Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 24, 1953 f PERSONALS frespassing With anJij Union Jinatizei $at( -f i itrt 1 1 -rtl JP(ani I- I rM n i 'or r fir ivii. iiu mnjrrxur ilirieu riyuiK vu viinruuvrr uy v r-rt Pians htve been finalized . for to emol .yees of Coln.nbn cei I ;- will be annual tne Popular Eoxing Day ball lulose Cc.mpr.ny enly etaeed annuaDv by Local 703 cf presentation of the " .. . , , the International Brotherhood . waltz .. contest . . trophy by VV. L. K. of Pulp, Sulphite and Pnv-t) Jones, CCC mill manager. Mill Workers, ;to be held Satur-j About 40 oth-r prises will be day night. awarded at the ball, second to A high note of the balL open be hel-1 by the union. . v. 1.11. 11. a . iryuu ui iuii. .,r,i i v,u. ifo h , i,,i,i rn who made the trip earlier. -k. - in i -k.; i ji'1-y will nijriiii Villi i.iiiii New Year's in the south, ... Also flying south to join his wife and children in Vancouver for Christmas was Ivir. C.T. Ie 'f P't Edward, ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kruse of Sw:ft Current, Sask., arrived on the Camosun to spend the Christmas holidays with thoir lauEter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Husty Ford of 245 Eighth Avenue East. i iivnii uoiin; iiiiib wj unui from r,imm in. has been attending 'university. no ii eh.ij-,. -.i.i- ..i. na ojjiiii iiiiuiLiiioj) win his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor, 510 Sixth Avenue East. ... i Mr. Leif Sandhals oi the mer- j chant marine, is spending Christ- ' mas here with his brother, Mr. I Arvjd Sandhals, 719 Firth Aven- UP Fa ... ... i Mr- T, roderas ,.,.,, u, has ,.,j returned hoira. fmm Ilnlvurtitv f tWtl.h Columbia to visit his parents at Piggott Place, during the Chrt-mas holidays. trt t-Q-c-t. f.-'S Strairjlir from the heart . . wc wish you and yo'jr family a most happy holidey! THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LID. .a-:.s.i.s.i.i j.3.s.Aj.:Jt.t..axj.;.5..:.-a2i3.i.j.s.3.; " I " f r- fIAM I 1 1 1 1 K f 7 III JS -r-A vt Villi U1 VIM ' u I A! T7 -'C. l 111VIII l Uf f friendly cheer, with abounding joy the coming New Year. r B ! ' m.,' i : - by van Metr Sludlo. HAPPY NKWLYWF.n.S are Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Basso, whose marriage took place here Friday night In St. Andrew's Anglican cathedral. The bride, Nancy Margaret, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hill and the groom son of Mr. and Mrs. John, all of this city. The young couple have taken up residence at 309 Null h Avenue West. City Couple Celebrate 71 si Anniversary Christmas Day I IS&ttTjj ! BROADWAY CAFE; A notable occasion will be marked quietly tomorrow at the ! heme of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. 'McAra, 659 Eighth Avenue East, ; when Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wil-; klnson, parents of Mrs. McAra, j will celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson were married in Manchester. England on December 25, 1E82. They eml-i grated to Canada in 1909 and ! Mr. Wilkinson was employed by the City of Vancouver until lfnl : when he retired at the age of 59. iThey then moved to Edmonton, remaining there for 33 years. Ninety-two-year-old Mr. Wilkinson and his SI -year-old wife have lived in Prince Rupert since 1947 when they joined their daughter and son-in-law here. Wishing them well on their wedding anniversary are five grandchildren and five great-granchildren. They also have one great-great-grandchild. The five grandchildren are Donald, Keith, and Niel McAra, Prince Rupert; and Mrs. R. Heeks and Mrs. R. McMurray, Edmonton. mr. ucuigc niwuii icit jrenwri- Ktaj uj piuui. iwi biuiii, ii mill-, .,horo ho .,iu munri rhiHunnK with his wife and family. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Tor-her and family of Port Edward, also flew to Vancouver for a Christmas vacation. ' I Home to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee, Summit Apts. are Miss Jean McAfee, who has been teaching at Rassland, and Miss Miry McAfee, who has been at- tenaing irfinini UBC. i Mr. and Mrs. W. Strachan, 1444 Second Avenue, returned yester- ! day aboard the George from , Vancouver, where Mr. Strachan has been under medical care for i the past four months. . Miss Doreen Freeman of Chil- ; liwack has arrived here to spend the festive season with ' her ' brother and sister-iri-law, Mr. ! and Mrs G. E. Freeman, C01 j Sixth Avenue East. ... Mrs. D. R. Barclay, 145 Seventh Avenue East, returned yesterday , rboorri the Oe"r" from a brief , trip to Vancouver. I 1 ' Miss A. Fossheim and Miss K. Fossheim, 1130 Second Avenue I West, also were passengers aboard the George yesterday, re- O'fnlng frnm n hnlirinv in fll I fornia. ... Mr. Reg Ronald, 224 Ninth Avenue West, has returned from a three-week machine shop course at the -Vancouver vocational sehoc1. ead ers Valhalla dance, December 29. Everybody welcome. (300) Sons of Norway Chrintm" c'ance, Dec. 28, at 10 p.m. Everyone welcome. Members of Sons of Norway and the Sonja, brir.g your children to Christmas Tree party at 2 p.m. (299i NEW YEAR'S BAIL HMCS CHATHAM For Invitations contact members of Naval Reserve brphone 526 STUDENTS OPEN BOWLIMG During the Holidcys 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. ' Game 1 5c '4 -21 3 &r5 A . t 1 -A tryn; eirr I... ,X7&je mi .... i V ?,. y- S ... We HOPE THAT THIS CHRISTMAS WILL BE A JOYOUS ONE FOR ALL OUR FRIENDS McKAY'S GROCERY A 11 Jr T, 2 - May the Season's Fill your heart To last throughout The Broadway Christmas Day ...... Boxing Day Sunday, Dec. 27.... New Year's Eve r BREWERY tcr-wrlting Is always a v( tu many, but there's no rift time than Christmas Eve put in print a few wishes, Oi,l s.unt Nick, no d-.abt, ;i brinu many surprises to ,'npy little faces tomorrow 'niinR. hut he may not have j'yjjh f'ir all the grown-ups. ItwrtiiUI be nice, thouKh, If ruiilfl arraiiRO for more con-v.s nixt year for Ada Smith b: in" more ships Into dry-K for Bob Cameron . . , 4 m:lke t!r. week-ends long-. nd more leisurely for Eve ijlMiroth . . . Then he mlyht make sure . ijjni pack is correctly placed 'r.uu epe-;iPy thiwtp , d bv Will Crouch and Lar-, stiiiwocd. He could please (.laililiiu. Kill La in Mr, ti A(!;imes and Bobby ( II rook -,8i hulilruss n ne brought the 4 Seiies to Rupert . . H.'il really please ISub Vuc-ilrli if he arranged for more ..i:.s and fewer corner nins and would rate retilly hinh !, Muriel Avres and Kill nft if he'd Bit rid of those ;, l:nr ti;lRes . . . Hill say:; i ill.'- i e.iii V over the foul v . . . but Carnet Hull see:; nts in a much different r.rrrv Wiiiuiile thought he'd ; i,ff the Jjcee Ji';ht-up T.Mi'-'n . . . but, Santa, now - wants to know if you can ranpe to keep him on . . . "ffrably in tin advisory ca-ntv . . Oi l ry thinks It's ,ndi rfiil to tell peonlc like .in Mi( hell that she won prize , . . (lerry rot a bi1; :i iiirl miim i'Zi' for his worris ;r-i e . . . further Santa coi,.J you -a Ret someone to write to i Applrwhaiie thanking him ; sjiiu thliiR, Instead of him lor somethins . . . And could you possibly leave v of coke and Binder ale : Tfd Smith ... a new horn r Norm Jrrmyn'a car . . . .nPibiKk absorbers for Dick Tfi . . . new hub caps for hn Manor , . . An odd request comes from fkif SunderMin (junior Kan-" . . . when he asks for a saucer, or a nickel . . . : if you're real nice, says tie, you might leave a dime. For liill Vance and Bill Kcr-;n piea.-.p brinr; more Christ -a iree llghLi . . . and if you re lots of things to go round brinv, George Hills a lot of ucl 1,1. k wiin he takes over - chief magistrate and give Mi Whalen a bi hand-ate fur Ids efforts of the s: two years . . . Den forward would like more pi h'ime from Kitimat . . . tk Burgess could use some . . Carl Saucr and if .M-rarihiir would like a iil-V roun . . . before Ui;y ire a tr,i,t iUc an:) fry lcui-ur ti of baron for broikf.isl. U"iit Stc tu: on 'AOUld like a el tiiin-s for his hospital tut hr- U l,e hippy if Ih'; ioU'Uicii is finish"'! bv lime- . . , I'liil Kiy cculd use r'i r w n k-week . . . Krit h 'W'i'.l a n tu! microphone be-a lu.-.i when he iln,',s i ?i . . v. in'iv shows for Mel lump on, I'at ISoltou and Mel oimriud . . . II you're not too short, Shirley ul life "S bit; ut.-KS . . . Irriy "jiu more forms. ... . "Mlariiint, a Rood fishina mmi . . . Bert MrKewan, lot-; '.it' hes . . . Gerry Seheidel, house more often . . . n you leave fwrr short cir- for Trie Janes, Dowr -tup, I ra.ik Dafoe und ail " wliers at the telephone 'Vc A happy liolid-y In Honolulu r m und IMiih FitcU unJ 'J' and Mrs-. More . . . 'if i)U.,ine:;.i; for Crawford . . rood bulldinR -liter' for Norton Youngs unci If there's a golf course iir bag, you might leave it r Hill stone, Gerry Lemire, .Mitchell or Jimmy An- Kr4 please Smta, bring Fred :(i lots of happy days . . . Tin ;e for Koan . . . new "ri '!ici-!s lor Nick' Favlikis i'i re members for Fed ",f . . improved health for "'.v Mi.oi . . . and a sunny ''-iiy lor l.iil and Kvelvn ''bit ... '''(I before you go, wliy not 'J,f one or your bags for Pete 'nlchal to carry the mail . . . Iln')lype that makes no errors 1 that Mel Si oil, who usually stuck' to set this column,., III ''riest and Doug Standrlng "W have things a little easier. ''""'esano savine 'thanks' for sfll job throughout the ar . . . With so much to do, Santa, s not fair to ask for anything ore exeept health, happiness good cheer for everyone in ""e Hupert . esnecially Nixon, who dolet out jHjers wjii- a sree.i.g smile ?j the 24 carriers "1 more than a dozen news '.' who dahv brave the alner to bring this paper 1 Jmir door . . . Merry Christmas to all. f I 1 . - t, - - ( 1' ' v , - I "T- , ' - '. - :" : , - - : . .r .3 . - ' .' ' ' ' ' 1 1- . - 1 t j ft - 1 ' r,t- ;vf- J n, Jf f ; -..v. ? ' j-V -1 f - ,-. - r r -i;T- 'JvPA; ; .--'J:. J-I M : 1 St. Andrew's Cathedral ' CHURCH i CHr'sfmes Eve 11:30 p.m. C?'.t brant and Preacher: j ' li.c IU. "rv. I'.orace C. Watts, P.isl of C'a'cdoma ClirisSmas Day i.Cc rn'.:i6 P rvHs with Sermon at 11 a.m. Kcly Communion at Nikiii. I NATIVITY PLAY at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 27 by the children of the Sunday School. .,i,, ; :. , Ol' Sunday services os usual. SPfCIAL MUSIC Cafe Will be Open: 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 10 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. 10 a.m. to 8:00 p m. Open to 2:30 a.m. i V J; LIMITED . , f;. . . ii."...'-i Government of British Columbia ? t''f.i'l"v-HW. m vf.j' 1 mmm . " : - : SJlhuj ifie l:2stefeve:ijfuH(j Beours cCuringiltfrltoftdcuj season ancCattcar tfirouit r t ; SICKS' v. .- This advertisement is not For now.i.for always... may the joys of this Holiday Season srrround you and yours, and may you dwell amid the blessings of peace, health goodwill and happiness . . . CAPILANO 1 From the ManaRCiv.cnt an.1 Staw of ' ALBERT & McCAFFERY LIMITED t j. .'.. . ... e , , . published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Gg&ggsawarwraM