1 i Prince Ruperr Do.iy Hew: Tti'irs.iay, j.ily H, liHS I wii iui iiuuuj uuuiu if Lumber King v" fro : Seek Shooter BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP) Po- OWEN SOUND, Ont. Tit 11 lice are seeking a shooter whose "lumber king of the north" ce ebrated his 90th birthday r cently. J. J. McFadden acquir Resist Order From Rhee By JOHN RANDOLPH SEOUL (AP) Net all of the South Korean army wants to drive north to the Yalu River boundary of Manchuria alone.j- marksmanship cost fire inspector Nels Rathbum a new windshield. The bullet hit his car as he drove past a swamp. the nickname from his fabuloit life-long lumber dealings. 't c 4. f,' -V ff I It is not hard to find Repub- " "" . ouh there are some, in the He of Korea soldier who know .V- resist an order from Rhee to attack the Communists alone. There are 18 divisions and 'A Is. such a course would be national suicide. It Is not hard to find others who, worn out by the long and bloody war, are willing to settle for any decent terms. But it Is only fair to say that the cautious ones are tsreatly outnumbered by those who are willing to brave everything and either conquer or die with President Syngman Rhee. Hhee hBS threatened to drive north alone 11 the United Nations signs an r . jr?; v thousands of supply troops in the South Korean army and it Is obviously not possible to take a public opinion poll among them. But even a rnnrtom sampling shows three different reactions: A small but lr.fluentiil number of officers and better-educated enlisted men doubt, in varying' degrees, the wisdom of ARNOLD PAGET of Holiyburn, B.C., has been appointed dealer operations representative of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. His territory will include the greater part of British Columbia, with henHrmarlers at Vancouver. AT CURRENT FOOD COSTS m ITS ormlttipp with the Communists on terms he considers a "death warrant" to his country. ItJiL'C a bittel' aiiu-ai'iViio'C stand and are willing to say so with surprising frankness. Huge Catch STOCKHOLM (CP) Deep-sea fishing in Sweden last year set a record with a yield of 445,-000.000 pounds, of which l'JO,-C00.000 pounds were exported. A much greater number say, with or without nientil reservations, that they will follow Rhee to the Yalu or death. Occasional Individuals cp- !HK MIXANCHOLY DANE never wore a more psnslve expression" than little" Giovanna Confal-uieri ax she muses over the skull In her mother's taxidermy shop In Milan, Italy. The little hi probably the world's youngest "Hamlet," plays happily among fierce-looking stuffed nini.il:; that would horrify most children of her age. Funds Wasted On Recheck, Says Loser pose Rhee's policies so strongly : Before the war, average annual IS CHE OF YOUR BEST FOOD BUYS they hint a military revolt or .yield was 265,000,000 pounds, ernon Member of Strathconas Rated coup d'etat might be necessarv to save South Korea. Such Best Man at Shooting up Chinese Reds VANCOUVER KfA defeated Liberal candidate, Phillip J. Lipp, charged that a Social Credit re words are rarely spoken, for the penalty could well be the firing squad. But the thought exists here and there. Korea's first soldier and chief of staff, brilliant 33-year-old Chonqing Trend LONDON (CP) Britain's banks soon will employ three women lor every man, the brink employees' union forecasts. Three-quarters of the 90.000 British bank employees now are men. AMKiaUd Salmon Camxn ( British Columbia X I quest for rechecks of ballots In with a cuple of rounds of white phosphorous. It usually takes between three Vancouver-East was a deuber ate waste of public funds." ueneral sun Yup Paik, meas- Mr. Lipp, unsuccessful candl-'ures word he uttprS- lT I5v KILL BOSS f'oiiiuil.'iri Pr Stuff Wrlwr V KOREA (f While the rest 1 1 it- world wonders about a cm armistice the new Strath-i:is here have perfected the linental technique for shoot-up the enemy. to take on targets up to 1,500 yards distance with extreme ac-curacy, Pushkarenko's four Sherman tanks have played havoc. ( IIIOI EXPLOSIVES FIRST With pinpoint precision they send first of all three or four hiirh-"XDlosive shells Into enemv l"e lasl montii oi murai crisis date on Ballot "B" In Vancouver , and five minutes for the effect to become obvious. Then the smoke begins. It pouts forth not only from the his only significant statements have been;. East, wrote a letter of protest to Fred Hurley, chief electoral offl- target but from as many as five cer at victoria C .spectacular business ; observation Dosts. bunkers or Cost of the recheck Is . estimated at more than $1,000. "The odds after the original count were so overwhelmingly In TONIGHT THE RT. HON. LOUIS S. t DiiD or six other openings indicating the extent to which Chinese tunneling has honeycombed the positions opposite. CHANGE COLOR After the phosphorous shells have burned out, fires they have started in the wreckage carry on ilk i . ' l.vi -I si Ml . ',i fit' ( I' v 1 "This Is a political matter I j better not talk about that." j "President Syngman Rhee is i a great leader we will follow j him loyally." ! Yet Paik must be almost torn j In two by the stresses of . the last few weeks. j He genuinely admires and re- j veres Rhee, who has brought I him forward and showered him with power and honors. On the other hand, Paik is a 20th cen Hi results in thick whirls of ioaves tnat are the targets of the ite phosphorous smoke 'belch- day out of several holes at a time Trie shells go right through the the hills on the other side of openings, explode Inside with man's land. smashing e f fe c t, presumably u-st exponent of the art be- killing or wounding any occu-;se he's been closest to the t pants, and certainly reducing to 'iie.se is Sgt. Demetro Push- Under the timbered structure I favor of the CCF," Mr. Lipp said, i"that any thought of changing the standings show signs of utter stupidity." Returning officer J. R. Donovan said the recheck was re quested on behalf of the two P.C, Q.C, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA CFPR-EIGHT AND TRANS-CANADIAN NETWORK the destruction, changing the smoke's color from white to black. . Brig. Jean Allard, the brigade commander, after watching a Pushkarenko shoot one day at 5 a.m., returned to the tanks' position to congratulate the sergeant. Later, en route back to his headquarters, he called at i the Strathconas' command past i i ko of Vernon, B C. Only 600 j within. 4s from the enemy and able I The bunker then is set afire Founder of Shaw Society Attends Library Conference Social Credit candidates In the riding, A. M. Arnold and Stan Wilcox. On the first count CCF candidate Arthur Turner led Mr. tury Korean, an avowed admirer of American ways, a brisk progressive and complete realist. Pailk knows in his heart thnt any lone Korean war against communism would tear his army into shreds. Yet Paik's loyalty to Presl-den Rhee Is typical of almost every RoK officers and man you speak to. liy JOAN BAUBKRIS , will. Published By The NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION OF CANADA Arnold 18,932 to 12.657, while CCF leader Arnold Webster "led Wilcox 19,741 to 12,531 j : Mr. Donovan (said-figures, on the recount are "almost Identical" with those of the first count. ."It is an interesting literary j.", uTa ,nd cilg to as well as legal document, said j squadron commander, on the Mr. Chase. i work. f i ,Bil inn PreMStafT Wrlttr OHONTO. The man who ined the 100-per-cent Am-an as 99-per-cent Idiot and used never to have said a I word to the United States ntv has a fan club In that i-ntry. ? h f,hn Rivletv of America. founded in 1950, was In-lii'd by Bill Chase, llbrar-::)(! book editor of the Flint, li . Journal, who attended reecnt special libraries con-tion here, :i an interview, Mr. Chase, ' has his BA and MA in "r;iihy from the University Mi hli'.an. said it all started l'1 l.i on his wedding annl- r-.. iii ..cum ii n - i flo'EXCELLa i SCCOKO CONStCWH, : I yrf th XdTM M M mm M v- - M arv Mrs. ("hose bought him of Bernard Shaw's books. Iiortly after -Mr. Chase had it he calls "the naive Idea" asking Shaw's permission to his name for a book store, s book store was to be en- iV ' lltJIIiMMWWlhlii i IV rli'VlH tn Ihit Irlvli For the third consecutive year, the STAR OF ryW'WELLENCE, embkmaticf the-Tinest-peer'? Mi I 1 IrewM in Canada, has been awarded LUCKx matist's works. Ii;iw replied in red Ink: "Yn l ;ttdent.ly not a, bftfrr bnolr r for you tuinfWt ojjerate a k store on the works of one lior. Especially one who re- so many readers. Try sell-hot-dogs." MtT OF SOCIETY h'. Chase dropped the Idea LAGER, in the International Food Institute Competitions held at Antwerp, Belgium. . An international panel of Masters of the Brewing Industry has judged LUCKY LAGER the same LUCKY : LAGER enjoyed by thousands of Canadians ... as the finest Canadian beer for taste, for bouquet and for purity. With the men who know beer best, LUCKY LAGER is consistently the finest in Canada, set to work on the Shaw letv. Interested nersons lt- i . : . - . , ... 9 iect Albert Einstein, Kather ornell, Samuel Oolriwyn ' Thnmn Mann II He next, letter from Rhnw '1'ised Mr. Chase. It was lest indeed for the man who crowned himself "dramat-mperor of EuroDe." VC1NNER t haw gave a modest appraisal oimself but wound up in true le by asking why Chase u't form say a Stalin, or ' I... ii riru Society. i WINNER cnase leeis tnat Shaw "shown Americans that the Ush don't really take them-l'es so seriotisly. He has also lied Americans to laugh at in selves." f 'liis fall, the society, one of WINNER ut seven of the kind in thi ?"ld, plans to nnblish Rhnoi'a BRUSSELS, 1950 razil's Gift las 647 Stonpc LUXEMBOURG, 1951 s undon w Among the I JePns beautiful Coronation I ! f'S is a diamond nnri oenn- I irine necklace with matching I rings, a gift from the govern- c ' jui oi Brazil. I 1 . utn American country I ic s ime aquamarines and the .ANTWERP. 195 . UURTOM TYPE f i diamonds and aquamarines I .n are exceptionally good and s u matched. ALSO BREWERS OF "5S. I U C K Y "V agir'briwing IT i . f he b'ueish-reen acnuamar- Thii 4dvrt,scn,nt ii not publi"hd W diipUyed by tSe Liquor Conlrol Board or t Ae Government British Columbl w T'1 "'c among ine lew colored j nes that retain their beauty v!" arunc ai Hunt