n Is I.-. ,.., t . ! ' Monday, December 7, 1953 aC Raliy Faiis Short Hi KenWaborf i f It,, As Manson's Win 48-39 i CaurDOims: League-leading Manson's Omegas forged ahead to a commanding first half lead and staved off a ft third and final quarter drive by a stubborn CCC 300 f club Saturday night to take the scheduled Senior B ! "pf1 ' f j, , jM'mf'.l-.. jmmw . nr,p"wwwiw in1 '':,-'-v- -V. ' basketball league game 48-39 at the Civic Centre. j' s ; aIm , ' . . " ' ' , In the Inter A fixture" pace- " I 'J .( ' i ; 5! setters North Star had to hustle Sunrise's II, with the grocery' 'ffl to sdge a rallying WatU & Nick- Bob Sankey getting- the gate . j , , after e four technical fouls. Nsi- 50-46 and Nelson Brothers erson Brotne made good 8 Ifee hroke their three-game loss ,.hots out of j5 and sunrise 3 streak - by si) JiackL; aunrise out of 9. Grocery 4H-W,in the Inter B ,.naRlir ODener. i nelson brothers s Matsuo Arr nispn and Don Hartwli Matsuo 3, M. Nakalsn. T , I - - V if: "f fTrst end strategy"" with n K... K"--- j K-wtnii 17. P. MKtsubB. b. Yum- winners as Omegas outscored amoto 14. b. Tsuchiya a. t. Tuwkn. the c:ctmers i-7 ana h-s m ioiai 4H SUNRISE A. Strand 2. B. Sanki'y ; 'ho first half. Don Scherk and McLcull tf. U- i liiH CHnhorrf eraarUaaAnA fh 8. A. TurCOtte 3. J CCC rally notching 9 and 10 j A PBrcut t, 10llu ... points respectively. j lllUr A Lragur STItONG DEFEN'CE I NORTH h'iaK W. .oiil.ion 6. R. i At I ARTICLE No. 5 j It was a frustrating evening uouaiusou, u. iit , d. Nickerson ! fcr Pop Pay's Millers. Down 29-16 u. Total so. i unina Into the second half no WAT18 NICKERSON R. Smtltl v i nmm t. . tuim, b. hucmc ,i pr now how much mutn thev mey tried inea to iu ;uiai.er , R chrlstoB 7i D Letourncau u. ALTHOUGH HE PLAYED in only one game or major league baseball, smiling Walt Alston, 42, will take over Chuck Dressen's Job as manager of the National League champion Brooklyn Dodgers. Walt has successfully managed the Dodger farm teanu p.t St. Paul in 'the American Association and Montreal In the ' Intcrnaticnul League, and last year led the Montreal Royals to victory hi the International League playoffs and the Little World Series. break down Manson's defences, beagtaiLK d, u. Vvebcn, H. tiut'i- i the umegas came oac stronger. pard K. t.ci-'riiie . utui 4u. , .. .... V m uriicKey Webster contributed 10 Nmior H t.rtar f points to the winners' score as mansons r. spring a. a. oiwu Millers' Sunberg and Gordy M wcostor 10, D. Bill 8, o. 'Cameron tried to cut down the g"1'1 n; i vv'sU- u " winners' lead. The losers out- ccc 8oo-ioo 2. d. Sci,it . scored the Omegas 12-9 and 11- s. schem a, r. chrisienaen 4. c ! 10 in the last naif but the Man- Cameron 7, (1. Dumu 1. H. Marshall son defence showed no sign of w- bunberg io. 'inompson t. iu- I .... erin. 38' play his favorite shot a draw. For argument's sake. as.-;iiive your first stone is placed in front of the rings. The opposing lead misses his draw. WouM you ask for a draw behind the guard, which is one of the hardest shots In the book, awl rv-e particularly on the first end? A perfect draw behind a guarci should stop in front of the tee line. How often can you make that shot the first end, or any end, for that matter? Go back a moment to tint first stone drawn to the side nf the house. Which side? Yes, there is a preference on norntr; ice. Why not the out-turn side, because strangely enough, to-i many curlers do not like win:; in out-turn to hit. Your opposing lead isn't likely to be an exception. T ........ nnnnnnrttD mice t V) i 1 i Manson's committed 13 fouls iWJi 11 and made good 8 of ! 18. free shots. The Pulp Millers SPECIAL ON Sleel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank ...... I 5r. M 275 Oal. Tank t 15.M ' S75 Gal. Tank S MM 550 Gal. Tank SUO.M S Pru. Tb fctr All tanks made of 12-fauf steel Induxtiol Weluinq TWO YOUNGSTERS' who may be future "greats" with the World Champion New York Yankees are taking their "finishing school" training with Puerto Rico winter league teams. "Bonus Baby" Frank Leja (left) is playing with the San Juan Senadores while future teammate Vic Power, first Negro player signed by the Yankees, plays with Caguas. Fred Kristmanson, Joe Davis Awarded Basketball Trophies Hockey Scores t r-tt'rn l,ciif;ur C.u.:;iry 3, EUniunton 1 Saturday ). HiiAicatoon 6, Wostmin&tcr 4 (Saturday. Siatile 6. Hiu.kattjn 3 (Sunday). pit i n liittr(intitiiiiil Ni-Ikjii 8. Truit 3. Kiiiiborlty 0. Hptkiii;r 3. Spokane 3, Kimhcrii'jr 3 (.Sunday). Ok:illNK;ill Hf'lllor Vernon 5. Kumloops 5 Pciitkton 6, Ki'lnwnft 2. Curlers Hearing i ir.k'7 out of 1Q free tosses F t the sake of further dis-ussifn. let us assume that you eoirte to play the first end wide pen by having your lead draw lis i.rst stone to the outside ing Another excellent rnason or this strategy is that if gives ou en opportunity to see how he ire "works" all the way from lie frack to the rings. This is ut possible if the stone 4 plac-d lif frojit of the house, It also Ives your' lead man a chance to ,et ttie feel of draw weight im-nedtely, as well as putting he opposing skip on the.de-ensfVe. The opposing lead is ailed on for a take-out shot nd 4f you keep him hitting as veil is the opposing second and hirt they do not get & chance 0 find out what weight is nec ssaiv for a draw, i Thus when he time comes for the opposl-ionjto switch to the offensive jravw games, they may come up with several misses. 4 Another argument none the l-ss Jxtent says that the aver-: ge JeaM man is not a strong lilttrt-; therefore, make him hit j.-itrC hrs,, first stona On the other hand, if you place the firstrock in front of the house, the opposing lead is asked to j The Inter A encounter was a fast paced duel that left ref- Knockout Play ..jt, reu Calderone and Douz oalikey as limp as the players. I Only three games remain to bo Speedy Rey McKay with 13 Pa?d ln the Gordon's Hardware Green 8KI 225 First Avrnoe points Dick Nickerson with 12, wiumuh ui mc rnnce Art Helln with 10 and Rod Tait Rupert Curling club before the 'ith 9 sDelled defeat for Bill Mc- knockout competition to name one place the next stone on the .T nnvts of Oordcn & n1cr-' v i'h his trophy. Art M rr-y. opposite side then the third j son's Senior B basketball longue last year's president cf th one in between the two. Do not : ''h-oed honors with Freddy Pnn-e Rupert basketball nso-guard unless with your own : Kristmanson of the Frnser & ' ritirn, siid that the ynuni rocks,' and then use close guards! Payne Inter A entrv when Frns-r i; Payne .sh irpsh'-'o.- . , . rr rV-i ioc fnr tVio 1 QO-I can err VinH li VpH II n t n fl 11 t Yin rpr: 11 i "I - Chesney's squad although it was tne winners starts. 1 no easy victory. North Stars took Tomorrow night Oarncr meets "lUrier il-l. losl me " -; diiu liiiTis TTENTION intOine U-IOO c.rrie-ur "-,;--' : "';, V" X,TZZ" Z ,nn ,, rh : n ';.. UeennH fl-13 and the third 11-14. Miller on No. 2 and Johnston i?Tpqin mo rnp pipni.- ir rin v. .i r wic'cihcu oiy biic iiiv . ..........n . . .. . : - won t hurt. iue oaiuraay ingin.. jouic: iu. J j.avis was named winner oi j .r. Murray nsu prcseui-'V" ' Daily News "most valuable ' Sun Life cup for the Senior B Next article . . . p'-iyer trophy" and Kristman- championship and Civic (rti'r im going into the final meela mrner on no. j tee. quarter the Clothiers' fouls prov.' The draw committee will then ed costly. Dereck Letoumeau and work out the won-lost columns Bob McFarlane both fouled out and points for and against the f a crucial time and although various rinks In case of ties to McKay of the Bottlers also foui-1 see who enters the knockout ed out he had contributed 6 competition. "Mats to the winners' total be-1 for this reason there will be a. "To Draw or Not to Draw" ; son was awarded the Bobby norretball playoff trophv io IToiiten Memorial troohv fo- Rusty Ford on behalf of Oor- FISHERMEN AND BOAT OWKfRS EICOLITE has done it ogain! 1 his Kmc a 60-FATHOM DEPTH INDICATOR brin-t the most sportsmanlike I don & Andersons; the Gio'fo pHvrr last seascn. Tntpmeditite A trophv to i" Th Dilly News trophv to be i Morrison for North Stars; the fore he did. change ln schedule for this $19 5 oo 1 presented each year to thelCivi" Centre Inter B league cup North S!ar committed a total week's curling. The men's rurl-iPlive'- judged most valuable, if to General Motors; the Oeoi -a 0j 17; fouls while Watts & Nick- 'n8 c,ut) wl" not Plav Wednes-an individual prize and nmy be Cock Inter A playoff trophv to . ,,,.e jns.Hzed 22 times i dy nl8ht, and the women's club 1 refined by the player. Sports Frascr & Pavne; the MfMor.v: ! At tne free"sh0t line North Star : who usually curl Wednesday af-,ed!tor Dirk Ayres, on beh.'lf ot cup for Juniors to Aimun-ii- CAnit ln 29 chances while ' trnoons will also curl Wednes-jD"ilv News publisher John tion. Assisting Mr. Murray wa, "w N scored cn 6 ot 22 oppor-.day night. Play in the Gordon's for only WALLS CHILLS OPPONENT IN LESS THAN MINUTE EDMONTON (CP) Earl Walls,' Canadian heavyweight champion, Friday night knocked out Bernie Reynolds of Fairfield, N.J., in 33 seconds of the first round of a scheduled 10-round feature bout here., ., More ' than B.OOO fans saw only a brief sparring session until Walls connected with a left hook which spun Reynolds around. Walls then landed a hard right to the jaw which sent Reynolds 10 feet across the ring. He had to be carried to his corner. . Walls weighed 192 pounds, a pound more than his opponent. hi . . .. i . . nnrnwnro irnnrirmir pnmnaf t ,m ivif gut , lltdUC LILC (Jl CSClllii ' HP,i t ri rw vnuti uii';, vivic vtuii - I to K'isty ord. In the absence sports director. j of Dans who mas at Terracj Farlans with 9 point each were1'111 be 'played Thursday and Fri- Vaf s- ,& Niclcer.son top point- j day nights. . letters. ' Saturday night the mixed i with the G & A team. Also re ceiving his most valuable plivc L fnm - V Y-lirr fward for last year, not hither-1 LUfTldUlIld luKti ; NEVER HEADED league piay continued with tUo (following results: McDonald 9, WOre never Newton 4: Richer 7 Tnvlnr d Ne'.fon B i hers Five-Pin Honors to presented, ws Ray Spring of Manson's Omegas. -In presenting Kristmanson headed as they trounced SunrUe Gordon 12, Thorn 7; Melghen 4 Less 10 discount on all orders before December 31, 19S3 Wit'i a il rnsil nf 517.50 and the bal.ime of l-8.00 . d"livery, yeu can avure yourwlf of Soundrr . bi rn rp Hie start of the next finning season. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL Wil(ord Electrical Works COW BAY Dcolcr in Prince Rupert District for EKOLITE .o-u ,i,-D, i-j anu lo-a oy quar-1 Miller 13: Evolfson :B, Shier 15; ...... aum. ncnwii iiiuai- Mctean 7, wuison 15 Jchnny Coma-Um of IWi-"innets captured double b'mo n A loofTiic r.f 1 Iim Mivo.-I Piu, . ed 17. noints and Steve Yama-moto 14 for the winners and Rcd Wings Given Drubbings By Leafs and Black Hawks SPORTSMAN'S PIGESTw GUN SAFETY TIPS in lr-Rue Thursday vh :n w Mcwan was bunrlse high "cor"r W!th 9- The Port Edward oiled a hich ani-ie sari i-f 31H nrl a hich three of 837. Marg ! :r were .Pena"zed 7 tlroM t0 McnlgoniPry of Canada Life tiiaj .ikevlsr. takiaa ladies' hi-.n sin- I nPW Mntcnn 5ofr. , .V, .., r.1 11,1 rt hl.,1, " " - WWKr By JIM BASTABLE Canadian Press Stall Writer In the other two games, the Leafs tied the fifth-place New York Rangers 3-3 Sunday and rBsrauaiDHwaaEnHiMHH The back-room boys aroundithe Rangers dropped a 2-1 de TUESDAY'S BASKETBALL Postponed in co-operation with the (Octroi cision io v;nicago oaiuraay. HARD ON SAWCHIK 1- r' t Vs c 1 't It ' -. 9 '4. .r. v''Hi if I Saturday night's result was a blow to Terry Sawchuk, Detroit's (he National Hockey League cir- uit have it down in black and j.hite: The brash Detroit Red 7inss can be pushed around ust like any other team. As a matter of fact, the Red i'ings, who bulldozed through he league for the last five sea- tluee with 767. Shenton'3 tojl. j teal l high single wuh li'f'l atu t'liec wi'.h 3518. j In P l?agu? Marg Leeman o. ! teb Paiker Ltd. won l;lie j h i,h Tml.? wuli 2;;6 i'.-i l EoUj. i KjmdmRn cf Thoin Sliret Mvtu. : lolled 633 for 1 .i'.i..,' ;. v vh I ii. l U Ve oi libn Gi.Tii i.i4;o. j pins h"!h sliigi.-- wii.:i 'J'ti sin ! Till Ila i;iy of Hill s Shoes woi I ...Jiw ...i a mite wi.li b'r). i.b. ! & hens wi.n team hr.h rhigii i V h '115 and Hill's Kliof.; roll- Ten-Pin Mark Bev Matson took both hi:;ii inle and high triple of tho -ar when she rolled 213 and 4C) in the Mixed Ten-Pin League. on Ha-'wlz with 215 and 568 ck double honors for the men. nother 200 game wns rolled by 'no Giordano with 203. Dominoes won bolh team high inifle ard hi 'h 'riple with .cores of 640 and 1820. Results: Lu:kies 3, Four Aces ; Dominoes 4, Tlnvmltes 0; Tim-wr'icks 2, M & M's 2. JN HILLS, A FALLING Q " ,V PERSON USUALLY N BRACES AGAINST THE ons, may have to go some to ace goalkeeper who has won the Vezlna trophy for top goaltend-ing the last two years and could usually bank on plenty of help from his defence. The 23-year-old Sawchuk was riding high ln the goaltendiug race when the Leafs fired 40 shots, nearly as many as he sees In three ordinary games. Sawchuk was tremendous, the Detroit defence wa3 poor, and tho ay among the top three. The Detroiters were fresh after ed 2063 to take team hijih three loving around Chicago Black awks 9-0 and 9-4 when they caded Into the six-game week nd. That's as far as they go' hey wilted 3-0 to Toronto Maple 13,335 fans at Maple Leaf Gar- fall with his uphill-side arm. thus, always carry our 6uh on your downhill side when traversing insecure slopes, then, if you fall, you won't land on the gun or damage it. Always hunt with the sun's safety 'on" until ready to FIRE. i J"tt r Lj.r-J a l"-""" New owners op THIS POPULAR SHOTSUN SHOULD BE FOREWARNED THAT IT WILL CONTINUE TO SHOOT EACH SHELL. PUMPED, AS ACTION CLOSES, IF THE TRIGGER IS HELD DOWN. - fafs ln Toronto Saturday night j dens were amazed, nd were walloped 5-0 by the Leafs never iooked better' lack Hawks ln Detroit Sunday. ln tnat one, Defenceman Tim 1 A Lritcui-Faililou Fooiwtiu' 4. Pi!sUovt;r.0. I'fatlpiiilinrs 3. Ciumtla I.llo 1; l-'ow-II- Huttlp 3. Whulcn's iBicky Bit-1: Shrnt'tirs 3. Hhainr-;ckfi 1; Nurth-eni Glr.ss 3. l.l-Jjckorfi 1; Orpha-is 3. V.lndy "e" 1 II LlMf-UP l"nms 4. China 0; liarokl's 4. Mlx-rpi 0; Itl'h Orrcn 4. HifU tkilrt.l. i:i,y & S.jiis 3. Boll Pi'.rkor Ltd. 1; Tliom Shrt Mrlal 3. Es'imrrs Mi'n'ii V'cir 1; Kill's Btoos 3. Dally hews 1 It used to be tough to beat the j Horton, rightwinger Ron Stewart ingi. And a shutout aealnnt, and leftwinger Harry Watsoa accounted for the scoring and many of the close-in show. ATTEND THE hem was practically unheard f. The Leafs, in third place, iade it I'-ok simple and the The Black Hawks, with gangl iaw ks. me lasi iem anyDoav inif i Rollins In the nets, scored 'ould bet on, made It look easier. twlce wltnln tne t lrst two min-The losses left the Red Wiiusul,es of play ln Detroit Sunday, a .second place, three points beThey even beat Sawchuk onco l second place, three points be-1 wniie playing shorthanded. . Ratepayers' Fad-Finding Meeting ON THE POWER QUESTION Legion Auditorium anadiens, meanwhile, beat the chicken pox, made 40 saves, ii of them in the final period. It Blushing Bride ... or married for years, every woman knows thof the fcert food vaJue on her budget is MILK. A?d the best milk is the Freshest Milk . . . m''k shipned the shortest distance . . . milk fronVt1h Groie A farms of the BULKLEY VALLEY MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION. And the cosiest, least expensive woy to buy t"at m Ik is slight from the delivery truck. FRE5M MiLK Qf On youi' cfcorstep, Quart .... tjm Durth-place. Boston Bruins 4-2 aturday and then added a 7-2 ictory over Boston in a home-nd-home series. was Us thlrci J.iuiou, in it .mmm areen games of the 70-game schtdn e. Defenceman Al Dewibury scared twice for the Hawks. D?le -man Jack Price, Pete Conacher and George Gee got the others. J 8:00 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 3rant & Newton Still Set Pace Phone' ALL CANDIDATES INVITED TO PARTICIPATE The Porks Commissioner will be Welcome to address this meeting. J. W. PRUSKY, Chairman 1 USEFUL HINT No. 18 e H Fancy Quality (he " I U highest grade posiible. M ) PfiYALClTV 1 GINNED FOODS . J Grant & Newton continued to j lead the Men's Ten Pin league Wednesday when they took 4 points from Elks with a score of 357 to 2250. Other results: City Transfer 4, Imperial Oil 0; Moose 4, RCMP 0. Grant & Newton now have 23 points. City Transfer 19, Elks 16. Moose 13, Imperial Oil 9, kCMf 4. J. Currle of Imperial OU took both ;high single and high three with .scores of 237 and 628. City Transfer took team honors with ? high single of 879 and a high three of 2609. FOR HOME DELIVERY NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 203 Broadway Cafe EVERYBODY WELCOME .... ryi ii