; Hi ' at I 1 I i Dodgers Double Victory Boosts Lead; Yanks .Drop Full Game at Cleveland mi Friday Cardinals swapped positions AT up. The opening attack featured a two-run homer by Granny Hammer. It was Spahn's fourth loss against 12 victories. By BEBl Flll.KGAU AwMKlatrd Press Hports Writer When the "break up" boys take a look at today's major league standings they may want to consider switching leagues. Instead of crying "Break up the Yankees" as they have for THE UNIVERSAL FRASER and PAYNE again as the Giants rallied for two runs In the ninth to edge the Cards 6-5. The victory moved New York back Into fourth place. Pittsburgh defeated Cincinnati 3-2. Cal Abrams hitting two home runs for the Pirate. Paul Lapalme went all the way for his fifth victory. Pittsburgh ( NO STAYING POWER The Yankees tried to win it early in Cleveland, but their pitchers didn't have staying power. The Indians trailed by three runs after three Innings. years, they might find it more 2 i appropriate to start chanting had lostx10 in a row to the Red-legs this season. iJM Break up the Dodgers." Today, for the first time since May 17, the American League has a closer pennant race than the National. Brooklyn's steadily - moving Dodgers lead Milwaukee by 5' j gams. New York Yankees own Then they got to Whltey Ford I for a pair in the fourth on a home run by Joe Tipton and took the lead In the fifth on a homer by Dale Matchell and doubles by Al Rosen and Larry Doby. After a bad first Inning, Prince Rupert Dally News Thursday, July 23, 1953 SKIRTS BY G0RAY NYLON HOSE Snag and run resistant ... 51 gauge 15 denier. First quality. By Monarch. Trade name "Diamondines . . . the most beneficially revolutionary hosiery on the market. They are sheer and nylo-misted for extra glamor. They don't wrinkle on the leg. Mike Garcia settled down to check the Invaders for his 12th triumph. At Chicago, Virgil Trucks only a 4'2-game bulge over the Chicago White 8ox. TAKE TWIN BILL The Dodacrs took a big stride forward Wednesday night ' by defeating Chicago Cubs in a i doubleheadef 9-3 and 11-1 as I Milwaukee bowed to Philadel BKOORLYN DODGERS' lgp.s wears a chest pro-and carries bats, first .an's. mitt' and fielder' to Lsiuw that he's an all-,1 player. He's alternated , ii first and the outfield rason and broke In with scattered four hits and let only one runner get as far as second j Mel Parnell, ace of the Boston i staff, hurled one of his be.it I We invite you to see these outstanding skirts. Imported from England. 100'f. oil wooj worsted fabrics in plain colors and smart new plaid patterns. Sizes 12 to 20. From ..: L.'.'.'.'.... $1.75 games too, but one hit, a triple I V , phia 0-3. liiwi as a cauner. ine of course, are most unit to Gil and the Dod- by Chlco Carrasquel to open the , fifth Inning, ruined him. Parnell gave up three hits In I seven Innings before bowing out j for a futile pinch hitter. The ' White Sox got one more safety off Ellis Kinder, who finished up. Trucks has won 12, seven in succession, since Joining Chicago in mid-June. The only other American '49 Angtia $475 49 Ford Coach $1350 50 Prefect as Is $550 '46 Dodge ,-ton Pickup with box.. $950 '34 Ford with '42 Mercury Engine A s $125 PAIR.... FADED BLUES CAPS SHORTS $1.00 $2.95 SLACKS BLOUSES $4.95 $2.95 SLIPS The Yankees frittered away a full game of their lead by losing to Cleveland 6-4 for the second straight night after the White Sox shaded Boston 1-0. Brooklyn combined excellent pitching with Its normally heavy hitting to humiliate the hapless Cubs. Johnny Podres. rookie lefthander, struck out 10 nd gave up six hits In his second complete major league con PEDAL PUSHERS S4.95 JACKETS $5.98 jkima Goes I Rampage Ladies' crepe slips, straight cut, lace trim. Sizes 32 to 40 $J.99 50 Austin $1050 '41 Packard test. Veteran Carl Erskine allowed only four hits and also struck out 10 In the nightcap. The Dodgers combed Chicago 120 Sedan--. '$330 League action was In St. Louis vhere Bob Shantz, last year's most valuable player in the loop, won his first game since May 3, a five-hitter .over the Browns, 11-1. SWAP BERTHS In the National League the New York Giants and St. Louis Calgary fly Thr Canadian Pre;.s , Yakima Bears must b' the Western Interna NIGHTGOWNS Rayon tricot nightgowns, in Pink, Blue, Maize. Sizes M - L ; .,: SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. $1 99 LADIES' BLOUSES pitching for 24 hits Including two home runs by Gil Hodges, who drove In seven tallies, and single circuit blasts by Carl Furlllo and Duke Snider. At Philadelphia the Phillies Jumped on Warren Spahn for four runs In the first Inning and the Braves couldn't catch 1. ft l 7!lV PANTIES Sheer nylons, crepes and taf B.isnball League sthedule- book them for frequent mil's at Calgary, n they dropped in to visit Canadian cousins last y, the Bear had no p;.r-n nutation as a menace thing. The Calgary ball with its close-In fences A all that. Bears wound up the Visit srtay night bv hartdlrvj ainpiders a 16-3 pound- fetas. Assorted styles and shades. Tailored and trimmed. James Joyce, author of "Ulysses" once taught' English in Trieste. Rayon tricot knit brief style panties in white and pastel colors. O pair Sizes S-M-L M for $1.00 1 $2-98 Special n the final meeting of a SPORTSMAN'S A CAMP FIRE TIP... iins that saw the two 4 produce a total of 83 hit. Radio Striped Rayon Briets CORDUROY Yakima, and 18 home 1 ' 1 iji of the 21 safeties thi' collected on Wednesday e a -ru White, P nk. Blue, Maize. Sizes S-M-L. 2 Pair For $1.00 at were oiit-of-thc-park 1 JHVIV J1I1IMJ i Danny Rlos held Cal-, o four hits but the Stam- I 1 SALLY FULLER bi Judtf iulltr South Short A W inner of the t'JSS KING'S PLATE m 1 1 f RiJJin by LinJherr unJtr tht famous Seairam colors I I I TIMEl:55Vi Dist. 1 mi. 1 furlong V teMMfe knocked two of them hi" fenw.-- ........ S SPLIT sludgers also held the :ht at Victoria, "where th " In Misses' Sites New :! j sleeve iack shirts in ,n large color range. Zipper fastening, smartly styled. ' Sizes 12 to 18. -' split a doublehradrr with $7.98 icikune Indians, and at "ii where S i loin's Siivi- VAN HEUSEH DRESS SHIRTS White broadcloth, with the new wrinkle-proof collars in three styles. A soft collar that won't wrinkle from work, launderinrf or perspiration. So comfortaMe that you hardly know it's there. iri'd a 20 hit barrage at " urns. Tl Indians Muiiinc'l out lump runs In thi first :t, Victor! i, wen bv Rni-11(1. and Victoria h-ul GIRLS' SWIMSUITS Satin lastcx swimsuits in Blue, Peach and Anua. Sizes 2 - 4 ,- 6 years .-. Hwiml-trinpcrs bv D'-n I MASKS TO 0. ..W. tACEKY Of GUNNISON, colorado who sent it to us.' Lav! two loss of eoual 01- AMcjrFH ABOUT A FOOT APART AND PARALLEL. BUILD A FIRE 0ETWEEM THEM. WHEN IT BURNS P0W1 TO RED MOT COALS ROLL, THE LOSS CLOSE ENOU&H TO SET POTS AND BANS ALOMS THE TOP. IT'S A 6000 COOKINS SURFACE AND THE FIRE CAN BE ST HUMS OUT BETWEEN LOGS FOR MORE UTENSILS, IF LOGS ARE SREEN THEY MAY SE USED TO COOK SEVERAL MEALS ON. TRY TO PLACE LOSS SO THE MOST CONSTANT BREEZES GO BETWEEN THEM. $2-98 .;r' ' 1 t". i,3 ' 1 ii ' 1 V I- J . "1 495 Each and Dw-ine Hrlblt; R.ivo Sirs a 3-2 rd?.e In th" Lewistun, Clone' Tanselll's o"irm h'cr 'in,"t-H -hit parade. Th Senntr-- Surcy 1 seven runs on six hits Thii advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. GIRLS' DRESSES Sanforized cotton dresses for little, airls. Exceptional values, v Sizes 1 -2-3'years two Rrrnr errors in b ' I inning, unci scored th"" in third, fourth and sixth 'nd imp In th el'h 'T 1 MEN'S SOCKS Wool and nylon subs. All new fancy patterns. Short style. Very slight imperfections. Lastex top. Special, pair , $.98 final count was Salem 13,'j t $1.00 v c 5 4 NOW "PACIFIC" EVAPORATED MILK GIVES YOU THE EXTRA PROTECTION OF GOLDEN LINED VACUUM SEALED 'nn 7. j 'nuver knocked over Trl- j 12 In seven Inniira. nir' j II, in a ricuhlehender at I aver. Pitcher Dale Th'im-Irlpled, then need ho-n ! K. Chnrlton skied to left ; with the wlnnlnn rim In V., SWIMSUITS Ladies' lastex swimsuits in Dluc MEN'S SLACKS CANS ! llth innlnc of the nicht. Mmonton a.nri Wnnatrhep Black and A'-.ua. Sizes 32 to 38. Budget priced ......!.. .$7.95 rained out at Edmonton. TlHVlA il Y; rn f nN Tit KM PI HE GAMES Well tailored slacks in a big assortment of shades. Gabarines, wool ard nylon iiNKY, Australia o. Auh- Through srlcntlflc research the producer! of Pacific Milk re constantly eektnft better canning methods. Now Instead of tin lined cans, a special purpose coating has been developed and It being used to give greater protection to this fine quality evaporated milk without increasing Its cost. New t.oldeii Lined Vacuum Scaled Cans mean blends a-xi all-wool fabrics. Values up to $16.95 pair. Any alteration free of charge. Special, lilans to send at least 33 " 'lie British Empire s In Vancouver. B.C. next A preliminary burisct lias made for 10 track men. swimmers, five rvcllKti boxers, throe wretitlrr feneers. three weight 11ft-nd four rowers. BLACK HEEL NYLONS $12-95 PAIR. Jesuit order was founded "by Ignatius Loyola. Pacific Evaporated Milk never touches tin or lead . . the fresh natural flavor Is safely .presii.ed. Pacific Milk Cy Uarvey Woods RIGHTEST MEN'S T-SHIRTS White only, good quality. Sizes S-M-L. . J tas sweeter even nftir I ICS--) the can Is opened. It's great step forward In the canning of one of w OWN bDecial. Sheer . 54 gauge, 15 denier nylon hoe with fldrvcy Woods high panel black heels. Size'-? BV2 toll. 0 DRIVE nature's finest .foods step that meant greater enjoyment, gnaitr protection for you and your Ininily. Try Paclfte Milk in your coffee. You'll notice lit auperior freshness right i'acitic Milk In the new Oihlcn Lined Vacuum Sealed Can offers sura protection for baby' formula. Pacific Milk is fresh whole milk $1.00 each fa ARGAIN ! Pair. $1-75. wji v m Mv Specie Is .-HM- Boys' T-Shirts l MJPf 'tl way. Use Pacific Evaporated Milk for all your cooking. Itt rich flavor addteitra goodness. And you'll be thrilled the way Pacllic Milk whips to easily to creamy, light perfection. concentrated to double richness . . homogenized for smooth and uniform te&lure . . and V itamin D increased, making It a valuable food for building sirong bones and teeth. Get Pacific Evaporated Milk In the new Golden I iiied Vacuum Sealed Can. at your food store today I """: PAM'i ' nnlnt I 'Mill .,( K, ' Assorted plain shades, stripes and fancy patterns. $MMI . II.VI :o.V' ia.v WEATHER BIRD HATS '""Il PM,, " point '""in riiAM,. Sizes 8 to 14. ...j... ...... '-T"n fnol $1.00 For men. Guaranteed waterproof. Sizes 6:Y to 738 - $3.95 neater WESTERN CANADA'S FASTEST SELLING CANNED MILK so."-" IT.-.- V y fob Parker lid. 1 I.'1T FRASER & PAYNE Delta Milk, the partly skimmed evaporated milk specially prepared for Infant feeding, Is also 1 rotccted by new Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans. THE UNIVERSAL THIRD AVENUE AT SIXTH STREET 'he Home of Friendly Service" 1 n 1,1 SONn AVE. Third Avenua 'jm