The Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 24, 1953 Head-On Collision Ends Life Of Alberta Cabinet Minister - -I . sr K , 1 American Prisoners Spurn -Scheduled Press Conference pL,A' McAilTlaR iwnveru to communism, ap-PANMUNJOM Twenty-two Pared. They said the Amerl-Amcricans who disowned home cans had changed their minds ior communism failed to show about talking, up today for a press conference The Koreans denied reports mey nad reouested to explain that fear Instead of belief In their choice. communism Is holding some of Instead, three Koreans also ' the Amerlcans. 1 "Look into the matter and see," they urged Indian custodian HOP SUFY . . " ...CHOWMEIN ptb? 3:30a.m. Hollywood Cafe ,nulile HtH'.tt Phone Mi EDMONTON (CP) Hon. D. A. Ure, Alberta's minister of agriculture, was killed Wednesday In a head-on collision between a truck and a car whi"h "lsimcd one other lite and sent the truck I)" culture minister's death was a "very deep shock." Mr. Ure's death was a "tremendous loss" to the agricultural interests of the province. The farmers lost a man keenly conscious of their problems. Besides his widow, Mr. Ure is survived by five children. wJif) FOR TUB troops. f.iiT"! SCASON ANDV 1 ll OUR BESI driver to hospital with injuries. I Mr. Ure, 43. was a passenger in the car believed driven by James Mitchell of Edmonton, also killed when the truck and car met head-on at the brow of a hill on the Edmonton-Jasper highway 40 miles west of here. Taken to Edmonton's Univer-J sity hospital was Robert Fagnan, i about 3D. Hospital authorities declined to reveal the extent of his injuries. ' (') v ' k. i y ' -' ri. s;.-. WISHES FOR THE PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS ANT v;.- - COMING NEW YEAR! CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 ( H VTI.NG PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and MrKrlile Rrfr The Americans packed for a Christmas Eve trip back to their main prison compound in the neutral zone, leaving the area where they spent the final days of Allied efforts to win them home. The explanation period ran out last midnight. WILL BE REUNITED At the main barbed-wire compound, all the former Allied soldiers who have chosen communism will be reunited 22 Amerl- RCMP reported the Eamonton-bound truck apparently swerved I.V V..I Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE NEWCOMER Mary Murphy has her first big film lead with Marion Brando in, Columbia's "The Wild One." Part of her glamorous . wardrobe Includes this white brocade halter-top cocktail dress. t ( . v v - to the centre of the road because of a hole or a similar obstruction. An inquest was ordered and RCMP are continuing their inquiries. Premier Manning personally broke the news of Mr. Ure's death to his widow. He said the agri , cans, one Briton, 327 Koreans. I! They were separated when 250 SPECIALISTS ON BAWM1LL and MINING .MACHINERY i A P. GARDNER & CO. Reason's Cjleetinqs AND ALU GOOD WISHES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. CELL, C.A. Resident Partner Prince Rupert : Koreans attended Allied explanations and the others balked. ! The prisoners will observe Christmas with a special menu of beef, chicken, pork, fruit, wine and beer furnished by the Communists. They plan special athletic events Christmas afternoon with Red-supplied equipment skates, footballs, javelins, a dis- , cus and other gear. The 22 Americans will spend the next 30 days at the main FOR THE t- y Tie w lea I ourlli Avenue l ast aic Prince George Telephone: Red 879 Vancouver Quesnel " We consider it a privilege and a pleasure to extend to you and yours our best wishes for " . . Christmas and the New Year. Seamen End Strike Over Food, Wages VANCOUVER (CPA last-minute settlement was reached Wednesday night in the strike of 19 seamen protesting food and living conditions aboard the Panamanian freighter Calygeria. "The 'strike Is over everything Is settled," said t Panamanian consul Julio A. Ricord. Mr. Ricord, who earlier Wednesday announced he was tak',r legal ; action to - prevent the freighter leaving nntitt . Columbia waters, said he had received word from the ship's owners to grant the seamen's s compound. They, like all other prisoners who have refused repatriation, are due to be released Jan. 22 as civilian. However, their status at that time in the eyes of the United States government remains undetermined. ; ' i ' ''' " '" T ..ill S SMITH & ELKINS LIMITED WAX George Mallock Caught in U.S. OTTAWA (CD George Mallock, ! request for better conditions, one of Canada's most-sought j Fourteen men walked off the ui.mmaW, has been arrested In; ship In Vancouver recently In Vew York City uy agents of the protest against conditions aboard U.S. Narcotics Bureau, RCMP the vessel. Another five also Ren '"!' la' i sala- I rt on strike but were forced j Mallock, 38, and his csothrr to rcm"i" sboarrt the vessel r-' John. 37. have been sought since cause of Illness. The seamen, all February H'51 when they disap- Italians, demanded better food, i peared from Vancouver while Improved working conditions and ! awaiting trial on charges of un- payment of back wages and lawfully selling' narcotics and' time. conspiracy to sell , narcotics. . -... They jumped a total of S40.Q0Q ... Coated paper is used lor annl-. bail. ''v m-intim? of tho highest grade. T,s , W is w A A A 41 & w J AOWauila (jreetings In the spirit of the it it on we send you warm-hearted grctringi and be wishea for a joyous Holiday. 11 Ov vj;t Wfcaun'f farl9M' S? l w-.T-.V. -5-fM 1 Ara-- t'W HW-V1V4 H.b.Whabn D. J. Fitch I"- V - v I X X' 3 '-FW I '2 1 I if RUPERT A40T0RS , Vour Chrysler, P'ymouth, Farjn Dealer K , 1 J S - ' S. ;. 1 KSflSkaatB, ..... -v M 1 V iT V 'h.' J : t... W ."3 ere is no stranger in the . land . ; THE .0 I IMlay nil the gnd iliei-r and jojs ol Ibis Imppy huliday season slay ou and juur dear mil's tlirotighuul llic ioiiiin jeur. s , Clin'slmas comes again id lit its golJcn memories an J gracious magic. every shaJow, cheering every path, , hiJJing us heJiolJ, all is well... and there is no stranger in the land for Christmas is in every heart. . chej louse oj Scuyram tmS ADVERTISEMfNT IS NOT fUHISMfO 0 DISPtAYtO Y TH( KQUOI CONTKOt OA0 O If TH5 GOVfKWtHHT OF !SH CO!.U'A... 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