1 , . : i jit;., nuMjt i-f4liy t.. i Tnurway, July 9, Moi Easy Lessons OSLO. Noiway (CP) Oslo school children are learning the II! F43S fundamentals of safe driving i!i v i . t miniature cars donated by a "1 " large oil company. BES'I OF FOOD A. in r w OPTOMETRIST FINEST OF COOKING 4 ! w.'v FOIC T.MIE OL'T OK1II.KS r I I 11 " ' J '' - . ' ' ? . Fred E, Dowdie Phone 200 DEADLINE CJSV..1 - FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Room Phone l'J, litone Blue Building ttn Broadvay Cafe K2y business Cf f-iofeiUonai 3C ROOMS FOit RENT Classified Rates rlnMire time l p.m. uny jrrviuu SLEEPING room, close in. Blue t.j puh!l'-:tijn. 433. 1141 Beach Place. (1591 Today's Stocks Cniirtty H. I. Johnston . Ml.l ri:nMfi'i. ;l cents Mr wira iwt ,in- ..iiii.ri: minimum charge 61) ci-nu LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 742 s i hlith Nullrey, :iu renin; wrun in 7th West. After six llBOp) IF YOU WANT A CINDEU DlilVEWAY, , ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment i ii. I,e 1,1. j. oAOIi uEIvo PHONE 383 MESSENGER PICK-CP AMI IMUVhUV ML SLEEPING rooms for rent, close in. Fiiol.t. Clue C02. (15S) B , 1 -r j, J A, ' Tii:,nkH. Death Notices, itinerai Notices. Miirrlage '"! Kiwanetnent ni,.im. i.,...t.. $2 00 'l i mi nihility cloiiljle price. No Refunds We will not ucoept responsibility 1 wi.;(.'jttiwn TWO-ROOM furnished , i.. Kir J ' suite. (158) 315 6lh West. f.tr (issRiitert atlH Incerva infiorrecny mut'-r wrom; clua-tinratlon unless VANCOUVER American Standard .18 Bralorne 0 B R X ..." 02 Vi Cariboo Quartz 105 Congress 09 Cronln Babine 10'. Giant Mascot 45 Indian. Mines 05''. Pioneer 1-90 Premier Border 07 lnvntiv Ivan ndd dough FURNISHED cabin. 9th Ave. W. Apply 425 (158pl iioiiiirntl'iji or sucn em is rp-nvru Millilii 24 liuun of first Insertion, dlilnc.se ?j)iifi POLITICAL RIVALS EXCHANGE friendly greetings when they meet In Winnipeg in the course of the federal election campaign. At left is Stanley Kuowles, CCF member for Winnipeg North Centre. He greats George Drew, national leader of the Progressive Conservative party. Beaming over Mr. Knowles' shoulder is Eirick Willis, PC leader in Manitoba. To put hn plant in motion A two day ad in lmifid Wat a mot) luccotiful notion. 39 HOMES FOR RENT John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIHOPRACTOit Hrs. 19:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 21 - 2" Besner block 1 Phone Blue 442 i personal 13 IM KAH!'; take notice that I, Wll SIX-ROOM house for rent. Five minutes from downtown. Fur li.tin Loutehia, will not be re-uf,n.sjll( fur any debts lnrurred niture for sale. Box 722, Daily 20 HELP WANTED FEMALE News. (182pl in rn v name, except by myseii, RELIABLE high school gradu of July 7. UBlpi 40 HOMES FOR SALE CHOP SUEY . . . ...CKOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Daily except Sunday) Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 Privateer 03 Sheep Creek 63 Silbuk Premier ...' 13 Vananria 02"-, Sliver Standard .. 100 Western Uranium 2.15 ate willing to learn children's wear trade. Apply The Stork Shoppe. (I60i II liLSlNFSS PERSONALS FIVE-ROOM bungalow, good lo cation. Steam heated, con H. G HfLGERSON' t LIMITED j REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phot 96, Evenings Black B99 PLACE your rkisslfied ad In this crete foundation. Full price TYPIST - STENOGRAPHER re 47', Vacationers j Stranded !n Backwoods ELY, Minn. (AP) Vacationers in the heavily-wooded wilderness area near this northern p;i.r at the economical six $5,500 00. Half cash, balance Church Paper Criticizes Queens Trip LONDON (API The Church of England newspaper com- quired for office. Phone 62 for lime rate, is words ior 3 con (103) secutive days cost $1,35; lojinterview weirds fur six consecutive days 27 FILL list SI HO And remember, yon KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST in phone your ads just call FOOTHI1L8 18. I. 'ally News. itf-nci phone 651, Minnesota villape were faced (MintleM coal. Phllpct., Evltt It (C) Sil-Van Dorreen Estella . Oils Anelo Canadian .... A P Con .. v Central I.duc Mercury Royal Canadian .... Royaiite TORONTO Athona Aumaque $65.00 per month. For particulars nhone Nelson Brothers. Port Edward. Ask for Mr. Hill. 11(501 WARTIME Four on 7th Ave. East. Cement foundation and floor with other special features. Fenced-in lawn. MeClary nil rante. Full price $4.700 00. Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 353 3rd Ave. 161 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 003 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 TOP MARKET Co' LW plains that the Queen is bein: today with havtr:g no way out subjected to "sheer exploitation'' jof their resorts except by canoe. WANTED CHICKS PAID for scrap Iron, or Fl'RNITFRE FOR SALE Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. teel, bra's, copper, lead, etc .24 "j .55 5.85 .28 3.05 .15 .13'2 15 75 .11 .14 .39 .I8'2 27.50 425 .72 .25 Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal l td , 750 Prior St., Vancouver, by her own subjects. Backing a presidential ban on The weekly publication refers i commercial fly!::1; over the ara to the official parades, tours I issued in 1949, federal official i and other public appearances j seized three planes and served which have been going on eer criminal contempt citations on since the Coronation June 2. It I two pilots accused of bringing EED-CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, buffet, table and four chairs mot chrome', Beatly washing machine, good condi rcoarm-n.. liC. Phone PAclflc 6357. Hi TWO-STOREY house in Masset on waterfront. One acre clear- tion and prices reasonable for j says in an editorial: PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws? Sharpened ?I5 1st Ave. W. Phone SOS East jed. with earden. All in good quick sale. 217 tn Ave after 8 pm. (158p) condition. 'Apply Box 719, Daily in vacationers. For the toumts, estimated bv the Ely Chamber of Commerce Bevcourt Buffalo, Canadian . C M & S Conwest .., Donalda j Eklona NATIONAL Machinery Co. Llm-it fl. Distributors for Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Infinities Invited Granville Island, Vancouver 1. B.C. ttf! News. ueip) TABLR and four chairs in A-l at about 200, the action meant "Without respite she has endured the strain of one public appearance after another. This would take toll of a strong man. Youthful and resilient though the Queen may be, she is not condition. Blond wood. Table! COMFORTABLE three-bedroom extends to 54". Chairs uphol- i home. Oil heated, sun porch, 7,;:" -; .stered in blue leatherette. Rea- h-irHwnod floors, close in. AOKMS for lunadlan Liquid .nnnVilo 7lin Alfrorl St riranllUsvinnil i.ii form: Chnna Bin. Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acety canoe trips of a day or more would provide the sole means of departure. The area has no roads and no railways. The forestry service said its planes will be available only for 5!)0. (159' (158p) 319. lene and till welding sunplles insensitive and is not entirely immune from fatigue." The Queen Is 27. DINING PLEASURE l inri' iy's Cartage ft Storane . HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, ltd. Phone 60. (c) I Apply at back of Style Beauty JOHN M. BULGER Oj-'lontpfr'! SEVEN-ROOM house, 514 7th Ave. W. Full basement. Price $4,750 $2500 down, balance as rent. Box 723, Daily News. (163i Parlor. (158pl East Sullivan . 5.25 Giant Yellowknife 9.25 God's Lake 86 Harricana 18'A Heva Gold 05 '2 Dtivcx 32 Joliet Quebec 28 Little Long Lac 55 Lynx 11 Madsen Red Lake 1.38 MrKenzie Red Lake 55 Macleod Cockshutt .... 2.10 Moneta 47 t8. SEWING MAI JUNES emergencies. Barracks Starred in The newspaper s.a y s the Queen's post-Coronation program, which has most recently taken her to Northern Ireland, "looks like sheer exploitation." "Anybody engaged in public affairs knows well how, with SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer FOUR rooms and bath, two pood oil stoves.' Rome furniture. $3,500.00 426 8th Ave. East. SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (174) HAULAGE Prime Rupert to Rmithers via Canling' Truck l ine cverv Tuesday nnd Friday, contact Whalen's CarUtf. ' Phone 316. (166p) DKI.t'XE Press ""Oestetner" DiiDlicatlnn. circular letters, Tiontlilv bulletins, business terms Phone 383. 733 2nd Ave West. (178) t REGINA (CP) Work has started on a new $595,335 naval bar- Commodore Cafe (161p) UNFINISHED house on two lots. Phone Red 848. (159p ELECTRICAL 3U, the best desires imaginable, the 1 racks here. It will be the head- Ihird Avenue ' John Bulger Ltd. Negus 23 v2; public can be the crudest of i quarters of HMCS Queen, the THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. Noranda 66.50 taskmasters." Regina naval division. . House wirinn and electrical j a WANTED TO RENT Louvicourt 18 Pickle Crow 1.22. Bv CHJC YOUNG BLONDIE Evaded it, eh? repairs 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (163 UNFURNISHED house, four or more rooms. Apply Bov "' Daily News. (162p) H'iilii'liiiil1' 1 ID int PLUMBING, automatic oil heat-itiK. sheet, metal work. Phone W. ('all (TiO flth Went. U'totir-ncau. ic) DID HE r SAV HE Pi DMT SAY - YES" EMCOUPAGINS ( V.ELL, ' '?:' . ') ' WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf) DID HE PART OF IT 8LONDIE-I JJ .46 .19i 440 665 .67 .43 'A Petrol Oil & Gas New Senator Sherritt Gordon .. Steep Rock Silver Miller Sweet Grass L HE JUST J- SAID yPHoaey" J 40 III SINESS OPPORTUNITIES HF DIDN'T SAV 5KD THE BOSS ). SAV'NOVkv'i WORUD'S FINEST ('LEANER - FO? THAT PAISE ES ' today, and it r-rl i?-. .- FOR SALE MISC. t TuA N DSC A PING AND GARDEN lcxx9 pcerry r" F.U'CTKOUJX Phone Blue, !70 for ParU Rales-Rervlc I (c) Golden Manltou 2.55 .28i. 1 90 Landover Oils ( Rix Athabasca uiii.ic ACCOUNTANT. Income ING Rock walls, rockeries, rock flower boxes, lawns nnd fences, garden keeping. Free estimates. Phone RKi fi(6. (175p) TAXI business, one car. For full particulars call in person. Black & White Taxi. 163 Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk. tone Ilinldiiif'. Red fi!)3. I2IIUII , m.iik" is believed to be that of Edward III of Enplund, who died in 1377. DENIM MATERNITY SKIRT 12 - 21 $6.50 THE STORK SHOPPE 303 Third West lfiOe 7-8 RIFRIOIRATOR SERVICE Coaimeifial and Domestic. i Black 932 (1801 ' l)5 47 AUTOiOKILES Ml MAOArvKs novtl'.lrs. fcddle-a News Stard. By ZANE GREY Mi. fVtUUN I tU KIP4U Or I n t SKti.t, R;,w fr ront 83(1 Fraser St. Plume Red 816. (167p) AHOIHSX TOW BILL .' TriliHApfSm TOBv 7H CtJS jtfilAtTED IH PtAC OF J3 S. SXF, YCU CANTf& V 'CO AWIJ P,Pfi.y J0.. I J TiAT...f)'.'ii-if 1 ZVSTW4NTA LCOK AT TH' W xt t DOftTlyCUK WAUEl.. J&H ' V PA CtC A oe, -Py-Xgrn-r, J2LZ-( Mf'ARI.Y everybody use 99. IbStds -CUTOUT THACr.SPDK? 19 J-u I KXOH THAT THS bOUAB ) , PC Wtl MMH TO 1 WHICH lOeNTIFEO HK r .' MPt THAT I IV J J JR W4SVT THE ORIGINAL Jf-fi iffrrzsa's ry iifct'-MyTrrjii Steamer Prince Rupert . RAIIfi FOR - - VANCOUVER ' intl Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. f . For, KETCHIKAN. &viritaiC'vn.4v XTi.li.luht RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc., with "Bui'iner Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Ijist.t years! Send 1.9S or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. i Dealers wanted.) (174) 1951 '2-TON Ford -pickup truck with box.' For particulars apply 1503 Graham Ave. (161p) 18 HHP WANTED MALE I POSITIONS are available for the following In our Prince Rupert. Terrace and - Prince BUIX3IES In all fanry colors and varieties including Pied.4, Violets. Yellow-Faces, Clear-wIiirs and self-colors. Baby budfrles shipped in quantity. Dogwood Avulries. 133J West 53rd Aw; Vancouver,. B C. Telephone KP,l541I-R A .'(161) MPAT' Niftr4 r-ft MHP,4'( ,iUftV-W waltniifott.eittTh!. coife maker. .708 3rd Ave. West. t (159p) RESTAURANT, or will sell equipment. No reasonable offer refused. Blue 127. (161p) (.'rtiMijo- -of flees; ' . -t," . t ' luii'f Chartered Acroiintnnls; Comfortluid Service Senior Audit Cterks;' " '' 1 ' i94f ' Cfri VddVn" RafMoriind hrarrT"-Rea.mi:iWe?'v;p hone Black 489 after five. (158p) 1949 CHEVROLET sedan in first class condition. Cheap. Phone Black 448. (1001 lenlor and Intermediate Arti for rfservatlonii write o cled Students: E,rrfrcnii i it ' or :.t;:m tmn 'iinlor Articled Students, with f 18 TAXIS and TRANSFERS HALLICRAFTERS Model S40A -I 1 "V t 6m Al CAKf 8-tube radio. Blue 583 after (ioot-toce Poces Lite ell her Junior or Senior Matriculation, and for which positions suitable candidates will be piven aptitude tests. V'P'v in writing for an inter-viiw. eivinu full personal par-iciilais, references, etc., to A. '' C.ardner & Co, 325 Fourth "'ciuie East, Prince Runerl. !c' (159) 5 p.m. (161p) Oil. range, back of Style Beauty IT'S "GOAT-J AH P-CWT BELIEVE FACE" A IN GHOSTS -SO . FOftTUMATELV THE ftLSTOf.L AC'F 9 WFWT WIT-! IT- -AN:Now-BA;k', toYsTAV DOGWTCK-AN' TO L TH' U3VIN' ARMS O' jfn TVyrr MAH LOVAL ntT-" "i U'LWlPErrV Parlor. May m seen in morn McGOON A STAV Av.'AV FUM FUM DOG- ) ME,GHOST.'.'-AN' AH'M ALL IN ONE. PIECE.?"-AH ings. (159p) CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance" CRATING and PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point in H.C. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBrlue GOTTA GlT INTO SOME BOY'S CLOTHES.r.'-AH IS LEOAU.Y . . DAISY MAE?" T'f,'r LET NEK GlT A BOY AGIN !T- 1)50 MATCHLESS motorcycle, good condition. Red 579. (159p) iOV.S! BOYSI-Do you want to p"'i n extra pocket money dur-summer holidays? If you do. I -pvS.rr;. peace:.'.' I D-DilWT DARE UOOK-BUT I ) HEARD THAT HEAD HiT THE. PAIL 'S M r i I I , 1 MMHaM V S J MP'l 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS "'i e:ni and leave vour name ' THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE or .summer paper rouues. (tfnc) 'c) yfci LEGAL NOTICES 19 lleln U'1,1 ll9li l.'in,.,U CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543-Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c.) 33 BOATS AND ENGINES 18" SPEEDBOAT Speed about lurAt, CLERKS. S2500-S3130. ior me Postal Service of Can 'Oa at Prince Pnivrt Pull nnr FSTATE OP ALICE FRANCKS OIB- I HON. DKC'FASEn j FOR SAI.F. Written tenders will be received by j the underslRned until August 8. 1953. ; for purchase for cash or one-hnlf ' ensh nnd terms of property at 674 4tll Avenue East, being lots 17, 18 j UCUIars on lmstnr it nffleoa n( 20 knots per hour. Phone Red ;be National Employment Serv- bv b I AN DRAKE nnd Post Offices. Application or call 621A 6th Ave. West. THE HEART OF JULIET JONES (162) Wills, obtainable therent. ahnnM 5u' 9iH, MaRTiS... tsuri wh.rs: a Askts YtAj WAV ' !C Ol OUT IT OF OF SOUR he filed NOT LATER THAN JULY TX 5. with the Civil Service Com-i B TAKE A LOOK A?OLi? ROOMS FOR RENT RJSHT HAWiET THE JDNESeS MAViE AeE OU TAKIN& V.E? IF Tr'.IS IS ONE OP VOUR HAeeiET... LOCK JOKb, HflH tl... TAKE THE NEVT . LEFT. MARTIN... ..MU. JONES MiNP OF COURSE NOTHING fission, filh fivr inn ur HAVE TR0U8LE MEETING ThE , FAMILIAR? PRIVATE accommodation, fur CHILPISH PRACTICAL JOKES - POESN'T ET AONTHLV ILL6.HE4VSN KNOWS Ocorgia St., Vancouver 5. B.c! IN THIS SLUM MUCH OP A HCW MGCW THEV OWE THE nished, 4 rooms. Box 720, Dally News. (158p) LOOKS LOOKS FAMiLIAR, FAWiLIAK SALARY. V . ' TOME.'.' find 19. Block 7, Section 6. City of Prince Rupert, consisting of a sub-stnntlnf dwelling In good condition divided into three large self contained apnrtments with cement basement and foundations and attractive grounds. Apnrtments presently occupied on monthly tenancies. JAMES T. HARVEY, Box 658. Prince Rupert, B.C., Administrator. TKACSSMEN... 4NP THAT WKSrCHEP NEi&HSORHOC THEN LIVE IN.'.' a. i i - i i 654 THREE-ROOM suite, part.lv furnished. Apply at 621 Fulton St. (159p) HOUSEKEEPING room. Ladies 5 (H) YOUR help urgently required. Homeless children need foster iimes. Plpasfi contact Social welfare Branch. Phone 355. (60) ;: HELP WANTED - FEMALE KXPEIU EN C E D strmographer tor local construction office. ''me bookkeeping required (J2.3.9, or couple only, wii uoroen (158) St. km m ntir wlm dw JtMt I suite. (159) TWO-ROOM furnished 315 6th West. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 lil. ttMtmM It cm) aaUiiaU ttfUfi W LlqMt CoMfal IjwJ W Omiwi tl trill Colnblt. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 221 5th East. (100p) ' "one -Mi miring daytlire for 'Ppointnient. (159) N la Waid r n n TO Mill i llil Trrr t " 1 if TTTr r.