OTTAWA DIARY See It As I Thursday, November 20, 1E53 1 i The unfortunate ease wltn than the spokesman for the against one of r which parliamentary circles ar-; United States people and that llitm , ma,xt able to pass from the sublime j Senator Jenner is something important tet i: ' "V 4 '.ji Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert , and Northern and Central British Columbia. v Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ; Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. J. T. MAQOR, President H. O PERRY, Vice-President to the ridiculous has been aem-,mne inni -"c -ieiuriu in n:.s onstrated by a really disturbing power, to influence relationships, manner during the past 10! Fortunately, the yt. Laurent tventf ul days. Here Is the story gov( nlm,,nt js continuing to do in brief: ns business with President Just 10 days ago everyone In i Fl(;Tihftufr Tint, with Ki-mitii by Clmore tin iwnfr .tf ' i Finest' 1 ("ST" , Subscription Rates: ;jy carrier Per week, 25c; per month. 1.00; per year. 1C 00. iv mall Per month. 75c; per year, $8 00. the caiiital from His Excellency i Jenm, u ,s pinnin(? lts conf(. uthorteed as second class mall by the Post Office Department 1 . dence to the power of the presidency and Its distinguished Incumbent. fJor does it expect be disillusioned. But it would be Just as happy If Canadian Fish Caught the Man ALL the western world I now knows the story of the Governor-General down l the most humble citizen was paying enthusiastic and hospitable tribute to President Eisenhower. The commander-in-chief of the ullhd forces hi World War II was being received with an acclaim to which he made modest and sincere response by accepting the trib correspondents didn't magnify Senator Jenner by writing ser- j lously about him "plotting"" "The Man Who Would; ,Not Talk." Real Danger Is Fear THERE is a savage quality to the United States' dispute over Communists which is surely creating far more damage than the whole inquiry into wii-American activities is worth. It is-possible that Senator McCarthy, the high priest of agitation, is quite right when he perdicts that the ferment he started will become the main issue of the next congressional elections. If it does-, it will be an unhappy circumstance for that great ute as evidence of the solidarity; of cordial sentiment between 1 the two great North American; nations. ! But despite the enthusiasm aftci nis vigorous and victorious campaign for election to the Presidency of the Philippines, Ramon Magsaysay plucks a symbolic "political plum" fiom a fruit tree. The 46-year-old leader of the Naclonallsta party, who won fame In his war against the Comrminist-led Huk rebels, defeated 'incumbent President Elpidio Quirino, 62. nation. DINING PLEASURE Dangerous though the infiltration of commu- The Calgary man was featur-ct in the Readers' Digest as a great hero. He is the central figure in a book which tells how the Canadian held out successfully against the whole Jevihsh power ol trie Nazi torture squad. But he has now jeen revealed as a faker and l fraud His story has been exposed as one of the greatest hoaxes even of these times of hmhpowered fakery. The poor fellow has gone to his bed in a state of nervous collapse. Maybe, like that foxy old Dr. Mossadegh of Persia, he ieit that bed was the safest lefuge from the public wrath especially of the famous jmu-nalist Quentin Reynolds who swallowed the fish story, hook, line and sinker. I shown universally here tor the ; President and the President s I pledge of sincere United States ! friendship and co-operation In I return, dispatches from Ottawa j by usually well-informt d corre-i spondents over the past week-i end have suggested a Washing-'ton plot to "smear" Canada's external affairs minister, Hon. i L. B. Pearson. Agency In the alleged Washington "plot" was the United States Senate Committee on liism into free countries may be, it is still more 1 " " own huni--HHrin.. h tw uWa,,lt ' all ninwl n-mnlk-n M..n Oll.rn. A,i mi t, "HjitLw tiUi-ntfld ei,.M hiu rwiui actrt-ji Dii I.i tk IWrtxr-r W. noiily fresh aild. l!.!,l,.ill, i low it in.,,kn, ai . , , axonhnwlwulbwt. mimr thetiulriliniialvlui'(ifUii.i71, Kil-v-ii' itinrenrmi. i, s' roliveinenw with lit 1,1 5l ,M, lv-iiii i,mirtiT p,,iis Sll iiiith) wliat vim mwl n. iturttra stay M in dangerous when the national behavior becomes one f almost hysterical anxiety over jripers that may Letterbox SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe ;he lurking in the nest. All attention is then turned FIRST X-RAY ON THE inward and men are elected for their ability to cause she actually worked, sparks were un-American Activities headed Hying like porcupine quills, and by Senator William E. Jenner the feelinf! in one's scalp was , The Insistence of Jenner in irCMUT. !?ear, not for their capacity to instill confidence. XOKTI1 PACIFIC COAST Reading in the Prince Ruuert 'There is another disquieting feature of the PAINT UP... pressuring Canada to submit Canada's Russian wjrd. Igrr Gouzenko, to United States questioning was interpreted by jitters which some leaders seem determined to Daily News of Dr. W. T. Ker- ke tne qums were nitting me gin's 59th wedding anniversary mark party held In Vancouver where We finally got another rig he is now residing; brought to working, and every one had a mind my early associations with look at bones In his hand; you Dr Kergln when he arrived on could see your ulna, radiusses. WHAT a wonderful novel could be written around, the life story of someone like their un inflict on the country. No other state of mind could foe more suitable to the Communist movement. Why let that Xmas Decorating worry you? Be one of our satisfied customers. Make your Decorating Dollars go further and your paint job last longer. masked lake neroi s We see him first enlisting to ! the coast, and relieved Dr. A. E. our carpus and .metacarpuses, 4 j M m SPENCE & MATUIK help fight the . enemies of his : Boltoil at Port Simpson, and and filangees, could'even see th'; country. We share with him his took charge of the Port Simpuon piace the ewX of niy tliuiub used heroic dreams-how 'he expects: hospital. - to fasten to, which I had shot to engage the Nazis in mortal f " Among the things I remember off some years before, combat, perhaps with rifle a'na , during that early period, was the NO controls bayonet. Then we see him go arrival of an X-ra? machine ' 'hor , tua ri Hon t rememte th rig h -in through a series of deflations j from Toronto. Believe me it was , lnK any ammeter or vol age the army, navy or air force, some machine.1 It came in a regulator on it or any modern We see him dream his la knocked down condition all a number of experienced Ottawa correspondent an un attempt to expose Mr. Pearson who was bound to refuse such a request in the role of being "soft" towards communism ' The curious feature which the whole situation has revealed is the gullibility of parliamentary circles here. The same groups who 10 days ago were expressing satisfaction over President Elsenhower's pledges of friendship and co-operation during recent days have been taking a 'dim view of the out GENERAL PAINTINO CONTRACTORS Night Culls Blue SKI Icy Calls t Soviet agents know more 'about fear than about Sny other emotion, and how to use it to their own advantage. -f In Britain the fellow-travellers seem to have comparatively little success because there, even tfore than in Canada, they are accepted with a sort if careful tolerance which gives them hardly any imore chance of starting something than the Sunday orator in Hyde Park. Appearing to be persecute1 3s a tactical advantage which is denied them. Canada can learn a great deal from the sound jand 'fury being heard across the border. Perhaps lhe most important lesson is that, while Communists are unwelcome company, fear of them is very much worse. "-.?s; .- , 4i ,t ., t. ,i.j i,.,k r efficiency efficiency and and Intensity Intensity of of its its gadgets for control; I think the output was entirely In the hands MORE Ki of the man on the crank. Perhaps if he got over-ramburrc- look for relationships between or counter-spy services. But wooden timbers, a steel shaft there too we see him disap-: with a very large heavy flywheel, pointed and deflated. In real Mounted on the shaft were a life the great would-be "hero": large number of large rough finds himself doing something glass disks, which when put in as unromantic and unheroic as, ja revolving position some way tious he could nave Diown me the two nations because of the contraption up. allegeJ "plot" by Senator Jen- Bert Kerpin, the doctor's bro- per. was around there at the j The suggestion is that the say, currying bed-pans as an , gathered and produced the elec- ther time. Bert had a strong arm, and I president is something less orneriy in me meaicai corps, m Jtricity. I think he . was really the nrst ; filling out endless und uselift ; ...Ton the end of the shaft a IIVGE CAT ! paper, farms, in some forwjtWAj, ctani waS tiVed which had to be f nf;ineer on the rig, or the man i off kip;- run hj rtmntn nni imk rw on tne cranK anyway, uerv win ntuum .n-A wen-ieu pussy y remembered around those is Tommy, whj makes his home back on it now from a motor car sllll be ! angle, a business that I have parts. in int siorfs aepartmeni at tne 'TTrPN mJki.l (He rlpflatfH riern jcuriui nupittti. rrtaan:y me m NABISCO SHREDDED 11 i p.itiinu- hnmo th onii nf been associated with all mv life,; He was member for Atlin for; REFLECTS and REMINISCES if olnrl. in I K Iran r,t an , , ht h. CHI n HPEIIia. lOmmV U-he - wap arrd-by- mistake in l! .. . . i . v . . . weivh.t 21 rwiiinH ine oocvor mnll rieliverv epttine- a letter i01a mocei l rora compared 10 Natives IOOK over. (100 Whole Wheat including the bran and wheal 9 I addressed to another fell w the modern motor cor. had an assistant at the time, ' Borne one, the other day men- off. When he speaks folks listen. who was also in on the ssembly SnArl 14-, nQnnriian Trrlnn Anrl ,Vicn Vo rlicrnlio - H'o li-iti a noma un,u lib-s Viic .iiit , r ir n:tn fin (i was ' Dr.' of the rig. I think it Jarden. Ilot once in a blue moon ways in the evening and for the i And from the evidence in the Dr. Keigin asked me and sorrt ', ..,' ,,,,, jiwi;mi, ' (Jill, nuuiuii K w. hnn ... , , ,., TYEE w w.v.ui. to tALiciiicijr fyuiuoc aiuiiujci. " Lutri wui uwii iiciij i ca i i ,, . Dt jleJ. yrig ing feiiOWS feiiows tO to give give LODGE aouDuui n anywnere eise in, ouitr men, ui nis own age, u hand to assemble the rir Tlie Canada could Legion premises' Dull enough, as stormy dawns ! background and ability have doctor took choree of the'blue-' iliow in winter, or any other splash and flow. Yet one can, l' moat., exciting lives in th" prints anc( written instructions' season, so much natural beauty, ' afler all become used to the a- SflmeHrf'them have, eeo whe' we bm thfc inJpr h fticluding roses. But nothing Is i becn on secret mis,sionsji ,' absence of cold weather through- i n s t r u c t f o n s- Alter many ever heard of this. -v lout November. Strong words i Mf htart chatiges and replacements, we SHREDDED IS fe ftUJt rt.-) llii.-, la ail ituui iiiciuui jr. Dr. Johnson also lost his heart in old Port Simpson. I think "WT" got fome good results out. oj this old tig, as long as he had an efficient mart Sin the crank. I often tvondcr how Dr. Large, Dr. Harikinson, Dr. Greene, and even the second growth of Ker. gins would md(o out today in Prince Rupert if they had to put impatience are neara, and many " VvT i ..v, .... 1 finally got the machine pre.--'um- nut., ?4 jtfKata DOING vt r-LL . j are frank and honest enough to " When Igor Gouzenko changed admit rains all right. Yes, curse lis hoisted a few too many in ' , ' t-k-"' - '! v ''SWy !n a perfect set-up. There was a seat to on, enfl !a curved bracket came out from the local Legion hall, and when lobs of clerk in Moscow for con- it, we never could cheer forty No. 66A.F. &A.M. Memorial services will be held In St. Andrew's Cathedral on Thursday, November 26, at 8:00 p.m., for our late Worshipful Brother Shrlford Dartnn. All members are requested to attend. No regalia will he worn. AMIKRT E. WOOD, Secretary. , . ' . . lhp hwck y.'ith n (iinsnis of mvs- ' WW'.'", lit UMOUU fidential citizen in Canada, he below, seems to have made a bit of sub- : Lfc0 01 .lnt.? trv fastened on the end of it up with this ancient montrosity. CANADA'S GRIAT stantial progress. He's on the The queen and duke are spend-! " ! 'hat en me down over the head of RH their X-rays. Dr. Kergln front pages. He's not going to lng three days in Jamaica, after i lhe vlctlm- I ir " Frand mlu tn,d !.inev,,nCr iie begins to snin them a bit ' he the United States. 1 .I-.SP.'n...a.?. and war, much beloved while -Washington a call in Bermuda which i This arrantrement was to eive LOW PRICE CEREAL in coming to him. And there Is island lot nf folk thmirt.i.i.,.,,r..' t ... T ' nne's rain a shower of violet, i rved the north country l sion for Bureau X 1 . ,trv to include within the Indies In,. m, nnr,t if .m ..t ! rnvs. orobablv to cure dandruff If Prince Rupert boasts a mu-enm this old rig should be if- tltl AV. iinclally, he's somewhat better group. Or say Greater Antilles. month at a meeting of the1 After everything was in place, f U is still in exist- 1 Lions Club, he is unex-' the next thing was a trial trip. ; looked up I TTl'RE DRINKS pectedly called on to fill in fori Dr- KerRin turned to me and ence. In future the sale of liquor in a speaker delayed by a late 'said.: "You get on Wiggs and; Government WIGGS O'NEILL. j British Columbia will differ i. train. He is put on the spot by ;we11 try her out. I hesite'ed Kmilhers, B.C. i I smximMxw t m. r mm mm w somewhat from has been ' the chairman who has heard tooked.the contraption over SelkPJgmt 'f&tlw&ithe fcastr' l! 1 thMh itkrt ;;!d. iilt&iiU&eviAm tnes kuggtsted he take the trial will dp a gentility, a social status our., nero s conlUNituRM4. tte i r "V. t more awm me Telegraph Line hall. ; and refinement, as well as an j Legion innate skill and dexterity in the luau a.iiyiiuv t-iw, tiim imv- j .1. lng' the technical knowledge he 1 i - ; AT FIP.ET : " :' j could direct us. I felt I would be , our hero is timid better on the crank, under his I fake reminiscences. I rfirPf. ion . i OTTAWA (CP) The cabinet j perlormance of an employees' has approved sale of the fed-; duties. There must be dignity, orul government's telephone but not too much. A pleasing about, his But then he gets caught up in tnd "telegraph facilities in Bri I personality is expected. Chop Suey House Don Third Ave. West l'hon Keil 878 EPECIALIZINO CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally at a popular lh - Columbia for $1 500.000, Transport Minister Chevrler Dr. Howard Snyder (Maj-Geni (tnnotlnced Tuesday president Eisenhowers per- His reaction to this was, after looking it all over, was to remark: "I wonder if we got everything right." . I don't remember who was Ihe brave one to finally hop onto the old montrosity, but lo and behold, when we got her revved up Thc facilities will be taken 1 sonai physician announces the thing. The fish story swallows its author. He really begins to pile it on and make a real story of it. Then comes the awful ordeal, when a great magazine of world circulation stumbles on his fish story, and puts Its ace reoort'-r on the iob of writine it ud for ever "by the B.C. Telephone Co there is no validity to the report that the president has a heart ffWWSBMWMWCSRMfctedMWwWiww j condition. The trouble is known as "tennis elbow." That's less I serious. We'd call it comfort. ' cheerful publication. Finally comes the exposure of the fraud and our hero's nerv-! and the Canadian National Telegraph Company each paving $750,000. Mr. Chevrier said in a statement that the sale has been li n de r discussion for some months, but details of the agreement are still being worked out. " The main lines involved run tiom Kamloops, through Prince ATTEMT ON I.F.SS POPLLAR It is believed highly questionable if Dr. Kinsey's sexual report, presented to Vancouver public library, was given anything other than a dead flat reception. Library officials say this. Only nine individuals took books out. And one may well ous collapse. Before you are too tough in your moral judgment of that man, remember the case of Grey Owl. In real life Grey Owl was a white man, who faked an Indian background. But in the fake character which he created for himself Grey Owl George to Prince Rupert in cen FISHERMEN MID BOAT OWNERS V EKOLITE has done it again! , This rime a 60-FATHOM DEPTH INDICATOR , - - . r ' ; s , tral British Columbia. Also in-Solved, however, is a vast sys-frrn of telephone, telegraph and fadiq.-telephone connections in 1 B.C. coastal inlets, Vancouver Island, the Northwest Territories and northern Alberta. assume "none kiver to kiver." were read from I was a very great man and good I teacher indeed. $195oo for only 'A Department of Transport1 'Jjiokesman said a condition of 1 sale will be that; the buyers' wmstf tigree to maintain at least! iquiv,alent if not better serv- I ices. i Now on Display LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS 4 MELLOWEDINWC ' 8 . .mrt ai And Accessories COMPLETE SETS FROM 329.95 up a tneie CHOP SUEY Tx ' ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 o.m. ' Less 10 discount on ell orders before December 31, 1953 With a deposit of SI 7.50 and the balance of $158.00 on delivery, you can assure yourself of a Sounder before the start of the next fishing season. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL V.'ilford Electrical Works COW BAY Dealer in Prince Rupert District for EKOLITE '' m LAY AWAY NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE j JI! I I 11 V DISTILLERS OF THE FAMOUS RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC t Hollywood Cafe 313 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 644 For Outside Orders' Phone 133 I' ' " - ', - -, ,. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Government ol British Columbia. r s