wnies, Guides Received Badges Thursday, April 23, 1WSS . Ketchikan Clergy Coming . Here For Services Sunday New U.N. Chief OPTOME TkiST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. Stone Building Phono Blue 593 k Won During Past Few Months KARACHI (CP) The gorwn- rnciit of Pakistan has prepared a comprehensive Grow Moi Food" campaign to increase rice-producton. Lord Boyd-Orr. former director-general of the food and agriculture organization of the UN, will assist the campaign. The second annual Interna I Second exchange Is by Capt. tional exchange of church min- and Mrs. George Oystryk, Salva-' lsters between Ketchikan and tion Army here, with Ketchi- i Prince Rupert takes place this ; kan's Capt. Johansen, Salvation puny and the 2nd PR. Brownie Pack and to Jeanne Golds of the 2nd PR. Guide Company and ithe 4th P R. Brownie Pack. For the past few months t.hlKf olrln week-end, the Ministerial Asso elation here announced today. Army. Canon Bausil S. Prockter j of St. Andrew's Cathedral ex- i changes with the Rev. Lewis I ) a,,il frirnds euihvred ,nrad .Street School to Brownie and Guide pre.senlcd with stars '.s tiity have won dur-tj c month. 1Kle District CommU-ora 1. Silvcrsldes did ,,,g and made the pre-. and first year services ntiir to Janet Moore, Anna Cj'ussl Bhuruii Williams, Dlune Smith' all of the 2nd PR. Guide Company. i Highlight of the evening rame when MlhS Silversldos predated Pack Leaders Stripes to Nancy I Lund of the 1st PR. Outde Com- President of the Association. Lawrence G. Sieber, minister of , Hoclgkins of St. Elizabeth's have been training to assist with Church. the First United Church here, exchanges with Rev. Wyburn-Skidmore of the First Methodist Church in Ketchikan. Both Capt. Johansen and Rev. Wyburn-Skidmore were here last year. , nroll'd were Brownies L., Hit Pack-Joanne 1. M a r t! a re i wme, l.rK'ii. vena iwcmiy, . uie management of a Brownie ipack. Mis. Gladys Baldwin is the Captain of the 2nd PR. Guide j Company; Mrs. 8. Williams is iBrown Owl and Mrs. Kurdziel Tawny Owl of the 2nd PR Brownie Pack and Mrs. M. P. ' Pearson Is Brow n Owl of the 4tn . P.R. Brownie Pack. I Guests included Miss Honora : L. Sllversides, Girl Guide District ! Commissioner, and Mrs. W. Hitchcock. Captain of the 1st ' P R. Oulde Company. (SSffl!! IPSE! CAMBK.1 CHAPTtR of the I.O.D.E. SPRING-BONNET TEA in the Civic Centre 3 p.m April 30, 1953 Admission 75c ,. . Free Samples . . . Door Prizes Free showing of the coloured film on Hair Care by the Ton! Co.: "MISS DINNING GOES TO TOWS" . Obtain your tickets at the door iftr. and Muriel Bert-len Bars were present-r) p K Pack Brownie MljrdiK'k and 4th P H. .liies Jaiift Bherry and art. "vre nfnr yr;.r U) Geneveve Powers A weekly 'teen dance u; being planned by the Prince Rupert Elks Lodtse, first one to get under way tomorrow ninht, Vern Clerone. rvnltrd ruler announced today. BAG IIVMMARSKJOLD, minister of state of Sweden, recently was chosen secretary-, general of the United Nations. He sucreeds Tryeve Lie, who Is Norwegian. 3C 3Z U I ' 1 - IHE FINEST VARIETY OF TABLE FOODS IN TOWN VI 1 SHOP WHERE YOURS GOES THE FARTHEST SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29th lb. r Delmar illFORNIA NEW WHITE P0TAT0ES.3 lbs. 25c MM him Giant Package A SarL ond Fi'o-King Pic Plore Free r")A 4H'IU. Jdlrt with eoch jock of four for . 4 ' i- ' i , rV ' I ,T' ' d - ; x-- - ! f 'I .-. yl. - ., is: (l A w V t V , 1' v. T'r- " .. . V (, '-"4 .; " " "V . ' V, 1 . , " 6f' V-.'. "- ' f . ' i- - Corn Beef 45c j Pork & Beans 2 tins 35c Imperial Cheese - 85c J Fruit Cocktail 4JC Marshmallows uw-.u...:...39c- Sweet Pickles H.i-.. 12. i.r . " 43c Licorice Allsorts Lb 39e I gaby poocs .iB, 2-1 9c 1,1 ALBERTA TURNIPS 2 lbs. 13c ID RHUBARB .- 2 lbs. 23c EEN ONIONS, large bunches 2 for 19c DISH, large bunches........ 2 for 19c jMATOES lube 27c ESH COCOANUTS 2 for 29c IE GRAPEFRUIT, size 80 2 for 17c jORK, Burns, lin ...32c Iff EE, Nabob pound. 97c flATO JUICE, Nabob, 48-qi 35c jlCKEN SOUPS, Campbell's 2 tins 35c JCHUP, Libby's. bottle 25c rozen food department om on the Cob 30c . iozen Strawberries n 45c FCREAM r 49c CREAM - : jj MILK, quart 28c jjAGE CHEESE 16-ot. pkt. . ...... . . 28c Miracle Whip 3201 B c I SALT -' 2p 25c Rolled Wheat Oilvin, for l'urriilsc, l'kt. . TOOTH PASTE Co. 31c Oven Napkins "o.n. Jc Icing Sugar 25c 11. LJHF Check our Foncy Cokes, Buns, Cookies for Picnics 49c Fresh Ground Lb. Hamburger MILK Pocific or Carnation CASE S J, 2LSc No- 1 Spare Ribs 49c Potato Chips 10c ond TEA BAGS, Nabob Deluxe 125 fcr $1.20 No.. I Pork Butts " w2rC? MLSifiKiY CHOCOLATE BARS 4 for 25c '. - . 7i Kea spring oaimon ib 3c MINUTE RICE ...Pkt. 18c bix belections CREAM CORN, Lynn Val'ev, 15-oz. 2 tins 29c Hockless Picnics s- ' Lb 49c Each Record 7 For Only AQr I Ce!b Bacon su'i,'"j,,bi'"-'-L,, pi'2i 5 c BOSTON CASSEROLE BEEF STFAK. 17-cz. tin Ik DEWKIST PEAS. No. 5, Choice 2 tins 27c Jew record every week LYNN VALLEY PEACHES, 15-oz. fin .... ... 19c ! Qke Mix ---q. -.Aifla. I J