I. Record Crop Big Poser For Farmers Thursday, December 24, i:i j Auto, Truck Production Best ! Since 1950 Despite Problems By DAVID 1, Vtll.KIt maker. Hardest hit were those : with tank and aircraft contracts. DETROIT (-The tremendous; Tne Kaiser purchase of Winys production capacity of the auto hrnnht t,opthor tho mimit J - ' I 4 J v if JVlay every heart industry has been demonstrated and one of the oMest of the auto again in 1953. ! .,0mnanies. V, your house be filled WINNIPEG CP)-Fers of fallr ure turned to problem of plenty ior western wheat farmers in 1953. The early fears centred on spring drought which posed a threat to the season's growth, But the picture rapidly changed to another extreme with record rains over many areas bringing the third successive bumper grain crop. Despite labor troubles and Tne indu.stry ha3 attractive : I tha that Intornmll . . . .. . with good cheer tnd happiness (his Christmas. UH...U nrxieis ior the l4 sales cam-the flow of parU from its supply paigns For the most part sources the industry will show Uve few maj()r styiing and en-unit output from U.S. plants of . gln4,ering changes have been I approximately 6.200.000 passen- made iger cars and more than 1.200.000; I trucks and coaches this year. Don's Service Stotion Z4-Uour Towing Service w J instmas The country's storage bins air i ready were bulging with 362,000,-000 bushels of wheat carried over from 1952 when new grain began pouring from harvester spouts in August. The new crop was estj-i "A if Ai c y lie wonJciIul holiday zpirit of That volume tops any prev-. I Dl t ious year's output in the. indus-i jJCQj lldflt try's history excepting the rec-j ord 1950 when slightly more than DQ Dmlf 8,000,000 vehicles were built, ! IU DC UUIIi 0'jttartrlinr events of the year I f I I for the car Industry included: j I ft tllffiiliGStU Cancellation and stretch-outs . of many of its military contracts.; VANCOUVER (CP) Canadian at MIA fUU, ikii t. . .t 1 , joy end peace he tviii you nJ yours af Christmas timt. THE VARIETY STORE : TniS PORTRMT of Prince Charles was taken for his fifth birthday which, he celebrated Nov. 14, a few days before the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh left London on their Commonwealth tour. 7 K.aiser Motors in.aiser jrawn V. ! Canada was confronted with twin ; problems: Where to store the i grain and where to sell -it. i I With country elevators cors- gested and farm granaries full, many farmers stored grain in i open piles In the fields. One grain I company etfiinvited 58 MJO.000 1 bushels of wheat were piled in 1 :he open at one time. of Motors (' Wii- Willys purchase d Monday ' plans ,or a $3,00o,000 lys-Overlar.di. for $62,000,000. ! . . ld (uhin ,ant 14 An $80,000,000 lire that fle- ! ,troyed General Motors hydra- mYmrn Richmond. 60acre 1 transmtosion plant In Uv-. ;matic hp verh.mt and will starl-jona, near Detroit.- construction early next year. I GM's purchase of the Wil- ..., rf ,-, , Struggle Ahead As Canada At the outset, farmers could deliver only three bushels fqr, each cultivated acre. They col .. .. .. . ,.43 i lew Run wartime bomber plant "i r'n" ' ! from Kaiser Motors for $20,000,- ar , 0J. '".f "" . 1 3tee' ' 1 b 'mprt 000 to continue hydra-matic !trarsmLlrn nrcdui-.n I u ?tart' but long-term plans lected an Initial payment the f I MM I remainder to be paid in later In- jBBKS VlfifrGtS ppmnvol of wivprnmpnt con-" " "Jr B" '""'B stalments as the Canadian wheat board which sells nil Panada's OTTAWA (CP Canada's econ- wheat, oats and barley, complet-'0"1 set a record pace in 1953, bla iron ore. ,t wiU be ,he only i mnuntn. nnL n T.hp vpar pnrLs mere aie ...j..., ... ,.ij kind in , t, Western . one or its .i! , . Uiane their over-all percentage t , s'8ns 01 nf a a stnrmu siormv siruggie strntririp ior fnr crease " In the crop year ended Ju 31,' y ' i,i,,-trv's ntn,ii of the industry s output. j . ... .' ;nHrf morirntii t i qii Canada. "aua u'on from retail dealer,-the Protests "T1""" RomeTanTriian world's leading grain and Some Canadian industries industries are are wheat exporter with total ex- beginning to feel the impact of f; " m t mau-siry industry NATIONAL GAME 1 More people play tennis thai ports of a record 682.000.000 growing competition for mar- w" "v." H'""."7 SSI :ZSrt" affected 'virtually every au.o with p.ay held yearround J . . Hi 1 i : l it rent crop year's trend. uiiu uiruLiicai aiJjJiiutii n began to slip in 1953. Federal economists say that as the struggle continues it will spread into other commodities, including agriculture Santa Brings Little Girl . Into World The reason is that world pro No Christmas would be complete for us without on expression of the warm feeling that we have for our many loyal and appreciative friends. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to oil. duction is rising, and although Western markets are still strong, the big powers are unable to overcome trading barriers be-The Iron Curtain, too, has tween the sterling and dollar-area countries. ringed off a big slice of the world market, reducing the global mar lo all our friends and 1 v. " BELLEVILLE, Tex. uf Rutl Ellen Haak, when she grows up, can tell the other kids that it was Santa Claus whe brought her. Dr. H. E. Roensch was mak? Ing a dry run Monday with a Santa Claus suit he plans t wear for his granddaughter few nights hence. Mrs. RoenT sch helped him get it Just right with pins, cotton and pillows after about 45 minutes. Then the phone rang. "Emergency, doctor, the pros- pective mother already Is In i it neighbors, we extend S , tui heartiest good wishes for a 4 I . tthJ. P J -x f .i merry nonaay oeason ana bountiful year to come. Civ . ' : keting area that must be shared by the ma.ior Western exporters, including Canada. Nevertheless, Canada has made gr"H strides In 1953. Tat Gross National Product, sum total of all goods and services produced, rose to a record $ up $1,200,000,000 from 1952. National income swelled to an estimated reenrri nf 10 (100 000- t , , V . It ' . J jt BLAIN BROS. : .. .u (GROCERS) the delivery room," said the voioe THE ELECTRICIAN DOUGLAS "GUY" GUYATT From Jim and Ethel Georgeson ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LTD 1 t: on the telephone. That's how Sanui Claus delivered Ruth Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Haak. 000, up from $18,135,000,000 in 1952. In this bracket labor in-,' come soared to almost $12,000,-000,000, a gain of 11 per cent from the previous year. Consumer spending kept pace; with the general advance, rising i u v ' . - to another high of an estimated $15,800,000,000 from $14,334,000,-000 in 1952. n s Seckinq Cloth KARACHI (CP) To relieve I cloth shortage- here the govern ment of Pakistan has decided to f t - ' 'I import cloth from Japan and other sterling areas. r i . t . i i -I t i f V! j: fi I V - j fc. ' '.. ? n i r ' -V v r J tk s-,'i. V i- 'f r&vii ft fpd I heer HRISTMAG ' ... - iKRSONS llREETInltib . v l Ag-old, yt evr nw, th bu ipirit ol Christina bringi flood cheer to avery heart, new iparkla lo Tery aya. May you and your lovad one experience, in fullett meaaure, all the Joys of the eeason, and may tt happineii spread Hi glow throughout tha New Year. Qtliy the good cheer of the season enter your home at Christmas and abide with you and yours through all the dr.ys and r.' t.tht to come, To all we extend our sincerest wishes for health, happiness and the fulfillment of dreams most dearly cherished... your heart sing out this Christmas in tune with all the Itappinets of a Joyous Holiday Season. U MILK PRODICERS' ,&A , THE BILKLEY VALLEY CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION AND v NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED ;g FROM MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRY 6c DRY CLEANERS MODERN ' Beauty Shoppe Muriel Gagnon