police Comb Saskatchewan Monday, December 7, 1953 Prince Rupert Daily Newi LISTEN TO . . . for Slayer of Little Girl jEMA. Sable. (CP) RCMP, tng of Irene Mooney blonde slx-, .nnounc-ed at noon today year-old who . . Smithers Farmers Discuss Marketing of Valley Produce 'i JL J - i has been picked I ttore , suspect for Ice cream Saturday .untied Inn with the b1hv- night and was raised and iain f Special to The Dsllr Newi SMITHER8 Farmerx mpt. with on the way home. Burns . ?am.'.?.r the man held r UUUli tails JCiy of the arrest were not dis- Smithers and District Chamber of Commerce In discussion on' marketing of Bulklev Valle I Awarded RCMP set up roadblocks over a wide area In thi n.,., Reporting to the Ratepayers" OVER CFPR ft- Monday, December 7, at 6:50 p.it " J - I " H6 UI rV..-. I a young man seen in th tr. produce. All but one of the farmers favored organization to meet present and potential market requirements. LIUIUIIIa iwiorna and who left Immediately after! quality and steady suoply. W. T. Burns, president of the Chamber of Commerce and sup-1 erintendent of the Dominion government experimental sub-1 station here said the valley had i the natural facilities to produce. Organization and. marketing i through an agency would relieve : the individual farmer of the rc- sponsibility of having to seek hU own market and of the abnormal costs Involved, the meeting was told. Local merchants would be glad to see organization so that they might be assured of quality and steady supply. As one merchant Following lengthy discussion of the need for organized co-operation among producers and prob lems confronting such a step, decision was reached to form a Chamber of Commerce committee to carry out. a survey of all j Burns, representative or ureat-Wi'st Life Assurance in Prim e Kupert and dia-. has received special ,ei,ialion from C. F. Dun-Vancouver, manager of the ijjrnuiici branch of the pany Jiving completed, all the i'iremenl.1 for the com-,s basic sales training e, Mr Burns has been ui'd Ins diploma," Mr. ";ee said. "He is currently .m 111 the first year Gharri Life Underwriter studies, ui qualified for the quar- ir..V-. 7 ' ..v... jwucc oog was Brought from Reglna, 7 miles north of here. Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Mooney of Edgeworth. !0 miles north of Ogema, was found shortly after midnight only 300 feet from the home of her grandparents whom she was visiting. . Her body was brought to Reglna Sunday for an autopsy. Death was caused by singulation. The child also received a severe blow on the head. There was evidence of criminal assault. The suspect was described as In his late 20s or early 30s. . Irene, with her parents and a six-week-old brother, drove from their farm home to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Don MacDonald. About 10:30 ..m. she set out for a store on the main street to buv Ice district farmers. The survey is considered an important step to the gearing of Bulkley Valley farm potential to expanding markets at Prince Rupert and Klttmat, as well as local. ' ' . Representatives of a Houston farmers' co-operative and the Bulkley Valley Milk Producers told of success being met In organized marketing, through good stated, they would then be dealing with one outlet instead of several individual farmers each week-end, each trying to clear his stock. Daily News Classifieds THIS IS THE FIRST RELEASED photo of the U.S. Air Force's X-3 research ship recently turned over to the National Advisory; Committee for Aeronautics for further research. The X-3, carrying 1,200 pounds of instruments, was designed and built by the Douglas Santa Monica Division - ,'.,. iii;ion section of the com-,s hniior club and also rK-eive awards for con-ous production." s'e arc extremely proud of ellirient way in which Mr. is has been bringing the -Ms of life insurance and jer.t and health protection (saonts of the Prince Ru- area," Mr. Dunfee added. -,vi.. ). a, !- , r V Tor Transportation Without Obligation December 10 ' CONTACT THE CASEY. CAMP PHONE GREEN ; Kills for Mayor . M ils Knows How . Eject. ..'IT r Hills for Mayor Reinf jrce him with four aldermen from the ". ' fo'lowir.g list. Things then mar start to h'nt! appen: . t Ui- . . GKI-KfiE B. CASKV II. F. OUHHSEY ' J. W. riU'SKY NORMAN fil LI.lS ; JOi.'N CI'RBIE G. P. LVOK8 - , : ' 1 ' JOHN M AIK Al'GtST WALLI M. KRL'EtiCR . TIIOiVTAS' ELl.IOTT H. SMITH Vot3 R:ght We May Go Places Without Expert Advice OTTAWA cream. Her body was found near , a stable. ' WALKED TWO BLOCKS On her errand to the store. Irene walked Just two blocks md then a short distance on the main street. . I The package of lee-cream was1 found and there were signs of l struggle. The girl Is believed o have been dragged Into the yard where the assault DIARY NORMAN SI, Mcl KOI) r the largest single eeon- XERCf$Ert r.icreit group in Canada Is roup which is concerned hrm prices. Its mcmbcr-jiiliules not only farmers i!ves. but also the vast iiii-l f industries who de-ki a enatcr or a k'sser de-ipcin l J n- farmers for tl'lr ULVr. IVLII Man Who Built Slocan Town Dies at 89 lilAiir.iWfai fi in i 1 1 Mm mi i mil. r fWl FASHION FOOTWEAR hrrf. no really well Inform- LS knows how We want HILLS Moniist in these parts ins (lie basic proposition VW. D. NEIL, retired general manager of communications, CPR, was thanked In Montreal by officers and members of The Cana- dian Press for many year's co-operation in the development of. Hie national news service. Mr. Neil tleft) is presented with an' inscribed silver tray by F. I. Ker, former president of The Canadian Press. Centre is Philip Fisher of The Southam Newspapers. . , . . , 1 1 nocessiiry preliminary to 1 n.itiniial prosperity is a uble Irvl of prosperity In ! -v- .. , . - i -.- - r . . . , , , -.. ... .......... kiwi's agricultural Indus- n i is the reason thnt the l .l fortnight or so is being upon here in the Capital ( . it- rrv at poriod of critical import- 8ANDON, B.C. ' CP) A Virginian who twice built this Slocan Valley town and twice watched it die, died himself Sunday in a hospital at nearby New Denver. '. He was Johrf Morgan Harris, 89. wlui Jived here Jl years. His widow will take his body back to Marshall, Va., where he was born. Only' 100 persons live in San-don now. But that's still more than there were In 1R92 when Mr. 'Harris moved here from Idaho on the nels of rich sliver and load discoveries along the Slocan. He founded the town the same year. Soon. Sandon rind ?' hotels and 23 saloons. Three nll-v!'". the Orest Northern Cnnndltm Pnr.lfic and Snokan' L4 fl VCL W .13 ..VeWm I to the nation as a whole. Rises to be a testing time fid pram prices. The Ar- I and Australian --croua vs- V A -. . ..; V U,V' being harvested and commence any day now on the world market (" k the annual Doniin- iwmial Agricultural Con- - .T .,'141 . . m H I I " MEMItERS OF THE 1st CANADIAN infantry Brigade In Germany enjoy their new,Ciu)iulin.n,-stle snack bar In the new base at t as in session here. As Falls and Northern, built line, t discussion group of Can- into th town for th ore. a;: Kultuic. it carried out Mr. Harris and the late Fret' nual function of taking T. Kelly, his partner, organize'' fl Canadian agriculture's the Rero Mining & Millln? Co tote prospects'. In order to and between 1394 nd 189" to tnll the farmers of the nearly 1.700 tons of ore wer h.it sort of times He rawhlded down Reco Mountah ol them. Its conclusion to be shipped to smelters. Tote Camp Soest. Left to right: Ptc. Jim Steeves, Hamilton; Pte. Allan MacLcan, Ouysljorouh, N.S.; Pte. Frank Cameron, Halifax; Pte. Bob Brown, Winnipeg; Ptc. Grant Webb, Montreal and German waitress. . . wnably optimistic. yield of the Rcco vein was near feren:-P erystal-RaacM l!t.vi fu tlieniselves to the be- I M farm prices over the r Judged m -months will hold close to present levels, despite the DESTROYED BY FIRE In 1900. the town ws wipe cut by fire. Mr. Harris rebuif It on its original site some 4( miles northwest of Nelson, B.C But Ssndon never quite recovered end declining silver price sw the noDuletlon dwindle linral surpluses of all Canada's "M are accumulating In 1 H exporting countries. TOURIST ONE WAY 264 return from Vancouver KONG 'ai '' -SlJ """d their belief upon 40 Just before the Second Worl las happened in the case 'll It is the commodity has plied up the largest .it-plus, nut In spite of Finest Beer fly Canadian Pacific's 10 hour. tion-top DC-6B Wfir. Then, the town Mr. !'"""' end silver hod btlllt came back -nH more than 1,000 Jspanese. it.-u,D4Aa tmin rDflKtul Breai ! Canadian wheat sales 'hi autumn have been ,,. mnvoH here. Also, silve ' w.t of last year's com- ana ican prices appeared heac r'liBUre. And nrlces have i f,, diiiir elimh and th frtm Vancouver to gtoriont Mtxica . . . Mtxica dep in th majettict of tht old world, tick in tho torrealiims ef tht now ... a tropical land f brilliant days and starry nights . . of surging motions the chilling toniions of the bullfight. fo twosome stillness ef Axtte ruins, the thrills ef Acopuleo'S turf . . land that calls you back, time ' J"Lv moderately. . population climbed with It "nsument is tUemtnro hek tin to 300. NvVi . : - vfii ,. '''-r VANCOUYERUL . f'J' HONOLULUjQ . O ) In id ' h( performance of wheat. I However, after the war tin n 'o which the greatest silver and lead prospects agai aists, should be a reus- skidded and with it the popu ni again. 'flue to the probable ef- lttUon. I 11 toner surpluses in other 1 , 41 MEXICOVvrV-v Exports Down onl' flaw In the reason-tht 'act that, at the time For the last four years the jury of international brewing experts at the International competitions for Canadian Brewers have awarded Lucky Lager the Star of Excellence-symbol of - " CITY C i TO fVV 'til '' " FIJI C'V "-'HIV BIO."' AUCKLAND A;..., JANEIRO SYDNEY LIUAW TV fee Mexico the thrifty Canadian Pacific "All-cost" Alrcrutio way Ask any Canadian Pacific office cr your travel agent for full information. By $31 Million lrll till. n..,l;.... r "UMUIIlUIl-riUVIIl- ., M. huiiuial experts made ... j.m.,j i,., fiisnnnnii ui.ttiun.s. the effect of H,.i-tnj frlober. reflecting a drop itlnhm and Australian in shipments to the United world prices hudn't Btutes. Latin America and con- " Vfi . ; PAOLO SANTlACO-pES P ... :aPI'H.ent. Conceivably. 'I!"1"' .TO' ,. 1st PRIZE FOR CANADIAN BEERS " "t.ty not be too great. to $347,8&7,00O from 379,357,0()0 " Is known fieriniintw i...t voiip hrlnotlna the 10-month 1 '"Vernment economists 19 tulHl 10 3,4DB.ozi,uuu. 9 " t 4 ( ft.- ,'S their fii;,.rs cross-"T brentlio u ii no- U2.s that could never make untthiim hut Door lumber are 1110 ''0t lortnirht can be the chief raw material of the "UllOIlt r,,,, . .... i.i.. r.F ran. 1 r'Wt if ouusianimi pulp ana pupur uiuj.j w wfe ' BRUSSELS LUXEMBOURG . ",95 tmi m' gl J$sk---r ANTWERP At7 PAR'S , m . -mm 1953 - main prices. ada. see VE WERE SOLD IN 1929! Ro not be sold oqoin. .'. : WINGS OF THE. WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM WAWAII AND THE SOUTH PACIFIC THE ORIENT 61 POINTS IN CANADA PROTECT OUR WATER SUPPLY FREE HOME DELIVERY votR Local trav el agent THE .COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE iiLSO TT 31 LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO. LTD. ALSO BREWERS OF BURTON TYPE ALE CRAWFORD AAOGRE TRAVEL AGENCIES i 215 Setond Street Phones: 620 - 476 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia ermon