PROVINCIAL LIBRARY rn:vi:::iAL Lir.',v;, A.I ORMBS vicrr.n, d. c. DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IV CABS Published ot Conada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 1 msPATTHED VOL. XLI, NO. 102 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS lipals in Daily News Deal (m A, rxn I iii it i mi 0 uv Fish Price Answer Due First Call in Rupert for Huge Tanker Twenty-Five Percent Increase in Series Of Bills at Ottawa OTTAWA (Canadian Press) Twenty-five per Steel Strike Under Way In United States After Truman Decree Is Upset 'PITTSBURGH. Steehvorkers, who went on Answer to trawl-flshermen's demands for a minimum price on sole and cod is expected this afternoon In the second meetlnn Imperial Oil Company's third largest tanker. Imperial Edmon-j ton. arrived for her first time '. cent increase in war veterans' allowances being paid strike when said the could a judge government not!ln Prmce R t harbor this be their boss; throttled steel production today in the (morning, she unloaded 35,000 to 40,000 of Canada's aged and needy overseas veterans and their dependents was proposed yesterday in a series of government bills introduced in the between United Fishermen and i Allied Workers' Union repieson- i tatlves and Prince Rupert opera- tors. Union demands one-half cent Increase across the ooard for sole and cod and one-cent increase! for ling cod. Present prices range from four to five and a! half cents for sole, and five cents I j barrels of bunker fuel, for storage quickest steel plant shutdown in history, $1 I If . 1 pKliltY J. F- MAGOR j (i . Retiring . . . Taking Over j House of Commons. In the oil company's large tanks. Regular run for the Edmonton Is from loco to San Pedro. California, where the fuel oil was loaded for Rupert. Drawing a gross of 12.000 tons, the huge tanker anchored in mid-harbor while waiting for tug boats to carry Its heavy lines to the wharf. Captain is R. "Bud" Thompson ft vpt.pran tankpr mnslpr Den tal Clinic Functioning Progress Satisfactory PTA Hears Election .. Of Officers Soon , - ) Board Names Foreman- Halt in the defence-vital steel Industry within hours seemed certain. . About 650.000 workers are Idle or soon will be. Mill after mill went silent as companies and union maintenance crews banked furnaces following hours of confusion at the start of the walk-out last night. President Philip Murray of both the CIO and Steel Work- Full Docket For Assizes A full docket, including three murder trials, will face Justice H. S. Woods as he opens Su- A bill sponsored by Veterans' Minister Lapointe would boost to $50 a month from $40 the maximum allowance payable to a single veteran or widow, to $90 from $70 the maximum for a married recipient. Minimum monthly allowance for an orphan would be $40, for two orphans $70 and for three orphans $85. for ling cod. Meanwhile, there is no trawl fishing. The fleet, including vsseel owners, remain "tiei up" while negotiations are 'in process, says T. E, Parkin, general secretary of UFAWU. An Immediate union meeting Out Improvement Plans a season's program of a bulldozer on the grounds In liniment which will their present -wet and boggy Progress made so far by the!Tne Edmonton sails south to- !' Tin An nrrinran rho err vo : n ..i -v yti- 1 will be called if operators refuse lL'hpn Fpfiprnl JiiHda navirl A n 4 nnnuoft i u o111' ly by the budgetary state would not be advantageous. ! to meet demands. At a meeting yesterday afternoon, operators Pine ruled that President Tru-' tory, according to a report by J. man acted Illegally in seizing , s. Wilson to the Prince Rupert the steel industry April 9 to i Parent-Teacher Council ' at Its avaiiaoie oy uie tuj : commissioner Art Murruy sug-tl uf parks commls- i gested improvements around to-meeting last night, ; tcm poieg n Alder Park. One, in he appointment of ; particular, should be equipped told unionists they would refer the question to head offices In Vancouver. The Increase would cover all trawling operations ; preme Court assizes here May 5. Six cases will be heard, of which two are local. Assizes are ex-i pected to last more than a week, i The murder trials will begin jwith the new trial of a Port avert a strike Fatality At Kemano regular monthly meeting. An average of six or seven una as pains luie-witn a chain ience and, if poss- Pine signed formal orders to- Vancouver Hit Again -By Flames ! him a list of workable, nlanup wit.h Wi-nris nf th.-M north Of Namu day directing return of the ; children each week nave been seized steel mills to their own- i taken to the dentist and the sys- 0 proceed. various poles should be put In. I Meantime, application for con- land will combine , Mr. Murray referred to the great io " on , "i made by Je Simpson native fisherman, Har- m- anri thpn tnrnprf rtnwn o anv. i tern of having the children es- 1 i,,,iio Qtorniiio Shoreworkers of the UFAWA fol t: oai ks foreman and popularity of the totem poles eminent plea to delay effective-! corted by ladies from the city's tractQr oprator wa6 kilIed at old Ryan, ordered by an appeal ncss of the order. F;T,hM W0e5 0UtfVery Kemano Bay last night, accord- c0 'ast f&1 R',a ls charSed lowing deadlock in negotiations and will wun me tourists ana the keen ,re!akcr for a thirty-three and one-third i,-i,-Df ! i,in a u-nrtf- Interest, t.hjit wn takpn i:i thnm These legal formalities "natin r6CeiVed y clewed j ks Z taVS! 'i ; law wife, Lorraine Tait :iich will be moved ; He was delegated to obtain prices IE";,, "" Parkin. , w BOeii...iu, unteers who had done such ai "1 Z-,. ,,.. ,. ., Two others are from Burns o pia:c as required, on the proposed work. T , f "'8 , ' ""ii" """iflnc ' service In escorting these ,.",,"'"" ,3 "r""""" Lake. Arthur Bruce Cunning- VANCOUVER (CP) Vancouver's fifth major fire in eight days hit the National Shingle Company mill Tuesday night and destroyed the False Creek industrial plant In' 15 minutes. Looking around at various! I ,"rlner Progress nas Deen ruling that President Truman's cnjidren tmrnt of parks fore-,dc from among nin; i- i .k! t.v,. ham, 60, is charged with mur- seizure oi tne sun maustry The Parent-Teacher CouncU ; ". "... "r ,Zz" K s der of Albert Thorson last fall. possibilities of cloning up park a "ew ocRee price sites, the board decided to com- jsreemcnt. Demands are for a niunicate again with the city f'c-cent-a-pound n crease, asking foi definite action in the Meanwhile, the minimum price i,,i, r f- . u- demand for halibut has been I will approach the city council to'"""""""-.,,.. . Third accused ls Jack Barry. It burned uncontrolled. ir,R parks and play-; preliminary tidying tiort of the sidewalk on 8econd ' , VvTCr,' hit-and-run case in which WU- . ""."T T"' . " v.""" ' Ham Parker is charged with in tr,(! Wi" 'V'O.d Exhibition Hall on Ac opol is i 'i tW thta year" lhp erection of Mr. Parkin. f'th ;I1UI somelhln that has geeniald Avenue bet ween . First and, '., , 1 , Pending notification of next-of- i Second Streets which the P.T j Council considers a danger and k j a. menace not only to school equipment In Me $45,000 and $50,000, part ot It covered by insurance. Cause of the fire was undetermined. - I lrnHaMooriaH mnmpntarilv wprl jurlng a person by wilful misconduct while driving a motor vehicle. i Other cases include a false Powell River Horror Attack Man and Woman in Hospital After Domestic Tragedy hanging fire for years now. Correspondence m old as two years on the matter was reviewed. lt. )b!ic works depart-ii-skerl lo prtcerd May Mediate ' rtrdtartna fharoa atrainct T5nnlfl 1 i children but to all citizens who use it. Appropriate action will be requasted. ! It. was also unanimously de- - ,lthe Sweeney Cooperage, the Bay l ie jprliiK grading of ivucy, w-jem-om '58t' UM T Lumber .iimhor Pn Co. and and thp the F.mnirP Empire Ro Box i.ll grounds so they reported that he had Interviewed! lAnnrit Dltrtllto the game warden i'i regard to re- j UliIU C W nnrlprl ill.M'al fixhinn' in Hnvjc L. Company. Barbara Ann Loses Furs And Jewelry i Armstrong, and a stabbhv charge against Peter Byrne, 31 n shape for tho sra- cld(?d to extend to the city P9W powfi ELL t RTVirn RIVER, tCPt CP)-puard; nu .rri ()lleart thflaU for. 1U co-. cd by police a man lay In hos. operMonin the past on mattcrs: uim l.xil ball play. - Crock In McClvmont J-At.,,."..!. Park. t.; The VANCOUVER VANCOUVER (CW-A govern i r- r i , r Forty-eight Jurors will be call- 1 fit I lUti pltal here today accused of a I irr Art Murray has , u h WiS nxent conciUator to mediate the I od to handle, on be- rin ,a, nMna ,.,,, dispute between the Interna- of safety on which they have; ed. The Kyan murder trial wiii Thursday. May 1. 1952 naicnci ana razox anacK on nis . M gnmh.rf h. fha p.t I "rr- - - -I ., .. n o- TORONTO Burglars entereu ",e defended by local lawyer T. (Pacific Standard Time) estranged wife. His Council. daughter was an eve-witness, i '. . .u. i the aDartment of Barbara Ann: w. arown, wo. umer oeience High 5:48 16.4 lee tod aU t!onal Woodworkers of America ;P"r-'cieek but the situation would be ' of the parks for or- watchi;d u was 1M)t fclt worth. j and coast lumber operators may 1 while to interfere with the an- be d . , wrPat pp. Forman us h?d ,, ffr.c v m,n r This was indicated Tuesday a3 " IV I - iilJtIl. Wrill WiftA - - i a 1 ml 19:29 Police said that a mill worker, Parent-Teacher delegate from-?" here and took furs and ; coun uu 15.6 feet feet 6.9 feet -hoio Martin ottaVpH his D.( Dr (n .u. ont i eeir Esumaiea mio me uve - ixju 12:41 d to meet with rep- ;1' Te board d ,d d t ' ,nvestl. talks between the Union and f football and base- .,, ,,w,im.i,i Forest Industrial Relations Llm- wife yesterday and then ripped ventlon. in Kelowna of the B.C. figures in value. ecuting counsel. ions n regard to;a for;roullcis nUlng pUrpo.sw. ! ltcd. representing the operators, li I kc?!More Informauon will bo sought icncd h n'nth Z ! nm Rmunu connection with a "sanitary i Aftcr days either party 'pn.M'iiutivps rould ; iill' ., now ,,, being used , In imay apply for a conclhato un- at his own throat witn a razor ' Parent-Teacher Federation, gave while their 12-year-old daugh-. a short address on the conven-ter Sandra, looked on in hor-jtton. . ror. 1 A resolution from local P.TA's The woman survived although ; to the B.C. Parent-Teacher Fed- Giant Plane Disappears in Jungle; Canadians Aboard process Vancouver. h'' fp ice idea has ! ! der the labor laws. she was admitted to hospital ; oration asking that the tuition j Kinsmen's Club was granted rtiTi,i,H ., li , i l ! ' the use of Roosevelt Park on May iialiliiiKs and bridges Present at last night's Pat Fcrman, it Park. Wlilte and here. '. fee of $10 lor a course in tne Sandra, unharmed, sat almost English language for new Cana-speechlcss from shock and told 1 dlans be abolished, will be taken officers that she tried In vain ! up in due course by the Federate stop the attack on her, Hon, according to correspondence mother. received. . Police said that no charges ! Eflorts are still being made to h-vp vpt hppn lotH ThPv rp obtain a supply of "Scotch-lite," ; ing were WEATHER - - Synopsis An intense storm moved rapid RIO DE JANEIRO (CP) Search planes today combed the dense unexplored jungles of Brazil and its desert-like plateaux for a giant Pan-American stratocruiser, the last word in modern air travel which disappeared with 50 persons aboard. mnnrxTS agreeing he painti ij; is done. f .( of the parks will ly towards the coast last night and rain from the disturbance Robert Eby, Robert Armstrong and Arthur Murray and Secretary Peter Lien. Next Parks Board meeting will be May 9. luminous which has been a tape waiting until they know more about the woman's chances of iot ,t0 'r most successfully : fel) on ap area stretcning from Minister Warns High Tariff Height of Folly WASHINGTON. Canada today suggested to the United States that It fears a resurgence of hlgh-walled tariff protectionism in the U.S. a move that would cripple Canada's exports to its biggest foreign tomer. Hon. Douglas Abbott, Canada's , as renectors on bicycles. Men Among the 41 passengers were survival. nnanrcu ''I IVGHOt M) snnind is somewhat as derided to dofci "Hill'' Iillfl lovnlll.w. the sister of a Canadian gov i ,v , Vlltllg s"r aL the pii California to northern British Columbia. Gale warnings were Issued for all coastal waters and winds up to 60 miles per hour lashed the coast at the height of the storm. The disturbance will move Inland today bringing rain to all interior points by evening. Boosts For "Free" Trade Forest Fires In Manitoba : members of the city's P-TA's : have volunteered to Instal the i "Scotch-lite" on each -school child's bicycle when it ris re-I celved. I Election of officers for the : coming year will be held at the P-T Council's next meeting In May. A nominating committee ernment official and the president of Willys-Overland Auto Export Company of Canada Ltd. The double-decked Boeing stratocruiser is the first plane of its kind reported missing. Mrs. Lucy Geils Wood, former Caution in B.C. Woods ,c East beyond Hays 'hr Gyro Club is pro- in ncr playground '''''iii!! was that use Tunnel ; Showers will follow the passage of the storm but some clearing WINNIPEG (CP) More than 40 rw. iu fitmut f I ra Mithrnnlre VPTP ly of Montreal, and her hus- VANCOUVER, (CP) Import- VICTORIA (CP) British Co finance minister, In a speech lumbla's government foresters tL Li d ta. m p ib expected to take place over- ante of "free trade" in combat-1 band. John Vincent Wood 47, I f.. U., UA Ifnnl. nmnnntH fnP HpltVPtV t1 t.hp tT.fl ting "welfare state theories" was British engineer, are among the this week will raise the red Bjornsen, King Edward P-TA danger flag for persons enter-! 'rt Mr. '. tan Rnrflpn otrPpt Temperatures will remain rela- j stressed by opening-day speakers; missing. Mrs. Wood is the sister Ing the woods. School P-Ta7 was chosen, j. s. I tlvelv C001 ln all districts for the j at tne seventn annual convention fisnerie jof Edmond Joly de Lotbiniere Mies ! : I ;0f Canadian External Affairs ivjuitru i ufaua j uj vmr ... un, " - - j I toba forestry branch as condl- Chamber of Commerce, said jtlons described as "extremely ! such a development would be hazardous" continued over the the "height of folly." whole province. New fires are ! The issue was of ''crucial lm-; in the eastern and northwestern . portancc" not only to Canada ; Manitoba areas as far as the but to other -members of the ' Churchill River. North Atlantic community. Intending to keep forest fire ' Wilson was asked to conduct ! next two aays- Tuesday. GALE WARNING Vircrtl D T?pprt vii'p-iirpsiripnt North coast region The gale : and ass(x-iate director of research ; losses to a minimum this sum- election proceedings and T. G. ! mer, foresters have set the fita 'Bateman will take over the ln-I months period, from May 1 to stallatlon ceremonies. September 30 as the fire period, j President R. G. Moore was In f"n. MP, Ha, I" ' CNR !-E. D. Fulton If Tuesday sug- lio of com-f'i railway committee Department's information division. The aato official was Marcel Francois DeMueller, 50, Toledo, president and general manager of the Willys-Overland Export Corporation and president of the Willys-Overland Export Co. of Canada Ltd. for J. Walter Thompson Co. of New York, told 350 delegates that freeing of trade for traffic re warning continued. Rain today. Cloudy with showers tonight. Cloudy Thursday with sunny intervals in the afternoon. Little strictions was the only solution . starting- Thusrday, persons the cnair. will be required to obtain a per- j : . mlt before lighting out of door, Mrs. A. Jerstad, Seventh fires for cooking, warmth or Avenue East, left by plane yes- TODAY'S STOCKS change in temperature. Winds- ;of worUrs uu and tne reat. easterly (401 shifting to westerly 't single contrlbution a natlon r" National :' ht have to build a land clearing. ! terday for a trip to Vancouver. .11 iiurlcsv K l. Juliimluii '. MU.) 101 uus evemiiK Hiiu ucoicsauis ;could make tQ prasperity and to light Thursday morning. Lows : peace-" lne Rockies. sa'd, micht. ho n,.. 1 '-v v tonignt; ana nigns iomorrow-av ; Francls M1nerd 0j Vancouver, Port Hardy. 38 and 52; Sandspit : president of the council and host 3? and 55; Prince Rupert, 35 and of the parley also spoke f; o CNR ilnc sklrt. eraser River, current wash..t. 52 I1 Donairt ... .. UUI said n,i I there would ,? new route. The out against "planned economy, ! saying the fishing , industry is i "perfectly capable of looking j after itself." The industry itself, with the I assistance of certain qualified advisers, is best qualified to solve i its own problems," he said. B.C Would Take Action ' urk constant- rras River line. f busader VICTORIA (CP) Harry Bow- Refinery Men Strike for Wage Demand DENVER (CP) More than 90,-000 unionized refinery and pipeline workers are on strike across the United States today as negotiations with the oil industry continue. Union demands a 25-cent hourly wage increase and a higher night differential pay. Present average wage ranges; from $2 to $2 10 tin hour Motorists are expected to be hit hardest by the prolonged strike. Long lines of cars were reported at filling stations In Detroit and other cities last night before the midnight strike iman ' minister of agriculture. Queen Sends TORONTO Athona 132 Amaque 20 Beattie DuQucsne 52 Bevcourt . 1-15 Buffalo Canadian 30 , Consol. Smelters 33.00 Conwcst 400 Donalda ". 40 Eldona a 24 East Sullivan 8.05 Giant Ycllowknlfc .... 10.25 God's Lake 55 Hardrock 13 Harrlcana 11 Hcva 11 Duvex 83 Jollct Quebec 48 Little Long Lac 70 Lynx 16 Madscn Red Lake .... ... 190 McKenzte Red Lake 42 ' McLeod Cockshutt ...... 2.80 Moneta 45 Negus 60 Norarida 74.00 Silver Miller- 1-60 Upper Canada 1-80 Golden Manltou 5.90 VANCOlVKIl American Standard ... -20 Brulorne 610 B R X 03a Cariboo Quartz 1.40 Congress 06 Cronin Bablne -43 Giant Mascot 99 Indiun Mines 18 ' Pioneer 2.25 Premier Border -27 Privateer 09' 4 Ri-eves MucDonald 4-50 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 161 Silbak Premier 56 Taku River .08 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley 09 Sliver Standard 2.36 Western Uranium 3.75 Oils-Anglo Canadian 8.00 A P Con 60 Calmont 1-75 Central Leduc 3.75 Home Oil 15 00 Mercury 30 said Tuesday British Columbia "will take action" if the foot-and mouth disease are in Sask- j atchewan and appear to be get-1 mrv Vis I ; M .si j l5 W& to Korea w1Uall Irom . , ' 5 for Korenn "li! the AtnS Message Of Sympathy ting" out of control. He said the province is prepared to protect lSd :UMUarlers an- its llkestock Industry with pro- 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. Presi-tective measures if necessary dent Truman has received a but he did not give details. ! message of sympathy from Queen The signal for new action, he Elizabeth in connection with the said, would be new cases out-; loss of the United Nates Navy side the control area in Sask-'minesweeper Hobson with esti- atchewan. . mated loss of 176 lives: GATHERING GRAIN About 88.000,000 bushels of the 1951 wheat crop remained in the field when winter set In last fall In Saskatchewan. Modern harvesting machinery, such as operated by N. H. Pearee and his son Murray on a farm 12 miles northwest . of Reglna, are hard at work to bring In the record spring harvest. They are loading oats from their pull-type combine Into their truck. tCP PHOTO) r - Placed in eco"imissloned la5t