"X. n 1 - tiiit-c rtiii-Ltl, LJuuy mc.u Thursday, July 23, 1953 fiupreme Soviet BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL! GEORGE DAWE3 AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 1 v i ;.uV; Meeis August 5 I -ft A. I MOSCOW AP The Soviet! Union's Parliament, the Su-1 preme Soviet, now has been ' called to mer-t a week later i than previously announced, on i Aug. 5 Instead of July 28. j The postponement by the So KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST viet's praesidium was annonn;-ed today. No reason was given Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. DINING PLEASURE ADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS in for the delay. Though no agenda his been announced for the Soviet, a rubber-stamp body-, observers have assumed that it would approve the ousting of Lavrenty P. Berla from the Soviet high command and also okay the :; IjShb;;.-- PHONE 383 MESSENGER PICK-IT AND DELIVERY SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS . ! 47 AUTOMOBILES l 1 14 BUSINESS PERSONAM 36 ROOMS FOR RENT assificd Hates Commodore Cafe ,tii 4 30 p.m. day previous RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, , Re-Nu . oi m. etc.. with "Bumper MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie1 New Stand. cl ' ' ' 18 LOST Not a paint or polish! Just like New Jtoric ipecuiatca tnc meet-chrome" Lasts years! Send $1.93 1 lng was being postponed be-j or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, (Cause the government heads are ration. S rents per word per lil-minimum charge 60 cents. Ices. 50 cents; Cards of Death Notices, Funeral Mnrrtftfre and Engagement ementu, 12 00. .play double prlc. No Refunds BOY'S plain grey Rahardlne IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS I a r k i t at Acropolis Hill. Phone Blue 2142. .0710) FOR RENT Unfurnished Suite, 2 rooms and bath. Suitable for married couple without children. Husband working out, wife to manage store, which is connected with suite. Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wane- not yet ready witn their pro-ed.) U74) gram. 1952 PONTIAC 2-door sedan.) " , deep green, two-tone Interior. Construction ilowed Apply 1548 8th East. U80p) MOOSE JAW, Sa.sk. p. The value of building permits taken lit HELP WANTED MALE iii not arcept rcsptmsmuity id sds Inserted mrorrecuy Steamer Prince Rupert 8AIL8 FOR VANCOUVER ind Intermediate Port Each Thursday - at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN wruriK classification unless ii il such frmrn M received .rtr out during the first six months BOYB! BOYS! Do you want to earn extra pocket money curing summer holidays? If you do, Just rail and leave your name at THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE fe Imurs uf Ilrst insertion. ' . of 1853 was down 20 per cent . vTi i from the samc Period last year-1.40 r-ocyele 0ffjclals sal(1 excessive rainfall John F L Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTCut Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 44S CFPR for summer paper routes, ttfnel ANT AD (Buhlecl to Chang) during the spring was partly responsible for the construction cut. ' WEDNESDAY Midnlgbl Comfort and Service WANTED Immediately Two salesmen. MuKt have car. Selling experience helpful but not essential. Excellent commissions. Reply to Box 728, Daily News. 1172-nc) REPLIES Por rpBenratlons writ i cell Lily r !.rot Ome This is an attractive proposition for a reliable couple. Write Cox 736, Daily News for personal appointment. 170c) I Ptte Rupert. BC. H. G. HELGERS0N LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 19 Help Wtd. Male l'emale ;ro holding replies o following News ,xes: 20 far $1.0010 let S0 la beMly DrSMNSIR wild cemaortnwwt far asd slodet. Relw m)i"S. S Madat 1S . CLERK TYPIST, male or fe male, for airlines office. Preference given to person exper- I lenced In radio despatch or airlines reservation, ticketing and .' itinerary planning. Reply by TWO-ROOM apartment, private entrance. Men or ' working couple. 743 9th Ave. West. (1731 TIlin-SDAY . PM. 5 -65 -Have You Heard? 6:00 Supper fierenttrte 6:30-Hollrtuy Inn 7 00 CBC News 7:l!i C'HO News Roundup 7:30 Eventide ' 8 :00 Pol Uical Tl k I.il)eral 30 Homfri Odywiey 9 "(to Tlmrsday Wayliouse 9:30 CHO Vancouver Concert Orrh. 10:00 HC News 10:10 CIIC New 10:1 Mldwelt Revhrw 10:30--Winnipeg Drama 11 :00 Weather Report Munlc Till Midnight 12:00 Hti;n-olT PKinAt AM. 7:0ie-BC Fishermen"! Broadcart 7:15 M xloal CUK 1 30 C'hC Newm Weather Report 7:35 MiiBleal Clock , 8:00 CBC Newa 8:10 Here's Bill Oood 639 653 673 674 681 705 710 711 722 cplifs must be 'ed for in person SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert. B.C. mm CHILDREN'S SHOES by , letter only giving full details of I experience, background and sal-my expected to Crawford Moore Travel Agency, No. 1, Wallace LARGE sleeping room. Red 248. (1731 Phone 347 P.O. Bo374 Building. (170) Sa 37 ROOMS A,NI) BOARD 20 HELP WANTED FEMALE kOMINO EVENTS vage BOARD and room available for ile Bazaar, October B EXPERIENCED stenographer i for local construction office. young man. Call Blue 63a. (173) PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws .... . Sharpened 115 1st Ave. W. Phone: Mt j Some bookkeeping required. I I Phone 563 during daytime for j 39 ENGAGEMENTS HOMES FOR RENT STRAPS BOOTS nnDoiniment. iD) i ..i-, n.,...,l.,U t ' e the engagement of ' a." st daiightpr. Lorraine ,23 SITUATIONS WTD. Female NICE clean furnished suite, couple only. 1160 Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (170pr 40 HOMES FOR SALE OXFORDS (o Mr. Loveigne to- f . ... rlcy. ynungest son of MIDDLE-AGED woman Nurs- Mrs P. J. Hurley tt lng experience, desires work. ei Light duties. Black 441- (170) many. The wedding to re August 4 at St. WARTIME four in excellent condition with full cement basement and central heating. Kluiti oltwti-tf rnnun onst with FI'EL 27 Di- S;iles Church, South CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN f New shipment jusr in. Wide selection of styles. Complete size range. BC. I lip) FOOTHIU.S isootless) ".? i the house. $2000 00 down pay Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m.' ' Phone 651. Ihllpott, Evttt At Co. Ltd ' (c) MRU. NOTICES In the city Monday, ment, balance arranged cfh rental basis. Apply Prince Runert Realty Co. Phone 301. H72) B:15 Morning Bong 8:30 MoniliiK Devotions 8 4fi t.lttle concert S 00 Bill! News and Commentary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Vtiit 10:15 "HI!" 10:45 Musical Program 11:00 A Mun and His Music 1 1 :30 Weather henort MessuKe Period I tec. Interlude 11:45 Hcandluavlao Melodies PM i 12 00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12 :25 Program Resume 12:30 BC. harm Broud-ast 12:55 -Recorded IolerllHle 1 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2 30 TranCanada Mutlnee 3:15 Becoids for You 3:45 B C. Kequext H tdllp 4:15 A Trip to the Moon 6-00 Settlers' Choice 6:25- International Comty. 5 30 UN Today 8 45 CBC News: Weather Report 5:55 Have You Henrd? TW seViiOwii to net anWokta m Aipttyes lim CnI W i y Ommm silSiCJ.wW e. LUECTIVK AT OSt F Bottle (Dally except Sunday) 28 FFRNITI RE FOR SALE 13, Percy Grevlllc. age EIGHT-ROOM house situated 423 3rd Ave. West. ' beer dolivrrie will vkm at 12 HOUSEHOLD furniture. Black 61)7 after 6. Phone (173p) Rupert, B.C. Beloved : Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 FASHION FOOTWEAR of Eric O. Jones. Vlc- noon. Any orders received later delivered next day. 29A SEWINC. MACHINES at 230 Fifth Ave. East Two bathrooms. This house could be used as single dwelling or as a duplex. Priced for qrk sale at $6500.00 cash. Apply Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone 301. 172) Rev. Canon Basil S. will conduct services ille Court Chapel at 2 BALES Repairs -Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864 (174) day, July 24. Interment - - BLONDIE So Convenient! By CHIC YOUNG 7 " s " ITHIS GATE WILL i, v I Csi I I NOW, AT LEAST, WE ) j 5iST (.NOW WE CAN MAKE US BETTER HTdvitX 7" DON'T HAVE TO -X I THERE-) RUN BACK AND I FRIENDS j lOljr ONCE ? I ((V JJ J I I CI nEw1 FCTH ALU . THAN ft V' k A P S?T F?nL 'J -N in Faiivlew Cemetery, embers please attend. ELECTRICAL 30 FOUR-ROOM house. Electricltv. new well, basement dug out. idertakers in charge of ik ins. (it) WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo On , acre. Full price $2400.00. tors bought, sold, rewound and j Terms can be arranged. Apply I'lltSONAL (170p) tf pox 584, Terrace, B.C. repaired. 'T Alcoholics Anonv- 31 IHCYCI.F.S. MOTOR CYCLES WANTED TO RENT Bex 1511, Prince Runert, e nine 05f. (189c) COMPLETE bike repairs and service. Rulolnh und Fred Deeley Sules and Service. Per- JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist H R Avon Products, call 2119. (174p) manlzinR. Dixon s cycle anop, ... ....-1 A v .Klill (196) TWO BEDROOM partially furnished house by middle of AuRiist. Reply to B. Loucks, eo Savoy Hotel. ( 170p) SMALL furhished suite, immediate possession for one month. Room 86. Rupert Hotel. u w. iua Ave. INESS PERSONALS FOR SALE MISC. APINO AND OARDEN- l s . r 1 i AT & t w ! ill '' 1 1 ' ' f ) V . : f 1 t A i St 2 'i hi ' " ' i ' V- i-. " ; ' V- ' V , " t 1 : l 1 4 t 5 .e' t . A v s- - . rr t .i ' ) , .. ( e - - Rock walls, rockeries. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Drink- wer boxes, lawns nnl Ino tiimhlrr nil sizes. SDecial Frro ' prices. See the' window display Rarrlen keeping:, s. Phone Red 80(1 ( 174p) SMALL house for couple, no children, bv August 15. Write Box 737, Daily News. (173p) Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. (175p) vour clnsslficl nd in this at the VAKltl i b'iukb. iiiji WHITE enamel wood and coal range. Call McRae Bros. (171) ENTERPRISE wood and coal stove, good condition. $50 00. at the economical six e. 15 words for 3 con- KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZA.NE GREY you wwfOMO oaikhtb ' I III jusr fsHe wiN tht cm mi voee.'...- I firs Au rH-nLjfTVioie ;-j HHAT HAPPCUeistf JplcUHlHBICNfTtM k teueV) PUT WITHOUT THAT CMH,Wt CANT , "" 2:" - " , iT....fJ.PuncmfeTMe&oooiFoTneie t Ty.;--, us" : tews' sVfT0Le me suPPLt AKneij V 1 7 hoop wer. s i . ('' y-yf fa 2- " mm rWF WCfe i 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE ! TWO lots on corner of Fifth and Fulton, $800 a lot, 25x100 nr-h, All. i'i.iirlv tii.hullrl ins Pnr tlavs cost SI 35: 13 i f"r six consecutive days I Green P42- U72p oil. And remember. vou I 4 : SH'-J'imii-VmW: iA(W YnV'tniUiy Phone 'fie your adslust cnH5'- 'Blue 549. (172) iy News. (tr-nc) 41 U-DRIVE. New cars. Phone 41. 711 Orenville Court. (171p) 46 IH'SINESS OPPORTFNITIES JAT, Machinery Co. him: "iMrlbutors for MinlnR, 31 WANTED MISCEI.I-ANEOVS TAXI business, one car. For full LotiKiiiK rtnd Contrac- particulars call In mipnir-nt. Inquiries In- person. (170) WANTED TOP MARKET & Wn,te Taxl nvlllo Island. Vminu- RC. ,tf 47 AUTOMOBILES 1'KlCta rniu ior xcrup nun, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest cradine, prompt pay S for Canadian Liquid BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 1!)48 ENGLISH panel truck for '' i or oxygen, acety- !d nil welrilno annnlinn ment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAclflc 6357. (H) sale. Price $350.00. Good con dition. 1412 8th Ave. East. ' 's CartaRT & HtoraRP "no 60. (C) j U LABNtK Life With Fother Bv AL CAJV ON ACCOUNT I I AH WON'T HAVE TbuT THtT'Ll. ) I Pt-tASI VrJO-eBlAMKArtMIES AH ALRKADV QOT "Sf U I PROUDEST OLE A MO' WIUU PVO'INMAH MAKE, -to' LET ME SPOILS CNILUON.'.'' . A RA7.ORe.TROP A 1 U ? I'-SOI6TH:' LAWINALLTH'HILL.rjHAVEMEIN I POWER. Ah'LlX STEPFATHER TAKE i AMXt TAKE CARE O f wOBNAILED SLIPPER J$ i WHUFFO' 1 VO' VOFIE j I HAVE D'5V MAE. ) TO MAH ONLV CARE VSTHtT DraOBEDlEMT 1 AN A GALLON O C ,, Viirti iu'O S OOFCf Lj I ,r, HCH4H M OOANDCHILtr' OF iTr If LI'L BAT MAM- A CASTO OiL TOTCM TS 'A I (170p) CASH FOR 1946 BLACK Chevrolet sedan, Scrap, copper, brass, batterh s. K Prince Rtinei-t tr $55000 or nearest offer. Ap radiators. Phone 543 call osu Daily News Want Ads Get Results ply 1835 6th Ave. East. (171p) th Ave. West. (c) IS BOATS AND ENGINES Examination for Pilots EM "'rs vln CapllnR's Truck nry Tucsdav and Fridnv. 'ct Whftlcn's Cartmre. nsapt R Press "Oestetner" "atiim, circular letters, v bulletins, business I'linne 383. 733 2nd Ave. (178) 3 H P. LAURON air-cooled outboard motor, run only five hours. Red 400 or Red 273 after 6:30 p.m. (173) British Columbia Pilotage Authority ROOMS FOR RENT 36 CANADA DI'.PARTMION'r (IK TRANSPORT IN coolers, decn Irpum jX j TriirtARTOf JULIET JOF ES By2Tbf. 1 j ' ' ,--3 i t there must e so,vieXi pomt think "1 Tzx.O! I cwt "SPe''" l. tm "I j ' YES 'M...IV SAV WiSTAKE..! MEAN.. MRS. THrRE'5 ANY THINK WE'VE ET, HAVE V JULIET JONES... S " aRE dLL ( TS WAS ONE OF MASON SaiP IT WAS TO PS I WSTAK.E WE ?...!'. MECKRT MASOM.-y-. ' - THOSE CARS... ANP V V THEKEST A, A 5 ALL FAMILY . jaiRS 1A5CN TClP ' -jr 'i''t' : ' "' 1 pens, B ,pT OP r 7 PARTIES THEYVE . AFFAiR... E frSTlNCTLV IT Cat 11 WTl iKTSVO-fc: ' TWO-ROOM fully furnished 'in coolers, domestics cabin. Seal Cove. No drinkers. i a lion of nil (im. o Phone Blue 825. (172p) 32. 510 8th Ave. W. (180) LEGAL NOTICES OTTAWA Appllcatltns from quallfled persons to enter th Ptl.itane Service In the British Columbia Pilotage District are Invited by the Department of Transport, conditional on the applicant being able to pasa an eiamlnatlon on pilotage and related subjects. ' (fuiilllli iillnna Hrqiilred Applicant must be a Canadian cltiwn. resident In Canada, between the ages of 30 and 50, of food character and hablta. and with a good record of service at aea. A certificate of health, eyesight and hearing must accompanv application. A certificate of Competency of ft Rrade not lower than Master. Tugboat ESTATE OP ALICE FRANCES OIB- I-ECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. ' ''ins: and electrical SON, DECEASED. FOR HM.K Ave. in. inn Red 165 West. (190) Written tenrters will be received by the underslened until Aucttst 8. 1BR3 (or Dui'rhRW for cssh or one-hilf JTome Trade, with proof of at least three years' service aa Master, or not LV the masons? in veaik' T rWTA c 9Tm'i --rf-l A55Kf- t 'NO, automatic oil h'wit- H 630 6th West. Letour- (c) less than one year s service as Master and for the balance of the qualirymti B aw. V. A I H . 1 -I "VV . N , :f;inrN 1 S- ISLJCie cash and terms of property lit 674 4t.h Avenue East, beuiK Lots 17. 18 nnd 19. Block 7. Section 8. City of period above mentioned double service as Chief Officer or First Mate In n vessel required by the Canada Shipping Act to carry a certificated mate, tills Prince Rupert, consisting of sub stnntlsl dwelling In Rood condition service to be performed in a vessel engaged In the coastal trade of Britltai Columbia. ( Certificate of Competency and testimonials must not accompany divided Into three large sell con' ''TRr't?v' CLEANER TRolux Phone Blue r Parts Rales Bervlc e) application). Applications for examination must be In the hands of the Superin tnlnel Hpartments with cement basement, and foundations and attractive nmnnri ' Apartments presently oc- tendent of Pilots, Federal Building. Vancouver, B.C., nut later than Sep tember 21. 19i4. Au vxaminuliou will be held ou or about DePtembtT -n 1963. for establishing an eligible list frum which, as necessary, appointments i turned on monthly tennnrles. JAMEH T. HARVEY. I Bon OSS. T .ffii.f. Fuck. of probatlrnary pilots for the District will be made. t . J-C. LESSARD, Deputy Minister of Transport '"B. itea DU3. 20m) Prince Rupert, B.C., Y evni.,ui"; Administrator. Ottawa, July 10, 1953. (ltC) (J3 3.9, jruiiur nsCjS 1)9, 1 Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. De Sure of Hot Results-Use Want Ads!" o fiti