Pfince Kuperi Duily News Thursday, July W, l'Jra knighthoods i?3 Princess Who Gave Her Name to PPCL! To Visit Canada And Regiment This Fall By DOCGLAS HOW ' She was surprised, th prln-'nun.e Canadian Pr stair writer cess once exclaimed, to hear same day. Within 10 d.iys tne lne 'ront h" c(,Io"r un,t WkS "d i ,T nfTAWA OTTAWA CP Cr A A nrlneess princess wno who British . soldiers J irnh She had had reason .to to be n moftly t y former hadthe sortofshybety pr n i'TL ZTio 1?" Tn the British armies J take Tho fighting declmafd the r - . t . vt i I . Start Labor Union Wrangle LONDON i Reuters Knight-.oods honoring labor leaders for olitieal and public services have tarled a wrangle between the Iin t. ....... hottlo in Ottawa and launcnea ' of the brightest chapters It was in August, laH, that ago one then l apt. mow nriK " ii;iimii- In the Canadian military story. ' .ntain'f trade union movement. I'm left-wingers are also eriti- unit in its first year and its future hung in the balance. But the ainiy decided to keep it going, reinforcements flooded n and it eventually joined the Canadian Army in Fiance and after the war became a permanent 'force regiment. S II "ff 81 in uuee veieran iraue union- its who have agreed to co-oper-te with the Conservative gov-rnment in denationalization of ne eteel industry a project ton Ouult of Montreal put up $100,000 to raise a unit to plac at Britain's disposal. Lt.-til. Francis Farouhar, DSO. the governor-general's military secretary, at once was fascinated with the idea and became commanding officer and was killed within a year. I LOCKED TO COLORS They asked the' 28-year-old The princess was Patricia if Connaughl, a tall, bhie-eved granddaughter of Queen Victoria; a young woman who liked to ski and skate, paint and dance, who turned many a youne; Canadian blade's head but had eyes only for a British sailor. Ijiter she gave tip the ran, of princess to marry the sailor. Hon. Alexander R. M. Ramsay, who was the third son of the Earl of Dalhonsie and now is an admiral and a knight. 1 As I'rineess Patricia, she lived The inlin e"., by general rec- I Direction, had a quiet, dignified Ik auty. It ipielled" her female friends, as one recently put It, and It made males bashful In her presence. j . v. Hi 0 18?""" ' princess If they could her inch has rallied almost united iUji opposition. These differences have revived 5ng-simniering friction between M two wings of the Labor party rid the tiade unions and are re-irded a.-: contributing to even-lal crystalization of the prob-m of whether the Labor party iculd ?o "more left" or "more ght." This has been a constant talk-ng point in the movement since he Labor party was ousted from lower in the fall of 1951. in Government House nere rrom 1911 to 1918, the daughter of the governor-general, the Duke of Connaught. FAMOl'S REGIMENT a new foot Encourage . Designed with r" inmlnd.. l lie uciwccn mi: j h your child's first step in safety. Her regiment, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, nearly fought Itself into oblivion in the first months of the First World War, but went on to long life that now has leached its greatest growth with a record three battalions roughly 2.500 men bearing the FFRCHFD ATOP A I.AI)!KK, the Reverend Conway Davies, of Buckinghamshire, was sure of a good view of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh when the royil pair drove In state to the Palace of duriii' th ir coronation visit to Scotland. f regimental name. This fall Lady Patricia Ramsay, now 67, will visit Canada BURNETT'S WHITE SATIN GIN right" and "left" wings of the laity reached an angry climax hen the Conservatives dena-lonaliz?d the steel industry to ell back to private investors 688,800.000 worth of plant which ' he last Labor government put inrter government ownership. Hie. I.abor party fought vigor-lusly-against de-nationalization ind said it would re-nationalize .he.steel mills If it won power ifcaln. Soon afterwards, three prom-nent trade union chiefs agreed iceept office on a government ward supervising the return of .he steel industry to private jwnership. Sir Lincoln Evans, 63-year-old ;teel workers' leader, was ap-xiinted deputy chairman of the Jovernment board. With him to -he board came Andrew Nae-unith, cotton workers' leader, ind John Owen of the furnace- Britons Pay $5.60 For TV Entertainment Without Ads and her regiment for the first time in years. She will see again I the color flag she worked at t Government . House In" 1914, j Three times enemy fire nearly I finished It, twice it was buried, BURNETT'S LOND0N DM GIN - With JUMPINO JACKS you can be sure that a chilli's foot lh-eds are completely attended to. FASHION FOOTWEAR , o,,rH,; but it survived to inspire the ; one-ho:ir pro 5,000 men who were Patricias Thi odvertisement It not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. between 1914 and 1918, and I nit hi. Probably the most surprising omi.vion is th;it of films. their heirs. By EDWIN S. ROSENTHAL LONDON (Reuters) The British televiewer pays 2 i$5 60) for a year's worth of daily entertainment without advertising plugs, and also without most of the features mo;t popular on American television. Crime thrillers are out, except Britain's TV plays, about two I to three a wetk, are excellently! 'performed by some of the na-. tion's best actors. Many scripts J ;.,n, nrK'hial. other are well-' known mis by British, French. ' men's union, an members oi uie , for a tepid Saturday-night ser- big-name I American ana oiner piay- niiuentiai general council oi me ja gG are weekly t rades union congress. , A few months earlier, the ward of Evans' knighthood ShOWS. i V.'riJ.":TS. ; Occasionally. Britain's top' There is also emphasis on, comedians, including Arthur , "educational" .subjects such a Askey. Ted Ray, Max Bygravcs rciT'.r e talks, descriptive films j ' and Terry Thomas, face the TV , on India, and discussions and cameras but the BBC can't af- ' renditions of classical music, i ipened up a storm of criticism in he left-wing press. Then, with-n days of the steel board announcement, came news of a ford to give them weekly spots , Tnw are mixed in with nov- , '.nighthood for Naesmith, the i at acceptable salaries. nly union chief listed in the Week-ends are the only times i !ty sublets, showing, for in- j .stance, the various jobs, profes-Fi-vv. and industries of Britain. , when the owners of Britain's 2.500.000 video sets see chorus i girls, comedians and the old run t of vaudeville acts. Usually, this 1 type of "lowbrow" entertain- ! ment is wrapped up in a tiht.' WC3 TV- I n Zoological Society : n h i;iiu,-e" was opened 100 :!' a; and rebuilt in 1924. ! Jueen's Coronation honors list. Juch honors are made on the ""wnendation of the prime ninlster. Pnearhead of the attack against the right-wingers, particularly against Sir Lincoln Evans, Mine from the Bevanites, the left-wing group which almost split the Labor party last ri a r " A Chatham Drill Halt 10 p.m. to 2 D.m. THURSDAY July 9ih year with its demand for a cut i in rearmament spending. j Tribune, a weekly paper dl-! ted by supporters of left-wing j leader Aneurin Bevan, said Evans was helping to sell the in- i ' du.stry back to private owners against the desire of workers, j "That should be the end of Sir j Lincoln Evans as a figure of any i significance in the British labor j movement," it said. :-!iip: FOR VIKITINO II M C Evcrvone Welcome Aiimi. SI. 00 Pprwm Phone 526 Hostesses Required s -s Mr Knox packed a picnic box, ' . ., .' .... .. . 'f-NV fT . I f y h. II n u 0 J o-j j NTcx- iK But when her brood c;tme shouting, The cake and pie were stale and dry-It spoiled, the whole day'.s outing! There mast be a Now Mrs. Bass, a wiser lass, " With Hand-e-wrap to aid her, Laid down a treat so fresh and sweet The shouts of joy repaid her. "nand-e-ujra II HERVV UIRXED PAPER xeaiS on , and when you. trylTabdb yauQl discover it's fine , full coffee flavor that makes Nabob . tlie popular favorite ... for Extra Saving Get Hand-e'tcrap Refill, M t 3 Pop a new refill roll Into your empty HanH-e-wrap carton. You ave the cost of a new container every time jr jxvzy in tuu-jnnj ana ..If 2011-font carton and 1