n lay Reflects and Reminisces Princd Rupert Daily News As I See It R-lit ve it or not, the hrbo. next election, ana me eiec.i-.wi. , u-t pnwMins A Monday, December 7, 1953 "-rt ut'jL of Prince Rupert admired of Skeena will mark their bal-i- nurfiiaUun thoueh it is, was once reckoned lots so as to cast no reflection gentlemen. BY useless by ship masters. Buck en their sanuy. in 1904, when Grand Trunk Fa- j cific officials first inspected th" i Life on the surface of things h-v veteran CPR navigator ! looked cheerful enough at the Increasing the prcductivi,., i Canada's toresU depends'' 1 public interest in the wooctla, I in Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ud Northern and Central British Columbia. "' Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited J. P. MAQOR, President H. G PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: T?Hs ly carrier Per week. 25c; per month. 1 00; per year. HC.OO. gfe J-'-Apt ly mall Per month. 75c; per year, 8 00. its-- ,uthorl7l as second class mail by fhe Post Office Department. Ottawa. chanced to be accompanying opening of tne Kig iniee con-It had Ions been i -rerence in Bermuda last Friday the party. New Times New Wa.VS ! generally believed that a ledge ! You saw .scores of daintily gown- i'.TiMi. '. 1 1. I ' ,,,,., , ,ot rocks extended across uer eu aou.s aim ui'""'" tmai- m,T,, THh NEW r.iir W INNER of the grand , prize f lor tr.'jnarrows ... at the entrance which, lug men, old. and young enough host wheat nrodllCPfl in North America is Frt.l! prohibited vessels of large; to surest it. Prerautions-and 1 icraimht. -Just thmK ol It," ex- ; tney were stern naa mil oeea i ism Those Four Questions uisnnwri the old CPR skipper. ' 1 . neclected. neclected. Sky Sky ana sea were W. Hallworth of Taber, Alberta s r- w 1 have passed this entrance hun-; dreds of times, and never knew there was such a beautiful harbor here." Eeimudian blue, bands piaye-u Ood Save the Queen and the Star Spangled Banner were certainly heard, but no one could jay he had hearkened to the Marseillaise, The Royal Canadian Mounted CAPT. PETER J. A. TEES, 30. of Vancouver, a Canadian army flyer, has been awarded the Disungushed Flying Cross for services in Korea. Capt. I his autrn ineiu is noi rjuht (hr. so." Experts who are trained in certain fields tend to carry on all the lessons cf the past. Some cynic called an expet as one who knows all the things which can't be done. Of course, most of the things which the experts in any field have found cannot be done really cannot be done,. iJlplaycd yy the Liquor (.onirol b or by the liovernmtni tA bri t.ulum his. There is nothing new cbout an Albertan winning this grand prize. But what is new is that tiie new "world wheat king" is r newcomer to the farm a man who until a few years ago had spent his whole life in an entirely different, occupation. There is such a thing us luck !ir. life. Some people just-meet .with plain old-fashioned luck at u liicial moment In their lives. and great success follows. But my guess is that an entirely different principle was at ; work in the case of the great Police are given increased sal- ary. Usually, they get their man. Pron, m advertisement in the Tr.i ti.ue, they get their raise ;Du;y Juumul of ElizaUth. N.J.: "Coat, sable-dyed muskrat, sel- POLITICS AGAIN , dom warm." "' ii. w The member for Skeena, in But occasionally in every field i ottawa appeared in Hansard there comes some newcomer j ,ast montn. o. W. McLeud who does not know what can- j ,0kanagan-Revelstokei brought, not be done, and goes out and h,. Ml. M.., .,od nadi ,,,, somn Even long years before a sign of railway tracks was sighted at Prince Rupert, anyone here then was reminded now and then of the navy. This was does it. Because his mind is not Ume b.,..k bfPn speaking eon- .achievement of Mr. Hallworth: able to bring' a fresh up-! 'so, dceply eroovea with knowl-j fernlnR tne people of his ridina HM.S Kgerla. Half a century ago he as , ; edce or assumptions oi wnui 31 ZMZ 1 What he said, where Skeena is . ihe wafl already an old. yet a f proach to a very old mentioned, is as follows: I .can and what cannot be done,! . he strikes off in a new direc lees, a pilot with the iiuy.il i Canadian Artillery, was at- tached to an independent air ; observation flight of the RAF with the 1st Commonwealth . . Division in Korea. His job was I ! to direct gun fire for divisional and corps artillery. ' Nickel Company Earnings Down The vrp,.:-t of The International Ni-kel Company of Canada, Limited, and subsidiaries for the nine months ended September 30, 1953 shows net earnings in terms of U.S. currency of S41.252,630 after all charges, depreciation, depletion. faxes, etc., equivalent after preferred dividends, to $2.72 per share on the common stock. " ' problem. i liENRY FORD, the first, developed many new processes in industry. I remember reading his own explanation of his great success in that field. Wherever he had a particu tion. Sometimes he gets new results which amaze the experts of long standing in the field. HERE in the parliament of Canada they are going to smart ship. She was a not infrequent caller, being then en-C.aged in surveying, and any ether useful duties off Dixon Entrance. There should not "lie nnythnlg cbout football to kill three men. It Isn't worth it. And in the prime of life, too. However at the k cent Grey Cup match at Toronto, three could not stand I make these remarks, Mr. Speaker, despite the reference of the lion, member for Skeena tMr. Applewhaite) who referred to the 'wacky' people of British Columbia and their temporary Insanity. This is not a nice reflection on the good people cf Skeena. As to the te.nporarv insanity; I trust this illness will have been cleared up before the have a new try ' a very old .; T SEEMS to us that of the four referemlums to . be presented to the voters on Thursday, there are .wo in particular which call for an affirmative reply. One concerns the use of the Roosevelt Park fund to develop Algoma Park. The other calls for an opinion on whether the Civic Centre should be allowed an annual grant of one mill or $(3,000, whichever is the lesser. There is nothing to say about the case for lgoma Park which has not already been said. ' Briefly the contention is that the Algoma grounds an be developed less expensively than those on cropolis Hill and will provide a more centrally ocated and less exposed centre of recreation. While it is true that the transfer of funds will .change the whole purpose for which they were acquired,, there is no reason why the public should be bound forever to a doubtful cause. In any case, ; there are other things that can be done to enhance : the appearance of the hill and perhaps make money out of it at the same time. One of these might be to open it up for the building of homes. There are some magnificent t sites for this, and the area could well serve for a .'project similar to the Park Royal development in INorth Vancouver. This has added more to the -beauty of Vancouver than any park could and has its commercial usefulness as well. Possibly, too, the I replacement for Borden Street School could be ' located on the hilltop. I " The case for the Civic Centre has been made "equally clear. Unless the city offers real financial help, the Centre is certain to disappear. Yet its .-.directors are asking for the minimum amount of larly difficult problem to solve );roblem ne nanaea it ovei iu II . ,.J 41-,,, - bright man who did not "uw flu ,"1JUCU, "1J "I"' J , b young 6. . . t th fii,rand cut down tne t. time that know too much about the field m which he had to operate. ' ' r Heating Most Be Planned Efficiently Another OUTSTANDING FILM For the corresponding period ( ducUon of glass for windshields : " " 1 " p commend itself to in 1952 the net earnings werejm a continuous strip process, asi"18 .n S45.683.330, cr $3.03 per share ot j ,heet steel conies from a steel , evJ net the time of common , mill. I parliament, and set a time limit Net .sales for the nine mon lis. Ford finally ..,itH- 1 ked ,,-,, thut , whn were $254,950,47. comparable, problem by transfernng an en- . begins with $238,915,593 for the cor- i gineer from a different field al- TnereB,s a st,,jng tradition in respjndin- period of 19j2. together. i both the United States and For the three months ended' , i Canada against any automatic September 30. 1953, net earnings IT, IS a" 010 st Tyn . l"f 1 . ! time limit on debates. Yet the know too much which tent were $12,047,085, equal to 79c per h parliamen, wWcn IS An expertly ilannert heating system pays for itsilt in a few years thrum!, greati r comfort that promotes better health lr the family. Phone 174 ! certainly as democratic as any in the world, has used the time i budget system for years, with REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH MONDAY - 3:C0 P.M. "HIDDEN TREASURE" by Dr. Moon of Moody Science Film Fame will hold vou soellbound by the beauty snare -on the common, compared! "p"" ,, uji,. niRc with $12,145,133, or 80c per share,! rercenr iOr the corresponding quarter In Agriculturol in 1952. Output Foreseen SMITH & EIM I. satisfaction to everybody. ! uflMpnrTUFP rrpi LIMITED I in a letter accompanying tne, vfliscuuvnn A-r Diuua . u.v. t i report, Dr.- J. F. Thomp-soit, 1 Columbia's agricultural output: able to get through the much i I chairman of the board of di- may increase by as much as 30 greater amount of business than 259 Third Ave. W, ree-tors, reminded . the snare-: per - cent in the next iu years,1 we nave ireie. of things you have never seen before. I think we will have to come i 1 , , jrf to It. holders that -although Interna- Pre-'.. Wi J. Ayi(jrson of the tional Nickel Is best known as . a Agricultural Economic Depart-1 producer of nickel, it is also ;a ment, University of B.C., said Ueac'.r' prodUcty ii: platinu-n i at a'week-e:; d meeting of the jnutals. ,-' ! Vancouver Institute, -Many tons of ore must be However,, Prof. Anderson pre- Hreated to produce one ounce of dieted that greater application ; by-product platinum metals," he ot labor saving devices wouia aid. "But because of the very probably result in a decrease irt large t-'.image of ore we mine, the provinces agricultural labor the company in recent years has force in the same period, produced annually about 300,00!) ; He said he expected increases ounces of platinum metaLs with in population and income in the a market value well over $15,-; next 10 years would spur pro-000.000." Iduction boosts. LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS AND ACCESSORIES i rr "iZy 4 lb i ; C. . ? ' c 4 - p :. , COMPLETE SETS from .95 2Q-95 J .assistance. The request is worded so that the grant ! i i will never exceed $6,000. j Since the Centre is losing $4,000 to $5,000 a j -year and will not receive its present yearly grant i i ;of $1,800 if the new levy is passed, the board of directors will certainly not have more money than lit knows what to do with. In fact, it will still be a 'trifle pinched but feels this is a good arrangement as"it will ensure continued vigor of operations. j I With respect to the other two referendums, the j 'heed for action is there all right, but with much 1 Jess urgency. If the parks board receives about, j f?26,000 for development of Algoma Park through "the, transfer of funds, it is going to have its hands .quite full for awhile without getting the proceeds Ifrora a one-mill levy for the same purpose. There is no doubt it will need the extra money as time goes on, but we wonder if it is necessary to start "acquiring it all at once. f It must be remembered, of course, that the imposition will not in actuality be a new one and ,,that it has the saving grace of being limited to five '.years. Nevertheless, this referendum cannot be 1 In bur opirtionthe least pressing of all Is the "ione asking about a two-mill levy for municipal -buildings. Since the city's financial position will be 'substantially Setter in 1955, it would seem advisabb 'to Wait until then before tampering with the tax : structure any further. Moreover, as there is no time limit stipulated, the thought is raissd that voters '-are being asked to, sign a blank check. If the city hall and f irehall can continue in their admittedly dilapidated condition for another year ; or so, it seems to us it would be wise to refrain 'from any specific financial planning for the time i being. Ul IP LAY AWAY NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE RUPERlj RADIO AND: ELECTRIC 3t3 3rd: Ave., Prince ttupert "W'A--' i ' 1 1 ' 1 1 . r . .. . . I..- I -J 'At At1 'f?Ai V-tAvi-r--r--;' - i VI 1 . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Beggars Made Big Daily 'Takes' fantastic. They think they have c:ty of prince rupert IMPORTANT NOTICE CITY GARBAGE DUMP at the city limits will be an.- j tvv enorlv ranin a millions of dollars' damage V THE HAGUE (Reuters) I Street beggars here sometimes I i,enjoy "takings" equal to a cab- I "inet minister's salary. J This was disclosed lollowin? a police investigation. The au- thorities then began an anti- vagrancy drive and today there is hardly & beggar left In Hol-land. One official said: "We must not be sentimental about this had a bad day when they take home only 70 or 80 guilders ($20 to $23)." Investigation showed the wife of one beggar had an expensive lur coat and servants at home. Another drove to and from his pitch every day by taxi. Police found one woman who claimed to be paralysed one day and displayed a board saying she was blind the next. social evil. Beggars' takings are i ' in minutes a fearful example of the power of nature. Most fiie insurance policies provide protection against windstorm daI"on Wind damage in Canada is not unc for a nominal additional premium. and Fire and Casualty insurance companies pay many windstorm claims year. Tornadoes such as at Sarnia- are fortunately rare. Claims paid resulting from the Sarnia tornado totalled aPProximatelJho $3,000,000 an example of how the small contribution by the many want protection provides full indemnity and compensation for those w do suffer loss. ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf of more than 200 competing eompanies writ mi Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. ALL' CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION ANNOUNCING - the opening of new offices at 303 3rd Ave. W. FRED E. DOWDIE Optometrist Phone Green 960 .- from MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 Until further notice. ALL garbage is to be taken to ALGOMA PARK on McBRIDE STREET between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. ONLY. . v G. E. BEATON, Supt. of Public Works. V H t