Log Towing Specialty Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. April 30, 1952 Research Ship r lands Halibut Cjarclc down the Fraser on high watc eiuna ( apt. Bill IHilmage Has Pioneered Business on ("oast ju.st a tail-spinning along. Then i Includes those waters between! IWillapa Harbor and Cape Spen-; leer, Alaska, that are not con-; Itained inAreas 2B and 2C. Area :2B includes the waters in southern Hecate Strait, off British; Columbia. Area 2C includes the, ; waters between Cape Addinyton; and Dixon Entrance, off Southeastern Alaska. Area 3A extends from Cape Spencer to a line , ! runtime South 3 4 East from! suddenly I un .s another lm raft v.,u,r ciiartcr to th t tional PHu'riJr?1" but eriHin,;. .u -on h, Capt. wuuan uiun Dolmage lamihu cminR up the river, grunting tow" has been in me ius and and groaning with maybe SOW PERENNIAL FLOWERS WHEN YOU SOW VEGETABLES business ior to years, nc bi.. tugs straining raining to to budge budge h her. Why j o ' Ed ir,k n . aul( vt: the two outfits get to- x , Is' CaP'-Olof Mat: with one small beat, on wnu u ne don-t the skipper, first, second ing season opens on May 14 instead of May 1 as in 1951. Other changes include the establishment of a recently underfished far western section of previous Area 3 as a separate area and the opening of this in late summer at the time when it used to yield its greatest catches. Area 4, the Bering Sea, will be opened at the same time. Two similar areas established last vear. one off British Columbia was Change In Regulations For Halibut The 1952 halibut fishing regulations of the International If you wait until summer, as Bold Cape through Caton Island many do. the difficulties of get- gether?" ' vesierda y t T hlrct ca'l h He reconsidered with a grin, im and mni "maybe its just us well, or we The haiih, rher'imt wouldn't be in the towing busi- Packers Cl9 9!' 10 nesS" 'i landl6ti went into cod germinating seed and growing of the Sanak Islands group. Area 3B extends between the Bold Capc-Caton Island line and a line running true west from Caoe Sarichef on Unimak Is and third mate and deckhand. He towed logs for a living. Today, Dolmage Towing Co. Ltd. operates 20 boats, four of them huge, 100-foot power machines which will tow more than a million feet of logs. Capt. Dolmage, who vLsltetl Prlncp RuDert this week to see these plants win be much greater, and the plants will have less time to gTow up before winter. Nearly all the perennials which Since the successful trial run quired. The fi.u . V i of a, bundle raft towed to Prince from Hecate stnit. Wix and the other off Soutneastern , land. d Arca Arca 4 4 jnciucies includes those tnose a Rupert from Nisei Island, belqw With Allan Ritchif ' Queen Charlotte Sound, Capt. biological K.-i..nii.t On hns., Fisheries Commission are different in some respects from those of last year. The regular fish can be grown from seed are native forms, collected originally as wild plants, and improved only Dolmage expects his tugs to ply the Internatinn-i n ... prest Alaska, will again be opened asptcrs of thc jei.ing sea lyina separate areas in late summer nortn 0f the Cape aarichef line this year. ThP must is divided into eight CATCH LIMITS the northern waters often. Last mission ih t neriesC nic j 1 1 nvt the safe arrival of a new type of log raft, was born in Port Essington in 1906. While here, he chartered a olaiw to revisit tiny? he did a job here was a been operating in 1 sBMaHBk : by selecting the finest plants as ! seed parents. Those which aiv 011 1 the product of hybridizlna will lllltI3 dinston f."' "'.clK.M reeulatorv areas. Area 1A in- '. Catch, limits arc placed rhese are Spi(iom come true from seed: but .1iiHps the waters south of Cape Areas 2A and 3A only little more than six months ago when the Sea Prince towed a million feet of cottonw-jod logs In a flat raft, taking 16 days to reach Vancouver. Blanco, Oregon. Area IB lies be- 25.500.000 pounds and 28.000.000 Triple island area ; Levaing here last heading ior ule Porll;r mw s in the Westward B" l Yards and Yards of tween Cape Blanco and WUlapa pounds, respectively, since nit his birthplace for the first time. I The tug-boat captain, no longer sea-going, stlu marvels at a coincidence of his birthday Ifor he was one of three boys Harbor, Washington. Area a th?rc arc exceptions, such as de.phiniums and hollyhocks, which have bven fairly well fixed. Peonies and Iris, by contrast, have never been trued and to obtain named varieties, plants must 4 is opened for a stated w-cr.iy period the previous 500 00 J pound catch limit is removed. No catch limits are set for Areas born on thc same day. ; "But we never met again." I'auofi, on the Queen Cliut'toUe Islands, was the next home of' Spring Dress Goods 1A, IB. 2B. 2C. 3B and 4. : be bought. The fishing season is opened ! So there are relativ jly few new Mrs. John Luke and two child rn arrived in the city on thc Prince Rupert today from Kimberley ior a visit with Mrs. Luke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grimble. Mrs. Luke Is the former Miss Audrey Griinbie. Mrs. C. L. M. Gigerv of 1 row. who has bwn i, ' H-uih .arrived in the city on Fnnee Rupert today from cuuver enroute homo Mr t Koy came In to the citv to w B her. varieties which you on May 14, except in Areas 2B perennial t I the Dolmage.?. Here, the captain s( 'sister was born, thc first while 'girl on the Islands. Her name? Charlotte, of course. I A white girl baby, and the first at that, was news, but nothing , like the birth of the first white 1 boy, born to the Dolmagi ' .. t mi i IfllA nnA can produce irom seen, but hundreds of lovely old ones, many in danger ot being lost be. cause the new generations of gardeners does not know their charm. j Columbines are much tne same now as they were in grandmother's day. and there Is no and 2C which are opened for 10 days fishing commencing on July 26. and in Areas 3B and 4 which are opened for 17 days fishing commencing August 2. The season ends in Areas IB and 2A when the Area 2A catch limit is taken, and in Areas 1A and 3A when the Area 3A catch io Y-r ri (ViriH TONKiHT "SAVAGE DRUMS" STAK1 l(r 7:20 ' FIXED BAYONETS Popular Concert YOUNG CANADIAN ARTISTS Cou.tf.sy Sir Ernest McMillan Fine Arts Club CIVIC CENTRE April 30th and May 1st JOYCE CHEN Pianiste DON GYLORD Murimba HOWARD POTTINGER Clarinet Wednesday, April 30th CONCERT 8:30 Admission Prices i more beautiful flower. The blue is Lovely 1 ellowr Oaky Coreopsis ( WM d b Uw Star of Drlphinium is cWcf ,n the vtelnlty Name June Oardrn , of f t, the b boy was Frederick Frederick Kilby, Ktioy, a ;piutre woman and a handful A 11 I 111 b 13 1 I iV V. W . h a hot rifle . . bullets ALAN LADD D'lisis ine power -mart renr',rt Wl; dreamy of luli lg the west: Sot line vessels may again se- j anchusas with forget-me-not cure permits to retain for sale ; flowers borne on tall spikes, look one pound of halibut with each!" with any other color, and seven pounds of other salable i make all other colors look incident- better . Arabia and ceranUum. species of fish caught IN " jbut the Indians wanted to add will greet, them with delight each Leverai names of their own. year, when they come to pay you J .tTh' fmally seUlod on one 0 brief visit. They will grow so .Wahal? ai;d ever si,lce he's vigorously you must hold them in known ftg Fred Wanal Kilby," ally while fishing for other i " 71 v ' RED MOUNTAIN' 8 Color by Technicolor STARRING Masset and Timbered Islet nur Reserve SI 50 non-mcmocrs $1.25 members Ru;h $1.00 non-members 75c members Students 50c Thursday, May 1st clumps and dividing them with your friends and neighbors. Video and Newspapers WASHINGTON Television is white and lilac, borne In midsummer; hibiscus, the lovely' blue linum, and lavender veroni- j cas, all these are flowers for the sery areas throughout the en-1 tire year, and the application of ' the minimum size limit to the halibut that are landed, are . I IZAP.KTll SCOTT A I. AN LADD relates the captain. In the towing business. "Dol-mage" stands for log transportation. 'We don't touch anything but logs unless, of course, it's doing somebody a favor," the tug fleet owner says. He pioneered towing log booms from Harrison Lake, down turbulent Harrison River to the Fraser and to Vancouver, spring frcshouts notw ing. Logging, business is funny. A Kill IK KENNEDY carricn. not. for rnttin? Thev CONCERT and DANCE continued. ihe:p enrjcri the beauty of the STARTS TOMORROW j perennial border throughout the WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE 8:30 General Admission non-members .... $100 members 75c students 50c ALSO -SELECTED STORTS CARTOON - NEWS SHOWS 7:00 - 9:07 summer, each contributing itS'"J " share to a beautiful whole. PaH" f'P- "ou"fes Dcan RalPh D-Coscy of the Min- Of these fiowers you need , GECKGE DAWES AUCTIONEER J nesoia ocimoi 01 juui iaiwiu I'h.mt Green 810 and Hed 12 many plants; and once they are established in your garden you Mr. Casey, after a two year-sur- ) sometimes i ca.u uuuaauu .t Phone 231 for Reservations r vev in tne Minneapolis area. "Here I've seen myself going showed that "newsnaner circulation has continued to rise." ADMISSION ;J ALL SLATS KLSEKVLI) liLEOIli: 3 P.M. TIC KETS Ml ST l!E I'K KK D I P RESERVED SEAT tIGGEt WlndshUld . . . new, curved crte-piece Safety-Vu CANADA PRESENT THE INTERNATIONAL CINEMA GUILD OF IARGIR tr Window . . . naw, car-wide design in-creoies cjlos area 48 percent. WIDER Front Tread . . . improves road stabiliry shorten turning radt$. wewtr-' ,Q'Vmmt 1 ' . s. is I .lejimiw in ui si.s meiiieiisi.jiiieimsisiiiiiiiiiiieiii .1 for full horizon visibility. ASK FOR SCOTLAND'S FAVOURITE SON JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY tmm.l"- Mm. e -mm 1 IONGIR WKlben . . . wi tronoer chonn tantt and lower centre orovity tor o treoothe rner, ROOMIER New CoachcroM Rodiei . . . provide room lor lix poengeri. New contour-type eat cushioned with foam rubber. more level ride that's even more comfortable able. Added s ! II 'I -lii'i'i ikl lo n J-.ntirrh iXew Molinn I'icture vsaUMMili Altractiuns (ilacid National Park Antarctic Whale Hunt It's Fun lo Sing M.U1 WW ' ...... - -XflK 1 ' n'viti -i ZSsc ' ; . SsnsmmmmmmmM mammmmmnmimm,i ' mSa ; .HI"'" IjVVfe. ... i,Cll Frt I tenets i One Showing Only Thursday at 8 :.'( i.m Doors Oprn 8:0(1 TOTE 'V! ,... W-y Still Goin Slron I iiiunus llnei llHitlri r NEVER I OIK. I T YOt" Ill i'til V 7 :UU - M:II0 p.m. IHxlilletl, Mended and Bottled in SrotlatUl (ioDtentt 2bVt oe, JOHN WALKER tt SONS LTD. Scofch Whisky Ditrilfn KILMARNOCK SCOTLAND H lull' mtlrtmU tlICK nfimmnl nt extra rnU tun nclvfrtl.wmeut W not publiKhcd ; or clisplisvc-tl by tlie Liquor Control : iot.rrt or by the Oovernmcnt oi WS7 Nf W Sfrllng . . . insida and out with new Brltlxh fviiimh! NEW Instrument Ptmal . . . blendi '..to the doon in a graceful sweep. Flight-Style Control Panel with instruments easier to read. Coochcraft Bodie makes the new Ford the most beavtiful cor for 52. Lord Calvert ! 0 8& f : Your Furs Need A Vacation ! i'i NIW lew End Styling . . . with jet-style rear NIW Styl Feoturei . . . give a massive front end appearance. New Search lights. Centre-Fill Fueling mokes flling-up from either, tide of pump easier. Mount headlights and distinctive parking lights. w STRAW-STAR 110 HRV8 fQ (S Ailtam-nl (lcipii liiii Urd liy I'oril'e unr-(iuallc;d txprrl . "V' e. I rev'V t r n: 5r WW rm e in linililinjl more than l.IXPO.fMKI -8 enginen mure than allolln-r mamifai turtri comliinrd. W ith the roininhiiN ratio i-ti-iprd-iii to 7.2 to 1, there' thrilling new hi;:li-orr, hih.roniirr-HKion prrfonnancr!. I ' i ' 4 i ii I i ur aMoasFOtDOMATlCdrm ....... SKwfsft Co' " "V,,'' l '"it-l)irilie52 toril with l-orrlumatic Drivr. ilie tiorst on tlir rogfi tenia, or ilh cat-a ving Orerdrtve, both optional at f lira rout or smooth "turhro-Sleot" Miift an utanderd. '52 You'll fins llml ihu,I,. who know (iinmla's '7B f,rr7T!,k i.luLes (o dint! call for Canada's most ilisliiignLslicd win tlhrst hig "JEST-DRIVE" lhe 13I& ,,.SF0R0 dealer Loul Calvert, f'or miimtIi (iiialily . . . nl l'' ouc ever tasted . . . always call jr. l-1 Cakcri Let them summer in Bill Scuby's Scientific Fur Cold Storage Vault BILL SCUBY FURS i 10T.D CALVfiliT BOB PAKKER LTD. Home of Friendly Service Jv -. - - - I I 't tJl 'i ... T OISTIUERS IIMITED, W "IJ-TJ' C ALVER Prince Rupert and Terrace, B.C. jl Phone 914 Free Pickup V Ford and Monarch Dealers I""'0 IHIiADVfcRIIitMtNI lNOt PUBUSHtD OR Uli'LAYfcD V 1HE tlUUOR CON1KOI BOAHO OH