1 PpSW'JVINCJAL LI,' ORMES favisciAL lis: ' rl M ii a WW 113 r.::i DRUGS t,,- T0?.IA. B. 'C. ' "i DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Phone 81 is i Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' VOL. XLI, No. 18 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS r cabs M illclii m mm mmi LiaXfU J U Uli UU l c3 LM Canadian Dollar Highe Important! Decisions Coming at Ottawa Naming of New Governor-General Setting Of Session Date Pearson Fearful Of Asia Trains Still Snow Blocked; Plow Buried Now Worth More Than American In Bank Transaction? OTTAWA 9 Finance Department officials took calmly the lact triat th Canadian , dollar was worth 316 of a cent mora than the American dollar for over-the-counter transactions in Canadian banks Monday. PAR IN NEW YORK ' NF.W YORK (CP) Canadian ' OTTAWA (CP) This may be a week of decision for the federal cabinet, though the results of iU Heavy With Danger From Communist Imperialism A slide which covered several i I hundred feet of railroad track : NORTH BAY, Ontario P Ex- near Kwinlt-sa Saturday night j deliberations mav not be immediately announced. 1 i ; r 5 ; . i 1 A. .f I !'--: ' r-- I J I ;.J1 I J ! temal Affairs Minister L. B. also bogged down the Canadian nnn. ...... KXr.n!..., nw.Uf Mnllnnnl Dallum,. snnU nlnU'i -- - - - - - The council meets Wednesday i and ill may deal with sever.il im- tl,.partracnU already have bcen,that tnc situation ln southeast which now has to be dug out imji lain -k asKea to maKe meir suggeaiiuim ak' is hpavv with dancer" from bv hand, the superintendent s t proval. Some may awaa lu.uie. ,04 jegUlatiun and the estimates j ommunist l7nm.ml!i, Imperialism. i'mnpriaiism 1 otnee mfice said saia toaay today. This condition, he said, exists! No trains are expected to move j dollar reached parity with the United States dollar for the first time since outbreak of war In 1939. The Canadian dollar, set free to find its own icvcl when it was at a discount ol ten percent sixteen m (lit lis mgo,' climbed steadily. Pound sterling is .unchanged at R2.78'. developments or the proper po- 0i Kovornment expenditures for lltloal timing before they can be )he 19ft2-53 fiscal year already announced. arc bt.ing worked out by the One of tliese questions is who lreafjury board. 'because danger may express today. There have Dcen none itself not In open aggression since Sunday. where would know where we Additional trouble is expected ,i r r-.,'oHn ' A third decision may concern - hl 1n ,,, anf, assistance to after the bie slide has been tne appointment of a new lieu- distance of 30 miles whn he elves uo his post here jthose who are already fighting cleared In a against local governments." , , where snow covers tracks live wealth lob: presumably that of! SLP"' clear-cut W ten leet oeep lowara lerrace. There may be no defence minister, of the United ''',,"" ! breach of peace as there was in; Kingdom. T X n It Is i lVnZi 7r Korea and. consequently, no Alexander is believed slated i.f"": I clear-cut basis for defence." " w " fcr minlsler of defence In Brit- ! ,s"c?eeId,td I Pearson said in an address to the KS JAPAN Lt. -Col. J. E Andrew of Toron o (second from righti has been appointed r-ln -charge of surgery 'at To-onto Milita-y Ho pltal. Col. Andrew, shown here with other . They explained lt was merely added bank holding charges which brought it up so high. A spokesman noted that the official rate in New York pluced the Canadian dollar at 116 per cent discount to the American dollar. The fact that Canadian banks handled it at 316 of a cent premium over the United Fighting For Life ain but neltner the date of hisw " D".,u"7' "I i annual dinner meeting of the member of for uers ol Hi ' group at me uritlsn common veuim nospiuu ai n.ure, vupuii, was m tnuisc , j ii first Canadian army medical group to or ivr In Japan. Left to light are: Pte. Chits Howe, eparture- nor the very f act j jral Irllment Bay Chamber of Com- naV he is leaving -have been " Ontario constituency l ,mpKe I de Uh ,,iuo!i a patient at the hospital; Cupt. M. U Doddridge, Sillcry, Que.; Lieut. M. L. A. Scott, 'confirmed, but authoritative twaieiioo mm. ... Burma and Malaya had shown I i m. Out ; Lli-ul. W. KHpatrick, Winnipeg; Col. Andrew and dipt. O II. Browne. Toronto. Mercy Flights Made For Tetanus Victim at Nanainio ; quarters say he will leave Can- The announcement ol tnis ..now desperately difficult such i CP from National Defence States dollar simply meant that ; ada soon. I appointment is expeciea soon, s!tuaUons can be." 0i,n , a f.s-vear-nld thev were adding private hand Two names are mentioned possibly this week. In Europe, Pearson said, the! prominently ln speculation as to situation seems "s om e w h a t larmhand, strlcKen witn tetanus, .-e. vited States Would Augment Newspaperman Passes Away I better" and the North Atlantic 1 lockjaw 1, struggled lor his me piia-cuuic. ! Allianep is makinir Drocress here today after $1600 worth of 1 It was the official New York thc eiicccs.sor. One is w. tto Macdonald of Brantford, Ont.. popular Speaker of the House of rce of Atomic Submarines through Its Increasing strength anti-tetanus serum was para-) rate that counted, the spokesman and developing unity has given chuted to hospital officials by a 1 added. He observed, however, ground "for hope in the year Royal Canadian Air Force plane. that the Canadian dollar, at ton Tunisian Trouble French Colonel Among REG1NA Advice has been re- commons; the other is Rt. Hon. eeived here announcing the re- Vincent Massey. chancellor of cent "death in a Victoria hospital the University of Toronto, now ol R. J. iBobi Priestly, formerly in London. VASI11NGTON, D.C. (CI') Chairman of the i nr. Irrv Giovando said he! percent discount when it was ahead." There is "less anxiety holies 2,000.000 units of serum i freed to find its own level in Oc- Uu'ji'' of Representatives armed services committee 11 known in tlw prairie pro- 51 :, :jclav asked Congress to authorize the Navy to;vmces as a newspaperman. He i dropped from a plane and an- i tober 1950. had certainly proved ; other 1.000.000 units brought here j its strength by climbing to within I earlier on a mercy flight from' 116 of a cent of the American Vancouver will save the life of i dollar on the official exchange. fin, .cm Quilin t about Europe than a year ago. Three for 1932 SESSION Another decision of major importance to the country will be the dati for the opening of thc 1952 session of Parliament. Thc Latest Victims of Fighting 1 " TUNIS. Tunisia T Rioting broka out anew today in this ii i naa oeen in in neann me oust a second deadly atom-powered submarine and'. few y,,a,h ,ivmg at thc home of md giant carrier able to handle atom bomb' a sister in Nanaimo. Raine was brought to hospital 1 a I"" T Searching for best indications are that it will be in late February or early March. French North African protectorate. Nine Tunisians and a French ollieer were killed at Sousse, city have -been infected with the ; , Election in;- p'anes. nil. which Representative nsim ' Democrat-Georgia i would authorize the i Mi 'iiil about $l.lbO.(M)0.- ; dreaded tetanus through a boil j The cabinet may already have on the thigh. Crash Bodies decided the date, but it must,.,' "oianeast o acre iu. Coldest Weather Iran Slaps At Britain Because there are no landing ; announce it fairlv soon since it, crougm, uie ueamwu w . lights at the airport here, Fit. LtJ week of fighting between inde-, ;ii)uilii new uhlps and reno-i (.lasey. Voungs, Armstrong Nominated for Aldermen ,- is customary to give the leglsla I A. Skinner was unable to land 1 With Sgt. T. A. Stewart, RCMP pendence-s e e k i n g nationalists ( and French police. i tors about a month s notice. In that same field, the council and,, instead, parachuted the j directing operations and boats hers, iiui'tmn "f the Vinson nil ilights concern of public r,.i ,-. Dimnrl rii ivPIl u Will from the vicinity giving assis Thermometer Skids to S.i Above No Kolirf Seen Col. Durand. French mlllitary ...., rpnirpd at the DOlLs srrum on 10 lne ncla- also likely will give some prc- 11 ab'iut Russia's submar- Appointment of New Ambassador to Tehran Rejected liminury thought to the govern- commander of the Sousse region, a, a tllirc candidate entered the ment s legislative program. The ( fell in today's clash. (race in an aldermanic by-elec- ! r ... Temixrature last night skid- vv heereiaiy ,i,i m above lowest oulnt If I II t I111J .Mihiiay Navv 1 jt ml) ill said tl tion to be held January 31. First VI (jm wwr nOW flllS nominee to file papers was ex-j he Red sub- of lhe SPi,Son and there Is no, TEHRAN (CP) Iran refused Suez Situation Is Tense! Mayor Herbert F. Glassey for a: f nt,n,ltsm fUu two-year term. ! VaillUUVGI .Uf iiK licit has grown from 50 rUup i the cold snap, accord-1 today to accept Robert Hankey iif'ir vm. i Russia is aided by ipjj t0 . Digby Island weather ins the new British ambassador tp him 'at skill of swirc Oer- ; station. l" Tehran. : I uhinilrine designers at; 0l(1.Ulm.rij ln tic ult.u agree ! Britain hud submitted Hun-. ' '"d.m nivyaJ yurdsi. ,. su much ; key's appointment as a move tance, beaches around Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands, are being scoured for bodies of further victims of the crash at the air strip there last Friday night of the Korea airlift DC4. Routrlf water is hampering operations. Royal Canadian Air Force divers au also on hand to give assistance and a helicopter is also standing by. Seven of the 46 persons aboard thc aircraft survived. Bodies of ten who perished in the freezing sea water after escaping from I The by-election was necessi- tatcd when Aldermen Norton . VANCOUVER Vancouver had i Youngs and Allan Armstrong, i more show last night as cold I.. I Iu Tnnnn-tKnr racidlMlH : ni. n,n,,nH rlrt, f Vl a IMl, O V Til Q 1 tl Ammunition Found Buried In Moslem Cemetery At Ismailia 4'i'dl "lid -111 that United ,., , ti,,1P what is toward endiiig the bitter dead -w ?Miliniat' mil s"ve line Htrenclh has: 'blu,,VP() l0 br a record In local lock between the two countries enty to 100. : ,.., h,x,liru i, the two- i over the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.'s Manitoba Unchanged cicciieu III un.cniui;i, vfc,i-" an uwuu iwhii vii- ....... 1SMA1LIA t British troops due to a technicality in the land. In some parts of the city ousted hundreds of more Egyp- Municipal Act. Each shared in ! six inches fell, added to the lion families from their homes commissions paid by a company large amount already on the in Ismailias tense Arab sector .which holds city insurance. ground. This morning there toclav. j Youngs and Armstrong have j were more heavy flurries. The i. reliable sources believe ' ,,,, stvm of 35.4 indies at ! holdings. -laii.s have two hundred ni,, 1 Haukcy. uged 40, was to suc- ................. ,.J ....... J . . , C?l,n,,l,.ir,l i.ines concentrated near more i the broken aircraft have so fur f in war area at Vladi- While the operation was unoer-SCvered connections with tne i weauiei man man ! been found. Tlie search is for the wav. nn American nun, slain dur- insurance firm and filed nomi-'isnow can be expected buses' are ; remaining 29 victims There is Street cars and inu ' British-Egyptian violence,' natiou papers today. Another Meanwhile, a few miles cast j ceu on nanus oujiitn.. of the city snow increases in j No reason was given for thc depth by feet with more than i rejection but reliable sources 1M1 inches recorded in sections 1 reported the Iran goveriwnent of the mountain highway. ' j want a man without -previous OiUlook for tonight is "cold i ties with Iran, and clear." ! llankey served as first seeie- no hope of any being still alive. maintaining schedules although was bulled In a nearby British j cx-mayor, H. M. Di;;gctt, is also Liberals and Conservatives Each Win Scat in Legislature WINNIPEG '(Pi- Manitoba returned a and a Progressive-Conserva military cemetery. expected to file papers. authorities warn motorists of continued dangerous conditions. w EATHER A British military court will Mr. Glassey resigned as auicr-man last summer to . run as mavor in a by-election ct which hold a closed inquiry - to deter tive in provincial uy-cit-vuuno . i,,,,,,,, l Monday, to leave the .landings v,r,iiinn ' ;c Eninum J e whn invaded Churchill Has Cold time he was elected. He was de- Svi.opsis I I.at.. st weather reports today I tary of the Brit sh embassy in air now covers all' of sal.l an intense storm was moving j Iran during World War II. 7c ! ''"' 00 miles west of Van- British embassy officials, ex-Tl ami ra U t iled I miBnt rcacn astonishment over the e Id lr mishrcl ts w Islund and ' P .thwart I over lh" British i the Gulf of Alaska by the end of j rejection, termed; b, observers us t.he convent garden or by a stray ; feated in the December elections British bullet in the Legislature unchanged. Edmond Brodeur, aged 53, Liberal-Progressive machinery dealer, was elected over E. J. R. Ar-phin, Progressive-Conservative Empress Hotel Manager Named VICTORIA T. E. Chester, of Winnipeg, supervisor of western Canada hotels of Canadian Pacific Railway, has been appointed (""l uit.la eoasl rinrlno- l.he nteht the weeK, onnging muuer weaui- .uwn a A military spokesman said caches of arms had been ! ain. NEW YORK Premier Winston Churchill, who is due to sail Wednesday on the Queen Mary miieiutures have fallen : MK lu"al' by present Mayor H. S. Whalcn. Candidates' papers were signed as follows: Glassey by Miss Mary V. McLaren and John J. Judge. Youngs Don Forward and G. A. Hunter. Armstrong Jack Mussallcm and Ormc Stuart. along the lower main- unearthed, including 7000 rounds of anti-aircraft ammunition In La Verenclrye constituency. for London, is suffering from a ' r"l' , " ifM,, imncl in the tombs of a Moslem as new manager of the Empress cold. Because of this several J. JK. Sandspit People Prove Themselves of Finest engagements have been cuneel- ri'mpcniturcs In the in-lii- ninrnlng ranged from 25 below and ulong the all stations were below g. The cold weather is cemetery. Commissioner Sauvcur Marcoux, l.ii..'1-nl..Proiires.slve Thirteen guerrillas were cap Hotel here, succeeding Hodges who is retiring. lt. Including a civic reception r fr here. Doctors advise him not to lured in a graveyard battle with British soldiers. I In Brandon City, Reginald O. l"d lo continue for the not go outside. 48 riAirs. TODAY'S STOCKS Aui intense storm 1400 miles Calibre in Emergency For most of the time especially iri the winter I.lssaman, aged 43, Progressive-Conservative candidate, came out on top ln'a three-way battle with Alex McPhail, - Liberal-Progressive, and Harry Spaffbrd, CCF. The scat was formerly rreld by M Vancouver Island is! ; slowly towards the Gulf ! .(I iiurtfM X. II. Jiilili-lmi l u. Hit ). ;. or 1 -f Sandspit on the northern tip of Moresby 'skn promising milder; month Meat Price Easing Seen r uiwaruH tne cna or tne Island is an isolated and lonely spot but a grim and jj C. Donaldson, Progressive-i Conservative, who resigned last Cut Rate Dentist Being Disciplined. VANCOUVER. A Vancouver dentist is to be disciplined by the British Columbia Association for advertising dentures for $80 instead of the usual price of $150. Such is a violation of pro i WCf I' Forecast tragic incident last week-end showed that its people N TORONTO At bona 09. Aumaquc 21 Bcattie : 18 Beveourt .72l2 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 198.50 Conwvst 3.70 Hi coast region Mostly f elr-a ong the mainland. Cloudy MONTREAL ffl" A Canadian : Wi agricultural economist today! lHiini)w flurries elsewhere to-iiiv ui(i Wednesday. A little are of the finest calibre. An emergency or alternate alrrield to all flying planes with exception of the scheduled Can-nriinn Pacific; Airlines Vancou tyring. The standing ln the Manitoba legislature ts now: Liberal-Progressives 28 " Progressive-Conservatives.. 8 CCF 7 Independent 1 Labor-Progressive 1 fessional ethics, it. is claimed. Wednesday. Winds ; im Iff rly 1251 today, decreasing 'M flit this evening; southeast : '15 ' junioiTow. Lows tonight and -.I I"! t.'lllHirrillM nl t9r.pl ed many hours trying to gel. messages through. , j Dr. George Singer, whose prac-' tise covers an area of more than 1.500 square miles, arrived from Queen Charlotte City as soon as he received word of the emergency. He chartered a boat to go the 18 miles across Skidegatc Inlet. Dr. Skinner worked around the clock with hurdly a slop to relieve condition of the survivors; forecast a sharp Jump ln meat production with resulting lower prices for pork and beef by 1953. Prices for eggs are expected to ease this year but prices for milk and milk products may edge upward or remain unchanged. Dr. O. C. Hope. Canadian Federation of Agriculture economist, Narrow Escape in Edmonton Blaze EDMONTON Eight mothers and their children had a narrow Donalda 46 Eldona 19 East Sullivan 9.15 Giant Ycllowknife 12 God's Lake , 37 Ha'drock , 11 Vt Harricaiia , .13 Heva 11 Jolict, Quebec 50 LitUe Long Lac .68 32; Sandsnit. 20 and 32i ver-Prince Rupert link, Sandspit is operated by a staff of eight Department of Transport radio men, most of whom live there with tficlr families. Five of these men played a most important part In rescuing the seven men who survived the DC4 crash Saturday Prh f Rupert, 10 and 25. Canuck with RAF On Long Flight VANCOIVKR American Standard 27 Bralorne B R X 04 . Cariboo QuarU M0 Congress 05 ft Cronin Bablne 56 Giant Mascot 97 Indian Mines -23 Pend Oreille 8.50 Pioneer 1-90 Premier Border 33 Privateer "8 Reno 04 Sht 'p Creek 1.68 Sllbak Premier " ... .63 Vananda 19 Salmon Gold 04 Spud Valley 20 Silver Standard 2 50 Western Uranium 3.40 Oils-Anglo Canadian 9.25 A P Con 58 Calmont 2.35 C & E 17.50 Central Leduc 3.15 Home Oil 17.25 Mercury .. 31 Okalta 4.30 j Faclfic Pete 11.25 Royal Canadian. 27. escape from perishing this morn lug when fire destroyed an 8 Vancouver unit living structure on the Ed t.ynx "Vi LONDON (CP) Sqdn. Ldr. R. J. 1 made the forecasts in his report iPopl Lawlor. only Canadian i before the Federation's annual taking a special one-year course meeting here. at the R.A.P. flying college l"i M.uiby.' Lincolnshire, Is on a i . 35.000-mile round trip to Ncw DflWSOn CreCK then act as coroner in hurried inquests as one body after another was dragged from the sea. STAFF HOl'SE KMKRGKNCV rains Delayed in which 30 people died, "two oi the men made thc actual rescue. The group included Bob Glass, Jack Fraser, Don Chris-hnlm Everett Thompson, Jim- ..... r!ll.. T-. ........ ml-,.-. ,,nl,)IT...InnJ nf ..ii. lioluklll monton Exhibition grounds. They barely made .their getaway from the blazing structure in far below-zero weather. - TIDES.-' Wednesday, January 23, 1952 VAfJCX)UVER. Canadian Pa- Madsen Red Lake 1.95 McKensde Rrd Lake 43ft McLeod Coekshutt 2.80 Moneta -35 Negus 68 Noranda 81 00 Louvlcourt .27 Pickle Crow 159 San Antonio 2.55 Senator Rouyn .19 Sherrlt Gordon 4.35 Steep Rock 7.05 . Silver Miller 1.53 a few days ago was placed in flights by students and statf at f jftV UelOW charge of the staff house, had I the college. little rest. Coffee at the staff The flight, which marks the i EDMONTON. , Winter has house was always available and j end of the course, will include; struck Alberta with full severity, meals were served to more than observation sorties over Malaya, j It was 21 below here last night I Filtness and Fred Kcli. fic transcontinental trains are I "Played for several hours be- Bill Mitchell, air field maln-f rausi of snow In the Rocky tenance superintendent, helped Mountains. Slides block the line! search for possible survivors, t at Ross Peak Two miles from the airport is High 20 neoole as Department on gnrln. L.ar. Lawlor, lormeny j ana oeiow in vaigury. up m 1 CariaHiiirt MoH,,..,.i ..i.. i. nF Wnrthprn Pulnwood 202 feet 17 0 feet 10.1 feet 4.5 feet i:52 23:28 3:34 10:59 SX Ail'irS VroTi ornclW -tWoned at Hivers, and the Peace Rr Block of British Low JW delayed, and of. ere,! as.Uancc. Roy oar- .r 21 -"i Piutou, N.S. " , n" T" au Wuiiis. i get, camp radio oueiator, work-1 iCoutUiucd on pauc i I