iisTTWaMfsC'-"' tea- Thursday, November M. wxi Stronger Voice in Senate Urged For Opposition MPs 1 .Ji I at least one-quarter of the Se.l-nte's 102 seats. Mr. Argue described the Senate as "famous only for delay-ins progressive legislation sent to ii by the Commons." lie wimdrew the remark at the request of Speaker Rene beaudoin, who said it was exuberated " The CCP iwinber said later, however, thu in l'i'Jii ! OTTAWA :CP) The Coinmors htis hi' rd two suggestions en the future nf the Seiv.ite: Abn-litimi, or refurm.s to Rive tl;'' ' ppo.-iticn a stronger voicv there. i;-v:n Arum tCCr-Assini-"..li-.l liiis wcvk tint "the fci :.; reUirm that can be Iwnisi-'-; l,i :: i., nlKiii. ion." H:irry O White (I'C Middlesex KasU ONCE IN A a ffv'i;!!;i r; r 'in - & "-, . ; ; :ti the opposition should haw the Senate had held up p. s- moke Issue s 41 Ju;t the place to store ' -1 those extra blankets, lin- i ' ens, and fine things .... T" aee oi om age pensions ,li "i..-l:.tion. Mr. White said the .Senate, with its predominance of l.ili-:ral members, Ls not prupiil' prtlecting minority rights, and ai rested that reidonal poli'ic.il t rinds be "reflected by pernii'.-tiim piovineial governmeni .; to i Piwint some senators. Th ep)osition should have at least one-quarter of the Rttvite "cats and preferably oiic-.l... J or one-half. liberals hold 81 seats in the apper chamber and ProRn ssive Conservatives elV.ht, with 13 vacancies Mr. White said the Sen ite's original purpose was to serve a i balance against "radical" leu-, i.slation. Nw with the growth of centralized powers in the federal government, individual rights seemed to be forgotten. The two members spoke ilm-int. the thmnp .vnpfr-h rt.'lvi'o IT I .jjiHtr IWtpj II Itl I w clean. The aromatic scent In Vancouver Stated Urgent VANCOUVER CP) One ot Y.-meouver's top evnerts on at: pollution terms the smoke sit-iv.tion here "deplorable and ot tome urgency." Dennis Critoph. chairman oi the smoke committee of Die Community Planning Assoiia-tion, said that in 1950 about ;;:'.() tons of solid matter p- :' stjiiare mile was deposited in Vancouver "and anything over 'JBd tons is bad." Mr. Critoph said approximately 35 to 50 per cent of Vancouver's smoke is domestic THIS I.IFE-SIZED HOUSE Is built entirely of cardboard. The unlauc structure is one of the features of the PackinR Conditioning and Presentation Exhibition at the Poite.s de Versailles Hall in Paris. It's pretty enough, but would become sogey and crumpled in Rupert's rain. of Red Cedar keeps moths and vermin away. The wonderful design and fine construction of a LANE CEDAR CHEST will please even the most discriminating . . . Locking top lid and drawer . . . Expertly finished in the Lane fashion ALL YOU COULD HON FOR ONLY$69-50 Low Down Payment - Easy Ter Much-Decorated Cavalryman due to the burning of volatile in the Commons while the Son. ; bituminous coal in haphazard 8te conlinued lu own thl,m(, 1 fashion by householders. ; " tpP,.Ch debate : Sawmills account for a con- j jlaroId E winch (CCF Van-'siderable amount, largely due cover East, sald 217 pf,IK1,ns ;to disposal of so-called waste committid suicide in Vnnronve:- Happy To Be on Move Again ! which in Sweden is of economic tP,wfl,n Jan 1948 and 0(.tlJ. value. Other sources are ship- bpr of this year and m0iit CAMP PETAWAWA, Ont. 'CP) out the Fk.'ly, It;. Iv yru! roi A soldier who enlisted in the I west t.uro)..-" tat.ip i"is hi a Royal Canadian Dragcons in (oniniissuiice role. The r--!i-ient the cavalry days a . quarter-1 now is equipped uith Sh- rsiian century ago is looking forward : unci Centurion tanks. f) SUFFER FROM f) BACKACHE? pum in mi uuiooi, '." to""-. old people on pensions "who de-hospitals nd other buildings ; j ridl,d ,Ue wasn.t worth Uving." He said the problem shou.d He des(..rihed their deaths as be attacked at the grate, by : ..murd,r by an PCOnomlc system regulating fire-burning equip-1 slipported by the lnree (1,hl,, ment in all places where smoke i part(.s jn this House." emanates. to another trip overseas. jn jo3&, the Dragoons winner oi uie l.iiiiiary ivieoai ,, ,., maiintetl e.'.eoi'.s 10 in northwest Europe ciuring (he If your trouble is due to improper body support during sleep a Spring-Air "Ultra-Firm" or "Orthopedic-Type" mattress can help you! Come in at your convenience fill-in the im5 if rv Kmi and Queen at 01!.r.(, Toronto, Hamilton and Ni iara Falls. They were also famous for their musical ride, stnied in full dres .'Xiirl-t tunics, brass helmets with bhek pinnies, wliile Second World War, Sgt.-M:ij. E. V. Douglass, 42, now hopes to see service in Korea. His fnmd-ron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons (1st Armored Regiment i r ufc-h. bleep Analyzer we have for you .' . . to provide accurate information to far Maker Assails Rivals For 'Horsepower Rat Race' guide us in recommending the right mat-trew for you! No obligation. is scneauieo ior a lour ei cnuy ,,auiiLlet.s. lii; h iatkhouLs an 1 in the Far East beginninc early , iant.fs with rcd and whilc pen. next year. : n!;ms Since he enlisted in the Dra-1 i cddition to his M M. and Boons at Toronto as a youth of Lone Kervi. e Mea! ft -M ij , 17, Sgt.-Maj. Douslass has serv-j rjUpia, w, ars,ei"hl cuaii-uitn ', ed under 10 commanding of-1 j,tuis. " ' i licers. i ' I He says the greatest chanqe ! C,l hm;- I was the switch from cavalry to: small nommgs armor. The unit first converted! Seigniories in old French Can to motorcycles in i940 and then ada were subdivided a'mong ten- , was reorganized as an armored ants with average plots of 100 to car regiment. It served th--out;h-1 400 acres. For The Best In Chrome power or more still will have that power 10 years from now when their steering, brakfn, tires and other means of eon-trolling' them have become worn. He said they will probably fall into the hands of youthful buyers who may not realize their danger. "Thank God my company is not in this horsepower rat-race," he said. PETERBOROUGH (CP) D. C. Gaskin, president of Stude-b:ker Corporation of Canada Limited, has criticized rival automobile manufacturers for wrnt he called a "horsepower rat rae." . .Addressing the.-: Peterbor-euutt- Sales and Advertising Clan, he said cars now bcin; produced with 200 horse c SAY ooei When vou buy COOEY Chrome kitchen sef are assured of peak satisfaction. The 4' materials that go into these sets, along ultra-modern desians. place COOEY O sets ahead of all others in the market. T toDS of heaf- and scorch-resistant compc- ! ' Slut V "? IJrtj' that defies scratching. Chairs upholsters SPRINGAIRES from .,..! p Cuoroiiifwl bv 'M long-wearing plastic materials MMifl tt.(liertinr . SfS i.' " l i n I r .. Sets Complete From 5PRING-FILLED MATTRESSES from $39-50 DTHER MATTRESSES, from $16 50 Low Monthly Terms Small Down Poy t m I H V f- it i AW Ik ;i t f VITH CHAIR FOR THE H0MEMAKER WHO WANTS FUNCTIONAL BEAUTY AND UNSURPASSED VALUE . ONLY $179 with wonderful new preservative properties ,5i with CM Good news I The first made - in - Canada "clear" wax wrap is here. More pliable, easier to handle . . .the new "clear" Hand-e-wrap not only has that "see through" quality ... it is more airtisht and moisture-proof too. No more groping around in the refrigerator no more unwrapping this and that to find Complefc what you want the new "clear" Hand-e-wrap permits you to identify wrapped foods instantly. It is positively more. resistant to juices, oils and greases ... in every way a better food preserver. This extra food protection and convenience is yours at no extra cost. Look for new "clear" Hand-e-wrap at your food store today. The sturdy construction of these fine pieces . . . the durable, Deaumui rONVER' upholstery fabrics ... the completely functional design adapts them to ARMLESS CU universal use. Just the thing for those weekend guests. You'll find that this furniture will fill the bill in your house. See them today, and choose Only from a wide range of colours and styles. , - .m CHECK OUR EASY CREDIT PLAN BEFORE YOU BU GORDON & ANDERSON PHONE 46 TTfi