Prince Rupert Daiiy News Monday, Decemm-i 7, 19b3 Jertace Mi omen Prince Rupert Job's Daughters Install New Officers at Impressive Ceremony IViiti at fjoou Fred t. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST 303 3rd Ave. West Phon; Green 969 5L Andrew s WA Branch I - - : -t :-5 - i J ,f l-':'.'i ! Wliiit Parly 'Jit ere Other officers installed were: Sponsors Christmas Bazaar " -7-7 ? v v -, i J t 1 M ' 3i ' -IT- I I ' 'V j prettily arranged vei-vi,ir, ki. .ruirew's Cathedral hall t i-je irene Saturday after- j 01 U V, ill i-itjiitwi UiUdai, Fourteen tables were In play at the Moose whist party here Saturday night. Women's first prize went tc Mrs. Irene Keller c: Terrace, ?nd s3cond to Mrs. E. 0. Martin. Men's first was won by Arne Krogstad and second by Olc senior princess Olive Strand, junior princess Marjorle Tattersall, guide Shirley Haugan, marshal Pat Mitchell, senior custodian Barbara Stalker, Junior custodian Marjorie Way, chaplain Ethel Moorehouse, recorder Barbara Doumont. musician Georgina Mitchell, treasurer and diamond past honored queen's pin and sterling silver soup spoons in appreciation of her work. Associate Guardian George Daves presented her with a white k'd Bible. A soda' hour was enjoyed with Myr;,a Knutson, Cathie Finlayson, Joanne Way, Elizabeth Jones and Marilyn Berry In charge. The group also pr&3ented an electric kettle and record album to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell. -.wsured by tin- evening tsrancn ;'t Andrew's W.A. I s'. .(1;:1.ic:r of red and yellow j evergreen boughs decked the .'J tor the event, officially 'inf,i by Kt. Kev. H. O. Watte, ,)) of Caledonia. I yiiii.S tn ''is decor were the! New officers of Prince Rupert Bethel No. .3, Job's Daughters, were installed at a colorful ceremony in the Bethel hall here Friday night. Led by Honored Queen Sheila Lennett, the new officers took their positions in a hall decorated for the occasion in bright Christmas motif. Lighted Christmas trees, cedar boughs and poinsettias were featured. Installing officers were Past Honored. Queen Margit Macar-thur, Mrs. L. W. Kerrr'a as installing guide, Mrs. J. TV. Eastwood marshal, Mrs. Kobcn Gordon secretary, Mrs. E. J. Smith musician, Mrs. A. D. Ritchie chaplain, Mrs. O. Strand senior custodian and Mrs. H. Tattersall Junior custodian stop sinus SUFFERING FoIf the firv.t time Rinus sufferers can obtain complete, long-lasting reiki with NfjVO. Available to tl.e publie after years of riwearch and tenting. Mf-'iical ttsts have proven thut NKVO completely eliminates Binu suffering- ir, alrr.on all rusrn even when other methods have failed. Sold on a Money lluaik ' (uartuitre At All Drue Stores Tweed. TUe pool prise was won Mr. Krogstad on a cut with lister Franklin and the door prize went to Mrs. J. Richards. Six Airmen Killed NOTTINGHAM, Eng. (AP) Six RAF airmen were killed and another seriously injured Friday, when a ' twin-engined Anson trainer crashed on landing at Wewton airfield near here. Joan Grimble, librarian Elaine Christiansen, first messenger Anne Eyolfson,. second messenger Sue Martin, third messenger Judy Lloyd, fourth messenger Elizabeth Jones, fifth messenger Loi;; Good. Inner guard, Joan Brnnett, j-iter guard Peggy Ann Dcminat.i. F'rl'owing the ceremony, the r-ewiy installed queen presented Miss Macarthur with the gold (PERSONALS - - n ' "115 lAUK with a lovely spray of yellow and white 'mums and red and green candles, and small sprays of 'mums on the tea tables. Receiving guests at the well-attended bazaar was Mrs. J. J. Donaldson, president of the Evening Branch. Mrs. A. Kivett was tea room convener, assisted in the kitchen by Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, Mrs. Joe Scott and Mis. J. Bowman. Serving were Miss Frances Cross, Miss Joan Cross, Mrs. Van Roche, Mrs. D. McNab and Mrs. C. Foreman, while pouring tea were Mrs H G Watts, Mrs. F. E. Anfield, Mrs." R. Mortimer and Mrs. George Vlerich. Mrs. E. I.lndseth, Mrs. E. Gladding and Mrs. Frank Moore were in charge of the sewing table, and Mrs. E. A. Evans and Mrs. K. S. DeWltt were at the woolens table. In charge of novelties was Mrs. Bert Bartlett. handlterehlpf Tills IS A HAT? A hand of black velvet, tipped with ruby nails, is this latest frivolous creation displayed with the autumn collection of Bimone Mirman, Princess Margarets milliner, in London. QUEBEC (CP) Prime Minister St. Laurent Saturday night was made an honorary colonel of Les Voltlgeurs de ' Quebec, oldest French-speaking Canadian Army reserve unit. to the semi-annual ia of 'he Prince Rupert h .Mini's Co-op, arriving IT PAY3 TO A0VFRJISF ,, vi .it' rtiay a 0 o a r a the r.ih were Andrew Johnsen, ,1, nt of 'he Halibut Pro's Co operative of Seattle, -,- cUI'ord. (tirec'or. una Joe VANCOUVER 0i A- safe stolen from Canada Dry warehouse here early Saturday was found later In a roadside ditch in Surrey, Its ontents of $1,800 In cash and cheques missing. - Police said money bags had been cut open and scattered around the broken strongbox. - ,,nr,:i m.iitiiger f the same ivi.nen. Mr. Antcnelll I3 a ,), ! Hutu rt resident. Mrs. B. Eyolfson and candy, Mrs. J O'.jvir.- ; r r 1 v ! n g yesterday T. H. I Ted 1 Korensen, rrea Adames. Mrs. R. Farmer and Mrs. Harry Winston'e were ' ' ! i'i' nsni'rmen 9 co ve Federation, sales or- life la Li c.'juon. aiiu u. jonnson, ai- at the fish pond. At the home cooking table were Mrs. F. Partridge, Mrs. G. E. Moore, Mrs. Peter Bird and Mrs. G. Furniotis. Mrs Nell Msrrinn. :jr of tile '(.-deration, both of or:u WASHINGTON (API Average wholesale prices in the United States as roported by the bureau of labor statistics rose two-tenths of oii3 per cent during the week ended Dec. 1. The index advanced to 110.2 per cent of the 1947-49 average. SWITCHED CAREER Sir William Herschel, English astronomer who died in 1822, was educated aa a professional musician. nld was cashier and Mrs. Basil i Tro ciiers were expelled to S. Prockter was selling church calendars. -vc from Alaska today, and Jehn Fr'eren, head of the Terrace PTA A KINSMAN -WILL CALL AT YOUR DOOR With The ,'irsity of British Columbia tension Department, was. id'jieii tu arrive Wednesday.) ? Ci.-ep ni'-f : in;s will take . r nwwday rnd Friday !)., Fn-sen wli! speak at j r .5 Ki'-.ikm, and also. d-s xn meet with local school s: - Sirs. J. B. Rea and her lmr! irpn ! ft last night aboard , D)()uii!im fur Vancouver, 1 re ili-y will spend the. r.-tniii s holidays. Mr. Rea .; - ,u'h later. I DINING PLEASURE V,.-,': 1. Fon'ids, nurse of thr in. rt F,i;i i rt General Hospital ', !:. Iff' la.-t niht aboard the t( Norali on the first leg atnp home to Owen Sound '..-in. where she will spend Tours School j . TERRACE A visit to the Elementary school, with Inspection of classrooms and discussions wKh teachers, each In their own classrooms, highlighted the December meeting of the Ter-raje Parent-Teacher Association. ! During the business session following the school tour, it wa? reparted that $100 had been netted from a recent tag day, for purchase of playground swings. A father's work-bee will be called to install the equipment. The purchase of a film pro-iector was -considered bv the 'roup and It was planned to provide a monthly $2 prize and pennant for the class with best parent attendance at P-TA meetings. A itne! iljuiinion on "Do pireiiU hive enough to say in viae itlon." was held, with Rev. M. W. OCcnnell as chnlrrrmn nd Mri 1. Frank, Mrs. Wold, Mrs. Gift. Mrs. O'Boyle and M-. Brandas taking part. A cup and saucer shower and refreshments concluded the Si.. f- i C - ' - n ,(i iH i 4 , . i it. t" - V ',' ' ! " f , f i i .. , , ',4 - v $ '. 1 "1 .. ' . ' i i' i c . r' : SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe mm Pi I W ELI : ,:H Ms. Charles P. Bal-! '-i' Fi.'ih Avenue West,! T, !i : ".iiei'day aboard the -h a i.vmth-lon3 vaca-1 ri'i.-m : which they visited S r n-i.'i-l.w and daughter,) ar.J Mrs. Glen JuunJqtltst, ! au'on-d with tliem to San i r,:i;!v.:iu:,. ; ! s B. ro,.wr, dietitian f.t; I'iiinc Piinert General Hos-! rt-t I'nrd yesterday on ''' !. f.oiii a three-week ; l!!-ti look her to Vanrrou- 3vfi ;f 1 n: her points. : reaoers 1 M. Anweiler arrived h?.-e f th" ?.'nrah to visit wllh n li-'t i.nd hister-in-law, ' t-" Mrs. R. G. Anweiler. Overlouk. Meeting of Prince Rupert Film Council, Monday, Dec. 7. 8 p.m.. Civic Centre. 284i These special Christmas Packs of delicious Planter's Nuts are a mu-J around the house during the holiday season. Buy a box for the famMy and another for guests who will becalling at your house. I Monthly general meeting A v'oSmiM.n, 1437 Piggott 'i s returned to Kemano voik i-binrd the Ni',1- Loycl Order of Moose, Tuesday, Dec. 8. Important business. All members please attend. 12851 TO YOUR NEW HOME OR OFFICE Commercial or household furniture moved with care. Prompt, courteous service at low cost. & PACKING CRATING SHIPPING LOCAL OR LONG V lilSTANCK MOVJN' Cambrai IODE Plans Yuletide Gilts For Needv Children Here Funds raised by the sale of these Party Packs are used by the Kinsmen Ciub for their numerous projects such as the Kinsmen . Ciddics' Chris'rTiSs Party of Miller Bayl-lgspitol and tha Kinsmen ,'. Kiddies' Caro at Lakelse Lake. ,..-. ... iii ter.. ,i . Refreshments were served at the close by the hastess, Mra. Miller, assisted by Mrs. A. J. MacDonala, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. T. A. McMeekin. The special prize for tha evening went to Mrs. R. G. Moore. CARTAGE And STORAGE Phone CO LTD. "Leave it to Lindsays" , :ihi rii 1.) several local and ixM cts, and plans for ;i'tn.s t:fis for needy chil- !i:'!h'ighted tha meet-" ''in C.unbral chapter, Im- 0rer r.t.uphters of the "''" b"! 1 at the home of ; -A. Miller. rn-up approved dona-; r i-t ;h ' Prin-e Rupeit i c:::ii", the Cambrai . -t the Rupert General t!n lODis Common-n and Empire fund, Brit 1 Foreign Itelief fund, a fimd and Westminster n fnn.i. 2 Evi(' Rivett was appoint- "'PtfT renreenl-.-itiuo is Hip NSMEN HELP THE KIDD HELP .i;m Citicnship Council. uig the business ses thi members enjoyed r "'ristmas nnrtv. witJi ey- cf cf gifts before a bright-' ".fti miniature Chrlstma.' Tho fission also saw pres--Jon of a idft of crystal tc John Comadina, recent ;' u.v regent Mrs. G. V. ''S. on lie..,if , 1 , Special Planters Parly Pack contains V3 lb, Almonds V3 lb. Cashews lb. Peanuts In Sealed Containers Law WATER tells tKe truth about whisky Put Seagram's "83" to the water testi Water, plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagrams "83" pu. Seagram's wvj Sure If no Kinsmen calls tonight, he will call some other evening this week from time :3Mr-w Con IJl" m-? n P,l-f t"-wt M IAI. 1.00 a IW !Jr in Box... 1 O ft PRINTING COMPANY Thii advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board Or Dy in uomnnraii ui dmiiih v.uiuiiiuiu.