Prince Rupert Daiy Nt-wa Thursday, November 28, 1953 Unofficial' Report in London Paper ays Alexander Threatening to Quit Government Grants Loan OTTAWA (P The government plans a $1,000,000 loan to the Yukon territorial government to finance construction of a new water and sewer system in Probe AJournsd j VANCOUVER Royal . nitij mission hearing into the What- shan landslides vhich extensively damaged a $5,800,00t station on Lower Arrow eower ake this summer has now beer I adjourned until Dec. 1. Thi! hearings, adjourned for several, weeks, were scheduled to resume, last Tuesday. RUSE TO SEE FIREMEN RESULTS IN $25 FINE HAVERHILL, Mass. AP Miss Catherine Yuele, 28, was fined $25 after pleading guilty to ringing a false fire alarm. . Police said she explained she had a date with a fireman who didn't show up and she wanted to see if he was working. Police didn't know if the ruse worked. i f LONDON (CP) Prime Minister I his Conservative Dartv might resign as defence minister in the row over retirement jmrchill called an emergency Ministers hurried to 10 Down j,, .ting consider revons ing street amid reports thi-.t pensions for First World War jn ading within the ranks oi Field Marshal Earl Alexunde officers Whitehorse, it was announced by Resources Minister Lesage. - i I ; II - The Liberal News Chronicle i&ici Wednesday in a front-pace story that "unofficial" reports sie circulating that the former tsovernor-Kentral of Canada is threatening to resipn "after a row in the cabinet." Pn-:;s speculation was based at least in part on the choice of the Marquess of Salisbury to make known the government's decision on retirement pensions in the House of Lords. Until WW u r 1 1 nil iiri n- I! u rn 1.1 VI LI r Tuesday night, Lord Alexander hnd aii.-.wered questions on the J G r j; 's .ISW o N "--T-'iiL.'CL. t v ""Vi.'V-Jr5' i S subject in the Lords, and had promised a statement this week Lord Alexander's absence from f .A T & t f V.V SN , FnHas it always eemed trvn far? Just think what a (lilTeirnoe . ' N, there is when you go by air for that much-desired visit home 31 Christmas-time! It's so quick and convenient, as you speed smoothly on your way, relaxed in armchair comfort. And remember, you can save when you bring the family with you by using TCA's Family Fare Plan on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Be sure to make your reservations early. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT or TCA OFFICE TCA OFFICE IN VANCOUVER 65G Howe Street (Opp. Georgia Hotel) Phone: TA. 0131 r the upper house was commeni-eu on by soveral newspapers. The independent Times said the decision on pensions was no doubt "unpalatable" to the defence minister. The storm over pensions broke with the announcement, by Lord Salisbury in the Lords and by Prime Minister Churchill in the Commons, that the government had decided not to give special treatment to some 330 retired service officers whose pensions were stabilized in 191,5 at 92 per cent below the 1919 level. . '! A ' ,i " j LOVELY LINDA DARNELL sews self-designed dresses and ' gowns for herself between shooting of scenes of "Donne Pribite," being filmed in Italy, on a machine presented to her by Vittorio Nechl. An Italian cast of supporting players is featured with Miss Darnell in the film. Seaforths Honor H. R. MacMillan VANCOUVER f H. R. Mac ,10RGE DONDERO Jr. of San Rafael, Calif., cradles his head ainst his outboard motor giving out with evidence of his ki -iii-mess, and no doubt waits for relief at the rudder. This WANS-CANADA i 4! I INTERNATIONAL . T ANS-ATI ANTIC TKANSCONTINENIAl )hoto, taken by. Oeorge's father, was first-prize winner in a i ' .ng photography contest. . , , jThrP Qig Dmg More Than 56,000. Treated -JSP J$-:'': Millan, British Columbia lumber magnate, has been installed as honorary colonel of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada. He took YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT for Cancer During Year THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE VANCOUVER KP Three major drug rings are operating in Vancouver doine business estimated over from Col. Eric W. Hamber, former Lieutenant-Governor of B.C. Serguis was the name used by four popes between the years 687 and 1012. CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 215 Second Street . Phones-620 Special to The Daily Newi VANCOUVER More than 58,-lu treatments and examinations ir cancer were given between 476 cent- at millions of dollars a year, two Of the 1,447 new patients ad- city police detectives said Mon-mltted, 963 had cancer, 403 did! day night, not have cancer. Nearly 700 of j Detectives Rex Gray and Clli-those patient were from outside ford Mead of the police narcotics Vancouver. Ismiad told a Public Affairs In- Ml 1952, and March, 1953, at in British Columbia Cancer In-ute, Vancouver, Dr. A. M. Speaking of the ten consulta-; stitute meeting that the only tuns, director of the institute. tlve cancer clinics in B.C. oper-!way to combat spreading drug addiction is to quarantine all ated by B.C. Cancer Foundation, I'nntun aHriintc fnr iVtn roct nf mrted at the annual meeting the B.C. Cancer Foundation e Wednesday. Dr. Evans said the Institute staff ! their lives " hi a A mnrla n ininl r.t an 4 This represents a 21.5 per cent ! tuOM A.iriJ,0 4Vlla i,iU. ! u J j ' rse over the previous year, I p" " ""Mcw: (n,ri,ie a . v,.,,, , r w.u-.. . .cvj , icn aimroximatelv 48.000 ex- linatlons and treatments were liven. These SDecial Prices will be Good for November 27, 23 ond 30 and December! i ii Dr. Evans pointed out that the Tease in facilities at the instl-te, rather than a rise in the SALMON Gold Seol, 'Vs 3.7c idence of cancer in B.C., was COFlFiS '- 2g gely responsible for the no- able increase in examinations DOGS, CATS OUTNUMBER UNITED STATES CHILDREN . NEW YORK (API Families in the United States have about as many cats and dogs as they do children, says National Family Opinion, Inc., a research organization. There are more dogs and cats 49.300,000 of them than there are American households 41,000,000. This means that there are 1.2 dogs and cats in the average home. Cats outnumber dogs by 26,700.000 to 22.600,000. But it's Just that more people have fewer'dogs, while less people have more cats. d treatments. He said the number of new tients admitted this fiscal EACH JAAAL 77c ir to the Institute, 1,447 corn- red to 1,312 in the previous al year, showed an Increase 10 per cent. X-ray and cobalt ) DRINK JUICES atments increased 14.7 per FOR HEALTH V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE The vitamin drink Af 20-oz for ORANGE JUICE Malkin's unsweetened 20-oz 21c "Custom-made" Coffee New Breakfast Vogue Marvellous 100 Real Cuttve Made "Scroll, Medium or Mild" Itighl in liie Cup APPLE JUICE Sunrype, Blue Label C) Q4n Saltine Crackers w"-s y 3$c SARDINES 2 . 1 9c NAPKINS prty Pack' cioured 1 9c ppgio" for 25c BLEACH pcrfcx'32oz 35c SOAP p&.G-hitf LUX. Gia" s" " ,he ,omiiy ""h 69c We are sure you will appreciate our PHONE SERVICE and DAILY DELIVERY to your door. We deliver orders C.O.D. I for 20-OZ. nrT I: pbas M -r TOMATO' IT u V ' . . H !1 SOUP I xCtT! cJJ ; f Campbell's . fej ECONOMICAL CONCENTRATED JUICES At breakfast you cilld-ajwnya fet. 23c Orange Base Real Gold, 6-oz. Blended Base Real Gold, 6-oz. 23c 23c Lemon Base Sunkist, 6-oz. .'in ujhhi llKiiT. OF uurii-f-yuur, imam Qipdium or well-done your m, 2, 3 or 4-minute boiled. But Vi'iir mffee't Well, you iUHt got OifTce! The coffee might be too strong for vou U. tasu-d bitter. Or too mild fw you it tasted weak. But if you wto in the minority too ' bad! Alii-r. nil, one pot of coffee can't satisfy everybody's taste. Hut then came the revolution the "Coffee Revolution"! Now the moat I'Tgotten "little man" can get just the cup of coffee he likes! Seriously, though, it's the women who muke the enffi'e who brought on the revolution! It was they who discovered the wonderful new Instant Chase 4 SaniHirn. and Rt.nrt.iirl Rprvincr it for Canned Vegetables Canned Fruits Try Al! Three for 65c 22c 23c APRICOTS Malkin's Choice, 15-oi BLACKBERRIES Malkin's Choice, 15-oi MUSHROOMS Money's Gold Label, Choice, 10-oz CORN 9 Nfblets, 14-oa: SAUERKRAUT Libby's, 15-o You will find that you can save money on your food purchases 42c 47c 16c for if you deal with your NEIGHBOURHOOD FRUIT COCKTAIL OQc Libby's, 15-oi CRANBERRY SAUCE Whole or Jellied, Afn INDEPENDENT FOOD STORE DEEP BROWN BEANS 2,, 33c Libby's, 15-oz. ... AO' ANIMAL CRACKERS By Weston Kiddies' Arrowroot Cookies Ofean Spray, 15-oi " Ik'n' QUAKER OATS Large Box 7-oi 25c NYLAST Makes Nylons Last Longer 4 9CKVItrirs lJ New Instant Chase & Sanborn is 100 real coffee and fas res like it. Rousing, rich-flavored coffee ready with its magical lift the moment you add the hot water. It's your kind of coffee made by people with nearly 100 year of coffee experience. Oie sip and you'll you'll make it your regular coffee ! Large Economy 35c V. A FREE TUMBLER in each package f irst of all, here's 100 real coffee that really tastes like it. i!'' 1!HV Sanborn gcientiats Raw to that! They took on the job of pro-nucing an 'instant" worthy of lliase & Sanborn's 100-year-old fW reputation. They never relaxed till they had succeeded in "trading from the finest coffee wans the color and texture the "en robust flavor and aroma of treshly ground coffee. Next, housewives decided tluit this (finitely superior "insUnt" plainly "'Jongs whenever and wherever nee is served. And then, everybody caught on to the other important .benefit. Cups of Instant Chase Sanborn can be "custom-made" eai'h person's taste. Goodbye to ine old one-pot handicap! Farewell to Grounds w the housewife, Instant Chase & Jwnbom means the end of that dole-'Mnfter-meal chore of scouring a "tamed coffee pot and disposing of cotlee grounds. Here is the modern, '"nt.v, trouble-free way of serving e coffee. Kudgeteera are excited about the T""f on instant Chase & Sanborn oo. i he regular size jar makes about "'" same number of cups as a pound "'regular ground coffee. Yet it sells l to 40 less than a pound of r,'Blar coffee. 4-oz. Size 12-ox. 35c 69c ?tXAS.l I ii LU "TSe I agree agree-it it's s 'so so good gooa , SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 I RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 LYONS FINE FOODi I WILLIAMS GRUtttvi I I - I iiy)Ki3S).;r 'I J Hbtf!Jte Raior.and tana of freshly Ground Obfiee Instantly! THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE I"