Prince Rupert Daiiy New: Friday, December II, 195:4 ' J i" Ladies' Orange Association McRAE BROS. Many Attend CWL Card Party" Thirteen tables were i. piay and 8. neautovick. Pool prize the CWL card party held 1-mt : Mrs. F. Grimble. aiRht In Annunciation School, j Mrs. N. R. Young was con-- Prizes were awarded as fol- i vener for the affair, assisted by lows; Bridge men s, Miss P. As- ! Mrs. R. Brett, Mrs. J. W. Roger-toria tsubi; women's, Mrs. E. n, Mrs. H. Roos and Mrs. A. Dickens. Whist men's, A. E. Brebner. Chilton; women's, Mrs. O. i Grimble. Crib men's, N Saun- SUSAN HAYWARD ders; women's. Mrs. R Murrav iTY 0.K.U Installs Officers For 1954 7i it nn impressive crremony In .... odd Fellows" hall last night, uimjh. nrst lecturer Mrs. C Rudolph; second lecturer Mrs. A ollirers oi me Ladies "Mn, pianist Mrs. B. Ellison xm? Benevolent association ,fre installed. Door prizes Mrs. " R. inner guard Mrs. W. Fields outer guard Mrs. D. Wilson. Second committee Mr. a t.o Murray iinuiMN 1 BOY IN MEXICO . i ' URUAPAN. Mexico (AP) 0j,ir.s are: Worthy mistress .IB. N. F. Willson; immediate ist mist was Mrs. Vic Morrison; Whatshan Probe itv nu tits Mrs. A. S. Hatr.- Duty s Hollywoijd film star 'Susan Hay-j ward risked possible serious in-I jury Thursday to save a young Indian hrtv frrm eliHinrr r.nai- n p "IfiCTfLOLA" A RADIO-PHONOGRAPH rerorriing secretary Mrs. ton; guair; third committee Mrs. H Krikson; fourth committee Mrs B. I. Way; fifth committee Mrs N. McLeod; auditors Mrs. P. Barber, Mrs. John Johansen and Mrs. H. Paulson; visiting committee west side Mrs. J. A. McRae and Mrs. 8. B. Skinner n ivvii's: liuancla) secretary da H. PauUon; treasurer Mrs. ; K'-w: Junior deputy mistress ArlirM tmetA : 20-foot ledge during a Heavy 'JjWUI I ICU j rain. Miss Hayward sprained an VANCOUVER (CP) The What-1 ankle during the rescue but shan royal commission, aunoint- 1 director Henry Hathaway said '.Jot i2ltiMtniad' Irs s u. Manner. Chapli'ln Mrs. J. A. McRae; side Mrs. H. Paulson and Mrs. J. ! I ed by the provincial government j ne expected her to be on the set Mrs. John Johansen; irectur of ceremonies Miss A. Slewln. . . ... . I tc investigate the disastrous 1 wtiay. J slides of last August, adjourned V J - JET SPEED AM) ATOMIC POWER may be all right for some but on a country road in a peaceful Maritime farming district a yoke of oxen still Is a familiar hielit. This team is on a Nova Scotia highway. Women Doctors From India installing orficer wac Mrs. H. I Paulson, assisted by Mrs. J. Flew- in, Mrs. S. Carr, Mrs. Carlsen and i Mrs. M. Wide. Mrs. Vic Morrison : was In the chair. j Following the ous.nefs meet ASK PO( SCOTLAND'! FAVOUKITI SON 4 JOHNNIE WALKER ing and installation, members i enloyed their Christmas party I and supper. j The Committee in rhaa u.oc, Impressed With Work Here if 1 lhursuay until miti-.lanuary. j j The coinmbsiu., .iar w;en s.t-ln evidence since the-end of' October into the slidiy that bur- J : led the power olant of th- hc. ! Power Commission's $6,508,000 1 hydro-electric power plant at Lower Arrow lake in the interior i ..uu.-imy oistric-t. ; Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne, con- j ducting the inquiry, has heard I I 'hnjcal evidence- from 10 wit- j nesses and 211 exhibits have been j entered. The adjournment was made for the approaching Yule holiday and because some wit- j nesses still to be heard are not . available. hooded bv Mrs. C. Rudolph as- ' MONTREAL CP Two women sisted by Miss Alice Paul son, Miss w s rom India, doing Mi7ii ca..K-, , , traduute tradii!it.n umrlr work in in r'-mo-io Canada ,,-.-) t 4 District News under Model V-707 7-ube radio for Standard and Short Wave broadcasts , . . World's finest automatic J-speed word chancer . . . Glorious "Goldrn Throat" tone. $29950 IN WALNUT Slightly bight in mahogany Qt Itmd oak. and Mrs. N. F. Willson. tne Colombo Plan, luve been impressed by the large nuinbei of teachers h"re and the Brent strides mode in nredical research in Canada. 0N U20-(Till GOING STRONG STEWART A dance In aid of the students of Superior School for the purchase of sports and nthrr pfilllnmanf mni tdt,l l ders rea " "c,u " MC n, o ...... ., ... .rrv. t i? t ttf W Kf r - i .. . nu iiaiuu, piuie.-iaur oi moose nail ana was an unquali- Moose whfst Saturday, DecJ obstetrics at Oianatiia Univer-1 fled iuccess financially and so-12, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome, j"1 Hyderabad, and Dr. E. V. icially. While the dance was (239) ,alyafllV lnsfuctor in obstct- sponsored by the Stewart Par-. ' rlcs a' the government hospital t ent-Teachers' Assoclntlnn ih The Lutheran Church Youns for women in Madras, have been students were lS 1 Peoples will be presenting jl studying medical education at I ot the "anSBSS h rl play on Sunday, Dec. 13, entitled ' the Royal Victoria Hospital for , Temcee f wa Musi Mulc' "Thy Will Be Done," at 7:30 j several months. i nhid mT. ?' wa, "P" plied by Mrs. L. A. Dm . Evervnne inuitjA iobui ,u . ,. Behnsen, on r ..IYIW.U. ioo uoui doctors believe the Co- the Dlano. Rav Pa FINE OLD , SCOTCH WHISKY lorn bo Plan might work both 1 0 Museum open Saturdav TERMS AS LOW AS $29.95 DOWN $15.00 PER MONTH ANOTHER NEW LINE OF TOP MERCHANDISE i i ways, ways, to to the the ad' advantage of India nwnlmr und snH r,o on the accordion and Bill Orr oil IIMV IMItTV I llOCKS like this week-enri-,.i,,rf rr h..i, i "nd Catuuiu or other ciuu tries the traps. There's Still TIME Call Todov riper dress with It"' I tl f ...";' 'Concerned. dnv ,.n,n t ,W ii'iklitie and sleeves ularly week-ends Jan. 16. (H) Dr. Naidu said; "In the cities of India medical aid Is wiu nr. Contract for the new Bear River bridge which was let re- Sons of Norway dance. Fri gamzea. I he hOSDltals nud . tn tho n..i rctmntt Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland CMtwu Of, JOHN WALKER I SONS ITD. 9 Scotch Wfiisfcy DisfiHeri n llMANOCK, SCOTLAND : - J WU(A VUllOll ULtlUIl Lfarninya art n ounri on nvir ifnA.. r n day, Dec. 11. Whist 8 o'clock. b' Christinas wear for 1 i' HiHiiin's kindergarten It uu; one of manv party brs shown In London at a :rn;.s !;i:.iiion show.. The as '-'"led by the cotton 1.00 SPECIAL 59 Cards In Box... dance 10 to 2. Music by Mllca; where in t:e world, but 98 per being proceeded with under the ColussJ. Everyone welcome. ! cent of the people live in vil-1 direction of A Slaney (2881 lages where there is a shortu.-e I Work of dlimmHin. h T. iioETOrksCS. of m;dlcaliy-trained people. ! present bridge got underway j Co-op Bakery, Thursday and ; tF'ridnv A miuni nf u....nn I DIBB PRINTING j COMPANY More and more - women are . l during - the . past week. Material This advertlsemen: u not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or b the Government of 'ritlsh Columbia, ui Ddiiuiia ! I .1 n ,.. .. . fni thi nam nnnctmi t tRSONALS In in Indi India THE ORIGINAL LA- Z- BOY With Matching Stool Terms as !ow as j cnuiuiaie Lane witn Banana , laKing up ineclleine hui.uuii . ex- j Chocolate Icing. Don't forg-t ! where the course if fiv- van' Pfcted portly via the Coastwise ' 'Co-op enriched bread, your best j BnH . ,. .,,'; , . , Steamship Company. - .. I k..n ..1. 1 - J Miuf(:ioiiY JU IJCI I HA riAur he Hna . f SURE WAY TO MAKE A MAN'S CHRISTMAS MERRY rt Here to replace Rov n,k T . 1' f the SeaU are "ved tw0 sPan Of 180 feet and 120 R..'ii n!..t of Oueen fhVr i v'bbaRe Tournament s)on- for women," she commented. "h one centre pile pier and ,' who it leavln! rto. 1 11 - b-s befce rrete0 k 1 ee! - -..hdocs tSh 'tTi and, Ove of the bridge $13.95 Down $7.00 Month 'E.i. u.h. re Khe is visiilni "', , - " ,w oe approximately 325 feet. welcome. (2881. try where babies are still de-j The contract, it Is believed will Canadian teglon- memberi 1 -by -m!l!l ! be for about $50,000. ";her und family, und t-wl to HMCS Shear- N.S., for an it' fi.n;: course. are reminded totmake reservj- 1 If v.f.i t -tv-cx''t?'crfv'icwc .--t.,-,. Wide Color Selection r -w. " i, . . .. . uuns ana picK up tickets for f I ff 't r "I fc-sr0 Gabdnaro --.-L I Only .12 Dayi lh Xmas J the Legion New Year's Eve Durtv as soon as Dossible For 5 4 WAYS TO BUY AT La-Z-Boy's Automatic Mechanism gets to the comfortable angle you desire . . . and stays there. ' " ' . !. Resilient tempered steel coil springs ond amply padded with thick Foam Rubber.. .. , 1 V. Dawson of the j'li'ai t'i vision,;ort, in Vancou-''' n in the city for y A brother-in-law ' ' -"-'rs. Arthur Kemp, :vi Av.-n'ie West, hc 1" It.ivo tomorrow ts Women of the Moose Christ MANSON'S JEWELLERS mas banquet to be held Decern- S THE STORE OF FRIENDLY CREDIT" ber 16, Broadway Cafe, 7 p.m. Don't forget your secret pal, also exchange of gifts. Tickets K '-A . Use Our Lcyaway can be bought at the Style Star . V Budget Plan Charge It CASH '- F : P nn In1 than December 12. (283) ...... ..J,J,,.I.,.J,J...VJ;XSiyji;ijs,,iJ,Jij,,J,aia Chf-ramy of Salmon r ''"'''ne Oeorge, ha: cfter a week-v.l'li several frlendi 1 a former resideni '.:. rt. AA v'L McRAE'S YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT CENTRE ! ""ace School "ard Returned HQIP0INT "TUP Dully Nrw - I'our liietnlx'rs. of f tiu.U. v; fit school :'!. wh v,j ternjH ex-, i.'h. have b;.en re- a :':ict 'prcsenttiticn stands 'I' fiace, c. W. Mich- Mrs. C. Hall and "'.v; .Hazeltnn. L. i'lund end T. Mar-Mrs. F. Doll. Mail-; W. H-. KitM-., a ri. '" nt meeting, the tnd thai the nev, is nearly complete, 'fficliil opening, ex- ' 'JS fti-,i the 3 to be ii big civic occasion, iinced soun. FLOOR POLISHERS JUST GUIDE IT. LET IT. DO ALL THE HARD WORK The HOTPOINT Floor Polisher takes all the back-breaking out of those big cleaning jobs makes hardwood, Linoleum and Tilss GLKAM ! HOTPOINT Floor Polishers make wonderful gifts for Christmas. In his exact sleeve length $6.95 SEALED i to be savoured with leisurely appreciation, Captain Morgan. Dt Lax Rum is de-Iifhttul alter dessert. y n C!AS TO CLEAR Hero's llie gift lie really wants Arrow Calmnaro, Camilla's favorite sport shirt. Styled just the way lie likes it. Fine, imshable rayon gabardine, accented with smart saddle stitching on collar and pocket flaps. And comfortable! Cnbanaro comes with the romark!;li!e Arafohl collar that brings him perfect comfort worn oien or closed . . . with or without a tie. e hive his exact sleeve length in a handsome color fclcctinn. See Cuhnnnro today! lo add just the nclit nore of distmcfion 10 the flavour and bou Captain Morgan Luxe Rum, the result of more than a score of years of preparation, is proudly introduced in British Columbia, Canada's most discriminating market for rum. Captain Morgan Di L.v owes its distinctive character and superb quality to careful selection from a storehouse of the world's finest rums. These have been brought together by master blenders in a liqueur rum of an excellence unequalled anywhere. Captain Morgan De Luxe Ruin, available now in limited supply, at a premium price. Captain Morgan RUM Regular $64.50 Terms Arranged quet, of any favourite tall, cool drink, try mam Captain Morgan Dt Ln.-t Rum. A mixed drink in ninth ruin mar be iKed will Uste better than ever whey the nira is Op-tain Morgan Dt I mm. ft l (I v. - 71 AicRAE BROS. LIMITED "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Phone 6 or 36 WATTS & NICKERS0N MEN'S WEAR . Hi.. iMur THIS ADvemiMMtNT 15 NOT PU8USHE0 Ot DISHAYfD V Dil UQUOI CONTOl 10 ADD OR IV IMC GOVERNMENT Of iWriSM COIUMUA, SANTA'S STORE FOR ARROW GIFTS