liiVIOltlV iAtli.t. Ml..iil,, S(l,u Moscow, founded in 1147 be-1 ""' .,, Tr Prince Rupert Daily News lienor I ame the religious capital or ; apprenticed ..,, . ",cu i74. rom to a rtv. in Russia In the 14th century. I youth. Thursday, December 24, 1953 4 i ( A Gunman Nabbed For Ho!ding-Up City Detective VANCOUVER (CP) Lloyd Yeo, 32, who was arrested late Sun-i day after holding city detective , Barney Du Hamel at gun point for Jiiore than an hour, has been PARLIAMENT E. T. APPLEWHA.ITE toiWes Sulfa ha Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central "British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New.. Limited. J. T. MAGOR. President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: swf 3y carrier Per week, 25c; per month. 1 00; per year, tic 00. p,.5k iiMp 3y mall Per month. 7Sc; per year. 8 00. .ya utnorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa I am sum many peopie in charged with possession of an offensive weapon. Police said Du Hamel talked him into giving up the gun after Prince Rupert, particularly aniline the old-timers, wili be joining with many of us down here in regretting the death of Mrs. Simmons, mother of George Simmons the pioneer Yukon aviator and of Anbrey Simmons, MP for the Yukon. "Ma" Sim The story so far: Santa Claus has just returned Steve and Nancy to their homes. They have been helping him at the North Pole. Steve and Nancy were asleep, pointed shoes, such a deep and peaceful sleep. "See there, the footprints," They both had smiles on their Steve said in excitement. "They faces for they were dreaming prove that Santa Claus was here iflrrrg (Eljrtstmafl the rran had fired several shots y d Ji (In vt A nto th? celling. mons as she was aitcrtionateiy ; SWOPt dreams. last night and took us away with The sun had been up a long him." i time before they awoke and when ! "Yes, you're right," Nancy they did they found they were ' Ugreei'. And as they watched, the falling snowfiakes slowly filled in the prints in the "snow until In a in oca. oteve streicneu nis arms and looked around. Why, he was In his own bed at home, lie looked over at Nancy. She was known by thousands" was one of the rial pioneer women of the Yukon. There are not too m..i:y of her contemporaries le.'t ahve today-hut. there are many who have met her and wm km w hi r Wonderful personality The of "Ma Simmons of tils' Yukon" is the closing of another chapter of tlie history of Caiuuia. I few moments they were gone and just waking up she said. "We're "Why, Steve To VANCOUVER RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC the lawn outside was flat and white once more. Turning from the window, Steve said to his sister "I guess we'll never be able to make anyone else Jielleve that we really went to the North Pole with Santa Claus, but we really d'.a.'' "Yes, we did," Nancy replied, as she ..tarted to put on her clothes. The l:ml. home." i "You mean that you thought you had been away from home, too?" Steve said. J'Where did you think we'd been?" "To Santa Claus's house, of course," Nancy replied. "You were there. Don't you remember?" "Yes, I remember," Steve said, "but are you sure we really were there?" "1 think so," said Nancy. "It seems so very real." "Do you remember the telephone tree and the big office that Santa let us use?" Steve asked. "Yes, I do," Nancy said. "You know, if it was a dream, it was the nicest dream I've ever had and the queerest, too, 'cause vou inA tVio noniA rlrOfim na T Hid " via Waypolnls FRIDAYS: SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: ES Coquitlam, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm Coquitlam, Saturday, 0 a.m. To North Oueen Charlotte Islands Dec. 16 and 30 Cainosun, Thursday 6 a.m. To South Queen Charlotte Islands Dec. 9 and 23 Cainosun, Thursday 0 a m. I.KS SMITH Prince Rupert Agent 511 Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Try Doily News Classified Mi Tilings lire moving along -slowly towards the opening of a post cliice at Old Masset. My understanding is that the Haida Co-operative is building a new store and that seems to be tin logical place for the new post j office, so I am trying to work with a view to hiving the post : office ready to be opened at the same time as the new store is S opened. I The re-opening of the Metla-: kalla post office is a different i matter. There we were all ready I to go ahead, but the Depart- men l has not been able to get J any bids which it considers rea-I sonable, for the transporting of itlie mail to and from Metla-I katla. However, I am assured I that efforts will continue to be ; made to obtain such an offer, tiiid if they are successful, Met-lakatla post office will be re-1 opened. Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd" Ave. Phone Green 960 Sincere uism The tpiril of our uiuinnt h friendly wit -so heo twirr than now, during l lie ioyout Yuleiiile tenon, io oiend our hcjriirsi Hhe for Happy Clirixiiui unj Si:cc.-is(ul New Year, W f f "Say, that's right," Steve said, ! tt'K'(ttt'twtf;,rtiti'w'tf'tiiti'i, TO EVERYONE IN SKEENA jumping out of bed. The whole world seemed white and sparkling. And it seemed HI ; the whiter because new white j snow flakes were lallii i, through the sky. j This white new world took ! Steve's mind away from the events of the night before for j W. H. MALKIN CO. j In these days when so much ; ialking is done about trade, one : sometimes wonders why industry doesn't do more for itself. LIMITED ! , Although it is an old newspaper custom to offer an inspirational Christmas message at this time, ve fee inclined to make our words few and personal. ; , The fact is that our family of readers is not ,so large that it has become a crowd of strangers. Ve can still regard the newspaper as a sort of daily Jetter to each member and can be sure of quick and definite opinions in return. So let's keep it on that level and eliminate the f hristmas oration. In its place, we would like to thank you for your interest ami to express the hope that your Christmas will be everything you wish. i-i. ! For instance, Detroit, fifth i a moment, so that when he look- f n city of the U.S. in size, has nearfied outside, down below the win- ly 3.1 million people living with BEST WISHES for a MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR TED APPLEWHAITE, M P. FOR SKEENA. in its metropolitan area and it is right on the Canadian bor- dow he did not realize at once what it was he was seeing. But : in a flash the memory of it came flooding back. I "Nancy," he shouted, "see that, below the window." ; And sure enough, as Nancy looked down she saw it, too. For der. Our Canadian Consul an,l Trade Commissioner in Detroit, drawing on his experience in several U.S. ports, makes sug- j gestions as to how Canadian j m'inilf'JPtni-OrE fnr mnlra fmnl pi' - I v. of the U.S. market-and he rec- in "e snow' j"8,1 beinS coyp1 emmends that Michigan and by tne new ,lakes' were three REFLECTS and REMINISCES Hoy , ., Si .,.;, .,XXikllJ Ohio are promising areas in sets sels 01 of lootprinis, leading irom mi - i the window around the corner of wheh to go prospecting. 1 the house. Why do the 160 million Am-1 There were two sets of small encans buy less from Canada ! than the 15 million Canadians' 1 prints, made by children's feet, loomed through the mist and moisture, and her distant whistle sounded, the birds, looking so clean, so wet and so spotless, I,anQ rlRnt Between tne two sets tuy from the the United United Slates? Slates? I. We . may have no Canadian t flag ,no national anthem that we know wel .ejoough to sinsv and no distinctive Canadian culture, j comments the Farmers' Advo-! i of small footprints was a set of See Report Page 7 , j)jgj heavy, prints, made by long, "cttitTtttTtttt r.tftTff.'T.frfrf'tft'T tx t multiplied swiftly. There must rate, but we do have the Royal i have been a hundred sitting in Canadian Mounted Police Musi- j an orderly row on the edge of cal Ride. ( j the CN dock overlooking the har- i ! bor. The gulls seemed every-! where perched on warehouse roofs, filling the salty air, flying rnd fiaDing as they inspected the big boat. MONSTER RACKET What plenty of hard boiled folks call the Yuletide nuisance started in London away back in 1842. . It was not until 1875 the M'M WISHJ ay yur Holiday season i k lie enriclied with the Mefsingt ST l'lat c'on8 10 Christnias. V Here's Wishing You a lot of Christmas Cheer And also a Very Hoppy New Year idea hit this side of the Atlantic ! und 25 years ago it became a I racket. Today ,it is estimated I UNHEARD OF NOW! There used to be a time when three billion Christmas cards are anV one wh0 managed to save : exchanged by the people of this -money was called a miser, but continent. i yu don't hear it today. And j you don't hear the word "won- X wnlth if health, hipiiniii M Mntlntnint lr lur wihl Itr III lur fritnii ifi lifkM'l in Uiil nut jayiM ailiday. KNUTSON'S TIRE SALES & SERVICE 4cl .4;y- der" at all. As a matter of fact, no one is called anything. There ; is what amounts to a perfect : silence. Manager and Staff The Belgian wives who sailed in Canadian vessels dressed as men say they rather like wearing men's clothes. But then, hundreds of Canadian wives are already wearing the pants. RUPERT BAKERY Jf It was in 1945 the first atomic , S? destruction of a city took -place r.A.MAiJkXiliij.itii,Miia.MiiiiiiliiibkM.ii; ft . ..... i i 1 i I -r i i ri . te t ... ( The bet curr- or;thelftyt to quiet the 'mlftKNapoleoif. 2S The average gambler never worries about dying broke. Practically, that's the way he lives. u Japan.;? K M f "gut Jul ive thofcght-ueida !as$ f re'dentj Eisenhower in his radio address I j said the destruction today would I be 25 times worse. Well, Old . i Timer, how about it? The reason it's so hard to believe that all men are created equal Is that it isn't true. Honors Hero DEVONPORT, England (CP) This ancient' seaport will name a street, after Lieut. Philip Curtis, posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry In the the Korean Korean war. war. PERHAPS! Wonder if seagulls are possibly "sensing" at is Christmas time? Wednesday, as the Prince George ... from your I NEWS BOY DAILY PAPER . i i 0 Mau all the jous Ml 2 WITH SINCERE i , BEST WISHES FOR A i HAPPY PROSPEROUS 1954 ' 5 of Christmas ifyg J7. loots like it'i going to lie the happiest I 7 i i V the New Year, pill holiday ever filled with the pleasures that only the Yuletide season can bring... a deep down glad spirit, warm and loving heart. - . May you enjoy this Christmas with unlimited good health and good spirit. r tr - I From Bee and Alice ot THE STORK SHOPPE t,,.Yl3ltfckltkftMtki