CoitsoiaKo.i Prize LACOMBE, Alta. (CPX-Wilfred Ca JPartu JIM Thursday, November Massed Choirs, Orchestra To Highlight Carol Festival son of Hlllsdown saw his crop destroyed by hail grain OPTOMETRIST KEITH H.TUCKER Phone 2li this Jackson, who has a An enjoyable evening was spent wlfe 'and year. flve cnlldren Local Artists' Work Steals Limeli6hi?at Art Exhibit Nearly 100 pictures 'by . local ; A steady strenm of viewers artists stole the show' -from the ! toured the school activities room work of other Canadians at the examining the exhibit which in- later tival Association which is spon ho a larce group av 01. ran Q.,nj wuu ttii uuvuiuuuiic in aaerviee , Anglican church hall at Plans for the Christmas Carol Festival were finalized last night by members of the Prince Rupert Music and Drama Fes- ciuu ruiiie. Cove, when a parish card party was held. Prizes went to Mr. J. Prince ' i and Mra. W Orlfflths for cm V Iivm..... art, exhibit here yesterday, eluded everything from oils to The local art work was dis- wood cuts, but more interest was j played with c o 1 1 e c t TO n s by shown in the local work. ; ---..ill l0 nd whist and refreshments weie ANOTHER BIG NAVY DANCE served by members of the W.A. Charles Scott, W. P. Weston and Enthusiastic viewers comment- f 3 X Jk .branches. soring the event. . - The two-night carol-concert, which wiil feature lesser-known carols by several local choral groups, will be staged December 8 and 9 In the Civic Centre, and will be climaxed with four carols sung by massed choirs, ac companied by the symphony orchestra, on the final night. The massed choir numbers will be recorded tor broadcast at a later date. Members of the association also received copies of the syl-bbus for the 54th annual music Cl1 cereal ion a f CjroiifJ Planning IVinler projects members of the Canadian oo- erj on the progress shown 03 ci-tv of Graphic Arts, in an ex- longtime art club members suet hibit staged by the Prirft Rupert ; as Mrs. o. A. Hill, Mrs. T. Priest JOHtltllE WALKER Art Club at Booth Memorial 1 MrS j. Roserson, Mrs. Husvik Plans for a variety of activl- tip! inrhldififf dances rinrtnar tHo FRIDAY, NOV. 30 Navy DriU Hall Dancing 10-2 Admission $1 00 High school yesterday Jta-noon and last night. PERSONALS I winter months, were discussed when members of thp Canadian nd drama festival next sprint, hi'.h already have been mailed IOIN ' ('HI 00IN9 III0N0 f . - 5 Kutional Recreational A.-so.-iu- A'-, tirii met last, night. ? .... i-.- 1 ... cut to expected competitors Mus:c by the "DUKES" if, The group planned to sUige C'uii' s are also available at the l;ev- ,ai .lances, ana 10 uunch a rivir Centre Mrs. Herb Young and Mrs. J. T. Harvey. The latter's fall scene? ?Tim the Cedarvale and Telkwa districts, especially drew much interest as did Mrs. Kill's of her d.whter. N.tnry. A)t" tpproval (01 thcli vork Were several nev-n- rnrii'-hers of tlv.- art club. iin!iiii'.i:s Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Radford. Mr? Sidney Elkins, P. F. P. Bird, Mrs R. C. Barbour, Mrs. Ruby Allen. Mrs. F. E. Dowdie, Mrs. Roma White and Miss Audrey Wrathall. Watercolor scenes from Miller Bay, by Miss Rathbone, who teaches art at Miller Bay, also EVKKYONE WELCOME '" ;' "'","lw;- The group cancelled its Dt- The meeUng wound up witli a Meeting cember and will meet J Proceeds to Children's Christmas Tree visn 10 m iiewiy-openeu yjun i ,,,.,. ','- u.'1'itrtT, Vhiffin. 708 Tay-lof Street, returned aboard the Vi r i,,frre yesterday from a holiriaf in South Bend, Indiana, where" he visited his sister in the Order of the Holy Cross, Noire Dame Convent, whom he hadn't seen for 45 years. He twveMrrt to South Bend by train "tlub Hous:. built by enthusiastic 1 members. FINI OLD , SCOTCH WHISKY The executive of the associa- SANDRA DEMPSTER, 17-year- uM biunette, has been chosen Miss Brantford Redskin and will represent the Ontario Rmbv Football Union team in the Miss Grey Cup contest at Toronto this Saturday. : Elks Install flon includes President John Mc Lean, secretary-t reasurer F. via. Wlnnlnce. and returned vis New Officers Prattle and Victoria. He spent ; were notable. Slade and Mrs. J. McLean, E. Pavlikis, E. Hemmons. M. Postuk, G. Maharg and E. Hildebrand. sv wrcf. In Victoria with his One of the main features of the reMtvtow nd daughter,' Mr. ; exhibit was work by Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Peter D. Allen, an-" ', Hodees. experienced artist whr oji son Rupert WTiif fin, and j instructs the night school classes Ditill,d, Blended mi Bottled in Scotland Cmmu U m, visited other relatives In Van- in art here. Her exhibit featur In a colorful ceremony at the tlks' Hall last night, officers for the 1953-51 season, fur Piinre Rupert Lodge No. S42, Eenevolent and Protective Or-, oi l 01 elks, were inslallrd. j Oi'ficlating at the installation v.- s l.rn Evans of Smlthers, dls-: including tv UJooJe J-loSjiilat P Jl II tl. Ill ed mainly portraits, V; 1 JOHN WALKER ASOwin 4 Stolci Whiiiy OijlilW, KJtltill TtOHU "S" ES KIIMAIN0CK, IC0IUW one of her husband. Tea was served at the afternoon session by membens of the school effective living classes, with Mrs. R. H. Davidson and Mrs. T. Priest pouring tea. j or displayed by the Uqttnr ti BMird or by the Oomuwi - In the evening, tea was servec iukc v.uiumoi Members of the Hospital Guild trict deputy grand exalted rul-; , )f the Women of the Moose met e:. nssisteu by J. Klcven of 1 it the home of Mrs. H. Hamilton, jnitliers and secretary Miss 940 Ambrose Avenue, when four Mildred Furness of Prince Ru-guests were welcomed. pi : i. Guests were Mrs. H. Tweed, i Included In the party from Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. F. Shan- SmUhcrs were Mrs. Loma Bo- non and Mrs. J. MacDougall. 1 ii!e. Mrs. vans and Mrs. J-. j Following a brief business ses- ! Adamite. , " ' ' i IT PAYS TO ADVERTS by art club members, with Mrs Herb Young in charge, assisted by Mrs. Ray McLean. Mrs. J. Moran, Miss Pauline Watkinson, Mrs. J. Stark and others. sion .tli, ,gr8up enjoyed ards : fhe ceremony was preceded with " prices going to Mrs. ' H. 1 .,y a din.icr at the Broadway Cafe, and the evening wound i p with a social hour at which Ladies of the Royal Purple were Harrison and Mrs. R. Montgom- 1 ery. Refreshments were served at the close by the hostess. ' Others present were Mrs. I Gladys Glen, Mrs. H. Harrison ' and chairman, Mrs. R. Mont- gomery. couver. ,'H'r. ; nil Mrs. G. R. Brett, 653 Tiitlcw Street, have returned Iro'ii -Auburn. Washington.! ub.ere'Mrs. Brett had spent the past four months with Mr. Brett's mother who was seriously ill. Stewart Hills, who is now employed in Vancouver, has returned home to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr and Mrs. George Hiiis, 1501 Second .tenud West. ' Mr. Wcntworth Brown, vice-president and general manager of the Columbia Cellulose Co. l,td and Mrs. Brown and Mr. ). M. Black, vice-president and (paiirer of the Canadian Chemical and Cellulose Company, Montreal, and Mrs. Black ere in Prince Rupert, on busl-ness,,and plan to leave tonieh' aboard the George for Vancouver. Mrs. Black was honored last night at a buffet supper at the home 'of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones. Also here for "Columbia CeIt lulosc ate Mm-'Charles B. Dunham, director of forest operations, and Harold Hudson, comptroller. Hi guests. . Entertainment included mu- S S"Si H j'c on the electric organ by j Ihi'io Kraupncr. ,. j 'Ship Ahoy' On Air Tomorrow Jackie Cooper. Bert Lahr and Martha Wright will be featured in "Ship Ahoy," the Ford The-, atre program at 8:30 tomorrow 1 night over CFPR. 5 Cooper will be heard as Mer-! ton Kibble, a writer of pulp fic- tion thrillers. Skip Owens iBerl Lahr) Is his valet. Jodie Win-ters (Martha Wright) is a night club singer. p .fc. Ssik. .SBBBW Mure MARGARET TRUMAN, daughter of former President Harry Truman, arrives in Ottawa for a concert in aid of the Greek earthquake disaster fund. Miss Truman, a concert singer, is appearing in a number of Canadian cities on a tour. .; :6cf(-yhe hAfe &M with Aim - - iru km m m m mt Park Board; 1 Ccn'.inu'd:frn Page l The fun starts ,in the gay musical comedy when Skip Owens falls in love with a show girl and, because the troupe is leaving for Peurto Rico, tricks , ' 1 Conned oodi (orge I tUWjX I f ' "" , J I tire 39 peris in tli2 .Mo:n- jUrs,,J. S. Black, , first vlce- :hls boss Kibble into going alonvji! Park avei the board Di ns p ill's -Auxiliary here? returned 0" the vnyage reloin mineroli onef I Xrfti I ' 1 ' ' I ' ' ' ' .? vilimins of the fresrj I JPJSjp! I X .'". --, -' ,V foods used for tooning jSy I 1 ' I ' ' ' "'" V 1 ' Ml :.tnt viih improvement of the present playing .field pnd pro-1 yesterday Jrom Victoria where I Hhe attended a meeting of the B.C. Legion Auxiliary executive. readers vision of new facilities. Aloma ceuld al.-;o be a bonu'. spot, they s.ikl, noting th .t eoor' natural soil wd already available in the p;irk nenr Hay-Creek, and . tlut thi loottior was comparatively . protected from the .weather.'.''';" 1 '. ' : Commissioners -alrrr rtressfjf. that their proposed s.'initnry f!S'. method of reclaiming; Algoms' Park land would solve the city's garbage dump problem. The commissioners nlnnned tc. i-Jfort Edward., passengers aopardjthe George were Mr. and lips. J. E. Sedgwick, return-Ing horne from the south. .il !'. !.lira.K K-'Mansell has re-turncd from a lengthy holiday frlb to Arizona, Nevada and California. ' Mr. Mansell Is still in Las Vegas and Mrs. Mansell plans to rejoin him there In January. i ,Mrs. .Trn-; M'.inhe Terrne Moose Ladies Please don't forget the candy stall. (274) Remember the Lutheran Church Lutefish and Fishcake Dinner, Saturday, Nov. 28, from 5;00 to 8:00 p.m. (276) Sons of Norway Dance, Friday, Nov. 27. Whist, 8 o'clock; dance, 10 to 2. Music by Mike Colussl. Everyone welcome. (276) t At the Co-op Eafcoi ?, '.ii evrr-pnpuiar Royal Macaroon C.iiie. Don't forcet Co-op enriched bread your best buy. f CANNED FOODS fil lC7 ask permission to nti;iine Ihei p!nns for Algoma Park ut th ;" .M. ric':;-'.; rr .ne nrav-fonneil C'vir A fj .!.: M.;t end :it tli- m hi'1:'',;; of tlv C'oi:'n.uiii'..v J. air p,iy i .-' ,,.(;(.- rfltna-.-i jesterduy aboard the 1 HJ)ir,e Ivora a visit in Vancou- j vjf district. Rcturuhisr 7;ith hr! "tv: l:'.,r mother. Mrs. 3. Thur-s;'f of Abbutsford. H 1 Mr. A. C. L. Warner, general ps&enger agent for the Cana-oIbii National Railways, and J ' a;--c pi.'inm. '1 to prepare Special meeting Rupei-. c-ri:- t-i :i s:;t! p!.,n of 'he Shoreworkers Local tj.PAW.U. piopoM-d Algoma Paik develop-1 Thursday, Nov. 26, 8:00 p.m., ment to distribute at such Metropole Hall. Business, Trijl meetings so that voters could ! Committee report Wage con- see for themselves what is plan- Mrs. Warner paid a brief visit h';ie yesterday. He is making iracis xor a. uu ned , : ; &fru$ wi 7 i':1 c.-jfcj mife'im his semi-annual Inspection tri'j lb;! Prince Rupert and Ketchikan. i 'Mrs. A. W. Kcrgin,. 320 SeconJ Avenue West, returned yester-(!iiy tioard the George from Vancouver where she attended tfe golden wedding celebration of, het husband's brother. Dr. KetglfV returned earlier by l);ine. fj -vV ,J ' November 20th Don't woir", tngall ii . . . you can u Ci m detti.-euU wcCb ut into gniwie an. I nme eo nwjftlv, cul nvcrcomo uic risk yl lia ti,o mm dft.t.-;j Camlve the natural oik your li.iudu ncoj to kocp y. u" fully ?JA'""'"SP 'J,!l-r"' ii- m l t!.cii u,o JLRUKNii JAJIKJ., every In,,.;. It' (ho ,n,Bl I)0,,jl,ir ro,uiuo fur hand care m the worHI i or or.o ihinc. Juikcu j.ouon cynlains two men .limn used by floclo-n LAYAWAY PLAN? for aoftenms. For anoliier it dVjt coal X u",i vL7i''.a1d,ht' P8 J? "ie Precl,,"s oib that W-p your baud! young and lovely. Costs jU8t 15c, 37c, 65c nn.l $1.15. ',i. i.'MrsJV. D. Vance. 2155 Atlin Avenue, and her son and daugh-ter-injlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vance. '"returned yesterday from Vancouver, where they attended the SaflJcr Wells ballet. ho Hot DUturbt Ever noticed U hen Your Hn!r Is Beautifully l.mfjrit . . . your I, how . hard it is to distract your baby when he's enjoying one of the MB make-up flattering . . . and you're all se.l. to wear your newest, most glam- Ve should say not! Everybody knows thot Milk must bs fresh. Thot is whv our milk, shiprjod straight from the farms of the Bulkley Volley Milk Producers' Association, is delivered to you bright and early on the day followinri its arrival in the city. j! In Vancouver stay at th Wheal you use N orolll evening 3 good HEINZ ST RAINED BAB V FOODS? pown what a toy Hrodle's X f -Vr.. to know that every-thntij about it is jttxl riyhl! For you V White Cake Mix , you make a perfect white cake that's Babies love these wholesome, nutritious foods . . . the good Heine Pre-Cookcd Orcals and the delicious variety of meat food products. venKtubW and ilisena in the family of Hfinz Simiwd bigger, finer, lighter . than any you've ever tasted! HOTEL And Santo will point out to you . . . that on Christmas Day and on every other day . . . MJk is the best food value for your money. rree I t know, as well as 1 do, that n lippnr which ilneKn't close properly, or looks clumsy, inn ruin the perfection of tveryihiiift elfe iuclud-inu the erciiinn! Always buy l.l;HTNlN(i 1'ASTKNEHS and you cun he positive your fit is sleek and chic. The automatic lock idiilcn hkc silk, yet fodtn at the loucli of your finger tip. Lightning l'ahlcners are in styles to Bint every type of fabric and in the loveliest colours, too. ...Just add water, mix and buke! So ure, so easy: no extras required. ... 2 custom-cut paper cake tin liners in every package for your added Baby I'oods. Then there are the HEINZ JUNIOR KOOIJS, specially for hhy when he's a li;lle older. Yes, Heinz sees to it that, your baby i wi II and wholesomely fed from the Hp; of just a few months to bevoral years. Next time you're Bhopium? for baby, slock up on his favourite Ueins Baby Foods at your dealer's. Look for valuable Phone 13 coupon on every How fry XX, rich mit k. ""h chocolate flavourl ...CombinaHoK Col" contain, 2 vo-'"-''" pertion., choJ-t whi..for o"-",'h WnchchartW lay.,, on. layer. box top. Write for complete premium list to BRODIE & IIARVIF. LTD., 6600 Hutchison St., Ouiremont, Oue. FOR HOME DELIVERY NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS Home It Where Mother It ... w they tv. And vou'll umiallv find Mother hovering nround the iMove. That's why it's -i J2 . a ua"l'v '""r"' n l'at'PV niotlier when iln-res ? (iWlNEY Cas luigc in the kitchen. This - k'-m, l"vc ol a tliwe liiut mj uianv cooking Iwlps . . . the rSfly" "Even-ljent" oven that kerps the temperature ili v i cznHlu mid automatically. Then there's the auto- ' matic clock control for e:isy automatic cooking ... and j the oven-lii;lit to show you just what's happening through the glass oven-door panel. It's really worth your while to ak your dealer to show you the new C.ura' r nnecs and Uil you dmi ti,.r ' Itiuitn-tested" features of this beautiful stove FOR BIGGER BETTER CAKES BUY DROSlES (ntral Reasonable Kattt 1221 Cranvlll t- .. MArinc 7235 TT