' i .(-nl . .1... n ,.r Kl, .uh'u A I'lr lu I lift lnli- . I jifui u i-A i. 1 Ihui.sdity, July 23, iy53 j est point ol lana in Armenia. , i py enrtstopher ColumbuT j,l 07 Montreal FL Y.. .FISHING i Senator Says Canadian I Protest Out of Line By The Associated Press WASHINGTON. United States Senator Milton Young (Rep. N.D.) today asked President Eisenhower not to be swayed by Canadian protests against reduced quotas on agricultural imports. j In a letter to the president, i Young said it was reported the mission is preparing a report : Canadian government had de- to Eisenhower on the matter of Re -Roof h DUROiD Asphalt Shingles Icr Tree EsMmofc . . . Sec or Call LAKE KKTADA Waterfront . MONTREAL Harbor ofH- , cials, eyeing rows of berths nor- mally occupied by overseas freighter which have beei va-; cant for days, said Wednesduy ! that business is slow, and pre- dieted an even slower period for August. 1 Near-record amounts of grain which left Montreal earlier this season were said to be partly to ' blame for the situation. Officials returning from England and 1 other grain-importing countries & Bsidden Ltd. 1 - "CP? SUNDAYS OR 8Y PRE-ARRANGEMENT 215 First Ave. W. livered to the U.S. state depart such Imports. It would then be up to the president to rule on what quotas should be allowed on imports. 'A' IU R iJUEENll . , MARLOTTE IRLINR "V v J j say overseas harbors are "bulg mcnt a "note of warning." This note, Young said, threatened possible trade reprisals against U.S. products unless the government relaxes existing and contemplated relictions on Canadian oats, dairy products and other ioous.. "This protest, it seems to me, is out of line with the past friendly arid understanding attitude of Canada anil its good people," Young wrote. GROUPS OF SEVEN. PER PERSON Rainier s Gain On Hollywood fly The CHrturilun Press Seattle has cut Hollywood's lead ifi the Pacific Coast League race to 3'2 games, but it took an ing at tne seams wtin grain. Only 30 ocean-gping ships were berthed along the 10-mile stretch of the harbor Wednesday, compared to the more than 50 here at the peak of the gram rush. Most of the 30 still were taking on grain cargoes. 1 2'1 5 ONLY "It seems to Ignore the great t assistance the U.S. government eighth-inning homer by Walt has given to Canada and its ' Judnich with Ciarence I.iaddern CGI1STIFATE0 BABY Nothing better to ppople all through the years, I pnrtirularly with respect to hip clear out bowel ..iv fluirkly-yet gently. No ' ' "leepy stuff no ( on base to turn the trick Wednesday night. Hollywood obligingly gave Seattle its chance to gain ground by bowing to San Francisco again, 6-5. Seattle got a minimum of runs from a maximum of hits at S,-m Tor Advance Arrangements Contact CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phona 620 or 476 their farm problems. "For examole, in 1948 our government made available $345,-nnrtnoo to Fnciand to purchase whent In Cnnada. This wheat.. Binre thin 60 yean. K 1 Equally good for- Vj,, yg the ret( leianem and TrS W feverjshneaa reaultinar "s MKRENA NELLOS, 5, of New York, won the recent Little Lady Bathing Beauty Contest held at Palisades Amusement Park, N.J. Here the Little Lady Quern, a true Grecian beauty, holds her trophy award. All Aboard RAF Plane Rescued 1 h i i ajf ni frum li(rtive upsvta at teeth ma; time and other minor baby ills. Get a parkag today at drufttoraa. at that particular time, could Diego. Th-3 Rainiers collected 13 ; have been purchased t a lowpr .fe blows and two runs. Big Al 1 pri'e in the United States . . ." Widmar held San- Diego to five Vcung. n memher of the II 8. hits, but one was a honicr by Semte ngricultnrp committee, Dick Faber in the fiflh inning, said a proposed 23.000,000-buslvl and for a time it looked like this quota for Canadian mts im- might be the only ruq Sof the ro'ls seems liberal and in line game, slore Pob Kerrigan was with nvorafp Cnadinn onts im- bearing down in the pinches. Knqulre for Cli.ir'rr Quutcs to "flier Fishing Mjunti Naaaa,ai"aa,aagal It was Wldmar's eleventh vic TONIGHT THE RT. HON. LOUIS S. ports over the la.st 10 years. "Anirrican mtji pfifrs h"11' been driven far , below parity "nri e"en wll un'Vr the r-iv-ernment price sunpovt level 4 during the last two yens as a riircrt. result of rpf-nrrl nvnn'i-tics ef onts ninvin'? Into our tory of the season. ' Portland and Sacramento split a night twin bill. Sacramento won the opener, 3-1. behind the effective six-hit pitching of the veteran portsidr. Herm Bcs.se, but Portland grabbed the wlnrt- Youn up. 6-4, and ended a Sacramento j markets from Canada, j said. wjnning streak that had pone to "It Is quite evident today t.h it five games. Five Portland double J O La- LONDON (Reuters) The occupants of an RAF transport plane which crashed in the Mediterranean have been rescued, the air ministry announced today. Thr 16 men, including senior technical officers from transport command headquarters, were picked up from dinghies by a United States amphibian plane and transferred to the British (v.".troycr Barflucr, it added. Th" rnrflrur is expected lu rea' h Malta tonight. The U.S. plane was unable to take off because of the extra weiuht and so waited on the water for ttv; destroyer's arrival. Among the rescued is Air Commodore V. D. Morshead, senior tchnical staff officer, transport command. The plane crashed Wednesday off North Africa on its way from Tripoli to Jlabbe-niyah, Iraq. " P.C, P C. FRJME MINISTER OF CANADA !h same in'nrcsts wht'-h 'voir- plavs In th second frame cut so active in Importing h do"-n budding fac rallies, mrntlties of opts during the ! Al Gelt"!, Oakland's 35-year- last two years are asain scllin- old right handcr. scored his 20th American n-ts a"int pur- pitching victory as he shut out chases of Canadian onts." Los Angeles, 2-0. It was his four'h 1 Youn!j said he un''erstoni shulout, of the season. lie has that the Federal Tariff Co:n lost only six games. C.F.P.R B'JRMHT'S white STIN GIN BURNETT'S loNDON DRY GIN 8:00kv, a. ev a h AND TRANS-CANADA NETWORK Piano Makers Play Merry Music as TV Boost Sales Published By The NATIONAL I litl KAL FKDKRATIOM OF CANADA Tn, odvorti .emenl is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bund or by the Government of British Columbia, 'We A Moreover, by keeping famili: home evenings, television h is made the home an entertainment centre again. Seeing ninnns on TV screons, Baldwins official ; say, has created a desire to wi f one in countless families. ' Another factor: Smart redesigning of pianos has made Ih-rn more practical tor the: average home -.and easier to. move. Hv STKVEN V. DAVID NXW YORK (AP) Piano manufacturers are making merry music on (heir cash registers hese days, business hasn't been ;o good in nearly 30 years. With the help, surprisingly enough, of television, the industry is counting on selling 180.000 unit this year, the largest number since the 1920's. ; 1 I t ''The future of 'the piano' In NOTICE General Meeting of tho Rotcpoyers Assoc'atio TONIGHT dustry looks very bright indeed," says Harold S. Morse, a director of the 90-year-old Baldwin Piano Compajiy and head of its York office. "Our own company, although manufacturing to capacity, is thousands of units behind in orders." v The present piano boom has built up stn-e the Sscond World War. Baldwin, largest in the field. dH a business of more than $21,000000 last year, almost double its sales in 1947 Th-3 radio killed I he old player iano. and no one but the piano Tinker ever rcrretted its passing ""ut, says the Industry, television has brn largely responsible for he ursurc in piano sales since 'lip pnH of Ihe war. Baldwin officials figure it thir Hui nlmmlA Be? c& i.m. 4 nwXWM0$i; '" Jl . -W,'f i'-i- FCiON AUDITORIUM Committee report oi interview wit'n Mr. B. C. Brocewell. I. W. PRUSKY Chairman. I'v.iv: A r.iano heard on the radio lis invisible, and a good many rnn.t identify it as one of the Instruments in an unseen orchestra. On television, how-lever. the piano is seen as well rs heard. Its decorative qualities ' 34 J. v. . .. i.'f'v.'.. fJib-. - f So easy to use and dispose of, Nabob a tea bags are the quick, convenient way to enjoy Nabob's fine quality, choice flavor, full satisfying'strength. 1 '-..Vf as w?ll as its tone are apparent. f - Jtor . . . itill softer is tlie new, improved Purrtt t uc. It'b stronger and more absorbent, too ... a4 ! iter ti.-.-uc at the same price. I :. you can iIiikkc from two kinds of Purex, single ;; i J 2 1y. For fdiial soft, single ply, reach for the new l-)t in the fjrmlur blue Ulxrl; for the ultimate in 1 ,1'hrooin luxuiy at a few cents more, look for Super Tuicx ui the white label. ' Serve a Hearhj Meal -Serve mm l'''' I i Good Ullinf "itick-to-youl libt" mcU rs aty with Ctnnec Salmon. Thii richly dclicioui and nulritiouf Mafood combinat with basic ioodt to brinj 'lit price per serving surprisingly low. Hot dishes, sandwiches, salads Canr.ad Salmon can be served many ways. ASSOCIATED SALMON CANNERS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA if .& t, or, SlliTlili fi(JI"i'KIl... STILL Zk il-T