Prince Rupert Daily . News; OTTAWA DIARY Two Russians 'Reported Killed in Big Nationalist Guerrilla Raid on Tungshan As I See It Thursday, July 23, 1953 BY government of coastal t Kn Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert end Northern nd Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau ot Circulation Canadian Dull? Newspaper Aasocletlon. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. P. MAOOR, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President By NORM N M. McLKOD --nrxj i sj i i I . As dealt with in my previous column, one gf the reasons why a Liberal-CCF coalition is n-o-t amongst the possibilities that may arise out of the voting on August loth next is Prime Minister St. Laurent's Hislika of the entire principle of merger ex guerrillas in their biggest raid since Nationalist troops evacuated the mainland In 1949. Informed sources said about 300 guerrillas wounded in the raid have been flown here for treatment. TAIPEH, Formosa (API The English-language China News said today two Russians were Mlled in last week's big Nationalist guerrilla raid oh Tuns--han Island off the China' const. c ,lu Yan(Jlls . gnniKaUons have mi solvation group" to Ta The broadcast, heard Kong, said the urnup solldate the Island garrlv liberation army, civi!iar 8ub."?criptlon Rates: "iy carrier ppr w.'ek, 25c; per month, 1100; per year, (10.00. If mall Per month. 75c: per year, 8 00. Them Golden Slippers A defence ministry spokes Th. attack began last Tliurs- man (will, "I am not denying riny arid the rftlrteM withdrew the report, but so far we have the following day. The raid In- authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Heartache For Margaret nnuiner Nationalist all not nwtt n mention of tneUnivrrl the first use of parn- Russians In otlr dispatches Jubal Is recorrlpri in . troopers against a Red-held island. SOME Conservative criticism of the spending . policies of the Liberal government is no doubt justified. No country can expand its military establishments as vastly as we were forced to do without laying itself open to mistakes in administration. Rut .some of the Conservative! - pediency. I tut there's another rauson as well that stands with equal firmness against any possibility of I union. That reason is M. J. Cold well, CCF Leader. Mr. St. Laurent stands opposed I to even the thought of coalition 'with the CCF because he is an of Genesis as the ltiventip The Communist radio at Kun- imp ui i.vrr, ami nr nrp n mlng said today the people's ! covcrer of musical The China News said the Russian presumably were technicians connected with a radar station which is reported to have hwn operating on Tungshan. Tin Wnnrl t Just, off the mainland mast opposite Formosa. The newspaper gave no source criticism of the Liberal army old-line Liberal and doesn't be L'thnique of soap advertising lieve that the free enterprise j expenditures Is surely a wee bit nrincioles of Liberalism could ! over-stretched. Take this mat- ter of army boots. Tramp, tramp trap, them golden slippers are marching, in every for Its information. I'KISttMIRS TOTAL 80 It also reported that R9(l prisoners were captured by the ymi can fount iV newspaper in the country. But the Tory ad men have only opened their mouth on army boots to put their own foot in it. on on the radio which says something like this: "Blank Is 68 per cent more efficient" or "Such-and-such gets clothes two thirds cleaner." They do not say "two thirds cleaner than any other soap can get them" or "two thirds cleaner than our old style soap." No, they just say "two thirds cleaner." THE FACTS about the army, navy and air force boots were I given by the Deputy Minister of National Defence in the 'House of Commons on June 20, THE advertisements ask: "Why survive under the regimentation involved in CCF Socialism. i Mr. Coldwell stands equally opposed to the idea of coalition with the Liberals because he believes firmly that, if Canadian Socialism has the endurance Just to paddle its own, canoe long enough, it is certain to arrive in due course at the snores of power. But from his knowledge of past coalitions in which the Liberals were one of the partners, he is satisfied that the CCF wouldn't retain its Identity long enough to claim its heritage, if it entered into a marriage of convenience 20 Pairs of Shoes?" "How many shoes do you own? The Liberal government spent on-defence $22,000,000 00 for boots and shoes (or 20 pairs fur each serviceman)." 1952, and Mr. Claxton ff V-i-' Please note that the Tory ad- vertlsing does not say in what on November 27 last. He said: if.' li l with the St. Laurent forces. Being a realist in his politics, period. Was it one year, two "A man wears out four pairs years, or the whole 18 years of boots a year In Korea, two that the Liberals have been in? j a year in Germany, and gen-They have borrowed that j erally speaking, less than one - and a half per year in Canada. Coldwell shrewdly suspects that the Liberal idea of perfection in coalition is patterned upon the technioue of a shark when he coalesces with a minnow. Cold-well just doesn't trust Liberal overtures. We vary the issue for the Navy 1 and Air Force because they use i less footwear than does the i Army. "Trade figures on footwear , give an estimate that the average (civilian) male in Canada buys 2.38 pairs of shoes a year, Canada Facing Likely Boost In Steel Output is cu. n. CAPACITY RockMounl,: From the standpoint of his personal fortunes, it's perhaps lust too bad for the CCF leader that he is so suspicious of Liberalism when it. comss bearing gifts. If he hadn't been so dis RockMunl 4rid Old INCE everybody seems to have an opinion about 0 whether or not Princess Margaret should marry Group Captain Townsend, we are moved to express the hope that she does not. Millions of devoted subjects apparently dis-igree, but that cannot be helped. As far as Margaret "lcrself is concerned, we would like to see her marry :.i man of her instinctive choice, whatever his title r lack of one. In Townaend's favor it must bft observed that he has an excellent title, though pos-?ibly not the kind thatVme critics of the match lave in mind. He is an officer in the RAP who has sained his rank in valiant defence of his country. That gives him a title that merits respect in any company. Moreover, Margaret, though only slightly removed by age from being a queen, will almost certainly never be one. Ranking in line after her sister's youthful and healthy family to which there may be additions yet to come, "she is already beyond likely stepping distance to the throne and probably quite happy to be so. But the point is that she is often going to be called upon as stand-in for Elizabeth without enjoying the Queen's distinction though still subjected to the rigors of that position. ' ; For these reasons it is important that Margaret's" personal life be as happy as possible, and it is the opinion of many that marriage to Townsend would provide this. Unfortunately in his case, however, there are two children by his former wife who would have to be exposed to the inquisitive and probably cruel publicity of national attention or pushed into a dark and intensely lonely background. Although the latter course possibly would be preferred, it is only the lesser of two bad ones. It can be argued, of course, that Margaret's happiness is as imperative as theirs and, because she has many trying duties to perform perhaps more so. But the truth is that one cannot be weighed against the other. Margaret could not, and would not want to, buy her happiness at the expense of theirs. The price of such a deal would be pain and heartache for all. Many Qualifications Necessary For Federal Election Candidate , . . . , i The amount we provide the LONDON W- Biggest contri- ! ,,. , . ,"., ,,v,." NAJMAN button to an anticipated increase trustful a matter of eight years KYL WHISKY I "At September 30, 1952, depot ; stocks were 4 79,(543 and stocks he today have!1" i-ommonweaiin sveci urouuc or so ago, might t t um 1 1 nrnhu It) v ivunp f rn been Prime Minister, instead of Canada, says the July bulletin of, 1lP'd tt,nt f 'T-hT''"1" to zation amounted 361",971 the British Iron and Steel Fed just the Number One Man in a minority party. For back a little mora than eight years ago then Prime Minister Mackenzie King sent an oration. Total Commonwealth produc mk nut. f,u my tion of 31,000 000 tons Is predict DeLuxe Model C-13 Genuine Decpfrctze Home Freier. Holdi more than 450 Ibi. of frozen foodi. Hat all regular featurei plui exclutiv convenience featurei. Full Price $499 95 RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644, emissary to Coldwell proposing a i ed by 1957-58, contrasting with Llberal-CCF merger. And one of 21.000.000 tons last year. The Maintenance stocks are there-lore less than two years' expected consumpt ion " SURELY ex-soldier O e o r g e Drew remembers back to the first year of the First World War, when both he and I and a vast number of other fellows joined the army. Sir Sam Himhes I In n Tnrv the terms of the offer was that bulletin says it expects Canada Coldwell was to have King's sup- ! will be producing 4,400,000 tolls port for the post of Liberal lead- ' annually within five years, arv er when he (King) vacated it. increase of 30 per cent above current figures. Coldwell rejected the offer because he believed that coalition with Liberalism would mean the It notes that Canada Is the ' Bovernment) overnltht bouuht r 1 Kir PRODUCTS OF only Commonwealth country vast numbers of boots with fake A1RERTA DISTILLERS. LIMIT: disappearance of the CCF and which does not take most of Its lonthoi- nies which turned oil J'his advert i.MMiHMit is wit puiilishiii or (jislayeil hy lht'l Ciinlrol Hoard or by the Covernment. of Itritii 0m tlie end of a true Socialist move- stel imports from the United! to b paper'and which melted ment in Canada. . ' Kingdom, buying rather f roir , jn ' the rain Purely everybody Curiously enough, history could the United States. ' lais0 remembers that in the Sec- repeal useii. n ine rnme Min- f.llr,p,ltiv rh ister made offer of coalition an pl.odures 10 pPr cent of the i to Coldwell after the August 10 world's steel supply and consum cs more than 12 per cent. Canada is the largest importer. ond World War we had soldiers marching around for over half n year in civilian boots. What do the tax-cuts-at-all-costs critics want? Do they" want us to be caught not only flat-footed but bare-footed if war should come suddenly upon us? The first baseball World Series was held in 1884. votin, he'd be in the same position of imminent retirement as Mr. King was. Hence he could make the same offer of support for the Liberal leadership. But Mr. St. Laurent won't renew the Mackenzie King offer. And ttv CCF leader wouldn't accept it if he did. But the recurring situation shows the tendency of politics-to travel in a circle. VOTE LIBERAL VOTE APPLEWHAM 'OTTAWA Many hurdles must be leaped before the Canadian who wants to be a candidate lh the federal election can contest one of the 265 Commons seats. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 ' CRATING PACKINO STORAGE First Avenue anil McRriile Street nominated by at least 10 qualified voters in that riding. He must put up $200 as an election deposit and be prepared to lose it if he does not get enough votes. The money is for Eye Strain VANCOUVER CP It has br.m proved that the top fourth of the students in any class have the generally poorer vision ol tne whole class, Dr. Ian Evans of Prince George said at the British Columbia Cytometric Association's convention here. - Besides possessing vote-getting feited to the federal treasury If Ability theoretically, anyway he does not obtaih half the totes be must be 21 and an eligible ; polled by the winning candidate. voler and have at least 10 voting friends and $200 to bet on him fr 1 , I Eled Only three per cent of Alaska's 586,000 square miles Is privately sell. There Is also the general cost SI f ruhnh-ifcf, eaiiioalgii.i MiHi'lf X ' '" an hf hlh T . ami r By and large, most Canadians "Skinny" Girls! I 1 Gttn $ lo Ifl lb. Round out bony Tubs. Fill up ugly hollows. Uef lovely curves, tisuc Tonic Inviffurxrf body skfnny or weak doe to lack of Iron, improves appcrne and digestion m food builds mure flesh. Don't fear letting too fat. Stop taking when you gain the 3 to 10 lbs. you ned for an antatttvc limit i Introductory sie only Wt. Try Ovre Tunic Tablett for lovely body, new pep and vitality, today. At all d:uBgist. can get into the fight, but there are exceptions. , Those Ineligible Include prison Inmates, federal civil servants, Doukhobors and most Indians on reservations. The Insane are disqualified, and so are Judges and electoral THE HON. JAMES SINCLAIR k MTW Federal Minister of Fisheries tooturr CMMOM and Officers, clerks of the peace, county crown attorneys, government contractors, members of nrovlncial legislature and of the Northwest Territories Council. Members of the active torces can run for office in wartime. However, the Korea police action does not count as a war for election purposes. Shareholders of companies with government contracts are eligible, except where the contract is for building a public work. MUST HAVE SUPPORT Apart from eligibility, there also is the problem of support. A candidate does not necessarily have to live in the riding he plans to contest, but he must be WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! TED APPLEWHAITE Your Federal Liberal Candidate will speak in tli CIVIC CENTRE Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY on SATURDAY, JULY 25, 8p.m and you get so much fflOlTQ Usk for jook-Haps , Room to move around, stretch your legs Wonderful meals, fradouily (erred and visit with friends. aboard train. ' Wide choice of air-conditioned accom- Large, picture windows comfortable modation for day er night trips. , " v reclining seats. Dependable, safe travel In all kinds of Free baggage checking to youf desttna-' weather. , tion (up to 150 lbs.). - The convenient paper napkin . jmt right for Federally it's LIBERAL - VOTE APPLEWHAITE Vhta fob (ravI, yo bj train , yon SATS M tow-foit round trip fajW breakfast, lunch andsnackiime Sponsored by the Skeena Federal Liberal CnmputRn Commit tee CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC