1 . LtMUtiO i he r-'rince Kupfcn uuity Doit itrtL Chahytu Thursday, December 24 lr3 SAINT JOHN, N B. (CP) F. J By The 0adtan Print O A Pts Elliott, president of the Cana- Howe. Detroit ; 1 2 41 . Geoffrlon. Montreal 18 15 S3 I i.t . . rv..t. 11 m as F YOU WANT A SCOTT McLARBl nounced Wednesday night that Blcnard' Montreal . 20 u si CINDER DRIVEWAY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) I t dates for the Canadian Bad-,Keiy, Detroit n is ao WORK W. CONCRETE A ROCK OR G01 3rd , . . . , , , ,. Bandford, Boston ' 8 James Block, minton championships at Van- lH.llX!l Detroit o 19 as Rent of Truck and Equipment Prince Rupert, B.C.. couver have been changed fronj Ph. Blue 639. M. J. SAUNDERS Phone 347 T.O. BCx 374. the first weeK in Marcn to rcu.i. "ee-(c i 1 2427 rur u.iiuii ii) viuims.j CHIC YOUNG By . BLONDIE Taboo with Chowhounds . - i ft - ,Mvmq- y JUST ) I TsOWED THrSt'NC ' I ..- - '. I JlHJrtTTHRFFV IN TmE A JNC A L,TTLE J&fZjijl - S OU WENT TO BED TV-c . DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS I J i 1 :a ' 27 II THE DAILY NEWS "CIRCULATION" Classified Rates (3 time 4:80 p in. day prevloua .. publication. 8 cent per word pet In- tiion: minimum charge 60 cent. FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace; Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas -Pacific" Propane. Philpott, Evitt Si Co. Ltd., . I J ! ! It Must Have Been Something He Ate! - .; -U' i kJs iUnT1 n Nutlees, cenw, ru ui Ph. me 6.i 1 or fii2 (Ml) 3560 .3063 TODAY YEAR AGO .. miuKl. Dram oluia. ruurrtu jcf. Marriage ena Mmrmnii Z9A SEWING MACHINES (inuiinremenui, u. No Refunds T. ut accept rMFOilblltty JALE3- Repairs- Rentals. Ginger Sewing Centre. Phone 804. (c) cUwluea mam mnerwj mcurrwfci j gndrr wrong Classification iinlm B.ciilUin ut uoJi errors U received in H hours ol On t Insertion. n FOR KAI.K MISC, BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD MAN'S bicycle, good condition. Tricycle like new. Call at 42!) West 5th Ave. (301p WANT AD ' l-'O BARS piano accordion, $80. REPLIES 627 Hth Ave. West. I30ln) S2A FOR KENT MIS(T Dale Hacks Abel Into a Corner j Miss Brash tried hard to shut out the' opposition with a jump to four hearts over Mr. Masters' takeout ,Ve are holding replies TWO cabinK. Plione Oreen 400 or apply 2000 11th Ave. East. (2)'.i) 34 WANT K I) MIS( F.I.LANF.OI S the following News ;d boxes: double. Mr. Dale seems to have little enough for aj SmVMlfree bit! at the four level, but his bid was well justi- 852 854 865 875 Replies must be colled for in person steel, brass, copper, lead, etc HfinpQr oroHlncr nrnmnt nnv- lied. There was an excellent cnance mat lvir. masters had as many as four spades. And if it were possible By ZANE GREY ; KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED jj COMING tVEMS to beat four heartsthere should be some play for 10 ment made. Atlas Iron & Metal 'Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver. !B.C. Phone PAclflc 6357. (H) t CASH FOR Christmas Sens of Norway tricks at spades, f, Di'C. 28. I Scrap, cooper, brass, batteries, If, by some remote chance, Nw Years Ball, H.M.Ch., radiators. Phone 643 Call 630 ; Mr Masters saw fit to bid fiv vham. For Invitations con- jth Ave. West. (e) diamonds or five clubs, Mr, West dealer Neither side vulnerable V..rl li (Mr. MaMm), 8 Q J 7 6 H J 4 D A 4 10 C A J S ! i" " m"'"!M n7vMMmRr I Dale's hand would be very H )ZD. . ------ - respectable dummy for either SLEEPING ROOM, close in. 1141 1 contract. IT-RSON.-.i. Beach Place. Blue 433. (300) Four snades was there, oil 0',,'LD like transportation toUa SUITES FOR RENT rd3swlB PU-? Jfnfnm .p5Hfaaaas3 MWBS::: hi right, but it had to be handled carefully. Mr. Abel led the king of hearts and Miss Brash played Virsl (Mr. Ahl-I) 8 K 4 3 H A Kilt D J 6 4 C Q 3 (MK llru-ll) 88 2 . H Q 10 0 3 2 D 7 3 C K 10 9 ll.ziiton. i nursoay, uen. .i ! Harris, nhone Columbia TWO-ROOM suite, furnished. (301pi :ui-i'. Watson Island, or 517 7th West. jf 718 after 6 p m. (298) Xoulh room suite. (299) FURNISHED tW0' D40 Ambrose. FURNISHED suite St. 3F. von wondering what to Ret D.d (or Christmas. Why not : automotive accessory from Service? ( 299 ) 621 Fulton (299) the deuce. Mr. Abel now decided to shift. Since he had the Jack of diamonds, a diamond shift didn't seem to be the answer. He therefore played the queen of clubs. Now1 it was Mr. Dale who had the problem. He decided th? queen of clubs was either a sinalelon or Dart of a double- (Mr. Hair) 8 A 10 o a H 7 1JK 9 8 6 3 C 8 7 4 The bidding: Wt North East 1 H DDI. 4 H All pans SUITES for rent. South I Red 984. 299) 4 S INTACT Alcoholics Anonv-ir.nuv PO. Box 343, Phone 3P 959. ) 40A Houses Wanted tit But WARTIMES. Cash. Phone Oreen .,, Tf hp Hurler) nnrl the nueen . Wmkhk mmm x,kh, i , I BISINr.SS PERSONALS 205. (299p) wer . singleton. Miss Brain I nave led 11 .at trick" one. .With miM nvprtnkp with the kin Dale let the of cHibs win and return the suit lor her ; queen j ALTOIMU'IILES 17 Mr. Abel then led his lait i partner to ruff. TIONAL Machinery Cr. Urn-Red. Distributors for MlrUnsc, vwn, In-.plns and Ctintrac-f' Enuiument. Innulrieii ln-d Ornrvillf Island, "'ancrii-r 1 BC. UP PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH 1952 suDuroan club. Dummy's ace won and the 1 S queen of spades was finessed, Mr. Abel won with the king but, ' . since he was out of clubs there j was no way to cash the setting trick. Desperately, he underled 1 : Like new, less man io.uuu miles, A-l shape. Two spare wheels and tires. Can be financed. Phone Blue 411 after 5 p.m. (301pl But would Miss Brash make that play? If Mr. Dale false-carded with the seven of club., she could not be sure that Mr. Abel had led a lone club. TITr-re was also the fact that if Mr. Abel had started with a Sit'RMJ t; For repairs to nil makes of marine and anxill-i y rncirns. cull Finnlne Trae-i - .. Rv ai capp ;. :'. i his ace of hearts. Mr. Dale Mercury 2-door. $1550. f anil Equipment Co. Ltd. ! J950 LI L. ACPtiK wuium " - s " 1 ruffed, picked up the ' remain namer leavina town, must s-.. at 577 '2991 lone club, he probably would 4 ELECTRICIAN"a Onyital!L9lr. ,303P1 ing trumps and discarded dummy's last two clubs on h'u! Itng diamond fauit. i Wmn wirin" and el.r-tnepi , a :aliE.:B ',. lain 149 9th Ave. vpt. (12) if Red 105. RADIO DIAL CFPR1240 kc. mil' rvrJtN r NT T1VW Report Continued From Pa;e 2 i mmJm-- slCr-; JU wRF I Tlfsf ILV ihi t;.; : Tit OtV'nlolifjt A O. Wll'V (Subject to Chanae) I' TBI ::. ;: ;..Sa r "': - mm "if Rnllrlliiu Pert 593 '20t -a' - c rRt.V evprvbnri" -isp G think it Is because Canadian ! RS1 Hcb Parker's, of course producers are slow in Ecti.ing the information about their! "NtV'n mitrKinlj- n( - fkLi :z :H ihor.1 nflr PVione TI1UK9DAT A -On Supprr Swnnrte 7IIO t:BC Nrw 715 chc News Roundup 7SO EventlrtP 8 00 -A Saviour I Born S 16 Christmas Nocturne I 45people. Placea and btmltfl t -00 CBC Vancouver Concert Orcll. n -18 Saddle Serenade 0:30 cac Btamp club B:4ft--fitu Davis o-5n Time HlKnat 10:00 Messai'.c Period Musical Propram 10:30 World Ctuir h Nrw' 10:4.') CBC NoJ. Weothre 11 00 MetroiMilllan Opera : The Marriage of FliSUM P M. products to th.3 potential Am- ' ri.ll flo th West. lto"- (Cl llcan consumers. By the time ihat details and price; hve oino rrwOT n ,V. A.N1"' a jo Winnipeg Drama been supplied, to the Americans, H FfTPriT tix P'mr Pine k;"-:.'; V' ' ..V ''" ' ; .-tu ;.'-.;V--:.- Of Moose W Men t- - ; .,, -"yVS 1 " 10 00 CBC New . ' . ! ll rJG HIM' . r-1- , .V. ?' ?. "i time fetf pofttunUy liave V'J Nl tor . Partji Sales Serle r. , v.4f .... v ::hCBC Krvs been lost. It certainly seems io iw rti TNff All (vrsps or a's me that Canadian industry Prf-i-lcn Saw Filing. 215 't wants to smarten up its inte " West. (10) rnational salesmanship. !0 jo weather Forecast lo: Xmaj 10 45-The Nhiht Beture X'naa 11 :)M W rat her Heporl. Mill al M trrpleie.. Mlllr Till MlilnlKiit I3:(MI Xlen-olt FRIDAY AM. 6:40 Opening Interlude 3 :4Y Introduction to Xmaa BS :. t-BC News a on The Queen's journey niio Wilfnr'1 F'pct-lcat Works f)'5ler for Ekollte Sounders. (12) And now my wife and I would I like to wish everyone in Skeena a Merry Christmas holiday sea 'I FOR n Mpct.rl' I TVorkK. Mn-'"'i iwught. sold, ref und n raired (tf) son and a very Happy New : n7".nra rn"!'.let MfH' 3 MO Week-end Listening 3:1S This Week 3-90 Pports Colle(jo 3:45 rmdale Chorul 4:00 Now I Ask You 4:30MualcaJ Program ' 6:00 To Be Announctct-5:1V-The Rhythm Pals . 5:30 Parade o( Bunds ' 5:55- Have You Heard' AATHHIMt P M. 6:00 rilO News 0 05 - Hockey Broadcast 7:30 Orttan Music 8:00 Salvation Army Proe;r!.m 8::) -Prairie i-U'hooner 0:00 Hit Parade 9:30 The Music lio 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:IB MacDonald Hotel Orcn. 10::lo DixleiBiid Conceit 1 1 :oo Went her Report Musical Masterpieces Mnsle 'til MlillllKht 1"!:00 Sltn-nir Year. That goes for all, no matter how you vote, and particularly to those too young to voU; r. 7 00 Address by Her Majesty I lie tjueen BBC 7:11V Peace Tower Carillon 7 SO -The Windsor SiliRers 8 00 Christmas Church Service from Port Chambly 8 30 The Ceremony of the Carols 0:00 BBC News and Christmas Commentary B:1B Oreetinas LOST "Owxr ipnther zinner wallet, "temifiratlon P W. Ketrhe-n Lenvo at Dally News nf'lce. GEORGE OAWFS v AUCTIONEER Phone Black 810 and Red 12. THE HEART OF JULIET JONES ; " ' ;Bv STAN DRAKi) t :'28 Program Review 8:30 Th Bhantymcn 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Weather Report i.i ir.chrtslmas at Twillilii;ate (300p) 11 1I1.LP TEI - FF.MALK CONTWCT WITH THE STUPlO-SO YOU Vq: fj' J" "'"'i X 5'C 'iTJ'CV mqBE MOuW BEFORE J: - LrT ST,AOUNPTHlSONE-H0SEe UNTIL "t i t Pti OHET COVES H0AVS t '. vou SO CUTA VCUR MINP POIeT N0THIN-- f J.; ' I TVv- 6 HOURS. .. .. . ;, Wprienced bookkeeper re-1 i',?""f.!"'',rf '"..ter - BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL mured for hookkeenine and " ml'Z. BUNUAI a M I'rsl office work. Some tvn- 11:30 Ballet Music 1j:ii Memoriea of Chrlotmas Day shorthand not essential. n,me 8(18. (301) 8:30 Recital 0:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 The Quo!lon Bos 0:30 Harmony Harbor in on nr. flurdener I :U0 chlldien'B Party AfiKNCIES WANTED 1:30 Children of tne fweium a:ao Christmas In Bad Aussen '.n.ic rt Crtur. nnrl TtniP 10:30 Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 110.1 Capital Report 11 30 Religious Period PM. , OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 'NINO room suite, chrome "itehrn set. fridge, washing rcaehine, slove and other lr,ni're. 1520 Second Over- '"lt. , . (!) 12 00 N Y. Philharmonic sym. orcn. 1 :3o Critically Speaking 3 00 Fiddle Joe's Yams o-nn juke and the Kid SITUATIONS WTD. MALE fVoo CBC News 0R odd jobs and complete ,'anitor service, phone Green lap 1 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert Tor Smithers Every Tuesday and. Friday. For connectior.s Phone 632 ' SITUATIONS WTD. Female 3:00 CBC News 3:10 w Miner Report K;i5 Christmas In fcurope :30 Hawhlde 4:00 Dickens by the Fire BBC 4:30 Servicemen s Christmas Card 6:30 The Quren'tt Journey g:DO Songs of My People 7:00 CBC News; Address by Her Majesty the Queen 7:20 Interlude 7 30 Toronto Symphony 'Pops Concert :30 61elh Ride o:oo Prairie Schooner Chrtatmas Party B;30 The Christmas Story 10:10-C'BC News 10;115 Christmas Memories 11:00 Sign Off UAfU-J-.l.S A.M. 7;0 Musical Clink :80 CBC News: WMther Rerxr 7:35 .Musical Clock 8:00 CBO Newt 8:10 Here's Bill Good g:liv Mnrninf nevotlom 8:30 Heeord Allium g oo BBC News and Commentarj ;tTART,E baby-Blttr, Call Black 698. (304-nc) ljtL baby-sit, my home, over II L JUUE. CALL MV WIFE, UttLLVSO. ) "1 I WHO? OH. VES. . S JONES... sSVSLLCXtL KU-lSLA-St,. ( ' Tt NCTHS OF IT yi I ; . , K , i ill parPAh tWta-T. ' rlfcF V W-i-u. ($!: !i. ;: : 1 lllliMliMi ;; .'uuimys. Mrs. Lucy frouu, 3 05 Ask the weatnerman 3:1 a Weather Forecast 3:15 UN on the Record 3 30 Winnipeg Symphony Orch. 4:30 Distinguished Artists 5 00 Sunday Chorale 6:30 Chamber Music 6:00 Stage 64 T OO CBC New 710Weekend Uev'.SSf 7.90 our Special Speaker 7 :30 Little Symphony oreh. 8 :00 NBC Symphony OrpU. 9:00 Ballad Time . 1 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBO News 10:10 CBC Newa. 10:15 Discoveries In Medicine 10:30 Music by Mantovanl 1 1 :()0 Weather Report nd Blfn-oS 331. (300pi 8 RIILDING MATKRIALS Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual . . ' ot Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert Terrace and Kltlmat 'tttPOTT, EVITT Si CO. tTD. Phone flu or 652 ; Wire about our budget plan ;!'r your home Improvement. No ,7" payment. $100 to $z,uuu; ' w 24 moths to pay. (301)