I 1 .... i m 111 "T'lirir-i i i Prince Ttupert Dally New t Thursday, April 23, - a tmmfSit till C(C(f CW4T frmmtt A Arctic Study To Continue This Summer MONTREAL (CP) Col. P. D. iPati Baird, one of Canada' lop explorers, plans to resume hps study of the Arctic this summer on lonely Baffin Island. lie will head a 13-man group of Cnnadhin, British and 8wis experts and university under- r& -r. Ml - I TP- T V -V'- . JT . : 41 H , ; - t j . T ! '' .. . l. ,'"; ' 7 -' . "Jr . j s ' ii. -.. t ..- it. j V- t"." eruduates to the Arctic outpost. The group will make Its headquarters at Pangnlrtung and ruaneh out from there Is nearch of scientific data on conditions in the Arrtlc. The expedition, sponsored by tl.i, Arctic Ir.:;t:tutc of North Ameriea and the Swiss Founda ,-t KISMtN BMR at VHiieouver KUrilev Park zooh, tlltie rctcard for share-thc- (I,,ik s vuiiie mo iigeon suire nungruy tyiska holds grimly to a couple of loaves of r Ifll'l Using. tion for Alpine Research, leaves i Col Dorvnl airport Buird will act May 15. as leader and blishment of TV Station by CBC i Klariolofjist. , j W. H. W,.ra of the United Kingdom Department of Sien-jtlfie and Industrial Research I will loin the exnedition as a Ottawa Draws Ire of B.C. Member NOW ASSURED SEE HOW SCIENTIFIC StfFP CHECK CHART AIDS IN SELECTING THE RIGHT MATTRESS TOR YOU I At l;i.t ... a inaltress to fit your sleep requirements . . . Just what you need to sleep In real comfort . . . Spring Air gives you the pak of durability with c-o-o-l-n-c-s-s built right in and it's guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. A i -Tom tioode L- j el.sion was tiie government' and ver or New Wti.tniiii.ster while i glariologlst. Ki.-luiiondi said In Ow. since the government poliey advertising was being sold for; A total of 12 tons of supplies buMit'-AstiiiB commit- Jwa to procttd with establishing programs aimed at this market, -were sent to Pungnirtung last he strongly disagree lone station in each area at the i The CBC should recommend fall and stored there. Still to so i.'i.Mon to establish a .start, an application would not that a private station be estab-ll a ton of scientific equipment. ...urn station In Ottawa j even reach the CBC. ,lished in B C. Once the CBC be- The party will fly by RCAF to ia-.uver I Mr. Ooode suld there are 5,50() gan operation, private stations Frohlsher Bay, and then to A I) OutiUui. chair- , television nets In lower B C. tuned would have a hard time meeting 1 Pangnlrtur.g. p ( W Maid of Rover- to station KINO. Seattle. 1 1 was 1U competition. However, it did 1 i any comparison of not good business for the CBC riot seem that lower B C.. was to i as to population- and i to prevent a private television get television before January ori FELT MATTRESSES from i f.iim wouio ieaa jsiauon irom opening in Vaneou-1 February. ! -iir pet .soil to conclude j SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES from 39 5 to 5 50 "owitw;5o;6o?" Man? You're Crazy ' t.f ' .! r-1 ,uimh. tor fuf.'1,.wi. friui 4m it-M-lr to 11 U- nrf H-n -eh ms'if mm and wwnwfl nil " uii " l' Vr rta. Sw p-t't 'i"J ' ' $14.50 to $2 5 95 !iiu miouiu or esiuu- , Vani liuver ahead of i I CMS Official Wins Award For 'Outstanding Service' a II. .a In tli" Ottawa 4 arc only 48 WW llrrrm- . i iv.-i i i onipwrrrl w ith t' i is t Biltlsh Colum- VACATION j MMNTKF.AL iCfl Il.uiilolphr fiif.t recipii-nt of the Kelwyn G 'William Diamond of Trail. II f . Blaylix k Mi d;il ' for dlstliiBUish- f ,'ivr w:i. the llilrrl In Canada Iwhlml 1 ' prominent Canadian mining an I id wrviue to Canada throuidi i XI ( tiliimal Hrhtevcnu nt in the i (I Toronto, which al- I Uictuliuicicul riiKliieer ii. t i-v. Inn Matlous. Was pre-: f...i. (lf I,i:1i1iiiev and for hU srnled with the Institute of contributions to Hie eminent i , Mi Imnton when the .urn program 'ull Ik1 3 Mi lals Platinum Mi-dfil for l'jf.l !.' fiimi the proM),sed 'UVi stution. imsitinn of the Consolidated Milling & Smelling Company of Cnnada Limited." It .:.,; n pli.-d that late He Is the firm Canadian to win the award of the Institute.' a British oiKanlzalion with branches In all parts of Unr world. Mr. Diamond. 62-vear-old i.ir-t dale. It wu than Unit or uhation ations still were v rl'1 f t fur a . site for a tele- , xccutlve vice-president of the f if ' V' I . ; . -. t iMIij - Jf- - 4 Planning a Trip? Overnight . . . Weekend . . . Extended Stay? Regardless of the length of time you plan to be away, you will find real satisfaction in these better luggage sets'. The finest travelling companion known! - WOMEN'S MATCHED t !oever, tcmpor- Consolidated Mining Si Smcll,-:is;.,n .should start In. lug Company's western ncioii flil was given the award for "oul- !r noted that Ottawa ! standing -rvice to the non-rereiving temporary j f e r ro u I metallurgical Indus-m by next month. In tries." )-er to see the Cor- The pres- ntauon was made at -uid'-a ts lower BC.ja dinner br t)r Oernrd 4-ten-u;rl not r-velve broad- re -of Qurbrc. corresKnilin ime or the Corona- mcmix l the institute In Can- iadu. FOR SALE Restaurant As a Going Concern PHONE 868 or APPLY in PERSON to Civic Centre Dining Room Nam ariaiiRenieiiU: A native I v.aue nh a sUtUm In Out . Mr. Diamond has been 70 miles south of i connected with Consolidated I broarirast on tele-j since 1917 He has received rto I'Jlr, idmgs of the Corona-i recognition 'or new miUu.ii: 3-PIECE SETS 58 STEAMER TRUNKS 32' WARDROBE TRUNKS, from $ Q.00 f'd by the CBC. i introduced in the extraction of i ton said the CBC had ore In 1948. he was chosen as the o proceed slmultan-1 i stations In Vanrou- x and Ottawa but authorized by the tov- 1 , 1 1- t " t. V- -t . If.--- v , ... v - - , - . vt "5. J .... . ' - 1 -r - - t , .. ( ; ' - , j. I ' ' V 'i go ahead with the Yes . . . You'll Co For This Vacation Luggage, 1 m Iaiter. authorla- ;:vtMi for the Vancou- FOR M ONLY :iniie2 stations. t if said British Colum- CTRIFYIN Discontinued Lines of Men's Shoes Neolite Soles I tliry should have f ' the next opportunity S -indian television. He 't the cues policy 4 '"wards a private sla ft csinblished In Van-- !I mi said the CBC only f to the government 1 "I ai tiou on appllca-'a'lons. The final de- 'P Ml TK I'HtsoNS :) (CP) Tlic "Utol '"-re is helping ' ' !" rums left mute by ' leam to talk again. Jf,v " uikes about six ih i.sons who have had aiy.x aiiij vm-al chords learn t st)calc wlth- A similar club has Lug Soles Crepe Soles LOOK FOR THE YEARS AHEAD" ADVANTAGES C ook -Master Aiilotiiat ic Oven i'lintriil Triple-Duty Ttierniixrr with lift-up element lust 5-SMiil K.nlidii-tube I'nils f " In Montreal. Reg. Prices up to $13.95 Reduced To Clear Mart Kennw On Blur Raiii inside All I'orerUin . , and out w WVIMIVk jp.s IU Praises! Dxlra targe, easy-lo-i lea n Ovens rull-wiilth I'lensil Storage Drawer 4.95 At Only Per Poir IXT7! ' ' is Models from 23900 They're all "Years-Ahead" Features . . . don't YOU agree . . i Till KK'S A SIZE. A MOItlX AM) A rillCE HK YOU MEN'S WORK OXFORD $l Plain Ploin Toe. Toe, Red Red Robber Robber Sole Sole. SPECIAL Jf O JJ SALE OF HOME COOKING i. -m. ..ggMSMga f (n,m Mrs. Mart WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF FISHERMEN'S UNION, SATURDAY, APRIL 25 RED LUG SOLE... MEN'S OXFORD rioin i oe r i -v SPECIAL VMi 7J ORDON & A i "i-i'K IIi.nnkt Mar. lri-wi at any pri,l ."'"". 'na.lmii Lnd- k '. "'vir m lv l, .Pwixte. -iouii lov Homnkt'i yeround U- - preut t .1 '','tl,jr nspP'd pure am. iV """y ve money 5 ''" eon. FAMILY SHOE STORE Ltd. PHONE 46 Box 638 CHARLIE ROBERTS Phone 357