ii !; rii,cn IsCjily INcVr"5 Wednesday, Ap,ril 30. 9:j2 DAILY NEWS It.. Changes in Game Laws Are Sought i. 1" Big Time Sports News of ihe District ' BURNS LAKE At the month ly meeting of i.he Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun Club held at the Anglican Hall of Burns By OAYLE TALBOT s Funeral of Stewart Dance SUGAR Rv nnAivvThPr. president John Shelfo ... . u.1 xpWtMl fcrt nftonrl f.hp primp 4 ucvi-r was mucn aouot mat sugar " r. Ray. Robinson did better than eo"ntloa a VernoB . , ln June- . iXfauarf Man most when they were handing1 This association is asking for JlCHUJI l?lClII out brains to ihp nHv finhtr a dose leasos on beaver! WyERf RICES-BEITER MVS Take a look at rh -X tocn a...V: i mm Aids Hospilal Austin Panel 1948 Ford Sedon 1936 Ford ' ! Sedan. , And we have more I'sed Cars at attractive prirei "'f Now its official. throughout the Central Lakes STEWART. Funeral services STEWART A dance for the The middleweight champ had District for a term of five years, for the late Thomas Campbell benefit of the Stewart General his choice of visiting Paris in I0I vea' wound predator ,Marleod were held under the HosDital was held In the Moose the spring or staying here and hunter to assist the local game 1 auspices of the Canadian Legion ; Hall on Saturday Entirely under gelling himself warden, and a shottening of the on in cuffed around i Sunday the Legion Hall.! the direction and supervision of by Joey Maxim, the rugged rulep, moose hunting season. Testifying to the respect held a group of teen-aeers consisting Dodgers Win Again As Cards Lose 8 Straight BIG SPECIAL 1937 Terraplane Sedan Any reasonable offer. ot tlie cruiser-weights. Ke chos Paris. It would have made a great The construction of a new for the deceased and his family, I of Misses :.xary r.ianojiovich lodge la under way and the j the hall was filled to capacity. ! Betty Behnsen Shirley Law-membernhip steadily increasing, j Chaplain W. Shields Orr con- rence, Joan McKay and Joan " - .. .... , , j ducted the service assisted hv 'ntm it ,.. .,,... 1 payqay for everybody, probably Superior Auto Service iui iiihl-i-., example, nave announcea mat i - i. t-oiweu 01 fori simp - Affair and the ho-pital will ben- There is no ring attraction in l he had plastered .a heavy fine on j son United Church and Roy efit considerably "from the pro-slg.it to match it. But Robinson i umpire- Scott Robb. for shovine-1 Sham. Leeion Dresident vri- Limited ooevr t nccrt iht mo.A-y, and hjukotiMwsiv Uttie EcWie Stanley. Mrs. H. Wilkinson. accomDan- i Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 Lalwr Trouble Holds Up Game-Indians Heat A's 21 to 9 NEW YORK (Canadian Press) Preacher Roe, irnoklyn's left-handed master, beat the St. Louis animals for the eighth straight time as the Na-oiial League-leading Dodgers scored a 4 to 1 victory , a game which began Tuesday night and ended at ,:iO a.m. Eastern Daylight Time today. led by Mrs. H. Stewart, lea me Trv Daily News Want Ads j aics were loaded. Mixim, pack-! RICKEY DOES IT AGAIX In-mg a 15-pound weight advaiul tlmates f Branch Rickey swear tage, mlgiit have oeen even that the inventor of the rookie money to slip Sugar the fir.-.t 'assembly line has done it again knockout of his carc-jr. ; that he already kas assembled under the Pittsburgh banner the SUOl'LD COOL OFF Warren biggest and finest collection of Giles, the new nresident of th future greats, controlled bv anv singing of ' Rock of Ages " , "Lead, Kindly Light," and "O Gcd Our Help in Ages Past." ; The chapiain spoke , briefly, 1 followed by an address by- the Rev. T. C. Colwell. j At the conclusion of the serv-ice the casket was opened and : The start ui mc coiiirsi wa it 65 minutes oerausc "u ine up ana coming cubs to ,-tricians refused to cross i seven nils. I National League, should have' elute In either big league. Said viewed by the entire assemblage kef lines thrown up around j Lefty Warren Spahn aUowed i been K'ven a year's cooling-ou one baseball figure, Ipn from a while the ' Last Post" and "Re-,,rwiian's Park by members j the Pittsburg Pirates only five ' porlod b'otwtn handing in his swln8 around the Mahatma's veilK' were played another labor union. j hits as he pitched the Boston ! rfE'enatlon as president of Cin- new domain: ' . , 1 graveside 'the cnmmi 1 Maglie pitched a three- Braves to a 5 to 1 triumph over'111 Red a,ld assumins his , 'Tin not fooling you-he'll ITIISI t.XT"' ,nH ihfn s nil i(l n tua mh i r .. present Dost nave tne pirates nn in trip ra aanic r- " v..v unuuildl J'UIill'S 'P 111': ' . i- " v Seagrams Crown Royal 5cao.ram$ V.O. Scajram's "83" .Seagram's Kings Plate Seagram's Special Old Under the Talbot "plan, the withln another V' or two. I 'edJL3l a.!l!!.ialk by ' popular and extremely able ex-1 "7" aw wonderful kids 7J' -"'"! ; ' tttt ecutnj would have been required to sit through a full schedule of games with nothing to do for nmg run in the ninth in-, dwellers. '-4 Monday night as New fork j AMERICAN LEAGl'F m hung the mason's . third cleveland Inalans'went on a defeat on tincin- u,utive scorlng rampage to wnj th ,sEwell Blu kwell by a score . phiiadelphla Vthletics 21 to 9 wl ,, . : in an American League night aarlcwell had walked AJvln i ame that saw uciuic in my me. i oon t Know "j. ; yet what it Is that Branch has Pallbearers were Ernest Love,! the others don't have, but it's J- J- McKenna, R. S. Cameron, something." S. Kirkpatrick and J. Martin. m, , v. I Funeral arrangements were in ! itTht,uhin; a fma" m,cU-, the hfnds of H. A. Stewart, local ! f. nis salary except munch peanuts and learn to admire umpires for the trmy fine job they turn in under trying conditions. Tt U L l . . pound out 43 hits. iiivc uiumoia Iisn, lOl- unrinrtakpr rk in tne anal irame oi tne lional League game. The irtsioo advanced on Wes t," -if merly proyded Indians with trood Three other scheduled Ameri- nunnt if io of nil frf imriin. ... f :Si S"US- Louis 'course-for a man who ZS -i ....... wu tiauiiig put' ,trum's grounder poses. It pays to advertise in the News Th advertisement is not ocbhshed or d.splayed by the Li'auor Cor.tro! 8o.nd 01 bv Ihe Govsrnment ul 8n!islt r.o:n;nbia wil 1 red on Maglic's hit. ; cnlrairn r w.,wT watche the Knights in Blue rob , ,as a tough one for Blackle i CB ' h,"Lt?n-eI! H8!,?1' . but a iasc a.s nr yioiaea oniy iour w v man 01 uues caiinre would have " mnSTPrVrf it. on4 urrtnll .... ,Vf UIIV4 "UU1U IIUV, .lit fjuaie was Maglie's third! ii.vtuuve victory. ' art Simmons made a smooth ' Lrowlt to big league base-: (00(103323? I by pitching Philadelphia :iif.s to an 8 to 2 National i ;uc victory over the Chicago i k. The former army sergeant; w i I- Round-Up By Larry St an wood .morrow night marks thJ of the Rubicon for three i? men of Prince Rupert who make a bid for the highest siun honors in amateur and a chance at the I1.- f -' t i $ 1 3 I 4 tt f 4 i t 4 -Vi r t,- t ..,.. ' t f : t . i - '-.'Li " A J I Jt i 1. . i , , 1 '! .1 ,.1 iii croft it at Helsinki this mcr .iK Kunert Elks" Boxlne - 17 'i left on today's plane for 'Oliver to arrive in time for !iir.? in under the careful Xv of their trainer, local 'IP radio operator. Joe Ward. heart of Rupert goes with teys. who made such a prand u in the uiovinclal Gold- i Y i:'Z--jr---Ci Gte'es tourney, in which thev three championships.. V 1 fit i : ,. prrs coverage or the s will t. featured in The !' News. 'ormer Prince Rupertan. : Ward, son of Trainer Joe, :rS to Vancouver from Cal-witness the three-day :lln championship show, '""'ho Is an oil well engin-Umeet his father tonight. CheOSe beautiful, durable D-H EGGSHELL T f f.head derby entries have "" d0WI1- Reports of anglers "wite Klnyah River say: Vre either not there or not s anyming." a huge mieration nf ml. Vou Gm Go 'AIRCREW Today I ''trout up the Skeena end 4 '(rWrtw-,.," :liS 'if " ,s V V l- n - t Altitude 10,000 . . 40,000 fect! es is any indication, men believe the trout sea-nou t be a heavy on;. Late ;!,,mm anglers say they aln limits of open season "i the skeena and conflu-t ! kcca with such as Khycx. Kwlnitsa and n Cornwcll, manner nf Semi-Gloss Finish ;i jKere's the easy way to bring new charm and beauty to your home! Use B-H Eggshell Finish for interior walls, woodwork and furniture. B-H Eggshell Finish is easy to apply, fast-drying, completely washable. Available in a full range of attractive colors, including soft neutral tones and modern deeper shades. B-H Paints, Varnishes and Enamels cover more area . . . last longer . . . save you money! Write for free booklet, "Color is the Key to Brighter Living." Address your request to Anderson senior base-announce a practice I am will be held next More than six miles above the earth, crack pilots of the RCAF fly with the speed of sound aided by the very latest in scientific equipment for them- ', selves and for the jets that they command. More young men who have an aptitude for flying arc needed now to train as members of the Air Crew team. For those w ho have w hat it takes, the RCAF can offer a permanent career an exciting job with pension at a comparatively early age. If you are . between 18 and 24, get complete information now! Serve in Defence of Freedom as a PILOT, NAVIGATION OFFICER OH RADIO OFFICER 1 Write or see in person the RCAF Career Counsellor ot the address in the-coupon or mail the coupon today! ' (, Koo.sevclt nark,' inii All for ni(,r club members '"teres ch hr.ii i to utten,"" "",Jl FS "rP t I'. n bL?'COmpr to Prince n?a" ls 8111 Kainps' to w piay for commercials. "SSJL?nl.?rnUcton and is "'"tier. Riii ,u "J"n? all. leys, ' he f, announ- ,. . ''mation K.C.VF. RECRV1TING I'Nir, IValUi-e ISliI?.. Win ltllA Avenue, Edmonton Amerta Pnone: 42(i"i8 Httst mmI It me, twAoi,; ntlignitm, full fmlitmltrt rrgtrjhf tmrolmtHt rrfut,tmtn and opnici mcw mmlM in lit C.A F. '0", details later. f A wonder-ful ( thing, these jets, son. T I r " y uess we'll all be 1 I vV travelling around In J J 7V" !Pt themsooni j aseba Scoies Box M, Station E, Montreal. YOU'lt FIND HElPFUl SFRVICE AT THIS SIGN 0 ( NAMF Pnm) .... STRFtT ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE . Sn2' Oakland 5. Cdfl5SCOs!;San Diot Wmi!rTrato8- I:l)t'CATION (hy grk Jnd proviotr) iiitph. .,"r"aiional AGE 1Pe . Victoria 7. a at Vanco' .J uver post- . fold father. !' 'i ' ane 5 Trl-Clty n. IStOl 11 . Salem 8 (12 in- Gordon s Hardware o u Phone 311 lDAlL NEWS classified McBride Street