find something his partner could have done to give his side a better result on a hand. He is at his best, of course, after all 52 cards have been played. Hating across fifteen hundred miles of danger-filled wildernese . .. their courage forged an Immortal American epic! PONY EXPRESS IN COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR STARRING CHARLTON HESTON - RHONDA FLEMING JAN STERLING - FORREST TUCKER KVim TODAY to SATURDAY In today's deal he led the 10 8:30 Homer's Odyssey 9:00 Thursday l-iaynous 9-30 CBC Vancouver Concert Orch. 10:OO CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Midweek Reyiew 10:30 Parade of Choirs 11 00 Weather Report 11:02 Fish Arrivals 1 1 04 Music TU1 Midnight 12:00 Sign-off FRIDAY A M. 7:00 BO. Fishermen's Broadcast 7:15 M -slcal Clock 7:30 CDC News: Weather Report 7:35 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8 :10 Here s Bill Good 8:16 Morning bong 8 :30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Little' Concert 9 00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9 :59 Tune Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 "Hi!" 10:45 Musical Program 11:00 A Man and His Music 1 1 :30 Weather Report 11:31 Fish Arrivals 1 1 :33 Message Period 11:35 Rec. Interlude of clubs, dummy played small. 1 f '"-'at':'.- CAPITOL Cartoon - News Shows 7 . O.Qfl if T i 1 I IN.!!. Ilftfcl, A EAMOCS PLAYERS THEATRE Saturday Matinees 2 - 4:25 WALLACE'S HAVE VOL" EVER SEEN a rye bread like this one? Believed to be the biggest ever baked, it's 12 feet long and weighs 125 pounds. You can get an idea of its size by comparing it with the conventional rye loaf being held by Jerry G. Mueller "lower right i of the Priscella Bakery, St. Bernard. Ohio. South dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Km) 8 A K H-J 7 6 D A J 7 2 C Q e 6 V ft jt lr. Ilrln.lle) r. Ahi-I) B Q JUM 810 7 2 H 8 8 ' H 10 9 4 3 D K Q 6 r 6 C 10 9 C A J 8 7 3 South (Mr. Hale) 68 S H A K Q 5 D 10 0 4 3 C K 4 3 The bidding : South West North East 1 H IS 3D Pass 3 D Pass 8 H Paas 4 H All pass w I Mr. Abel signalled his Interest with the eight spot, and the ' king in the closed hand won. J With only seven trumps In j his hand and dummy, Mr. Dale was afraid to- lead four rounds jof hearts. He decided to take jjust two rounds, leading to : dummy's jack, then back to his s : ace. i Next he led the 10 of diamonds and Mr. Heinsite covered with the queen. Dummy's aee won and, hoping the suit would break 2-2, Mr. Dale led a diamond back. Mr. Abel discarded a spade and Mr. Heinsite won with the king. Shaking his head in disgust, Mr. Heinsite led a third diamond which Mr. Abel ruffed. Now the only other trick the defenders could get was the ace of e.uiw, as Mr. Dale could con-troi any other return, pick up :i-t trumps and discard a club (&OOROON S&i&T. . V DEPARTMENT J . For Boys ; And Youths 5 Yes siree! Right here in J little old Prince Rupert. Right here in Wallace's. A J complete boys' and youths' department equal to any city store. m WALLACES ! DEPT. STORE 12 M !..J.,"e. MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE - FRIDAY LEGION AUDITORIUM Admission SI. DO Dancing It -2 Music by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS EVERYONE WELCOME Hnw about a rumpus room in attic or basement? Sound good? It will sound even better when you learn bow little it costs! Silvery - Moon Greer & Bridden wosWaRHER BROlmeotMirTECHNICOLOl ' m Phone 909 15 1st Ave. W. I ati3wwtw!.irii win mi -rffc. V 1 on dummy's long diamond. "Why not trump that second diamond lead. Abel?" barked Mr. Heinsite. "You could get off the lead with a spade and I'd still make my king of diamonds. "When I was In with that card I could lead a club and give you the diamond ruff, too." Mr. Abel could not immediately see a counter-argument to this crltcism. but Mr. Dale came to his defense. "Maybe Abel should have played as you say," he remark- , Biiiv gmy mm oemtN-iiiviiic uwson t."a wvlo e'uiuii W TODAY to SATURDAY T A T C Al Evenings .... 7: 9:05 p.m. I V I C f fl Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. A Famous Players Theatre i ed, "but if you're so much bet-I ter than he Is you should have mZSaZSSnl Specials FLY... FISHING... picked up after his alleged er-ior. "Just lead your last club when you're in with the king of dia- tli.i it Ml i monds. Abel wins the Jack and ace and leads a fourth round of clubs." "You lust sluff a diamond LAKE KHTADA . . SUNDAYS OR BY PRE-ARRANGEMENT 1 and trump that In dummy," j said Mr. Heinsite. "Then, to pick j up the rest of the trumps, you 1 enter your hand with . . ; "With .what?" Mr. Dale de manded. fDummy would be out of rlubs ant" hearts at that 4 mm MALKIN'S JAMS IVljkX' M&m STRAWBERRY (new pack) MMm&V W p- Ti- 93c afl Ml !fJ PLUM v!fWWv yi M 'f Pure, 2-lb. Jor .... 34C YmYTVkJ, i mammmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm UEENU HARLOTTE IRLINES 1 V2L3 point and I would like to have : your suggestion as to how I : could have overtaken the ace ; or king of spades. ! "I would have to come off the : board with a diamqnd and j Abel would ruff for the setting trick." J GROUPS OF SEVEN, PER PERSON : f. ; i i ONLY UMBPJ. , J Or Instant' Coffee I . i - MilSM Jm g Chase & Sanborn Ij Dutch Bar Ships From Red Ports UNITED .NATIONS, N Y. (AP) Netherlands delegate D. J. von Balluseck officially informed the i Untied Nation Wednesday that tor Advance Arrangements Contact CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phone 620 or 476 Holland has prohibited any Dutch vessels from calling at any port In Communist China or North Korea when carrying arms, ' ammunitions or implements of war or strategic goods. ! This step was taken in accord with the UN assemoiy decision of 1951 laying down an embargo tgainst shipping of war supplies to the Reds. Margarine- Solo Brand Made by the makers of Good Luck 3 'bs 99c Cake Mix Purity White or Chocolate, 15-oz. Enquire for Charter (uotes to other FUlilng Haunts ROGER'S GOLDEN 2-lb. Tin QJC I Peanut Bytter SQUIRREL BRAND Mugs 12-oz J'LI'C ,ngjk (3n Ib-cy TTir a. xLira. . . . Nylast h I 25-POUND PAPER SACK '"'' M MTrl Makes nylons last longer and snag less 4-ounce 41c CANNING TIME APPROACHES .. . LAY IN YOUR SUGAR NOW AT THIS RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE Arrange your Canning in Advance! Sec Your INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES . . . TODAY! SPECIALS ARE GOOD JULY 10th, 11th And 13th AN NED FRUITS CANNED JUICES CANNED VEGETABLES .liC I APPLE JUICE 9 0-lc 2 for xJ.' I Sun-Rype, Clear, 20-oz for Wl STRAWBERRIES Malkin's Fancy, 15-oz. BABY BEETS Whole, Fancy Oaklraf, 20-oz KERNEL CORN Royal City, Fancy, 15-oz PLUMS 9Qp Red, Buiman's Choice, 20-oz... for UU' TOMATO JUICE O OQc Libby's, Fancy, 15-oz for 2 , 39c 1 AP RICOTS 40C SPINACH O 97r Koyal City, Clioirc, Ji-o hA for 1UV B Buiman's, Fancy, 15-tz i for PINEAPPLE JUICE O QQ(J Libby's Hawaiian, 20-oz. , for tit GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 9 QQc Malkin's, 20-oz for WW Travel relaxed - arrive refreshed 21 C 1 ASPARAGUS CUTS 9 n i Kemarkable, 20-oz MX. I FEARS Aylmcr, Choice. ISartlett, 15-oz. LYONS FINE FOODS I WILLIAMS GROCERY SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 MIDWAY GROCERY I Phone. I 659 i RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 I Phones 250 Red 465 Dependable, safe travel in all kinds of weather. t Wide choice of sleeping accommodations berths, sections, roomettes, drawing rooms, compartments. Air-conditioned comfort in coaches, parlor cars, dining cars, sleepers. - Convenient rest rooms. Phono 656 Large, picture windows, comfortabl reclining seats. Room to move around and stretch your legs, visit with friends. Delicious food and gracipus dining service. . Drive-youraelf car service at major points. ' . j5 r "" 9o by traia- gi you SAVE oa low-Cotf rofmcf trip laraf CANADIAN HATIOHAl-jU CANADIAN PACIFIC THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE :t .A r :