53ES5S! association wide compensable .lhMl, accident frequenry rate reduc-1 iv ? faaama . tion from 51.36 in 1949 tol a blg by now fl tuc Vancouver Cuts As I See It Prince Rupert Daily News is outstanding for any asstviA FLU hue . eX ETTERBCX -Dom raven9 Wednesday. April 30, 1952 some' elation, but deserves special1 me lc bed , commendation for anv nnt n..., '"I I f , , . ; , "wvu- ,Jut?n for VANCOUVER City council has working industry. An independent, claily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. j ' ; Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations I Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. ' TRAFFIC CHANGKS out. In berii. n one unv u r cut municipal travelling expeases for the year. There will be no, ! conventions for civic off Icials i 3 .Editor, . , A , Daily News, Mr. Dearbon. auds "it is important that none of you management or employees rest on your laurels but go ahead to even greater accomplishments." One of the best signs of the i 1 " II If B A p. A HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director . ,t Onuld I OS trip muill,,m ,,f Ko,,rr.H Rvitisih nnlnmhtn Wash. of a raan v SUBSCRIPTION RATES: a boy, ""re arc y youi' paper to query some of the ineton or Oregon. The travelling One ,. br. E(y carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year newly proposed bylaws? 'budget Is cut from $12,000 to times Is that accident reduction S10; bv mail ner month 7iw-- nw vpnr Sfl rm Authorized as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa Haven't we any originality in $7,000 for the year. The limita- . is one of the grounds on whiffy j who gave si labor and management meet, in clergyman 9t Wl our city council at all? Who tion does not apply to mayor Doctors Want In ever set Vancouver up. as a an ak'ermen four of whom will The woodworker union in B.C. I ionge, fh ,! " "i moaei us u. pattern our city AN EARNEST young be going to a convention of the has recently aooomteii fnii'Hu m,.;... ' un r rr5,K V,,y we can, Union ot Canadian Municipali- j I I time time SAft. safety director diraotttr 1 u. ,. Wtii medical student writes a riiuf.i ii w . .... (UeE at Calgary about the plan I recently! the nw York h!Lm hJCrf!!W r irsi oi an we nave that boner r Trd.and idea from YeBA street lated more traffic snarls than nmnnool in hia enlnmti' tas suddenly become converted Duk nt 8: Tl DEFENCE PLANNER T. Nor-brt Beaupre. 34, of Montreal, is the new assistant deputy , That came Vancouver. anything else. How much worse Mnnr trteva c o rfrnnr,A . . . . 1 ,i.w i Th'e government wou.d fiance wTwf SSSSS, 5, the courses of utudenU wh want pQi m week P Vmu the defence 1 wou,a 11 ere wuu out minister of h,n" "t" pro-.. l j. ... -j,.,,d. A a ' business tax. Isn Tsn.t t that the stone , ; .itv blccks? .. duction department. C;ip- U nit.. t 1 , J . . . - . i s - ' v- " t nUfltl atiri Irouno K. J.. .yi,. U. . U around the necks of their own ! . " , ".r.T. ",,, .Mal" "luiu, luuueuut so. uucu 0 , .rshjll . ... pa - - busine'ss men? ! w,t" r i would sign contract, to wm 'hem R7,: ; ffU1 ! ;hT i alt fork BVw' nioneer districts which lack doc- ! ITw . , " i - i in me cenire o io tvaus wim j Next we have the possibility out doing things up brown Van of vehicular traffic giving waytCOuver style, to Dedestrian traffic Another I . .. . . th st n ,v vuia ut wuww "" ha r-hartd nntwt r -. v- , ir rnrf un was onv san iv ,ri ,. . . .. . If there any sanity in ta i during the Second World War and former special assis tant, to the deputy minister, he i? the youngest official to hold the post. He will be one of the government's top bracket armament advisers, with special responsibilities in the field of manpower, materials control and production of armament for North Atlantic countries. (CP PHOTO i Vancouver bvlaw that h " T ... ' n young leuow says: aust Let us build it but let. Uncle . ' cnrh an an nrn nnn 'P nnn i. vt)i i-. , L i n. tet us in to lane tne couisc aim Sam's ships pay their toils on we will gladly sign such con-i it exactlv as our shin rto. whnn ' such ordinance, don't you think our large eastern cities would adopt it? Believe me it 'will be a long time before' we i . vtsiriij tracts. What is holding us up now is not the moaey to pay our have the same number of motor (Way through but the strict ex- COUNCIL NOTES . . : vehicles as Toronto, bo piease, , clusion ruJ.e8 wnk.n let in only , if we must have nuisance laws, arH)Ut haif 0f those who want to! , can't you think up something become doctors " Those Mounting Taxes ALTHOUGH there may be fair enough excuse for it, what with increasing demands for expenditures and rising inflationary costs which are affecting every kind of business, that big four mill increase in the city tax rate which city council is imposing this year will not ride so easily with the ratepayers. It was natural enough that loud protestations were heard yesterday after the Daily News got out with the announcement. Furthermore, long suffering business people, already prey for a wide variety of solicitations for every manner of campaign and appeal, are proposed to be- hit by a business tax such as they have in Vancouver and which has been so roundly condemned there. Of course, the city has its problems. There are plenty of demands for improvements and services. All cost money and there is only one way of getting the money that is by taxes. $ov .f we are to have our cake we must pay or it. J3ut the citizens will be expecting that there will really be some cake and that there will be something to show for the money that is being taken from the-ra through these mounting municipal taxes. The city will also be expected to exercise all seasonable economies and the taxpayers will be watching that this is done. COFFEE TABLE! ray... Reflects and Reminisces new? Let Vancouver solve their, . . . I ' Estimates will be obtained on own I ! the cost of. a Job evaluation sur- As for taxi parking, why not RECENTLY I gave some adverse . vey for the city hall staff. off-the-street parking entirely?!, PuW'ty to the woodworking j ! ! What about parking meters? Of ! ncustry and showed that man; ! Parks. Board will be granted course then everyone would pay I -an chane. interim, the same for parking privileges, rc "8 : Wr a i an budget of $2,000 as O. lt e a .recommended by the city coun- or would that be fair to the J icii nnance committee. aict-jjcia ntiu iji six hours at a time and still pay - ... lace ffr V.lr 'lip pnnp nlntps? Well, anyway, our good friends ' .I-- SlrioiifQlb holio.nn -lrtV v.... , tilt: 11CTVCI HlVClllCU W1C v mviu VTCUUU Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Street and fishermen's floats It is about time our bylaw or although they delight in the has been condemned, by the city April 5, 1943, ' was revised Do smart fiomp trim hat srnrlt. hnnrd of works nnrf rlnspri mothers know, according to By- nnrt blue, and snurs. ' " . ' law No. 968, that it is m.lawfui Turn about is fair play. Here is a tribute to the B.C. Lumber Manufacturers Association from the National Safety Council. On April 3 Ned Dearborn, President, wrote as follows: Dear Mr. Andrews It gives me great pleasure to extend the sincere congratulations of the National Sufety Council to the B.C. Lumber Manufacturers Assn.. its members and their employees. The record established an to push a baby carriage on the We invite you to come in qnd see the new a ... see how easy it is to have lovely occci in your home ot small cost. A lane behind the United niJA...nll, In DrinAa Diinole) Vflfi It was mentioned at a recent , Church and Annunciation I Jn " V need to be 'made sitting of the Fisheries Council ; ChurcH will be gravelled and nleLe Lre Ye! r a little of Canada in Vancouver that, ir graded at approximate cost of ? ful K this T ft time. I. it I , . . V " i r i ',i 1 t 1 . , i J . "4 . , tj. j , . . . i. Pi1, , 4' ' r" to . h ' . 1 11.3 i it. -ii fc'. - . ii.J . . -tii-ii -i.'i -i i all tiw hall -pound tins ox satmojt $200. produced in the last 50 years Thank you, Mr. Editor. J. P. McLEAN. Gordon & Andersl One gratifying tWng is the increasing interest (were placed side by side, they.! Rate for indigent burials is . . . . . i - ! U'nuM nnpirolp trt u-nrlrt mriri i.v. n . rV : Z ' r.v7 raised from $60 to $65. being engendered in civic affairs. Maybe some of Phone 46 KOLORBORD those .who are showing such an interest will be more willing to come forward and offer their services and exercise their ideas in a practical way by being candidates when the next election comes around. THE POLISHED GRANITE-LIKE FINISH FOR ; man 411 nuica. oui niuiiv ui tiiw i waste ol tin and tin is in such j " ' . '. 1 cVamand, just now. : A' new pump house will be I . . : constructed at Shawatlans' Lake at estlmate cost 2.0- TWS LESSON REMEMBERED G. W. Yates, newspaperman Meanwhile, a concrete r- ; ;and civil servant, died in Lon-t inforced sidewalk will be con- ! don (Ont.t recently. Of him,-; slructed on the north side ol , many a tale is told. .When an Secnd Avenue between First olfice boy in ,the Free Press, he and Second Streets at an es- , wrote a bulletin announcing thi' timated cost of $4,70. Con- ' execution in the Birchall-Ben. stiuction . is planned on a 1 I well murder case. Jobiah Black-' local improvement bylaw. Jburn, Free Press proprietor, .- I learning who wrote the bulletin, . off duly firemen will be paid ! call-ad :Yates overhand pomting (wo hours "can out "pay flurin ! with- his cane to the word day time nours and three hou j "hung" as inscribed, said: ; caM out pay other, times 'when. I "Young man, always remember called out to stand by at tht WALLS fiooas cnl' 64 for f3 The North American continent, with nine per cent ol the world's population, accounts for 43.6 per cent of world income, according to the United Nations. In contrast, Asia, with 53 per cent of world population, has only 10.5 per cent of world income. U.S.S.R. has 8.1 per cent of world population and U per cent of income, while Europe, with 16.6 per cent of the world's population, has 27.3 per cent of world income. RADIOS Kt'FRICFRATORS WASHING maciiim: tl-ECTRIC TOAST! that beet is hung, out men are fire hall when on duty firemen hanged." Mr. Yates used to say are answering a fire call. I he never forgot this lesson in ' VACl'l'M CLEAXtHJ SHOWER LININGS English. Rupert Radio &Ek .. I Utilities .committee recom- mended tlie salary of assistant Third fjje' chief he set at $345 & Ketchikan Pulp Mill A $46,000,000 pulp mill is a big thing for Ketchikan. An industry of that magnitude a mere six iiiles out of town will revolutionize the whole tjconomy'of the "First City" which has derived its livelihood to date from Its salmon canneries and a fair-sized sawmill Taxis must ba off ! Avenue not later than October month and that, rpnalrs he mRrip STORE FRONTS Jay walking will be abolished t0 a flre truck at a cofit of $230 1 and lots of other traffic reforms are to become effective. The city council is becoming stern. The mavor and aidermen looked and Trade licenses were granted to K. W. Keicb, for an au- tmnatiii iauntlry business; , U. L. Knutsottt roooueg bouse, k WATSON ISLAND SW We know how a $27,000,000 pulp mill near Prince sounded that way Monday night, th,n ,1, ,t,irt M n,;,, jPrince Rupert is growing up, and A. McNeil, barber shop. ""t"-' " v-ncuijjevi uic n liuic JILIUIC XVJI tlllfi UUI11111U even if some feel they came about forty years too early. LIMITED Prince Rupert Shrine Club The isual appearance of polished rock . . . Choice of 9 color) in mottled, granite-like finish . . . PLUS ENDURING QUALITY. "KOLORBORD" it impervious to fire, water, rust, vermin, qe, and is not affected by climate ... it improves with washing and scrubbing. SEE "KOLOM0KD" AT YOU LOCAL IUILDING SUfHY DEALER TERRACE BUS SERVId nity and Prince Rupert had more to start with than Ketchikan which will therefore experience an even greater metamorphis. Pnssihlv thp Kptf'hiVnn nnln mill M ill nvnvo r SOUNDS EXCLUSIVE ! , . . . . ,.7 . a four-day circus operated by Breakfast should be hi eaten ! shows Crescenk beginnin? Mav silence, says a dietician. It will m , Dmvidina, sultahiP o,mris! COMMENCES MAY .' PASSENGER TIMS SCHEDULE m i , , CANCELS PASSENGER TIME SCHED0U-' if he s been out can be ocated Attempt will be ; mader.to obtain space on First 7 , " ; 1 ' 1 'be profound considerable i benefit to Prince Rupert in providing ia.te. ti-at'f Some Dialers hips still open. ' Avenue behind the Civic Centre. ! . v.v..v,cvi itwx.Ydv. u U1 " ilrform.n P.Ar. C..,i, lc r..' In-ino- tViP twn fnmmnnitioa intr. o,.:.v, r.lneav UA . !icitin vti nr, fioi, Tne cluD lub was was granted a licence a day. For Passenqer end Express Service Be f.f volutinncl-iir. camp in what was then one of 1 ' the liveliest mining regions in . ' i We rejoice with and Congratulate " Ketchikan on the northwest. When he feels A bylaw was passed to rename' this mis imrmvtanr lmpoildnt tipws news. like it, he can spin many a yaxn. Prince Rupert Health Unit,! Sometimes he does. Skeena Health Unit. Mil East 67th A v t ., V A KC 0 U V E R 15, B.C. Terrace, B.C. and Prince Rupei viaOallowyR' Roato-Jvans-Peovinciiil Highway Locol Time PRINCE Kl I I itl TKKKV( DAILY Ua4 Uiva tRll'. 'ill I 'S$ f i i f SUMS 0 Prince Rupert 13 Prucllioinme Lake 16 Rainbow Lake 31 Tyce 37 Skeena H0! lv n " 7:10 - 6:3: - 6:20 6f 45 Telegraph P"'111 At At J; TRIP lKAST Lv 9:30 a.m. " 10:00 am. " 10:10 a.m. " 10:40 a.m. " 10:55 a.m. A,i- 11:53 a.u. Lv ll:20a.m. " 11:30 a.m. " ll:40a.mt. '' 11 :55 a.m. ." 12:20 p.m, " 12:30 p.m. " 12:35 p.m. " 12:55 pm. " 1:05 p.m. Ar 1:20 p.m. ..-) LV 5: 5: 5:25 -5:00 " 4:5t' 0 1:25 4:l& obtain 51 Kwlnilsa 5(. East Kwinltsa 63, Salvus 75 Exstew 80 Griffiths Mill 82 Shames ' 90 Amsbury 93 Rcmo 10Q Terrace msBE7BBa & 1 L" s supnnnn v.'. ''' Mav - n.i. fs s ri Minim . e.r i5 T1 :'Tr?',!r w Issued ApHII; 1952. Effcet,VC JmSi:; ManaS Cneral Issued by C. Mclntyre, Prince Rupert, B.C. Issued pu'f" 1 tlirreunw the Motor Carriers' Act and R'Ru1' DEPOTS Prince Ruoert--0 -- aw ' l Jt,i fn -j' ' N , V . ". Street. Phone v- filj HEAD OFFICE 14 Sm-A B7i637 Bloc B.C. p",,,e -Arrive; ... . '. i ciHiihnls: ADoreviauons anu w , Anv nhleellons to this proposed sdUpui,lic Hni TRAFFIC or on ihe highway, Chevron Supreme HAS a Wonderful .Way with it.. Get-away? It's packed I N th Knnerlnl.endtut of Motor Cairiv ,9S!. t.,i API" 1 : iriinniiiiii 11,. IIIJ with it. Power? Simply loaded. Get it today at Chevron Gas Stations - r mm i , - A , ? . S -