Prince Rupert Daily Newi Tuesday, January 22, 1952 separate charter affiliated with AKI. l'r tunnel and underground workers. Meeilni; H'jd Carrier and Laborers' international representative William James, McLeod and DeCosse said they "were assured'" that such a charter would ix- lorlhcoriunKliitt James, they said, was plven $0 from each of Miners Tell Their Side in Kemano Case "Amena in Parti Brill .1.1 Sta,, Spectacle ( ,,, 1 H.ratre H,,s Hr5 " Strike-breakers " imparled to 20 prospective charter member, v.mnno H:iv Alian tunnel pro- Latel'. a letter received from Bnllmnt ,s Sheet, vice-president of ta.'li' l,ich h , J!. Jert followine llleRal walk-out of Robert will mil K inlo the Hot! ("a I.'urriers and Laburers. stated great no(i, in ,," WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Expansion Sale Nov in Progress St ore wide at in-luclin1; tunnels." said tv.o men here to- "no charier, now or at anytime" niin. ih utrikiiiD would be f or! hcoti) lilt they suicl. b ; bei-n runni uuy ii'ii . - "uniu j". miners. "That was our last nope, we cuupie ot weeks m ' Don McLeod and Ray DeCosje.' couldn't net a voice to neRotiate laigc downtown appointed by disgruntled tunnel with the operators so we formed Amerkan in Pu b, workers t" head an " action com-) an action commitiec and decided t the lutein 1hri;f I mittt told a Daily News re-, l0 walk out bv popular vote " morrow Light l)r , ' ) portei they had been as.sured by . The m. n had decided on $2.75 I U" t.-lepnone mat an 01 uie jji an Hour as an equnaoic wage " "atuits Uiortir imported men scheduled to ar- but this actually had never been "i"c und h..s 0--i j. WALLACE'S of Course Y-fe r VrrS A-'tSk .V'. JL .jrj rive today at Kemano nay nau olliciaiiy received oy tne com- l;'" jthicii am sinned o declaration they would pany, which had offered to In- Caron, now at tiieCi not enter the tunnels as mem- create miner' wages to $1 75 an ale in "M in Wuiu bers of the pud Carriers and hour, but deduct 10 and 15 cents It stais. r Laborers' Union. from other tunnel worker Sum1)lti.,u.vy phut: 'Most of the strike breakers i hclpcrrwlio were also receiving tednn.ulu.-, A:i a,', JOHN K are mtnM rrnm eastern mines , ji.w fans j said lorejj. anci in sviiipauiy wiwi uui .staiiu ; . we luineci uus uowu xiat, toe ucauiy, (jannv ii We have declared the tunnels 1 naturally. The company was not oi tiie rinui, (-ap:ai hot' and they have telephoned only giving no more, but they Kdly u a h.vej BULGER WATERFRONT me tney won i ,nier mem, sam would actually uain on sueii an ,0 sla ... , ; i McLeod. inanuement,'' said McLeod. mi.i,cuu. a . ie war to vnc out a 'tilomelrtil McLeod vigorously denied that . ' the Illegal walk-out was an 'argument of Jurisdiction" be-j . iwn r. men nao appeaiea to out happy the Mine. Mill & Smelter Union, 0n the leu baiik bm,. for support In their action, they some iiuv oceimm,,, ,'. TO TOUR ENGLAND These Stony tribe Indians from Banff. Alta . have been engaged to portray" men- way of life in a tour of "Enqlana witn Biliy Smart's circus While there, they will live In teepees and wear beaded costumes. Shown pas thiough Calgary on their way to England are. back row. left t right: Jerry Campbell, Eli Rider and Hand.vime Bcarspaw; sveond row: Mrs. Killer, Runic Beat spa w and Mrs. Bearspaw, fumt luw: Diana Riler and Ait Bearspaw. i CP PHOTO i John Bulge: Lid. Third Avenue j tween two unions, as alleged by j said. mous puinfi r r' I Mo-rison-Knudseii Company, o y WANT VtUCE French ballet dm: i spokesmen. j ..,,, .-,,, ,,,.-, nsIf. P'.aymg O-car" Leva With a list of passengers con - sistine of workmen for Kemano i and Kitimat. CPR steamer Prin-, cess Norah sailed at 11 p.m. last nisht on her return fo Vancou- ver and waypoints. The vessel, i arriving here at 10 a.m. yesterday morning, brought two passengci'o: here from Vancouver, 14 from Kitimat and 14 f om Kemano.1 In coniand of the Princess Norah now Ls Capt. L. W. Macdonald. well known on the west coast of Vancouver Island run. i STRICTLY W VGKS ,ed that union to be our bargain-!urtarJ' alul Nlll H I "It l.s strictly a matter of wage, mi, agency. All we want ig a part in Uic rompBc4u.l jd.-mands " ! charier so we can have a voice. , accompany Kelly", p I i McLeod admitted support had We don't eaiv who gives It to us. ai'tLMic .treer, j been sought by the Mine, Mill 'Even though the walk-out' ln,re ishanliyasi land Smelter Union ilnd.i but not war Illegal, we think we still did tl,e Nl,"' llf,n 1 I to "have that union bargain for right , not sl" r K- H CjcirclenL ciiinq 'us. i "If they try to hire anv men '" u " About 70 per cent of the tun- from here as strike-breakers, we ,V't'i,,"i' 1 ;ne workers were miners. We w ill picket the docks and the hir- V"'hwl;i s titie pt , j had always belonged to the mine imi halls. The same will be done moUi t-"'isnwui m.s Illlfl niiM lmmn When u o rnlltd Ir. V ine.mler rr Runic t iikf. " ! U"K allil UaliCt'll ANCIENT COLD FRAME STILL BEST HOME GARDEN HELPER , 4 get no support from the AFL M i,Prirf .s.iri thor. hart npveri i unl"n wp ask,'d tiie '"me union bcen . indication of violence i BIO WIND 1I'E SUaV..M M.-i SA'Hl Jlf I to support our oemanus lor a "One Mountle kicked us out The term hunlran , frparatc charter." tt0 peacefully, but we told Irom the word huraii: I Tunnel workers are paid SI 60 t lie company that we wouldn't early Portuguese nai:. an hour. The certified bargain- jctVe unless by legal action." Caribbean sto- f WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired .MOTORS P.OK.IIT And SOU) New anil liehuilt (Generators 6 - 12 - 32 volts Box 1J07 rh. Blue 391 inn union is tiu rie'U urri'Ts ana STEVE COCHRAN - RUTH ROM.'.?. in "Tom morrow Is Another Di TODAY ONLY 7-9 p m. Vx:-m-.pia1 I m j ::' - 'X , A , i I UU Ca-0-0tAS5 OK I 'A I 0'l SUlSTITOlt rod ---iS-J WW'S) II 01 ASS IT IS LlOHTtB 5 r; ' weioht and oorsNT "'NCI SJ CHACK OB C1AK J French Grain! Ship Coming! y French freighter. Jean L.D., ' ir due to arrive here Wednesday afternoon to load wheat. Lccal agents said today the ship was enroute here from Japan. Little 1 further information was held S'.ie is already lined. Under Anglo-Canadian ageni y ; of Vancouver, the French diesel : 'may have teen diverted." said he office of G. W Nickerson, local agents. It. is expected she will load for Japan. Some fuel may be taken on here. Meanwhile, other reports ar? , th.V. a second ship, a British "C'Ki'cr." is due here soon from Japan and will need 1.000 tons of eon1 before proceeding to load grain. Laborers of America (AFLi. McLeod and DeCosse stated that five months ago the men had sought negotiations for higher! 1 wages. Basic rate was the same "or Jimilnr" as received in most base ! m.'lal mines of ihc province but, without the bonus. Most mines paid an average ol ; $0 a day in bonuses to miners, ; thev said. rrzHuui . ..... u " VS I ANOU IPONS AS 6-i.W'l r ltiT ON WKnJ - V Gun ! -i "We were among the lowest! NEXT UOVERNOIt -GENERAL? j Hon. W C Woodward, pro-mineni Vancouver merchant, ha-- been mentioned in speculation as to w-ho will succeed Viscount 'Alexander as governor-general of "Canada. Mr. oouward was lieutenant-governor of British Columbia from 1941 to 1J46 i CP PHOTO i Snow Clearing Headway Made WWje SASH to fPts't. -J TO PxtVfNt toon m -J4- i paid workers on the whole job " j When negotiations with the : company for higher wages were .ft..w Boot t 3 uing :o'd f rame. nut considered by the company, Working Drawing for The most valuable 18 square tunnel men applied for a sash should in- the ! ".K-rical Th , lee' In .my garden area is that. E which is covered with a frame. And the smaller tin I e'n toward the south. Heavy board? of cyprnss, white pine or i-eil'.i x)(i are preterab'c, .since the frame will often be wet and ::; si resist decay. The illustration is a praciical cold gar- 11 be i FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. Snow fighting equipment, bur-lowed and chartered, swung ni'o lien the more rewarding tti action on Third Avenue mis ancient device. v.-. flung drawing of a standard night and has been making a f It began as a pit, some thou (Is oi years ago t-i ia r FINE PANELLING '.rf"K' and N.Z. i Reuters i Beautifully grained panels of rimu wood, totalling 1.500 square feet of timber, w ill be sent to the United States soon to adorn the main lobby of ths United Nations general assembly building in New-York. Eighteen men worked six months to produce the panels i om sekr'e-" heart timber. t enclosure. p. t round, with a pro' Today it is em sash cold frame. Standard I . irtlv below" giavd sash is 3 by 6 feet; but a J9 J ilAVf ective covti'-1 iirpc can be made of r.ny et n- WLV fAiCW' f Glass, anient dimensions, if sash of a jfJr ipplanted by sitUabie size is ava:'jb!e. Sash fPJ ing which admits riaylig lylight. is rapidly being suppl uood .showing under the direction of city public works department. ' By morning the high centre piles between Sixth and Fourth t nao cei.-n cleared away and during the morning the block between Fourth and Third Streets was cleared. A Columbia Cellulose k. kPt are c.'vered with transparent plastic various substitutes, which lighter, and unbreakable. i co'd frme iy useful til" ye:ir around. There is no way you fan use flip few smeire t.-ft nf materials will be mucl. Ilchtir ll-nn glazed siish, ami clsu will .)l!ew ultra-violet ra-; to pass ll'iough to the plants. The usual prartic )- lo sink 'he frame into Ihe gru iiid aoout Inches, and to pile earth iiioiind it oulside. for insulation. and chartered trucks are 0e.nT f,arden space required for It to lioi-O. better advantage STEAM fcrt Prince George An'- 'i(! who ran dr;v.- a nui! an'i onerate a saw' i u build a Mayor Whalcn had no figures as to the of 'his unexpected sira.n on the c.n.c budget out adini'ted that it" was costing "plenty." 'tie it may be filled to gni.nd eold frame. The boa' ds can be i cut this winter in the bxscn'iert ! 1, v,l:": wit!l the best tbp soil avail ':. or the floor nuiy w. cov- or garage, and put tofjet her in a! hm-t lime n ,n ,,.lk,l ), -x wlLn iwool lure, inepes OI Mir :MOf,v,Wi ' 1 111 ' VCC' jl . v.- - K f -J i'.r ,1 1 t t X. C A " T,A' ufi --ll 1) I fx i(w.'w' I .. ' ch oers or gravel, on which shl- o--k outdoors. . . , , ' ' v seed Ixixes i flats) are piaeed. i ' oi, i Stncc inexpensive , le. tnc heat .S('.,,s ,..... prcf,.. S0V.11B (hl. ,,, Carried $5000 In Cash, Dies SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 1 1 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WU).li.SIY MtDNK.III Luxury at Low Cost I vi'J i ui ii a euiu ii aiue irio a noi- ; jaj bed, the older manure-heated : i whin, can be evrried n garden at transplanting tic ptr 4ifi 0n4 lot pitl. PUM lU,t At itmif wKi t nvf cSt. i hotbed is seldom seen. Heat is nit . I TOTEI . , , not needed for most of the uses Antlderly un- ,.. wnif.h . ,., f,,,m ho VANCOUVER.- Liqif Control tout m kf iIm 0vfnMnl I Bmtili Colgnb,a. m Evening Shows 7-9:05 p.m. Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. identilied man, carrying $.'000 . put. and being witlmut objee-1 LAYERS ff r'tMOl'S I' in cash, died on his way to hospital here yesterday after having been stricken with a heart attack in a drug store. nonaoivt curt or odor, it can be placed near the house, where , step.' will be saved. A location in the full sue oil r Bt'llllllllK For Reservations Write or Call city ok in:nrr Ol H( ; l'KINCK RUPERT, RC. 3: 2 i lay ;s required fur best results i ."ir! shelter from cold kinds is BRIEFS- Shipping anil (Irnrral .Mnviin", Tacking, Cratiiif, Cartage and Slnracr Complete. Krliuble an I Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED JOStPH BARBARA b COTTEHSfAHtTOj f j 1 - ' I MIY1I ! ' '' HITCH-HIKING LOOM i" PALMERSTON. Out. XPI-Re-i cent heavy .snowlalls were wel-' coined by youngsters who hava been getting many rides on farmers' sleds. With sidcroauV blocked to motor traffic, farm-1 ers have been giving the cliil-j dren free trips to and from the , town oulskiiUs. i Oi, Cor 2nd und Patk Avenues Est. I'JIO 1'f.iine U and t8 cfproc Hull ""r-ev MMOUt PIATIM IWMItt r "'ym "re Dn.. Today o Wcdncn First Slunv I .M'f DISHES- '.S l.asl ComiiUae Sh ' KEEP WARM ELECTRICALLY ELECTRIC HEATERS" 6oo i wo g75 rodiont v 1000 watt 7.75 ' radiant radiant B-v 1100 watt 1(!,20 radiant .... G.E. Fan- JQ,50 ype Log Fireplace 120 40-55 v wotts Northern B.C. Power Co. Bcsncr Blk. Ph. 210 Frince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. PRESERVES TREES ; MONTREAL (CP) - organization of a new section of the ' civic parks and playgrounds division, in charge oLtrecs, is pro-ceeding rapidly. The division will ' bei responsible for growing trees j at the city nursery and fox their j plaining and upkeep in streets j and parks. We hove he largest stock of dishes in Northern B.C. NOTICE OF ADVERTISING IN THE ; , DAILY ' NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS -PLUS . BUSINESS ' FOR . YCU CHANGE OF BUSINESS DINNER SETS On and after the iirst of February the MUSI H. MARKET will be carrying on business under the na;"Vj Itl'SSF.I.I.'S." We arc discontinuing our meat aim rum lino iiirl u'o k.i.,ll r.,.,,,-. fi..,.., Q-nn am until 9- VANCOl Villi VICTORIA Chileotin 8 p.m. January 20 Chileotin midnight January 13 and '11 Camosim Tuesday, 12 Noon AI.H i: ARM, STI VVAIIT AM POUT SIMPSON Kuiulay, Ciiinosun. 11 p.m.' l Olt NOIt lll QCI EN ( IIMtl.OTTE ISLANDS January 18 ss. Chileotin midnight FOR- SOI Til OI LKN CIIAKLOTI E ISLANDS sr. Chileotin . January 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue , Phoi'c 508 GREAT AGE ' t TRENTON. Out. (CP) Mrs. Jane Mitchell quietly celebrated' her' 105th birthday recently at the home of her son in Preston Hill. Still mentally alert, she loves to relate tales of the'pio- necring days. She has thitc! sons, 14 grandchildren and sev- eral great-grandchildren. U.M daily to serve you with fresh fruit, niiigaini's, sundry lobaceos, bakery products, etc. ,111't BREAKFAST SETS CUPS and SAUCERS Especially good selection of TEAPOTS and WHITE KITCHENWARE Gordon & Anderson (r per At, this time we wish to I hank all our palrous Th, privilege of serving you In the 'past and hope we c you in the future In our new line. PIONEER FOOD MArh PIONEER METHOD i Cannons made nut of strong leather were used by the New England pilgrims to defend ttem- sclvc; against early Indian raids. Phone 46 Limited Russell Cameron l'JMiH.U.lIllll,!l"J. "