I Prince Ruper. Daily News , Thursday, Novc. iber 26, 1903 Wire Makers 'Fix' Prices OTTAWA (CP) Virtually the Warships Playing Santa a.., VICTORIA fc-Santa Claus, S dressed h, h sailed for Korea again Wednesday. "'fchip HMCS Cayuga, with hundreds of chrkt, French Paper Suspends Publication After 50 Years entire $124,000,000 Canadian electrical wire and cable manu BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE tiiiua, icii, iui nci ocuuim tour of duty c" it facturing industry was accused Wednesday of having partici Today's announcement says: Many oi me parcels and cards are for ti Cayuga but others are for the person,,.,. .., e Kil pated in an illegal price-fixing Canadian troops In the Far East. w shW sj; By EASLEY BLACKWOOD :ombine, exl ending over a per-od of some 41 years. MONTREAL (CP) he Canada, Montreal newspaper founded 50 jcais ago to support the Liberal party of Sir Wilfrid Laur-u r. toriiy announces it is ceasing jubliration. Then French-language daily, When your partner opens the bidding with ono of a suit and second hand doubles, you can redouble "A relatively modest circulation no longer permits assumption of the enormous cost of an editorial staff which must be equipped according to the tastes and needs of the modern axe." It recalled among Its editors such eminent Quebec editors as Fernand Rlnfret, Ollvar Asselin, Edmond Turcotte and Ouy TODAY TO SATURDAY Ur.rV,r,rr on avwurro Vi-jrirl nr liottpr HO nnints nr mm a established April 4, 1903. made ""fo, . r - - i-- , ,he announcement with the ALAN LADD - JAMES MAS in the Work count) 'BOTANY BAt OTBGEEDP Select and Mail Your Overseas Christmas Cards EARLY! Dibb Printing Co, Also ;.ont-paRe headline: i e Canada suspends publica- , k n " An editorial-page statement, which thanked readers and collaborators for their support ! ui.imn the newspaper's half-tcntury carr, b'i;ned chanq-;p'; times a:id lr reasing costs hr its cessation ; 'j he announcement came af-; trr rumors that Le Canada was i !c;r sle persisted more Hhan n i :u nth. ! A yr ,r a.;o Lc Cuiwd i al CAPITOl "Winner by a Hare" "Call Me Skinny" Showi at 7 - 9:10 budget for 1953 estimated revenue from parking meters at $140 -000. It looks pretty safe. The total for the first 10 months was $121,000. The money goea Into the general civic revenues. 1 hu dvenistmeni is nol published or displayed by iht Liquor Control Boird or by the Covernoitnl of Bnlisn Columbia. Rrn'h dealer Both sides vulnerable North (Mr. hair) S Q 5 H Q J 2 " D K 9 5 C 8 8 7 4 ! Kict (Mm. Kwn) (Mr. lwl S A K 9 8 8 6 4 3 2 H 7 4 H 9 3 D J 10 7 2 L A 8 4 C K J 10 C 6 5 3 2 South (Mr. Mastrrx) S J 10 7 H A K 10 8 6 6 D Q 3 C A Q With less than that, your best bet is to do just what you would have done if second hand had passed. In today's deal, Mr. Dale had a perfectly sound. thouh minimum, raise for his partner's heart bid. There was no reason for failing to make that raise just because Mrs. Keen doubled for a takeout. In fact that raise now served an additional purpose that of shutting out a one spade or two club or two diamond bid by Mr. Abel, any one of which bids might have enabled the opponents to find a good spot. And... Another Oulitond',, Enlertoinmml (,0, WALT DISNEY' H0WLERS5 mm. t-red its format from standard eic'it-rolumn to five-column tnbloid size. A statement at that time by the publishers said the change was designed to attract i new readers. The bidding: Against the final contract cf smith four hearts Mrs. Keen led the I l h West North DM 2 H PaSK IIIISaiBIIBIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIBIIIII'l m :i s y : All pass king of spades. At trick two she j H g I Iht lend ffiol (imi f'in w TECHNIC010! .1 shifted to a trump. How would , you play the hand from here on? Mr. Masters saw that, if Mr Abel had the king of clubs, he was in. He also saw, however, that the club finesse might be avoided if the diamond sui were favorably distributed Therefore, on the eminently sound theory that two chances jecumcoLon CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street Hats For The Festive Season 4 if4 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE iiiiiiiaBiaiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tiki are better than one, he played as follows: He won the second trick on the board with the queen of hearts and led the five of diamonds. If Mr. Abel had gone in TOT i m v n i-ninss .1;. ANNETTE'S DANCE" YOUNG PEOPLE-DANCE FIRST OF THE SEASON Fifty Cents Each ST. PETER'S PARISH HALL (Seal Cove) Dancing and Plans for Future Activities Friday, December 4, 9:30 p.m. CHlTAflAS n hff with the ace, the queen of clubs eventually could have been discarded on dummy's king of diamonds. Actually, Mr. Abel ducked and the queen of diamonds won the trick. A small diamond was returned and Mrs. Keen put in the lo. Mr. Masters let this hold and noted Mr. Abel's play of the eight spot. Mrs. Keen led another trump which was taken with dummy's jack. Now came the nine of diamonds from the board and Mr. Abel had to play the ace. Mr. Masters ruffed. He led the 10 of spades which lost to the pre. A spade was returned and he ruffed It in dummy, led the king of diamonds and got rid of his queen of clubs. " - J r i SALE STARTS FRIDAY ,9 A.M. For Extra Value For Christmas Giving FAMOUS WATCHES Bulova, 'Hamilton, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury and many others. 1 b V2 and 13 off DRESSES S89S See our many other Gift Items ONE-THIRD Off Your Friendly Jeweller New Fall Dresses in crepes, taffetas and prints. Sizes to 24':. Regular values to $19.50 PRE-XMAS SALE Nylon Nets Pose Problem 7b Officials NYLON BLOUSES 'if"? Embroidered 'or embossed 15 denier Nylon blouses in mauve, pink, red. Chartreuse PRE-XMAS SALE VANCOUVER (CP) Nylon Is au'-'n1: n few administrative heidfiche.s for fisheries officials on Canada's west coast. ; ' A federal fishing regulation stipihtes 'that' salmon gillnet-tinx must b at least 6 inches 4 wirle tn order 'to proUcKSmail RAYON" NIGHTGOWNS GIFT-WORTHY group of jersey gowns, lace trimmed, in pink, ... bUje,.,cntciL , Size&S-MsL... i.T.r-rr PRE-XMAS SALE 'in s , : u FOR. i&jszmis : Imported from United States "The American Girl" RAYON PAJAMAS salmon. Hcwever, officials have fnunrt thnt nylon nets entanqle the fish with almost any width of mesh, making the regulation obsolete. Chief fisheries supervisor A. Whltmore says he is no longer enforcing the mesh-width regulation since almost all fishermen now use nylon nets. And he has asked all fishermen usintr si ui mesh to send the results their catches to his department in order that the information may be used for research purposes. in Well-tailored two-tone pajamas. Coral, turquoise and mauve. Sizes S-M-L PRE-XMAS SALE Leathers Suedes Patent Leather . . . . . . Black : . . Red . , . Brown . . . Green Cuban ... Hi Heels . . . Pumps . . . Sandqls FASHION FOOTWEAR CREPE SLIPS SLIPS you'll be proud to put under the tree or keep for yourself. . Sizes 32 to 44, in Blue, White, Pink. Values to $5.95. PRE-XMAS SALE Alexander Mackenzie reached he Pacific Ocean by the land route in 1793. Y ALL COATS RAYON PANTEES Striped Rayon Briefs. Ribbed legs, t White only. PRE-XMAS SALE y-d j; One 0$lMbVwikd, I ..... A-7 flAA.A. nrfiL, SLACKS I J I I Go bard ine slacks in grey, wine, brown. Regular values to$995 U la & Ml na I UffT 51 gauge 15 denier Nylons. Every pair perfect and dark seamed Q Gillette ROCKET Gift Set Gift Pack Of 1 li Y LwLPJ nUiy New shades-Sizes 8Mj to 1 1 PRt-AMAi 3 50 Gillette BLUE BLADES In Dispensers $250 Colorful package con tains a Gillette Rocket one-piece Raror in Styrene travel case with 10 Gillette Blue Blades in dispenser, a tube of Gillette Shaving Cream plus an extra 10-blade dispenser. Holiday pack of 5 dispensers each hold- )-v ing 10 Gillette Blue Blades. A gift he'll use and appreciate for months to come. W GIFT BOXES GIVEN ON REQUEST IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO YOUR STOPPING FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT. Gift LADIES' WEB Gillette Shaving Kit Carton MS Of 100 Gillette mi Heres a remem BLUE BLADES In Dispensers i z brance that costs little, but makes a Imagine how pleased a man would b to have a year's supply and more of blades. Attractive gift carton holds five 20- tefin blade dispensers-100 blades in all. 0" TODAY big impression. Kit contains a Gillette Tech Razor, 15 Gillette Blue Blades and a tube of 1 Gillette Shaving Cream. , . TOMORROW'S STYLES WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FOLLOW