r.iODKR v I.Ulii.Vf. ' T'i'f.K l.U.CV RTnrKiint u (fP Current PER N. Switzerland i rie rtiik.e Kupsn Lxuiv .News Tr uisday, Lecemle 24, 191)3 - The ; BRISTOL, EnelanH ,r, ' ff . ; S" ,aB elected Ro- den built Pfueciallv 'to. i figures show the Swedish mer-.Fwis parliament chant navy now totals 1,858 ships dolphe in Just over 10 minutes, and shrubs, planted ' of 2 617.000 gross tons, including oimk .v vice-president for the last wall, may be touch " 784 motor.ships, 473 steamers and As Season's Slot-In-Wall Assures Fair Meat Ration at Congo Mine auxiliary year, ne was ny uaouion in 'U'-iuung, and all cam i. "01 sailing ships with engines. 2 . ployed 19,000 natives in its various mines and plants. In its own : native quarters, it housed 45,000 women and children. ELISABETHVILLE, Congo i.f! A native butcher stands beside a pile of fresh meat in a wars-house along the railyards in thi Katanga province mining centre of Kipushi. In the wall next, to him is a big slot. At intervals there is a knock on the wall and for each knock the butcher slips a chunk of the raw meat through the slot. and best wishes!? B. C Power Takes Over GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Outside, hundreds of chatting native housewives wrapped in At McBride loin cloths, their children hung on their back are lined up with nK-ktti, One after the other VICTORIA (CP) The railway and agriculture centre of Mc- iney get ineir iamny meat ration Bride about half way between ...TV W Mlk vlair the joye oi the Season ond all 's lrind!y cheer brighten your A' ! 1 heme at Christmas and abide with you i all through the ycr...Th( is our jfx-" j E.'1 i' V'itjw warm Holiday wish for you and yours. S I trom the slot, one for each knock Prince George and Jasper Ls to i .v '"'i" get improved eloctriciil server- I get about l2 pounds of meat The B c Power commission' and nearly two pounds of fish o following a request from the vil-jweek women and children over iagP of M,Bride and with th? : 10 slightly less. approval of the government, his ; This is one of the many tunc-; agreed to purchase the village- ,, ,,t , ...Cu uy uir ui.uuu,.. : (;Wned distribution svstem Snl Ore t-roaucing company. Union !wa, ar,m-0ved hv n nlphi..i. The commission plans to com STAI.KINli CAT Arthur Zler-olh of Vancouver discovered he was being stalked by a cougar as he bent, over a dead deer near Campbell river on Vancouver Island. The hunter brought down the hungry animal with two shots. He collected a S20 boenty and sold the courar's meat for J20 ( IIIMIti;.V S HOSPITAL The first hospital for children on the American continent was established in Toronto in 1878. pletely rebuild the system and to construct a new power house to accommodate two 150 kilowatt diesel engines to be transferred from Teriaee. Construction is expected to start early next summer Addition of McBi.ue will in-, crease the number of commission power districts throughout the province to 28. Miniere clu Haut Katanga, for ; its native workers and their families. DISTRIBl'TION FAIK Why the slot in the wall? a ; company official explained: I "If the butcher could see his i clients, he would give the be.st n ece of meat to those, of his family or to those from Ms tribe, j With the slot system and the neutral Kapita's knock on the ; wall, distribution Ls as fair as can be." : No one at the Union Miniere j pretends this is chari .y. It's pa'-t1 ! of the company policy toward ! better production of uranium, copper, cobalt and zins. 1 I In 1932 the Union Miniere em-j j ' Jobless Warned No Work Yet On Oil Pipeline Premier Bennett Sends Christmas Greetings to British Columbia f r r- hope that the theme of 'Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men' will remain with ea:h and every one throughout the coming year, to brin? about a better understanding so that we may be at peace with all men. "With these thoughts in mind, it is my sincere pleasure to extend to the people of British Columbia the traditicnal greeting Merry Chii-tmjs and the very b2.'.t in the New Year." VICTORIA (CP) Premier Bennett Issued the following Christmas greetings to the people of British Columbia: "I am pleased to have this opportunity to extend warmest Christmas greetings to the citizens of British Columbia, wherever they may be. "It is my sincere hope that you may enjoy all the good things associated with the festive season in the true spirit of Christmas and I earnestly NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. , ."'v To all our friends we extend our heartiest wishes lor gladness and good fortune for Christmas and the New Year. Management and Staff STAR'S STYLEWEAR VANCOUVER (CP) A national : . i employment service report Ls-i sued here warns job seekers in eastern Canada not to come to British Columbia in the hope of working on the Haines-Fairbanks pipeline project. ! The report said many workers have already come to the west coast from as far away as Nova Scotia to find employment on the proposed 280-mile pipeline. The project won't get under way before April, it said. Rumors have been circulated in the East that work on the. line started two weeks ago. j The oil pipeline will run from Haines. Alaska, to Fairbanks through northern B.C. Wi wish you the brighten 0. Christmas 4 (j'j anjyed- Violinist Wins Canada Medal In Britain MONTREAL (CP) Violinist, ' Arthur Davison cf Montreal has been awarded a medal by the British Overseas League which makes awards annually to outstanding representatives of Commonwealth countries in the Uni-.c Kingdom. j , The medal, known as the "Canada Medal" was presented recently to the 34-year-old Violinist-conductor by Princess Marie Louise in Londdn fprthe greatest Canadian contjribatiiNv ta music in the U.K. during iastyear. Mr. Davison, at present in Britain, ls combining recital work with a job as concertmaster of the Hull, Essex and Peterborough symphony orchestras. On top of that he conducts a series of ; ' Mi ii ; 1 1 I - ;:: u ) - 7i5Vr- yUrti wUtf -L;. . - "i-rAS-jt r-f L AcowW ." 0t ."r ; "Zf K rr ........ ' ilfS London youth concerts. Mr. Davison won his first diploma at the age of six and that year gave hisfirst recital in a Montreal church. I 1 $ r WRATHALLS Photo Finishing Eager Spacemen j LONDON (CP) Membership cf the British Interplanetary 8j ciety has Increased by 20 per! M V cent in the last year. There ara now 2,419 members of the society I devoted to study of space travel. Mod V'-7 If "VV . i . . I n Ik hut sbirit of this most " .' , - - fie ' ' V v joyous of" holidays, we wish all KOM INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES . I i w : ! i j "r friends and neighbors a Jul mMSwrt cf fcrt)pin5, bwllb and prosperity. ALLEN E. BARR and Employees 1 Contractor I Office and Headquaters 247 First East ' . .... v.. .ft ..y For now... for always... Joy to our friends and neighbors, Peace to our nation, Good Will to all. SAANICH PLUMBING and HEATING LYONS FINE FOODS WILLIAMS GROCERY MIDWAY GROCERY SKEENA GROCERY RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS i 4 I ! : . i 4 iu. 1 a.'.w'