Warner IW. too"" GRACE MOORS THE McCarthy Supporters Silent jn Controversy Hugh Bartlctt Dies Sunday In Hospital By JACK BKLL ; uled today to give, a new count TTERBOX T Air -KATHyu lSjLwe the number of U-li-rams ana WASHINGTON (AP) -W'ljh letters it has received as a re-matter whole the evident hope that the , will blow over soon, Re-jtull. v,,; rot.ioi looHprsi At noon Saturday, presidential DOES SHE SEW? I GRAYSON MtBV Of f , 1 VfT Urn: '(i TECHNICOILOil Tf ei,p ri, thPti vnu'll wunt tHo in thp rnntrn. aides said they had received " cu holuonn Bmiilnr .lOSeDH t.otu vc i c B ' "" to shop at TOTEfV Today to Wednesday u A BLANK CHEQUE? The Editor, The Dally News: At the meeting of the Civic Affairs Association held in the Canadian Legion Hall on Monday Nov. 30. It was stated by Alderman William Bremner that the referendum for one mill for ' rh develorjment of Algoma McCarthy and the White House, stand was approved mately two to one. . of the It was obvious that some u-i,.i Rpnwin' most in- i On an NBC radio-TV forum Eves. 7 - 9 p.m. Ka1()ll! VANCOUVER (CP) Hugh Bart-lett. 40, member of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's program The Happy Gang." died in hospital here Sunday. Mr. Bartlctt was admitted to General Hospital here Nov. 25 suffering from pneumonia. He left the radio show, which is broadcast I nationally from Toronto, three ! weeks ago. "both their tiuennai party colleagues agreed ' Sunday McCarthy said i ; nrivatPlv with his statement sides" should message 3 ; that the United States should , views to the president, s stop all aid to Free-World coun-'jjoT POPULARITY CONTEST tries which trade with Red j This js n)t a popularity con. China. test between Eisenhower and Park has no time limit which brought the remark from the audience that "we will be sign CAPITOL I FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TODAY TO WEDNESDAY Native of Vancouver, Mr. Bart- ing ft blank cheque." Ai a The statement made by Aid SINGER SEWING CENTRE MAY WE SICGEST: Bunoiinoie waiters S"wing Kits O Rpw'dr Sets Pinking Shears and many more useful sewing aids. And Remember Once in a Lifetime Every Woman Should Have the Thrill of a Singer Christmas' A NEW SINGF.R SEWING MACHINE SINGER SEWING CENTRE Bremner - Is Incorrect as the parks board, when asking the citv council to prepare a refer endum for one mill for Algomn But it also was obvious that McCarthy," the senator said. "If ; left's first full-time job was as these Republicans didn't want : n were a popularity contest, he ! an advertisement writer for to be linked with McCarthy's. (Eisenhoweri would win it 20 to Spencer's department store, public challenge to the stand j , j Hc began his radio carcer in taken by President Eisenhoweri Ml,Carthv was a5,ed about the i9;SS at the age of 23 when he and State Secretary Dulles that Toledo Blades off(,r Friday to 'joined station CjbR in Van-America has no right to dictate arrept readers' signatures to a couvcr as a writer an annpun-T. the trade policies of the coun-, letlor su,po,-ung Eisennower s He also worked for radio station tries it helps. I stand, as well as to forward re- CKWX. Vancouver, for a short McCarthy called any trade with plies favoring McCarthy's. Ey period before joining the CBC "HIGH MOON" -0:25 Park, did ask that It be for five JEAN MARIE BEAL'DET of Montreal, lnternatio nally-known concert pianist, accompanist and conductor, has been ;inpoinLed director of program planning and production for the CBC. He succeeds Ira Dil-vorth. appointed director for Ontario earlier this year. years and that is what the vot 11 i wi J it i IllJIliii mm i m m ers will be askea to vote on. PAT FORMAN "AFRICAfJ Chairman nf a news announcer in ir QUEEN" S:40p.m. m 1 Board of Park Commissioners. Fed China "blood traae ana, in midnight Friday, the paper re-a televised plea last Thursday, nortP(ji it had 9.870 for Eisen-urged those who agree with him hower and 324 for McCarthy. to message (he president. He said the scnUments expres- ' The White House was sched- sed in the ietter to Eisenhower STANLEY KRAMFR PRODUCTIONS GARY C0OPErI"HIGH NOON." LiST COMPLETE SHOW 8:Z5 Phone 84 n 630 Third W Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 7, 1953 1937. He Joined the Happy Gang program about a year later. Mr. Bartlett is understood to have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bartlett U ;.M.S AJ, a'Sr, ' IBBSBBBBBBBHBBBHBSBBBBB BBBBBBI HUMPHREY KATHARINE "we supported you before ana we do now. We still like Ike." are those he has expressed many cloverdale, B.C., at the time he times. Yet the effect was "that ,,.as taken ill. DOGADMIEPBURH FLOOR SANDING Wallace's Department Store j anyone who signed that had to Funeral service will be held here Tuesday. be against McCarthy." Or Rent a Sander ! New Yorkers REER & BRIDDEN m v. i . Lnuik ft' Hail Russ Constitution MOSCOW (APi The Soviet press today hailed the 17th anniversary of the adoption of ihe USSR's constitution. Editorials lauded the constitution as the "most democratic in the world." hmfrciife Stl" Peperless UEEJ LIMITED W. Phone 909 215 First Ave NEW YORK (AP) Th( i New York City newspaper strike entered its second week today as negotiators and federal mediator-; r-new"d efforts to resoWe a deadlocked wage dispute he-w"n nublishers and photo-engravers. New Yorkers seemed increasingly lost without any major 'oonl daily to rend although trio-vision and radio has been striv WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE inaiRi JJ LA vl iVUvv WV S --X CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CHAT I NO PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBcide Street ing to fill the news vatuirn created by the walkout which darted last Saturday. After Friday's negotiation meetings all parties reported "absolutely no change" in the situation. Doctor Denies Meat "Unfit" VANCOUVER (CP) Dr. Stewart I Murray, chief medical officer "'' IXX ' '4 t't '''' St''!. 'I'tl. tt't!ttl for Vancouver, today denied re I Only 16 Days 'Til Xmas F''..;;SS,Ns. ,T rT'4, i" - ''" .': ports that "large amounts of venl unfit for human consumption" ; were beinR eaten dally in Great-I -r Vancouver. Commenting on newspaper re WAYS TO BUY AT MANSON'S JEWELLERS THE STC'IiE OF FRIENDLY CREDIT" M ports that ci'y meat, insooctnrs i."rmve m'rit that federal offi-ims would condemn. Dr. Murray ct rl : "I don't know what's behind th's. but I know that our Inspection stuff would certainly not pas? meat not fit to eat." E ,Use Loyowoy Uf Budget paan Chorgc f3 rA,H CASH S Jj Z Plan I Ji Twelve Survive PHILISHAVE MEANS MERRY CHRISTMAS Airliner Crash MPR1D'APi "Twelve pcr-sor-. were reported today to have survived the cra.sh of a Spanish airliner which was forced down !n the mountains north of here EVERY DAY Friday it3 h3 aboard, j A parish priesi, of the tiny i ni'-tintain village of Somo Sierra $29.75 Only S3 down, ... 1 found the wreckage early today I ond said there were six survivors 'seriously injured. Six ethers ' m-ule their way down from the lugged mountains Friday ntRht l h nrieM said hc did not know whether the sole United States passenger. Paul J. Douglas, a courier for the United Klaler embassy in Paris, was among the I c-nrvivxrc. Other fonrces in Mi- McRAE IMihpc fi or 3d BROS. LTD. "The Store. That Service Built" drid. however, said definitely that Douglas was alive, although iniured. JESSE JAMES! There was no immediate word ol the fate of the two Hnu..n r is'-enrers, Charles Barret of Barcelona and Victor Northing. used a gun all vou have to do is use a little HORSE SENSE to make a steal on one of our SELECT A-l I'SED CARS 61 StmlPbalier Pick-up . . . i LOOK HERE J '';V -?T: i-C ' : i : , . r i-f i . i - ., -''- -v,v-i; ; r i. .i Christmas Trees On Way to U.S. VICTORIA (CP) Thousands o; B.C. Christmas trees ore beinr shipped to the southern U"!'rc Slates where they will g"t f-nc: prices lint wc.uld stirtle th average British Cohirr'nbn. The Kaml'oDs -ni NM Immaculate condition, low mUotiRe. looks like new, drives like new, a real Bteal at 13(i5 00 '50 Austin A-40 Sedan. In dollar ior dollar economy you can't beat this. It old Jesse knew about this steal, e'H turn over In his grave. 1865.00. lemis SPECIAL . . . you'll want to live m tills . . . It's a real roney . . . Ti'.i Ford Sedan, beautiful 2-tnne blue, vliltewalls, heater and air conditioning. 2-spenker custom radio, back-up liKhts and many oilier features. One owner . . . always kept in narauc and never driven in winter. Come on down and try it otit. you'll be proud of this. Low I.un Payments districts are the biggest centre : for the Christmas tree industry. I More than $1,500,000 worth o! ; trees were shipped iast yenr ! They are cut on low quality for-'-nd owned by the eovern- ment. l4iSiZ23 YOl'R I'OKD - MONARCH DEALER DOB PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friei.dly Service" "What about trucks, DaJ?u "Well, you can soe the nickel plating nn the bumper, grille and headlights of that truck. Niclocl is even more important in V 4. ' 1 1 m "They .or, sure An. do.. There', There's a , lot lot of of" I i its gears eart and nd other other parrs part, that that h.ve have to to he he I 'O' " . . . l: " . -u there " in .u that I strong strong and and stand stand a a lot lot ot of hard hard wear. wear. i f e tX, S I - of of nickel Uncle Uncle" right Jim's. Jim's. out I'd I'd hate hate to to tractor .think think , '. Even Even small small percentage, percentages . of of n nickel c in ' steel and ' make it h "1 what what would would happen happen in in rocky rocky ground ground T1SX,Z strong V ft ff I if if that that tractor's tractor's gears gears weren't weren't made made , tough tough, and andhclp help pre pre jf k J X- of of nickel nickel alloy slloy steel. steel. Yes, Yes, there there must must, , I vc,lt vent rust- rust. if? ' ' he he dozens dozens of of tractor tractor parts parts which which , . - I " contain contain nickel nickel to to make make them them strong strong II .) I . . ' j and and tough." tough." '. '-' vWWiW'i,iiiiijimiiiKni"ti" "'"r A SPECIAL GIFT For Men or Boys- 15-JEVVEL WATERPROOF WATCHES Fully Guaranteed. ONLY Hi . h ft (2 $19-95 , "7'Ar ft'iniuiut tf Xichi'l" M 72 page hunk fully illuitrattd, will bt nnl frtt oh nqtitil tt anyfittt tvlemud. GEO. COOK Jeweller's Si - oc mir. cTDcrr WFST. T0R0NT(1 PRINCE RUPERT TERRACE rHE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED "t; tj jn . Vl Esv-