T-H'r v - . ' .,.v ! 1 ( lUlpm Monday, SL'iUII JVtlUttLib. May 3l, 1954 4 Asl See It : University Students F,ght,nq j Living Costs With Co-Op sL n IndppcndPiit daily npT;pap(T dvoted to the upbulldlnu of Prlnn- Rupprl. and Nc-thern Hiid Central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations i Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Uailv News Limited. J. P. MAtMJH, President H. O. PKRRY. Vice-President Subscription. Rates: y oarrir Per week. 26c; per month. l m; per year. 110 0(1. SHitL ' 1 mall Per month. 7x'; per year. 8 ou 5ek& ilhuriawd as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. 4 I ) ' -'- .IC . A.. '4 -via Nicim!ls Formula Needed . . , - Mr , , f . 4 .. .: . 4 it" i?-;' y ..'?f.y r-v . - -r-4 r fr K.-. J A I.ITKI.FSS FRFNTU Union soldier had to leave his .'hoe behind ufter .ste.piii(i on a bajljed-splkr "booby trap" planted on an Indo-Chlna ba ttlefield by n Communist Viet Minh guerrilla. The handmade weaiions have been scattered over many fiv.hliilB areas by ttic Red Kuerrillits. Lusty British Artist Augustus John, Bohemian Whose Fame Not Waning By ltl IIAIil) ANfo Crtnutlliin Hit-;, i.Sntr Wiltir TORONTO "Pi-Canadian university students are beating the high cost of living by rapidly-expanding f )-opeiative residences. They provide good food and 'w! ''ne t low prices, with the companionship of group living. . Riarlc.d as an experiment - in l'j:ti by 12 students at the Uni-verHy of Toronto, Campus Rcs-id ii"e Co-operative Inc , now has a. fi't.s ol more ihun $"iOUlm, pays income tax and does a $4U,-OUO a vear biisine." ;'. From Tor-iito. the plan h:is spiejd to um-verillics across the country. Ov net! and operated by .stud-uilsi. the Co-opi olfer boaitl aid loth'lns 't cost. Last year in Toronto, co-op living "to':t et'li memoer $3118 for eU;ht month... Olfi-iitl iniiver.'.iLy re-:i(lerir' t a.,X $j00 a y ar and other accoiiuihi-tlat.ioo.-: co, . s iil more. SIHItF IN' U'OKK Working un tin- idea that common el fori eats eo:t, co-op ie,l-lem e im mb'-r-i are responsible for the maintenance of fli.-i,-residence--. Furli undertakes d.i-1'ieslle duties ranging from rtl.sli-wa.--iiiii to potato peelin '. iv.-eeriing and scwiii". Willi four co-opci ative houses. Toioi'to lund'es over 70 re-ddem menberi :md about 2j non-n ! i' ih nicnibers. One buildiiy K for women. A central diiiim-10" n serves the four hoiif"x. All de:'i.don air made at general ii!pefiii"s and carrleil out b, an elected board of directors. Fve'vlhin-t Is operated by fn;lc!iti except for a cook. :--e"re-tary a'ld an external auditor. Me'-.b.'i .ii'p is unrestilcN'rt a-i to race. rli",lun and politic.;.- If ATMP : 2 A I , , ji IfiLl ,47 fC4 mt. f tail's This advertiwmrm is not pulilhed or .liiplaynl by The I iuor Ointrol iloard or by the (.ovcrnment of Itiitish Columbia. AliK Wl-J ilayinj- out the last act in the drama of mankind? Ah international leaders lock together fruitlessly over small issues, there is cause to wonder. They are small issues because nowhere is there the search for a complete formula.. Instead the question is what shall lie done aliout Judo-China? About Korea? About Ccrmany? Whatever the answer, it is insufficient. It is important, but it is not enough. No matter what action is taken, it will be no more than an emer-fi'ency measure. What is lacking is the wish for a real answer, for absolute peace. When Neville Chamberlain returned from his interview with Hitler to announce there will be peace in our time, he was a disappointment not merely because he was inaccurate but because it was a timid statement to make. The prospect of complete tranquillity is borinj? to human nature. More than that, it reduces the expression of nationalism which is so essential to every powerful country. Russia prefers hating. us to liking us, and the feeling is mutual. . But it will not do. Hostility must eventually have an outlet, and it will find one through the mere force of wishing. If this occurs among the great nations today, humanity will not necessarily disappear but the nations will. There will be remnants perhaps, but the centre of influence will have changed. History has left behind Egypt, Greece, Italy and Spain. There is no reason to suppose it will be .more solicitous of the countries which are leaders today. The answer is not a pleasant one. It lies in fear, which is a shade stronger internationally than-animosity. Maybe they have the same root. In any case, we shpuld all forget about putting up a front here and there and admit that we have reason to be seared stiff generally. ' ' . With that kind o humility, we may find understanding.. It has never been tried before,, so who can say otherwise? ' "11)1110 CO of resiii,.,;.. Ull'lwav.th,,4v f,,V-Tlel cufc ,'' a "man led c,u;r" T'" We, pa dit; . "" ol each v f r Krt a shart, , , J-t year, Tu,otu t0 Y'r ho tw. i,, imn'.tif, rtx.ui nun bo Broadway (J BFSTOFFO FINEST OF CQC roitTiKinroi; Phone 200 FISHERM Spilsbury & Tir MARINE TELEP i4'-i r t - 1' 1 SmX 2,- Halts Pure t 6 f haniich Yrai- and teener liriiatltast IIjimI Ahilutrl llif I, li.ilile Itatiin Tt mi ttir Miirkrl. Rupert h and Elecli 3I3-3rtl Ave. W. P creel sculpture. At his country home near Fordlngbridge in Hampshire he divies each day in ; half. Forenoons are spent at i the easel in a cluttered studio In j the house and afternoons in a bai nlike structure where he shapes clay until the light fades. I '.orns so intently, say his motlPls- that hls PH1 falls from h" moutn unnoticed. Sometimes .hf even seems to forget to bltalne- he suddenly pulps 10 ratch up 'l,h lhe x"''' has bPPn "lissinS Mai'v who have given him ronlmiss'ons have found it an orueai 10 siann up lo tne apprais- ing Penptration of Johns light; u" 11 thrv fidget Some don't like his pictures, dui ne is utterly indif- I j 1 S3:. ferent to criticism. There isn't any flattery in his brushes and he paintj what he sees. fion of a lawyer who wanted to make him one. too, John was born in South Wales, Jun. 4, 1379. He was an artist from the shirt, however, and there was nothing to do but send him to the Slade School of Art in London there the first legend started The late Prof. Henry Totiks, head of the Slade School at the time, related that John was a quiet, mi tliodical student without special distinction until he went buck to Wales for a vacation While divine in a uool John struck his head oh 'a rock und came up a cnangea person tinv lie began to paint wonderfully and live furiously. Ihey were emphatic that the !cs .vaid about ut Immigrant 1 .000,0:10 ! the bet ter r It would be and that; II n .tliln g whatever was said it! would be And that, is exactly the wav it was handled.- Instead of being the centre -'of iflieg lights 'and telev! ;ion cameras, with newsmen rowdin-; around him. Immigrant -1,000.000 straightaway became one of the most complete anonymous personalities in ad Canadian histoiy. Obviously he must have ex'sted. Bu v.-ho lie -or it might even have . een u piamoro" ' he was is top government ... ..ret. Parliafnci i mil newsmen and pre-s photographers aren't, giv ing the Depart .-ut of Imm!r- tion loo.hih ir.arks for its iind ling cr the situation. As a matter of fact, the Department of Immigration doesn't pretend that tl is too pi-jiiil vt Itsvtt in the matter. Popular bfcomer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER ami Intermediate Ports Eoch Thursday v '', ut II :I5 p.m.- For KETCHIKAN WIDNKSDAY Midnight Comfort and Service Fu reservation write ot jTi'"! full Cltv or Di'nf.l riffle Prlrico Rupert. B C. OTTAWA DIARY &SS5ti REFLECTS and REMINISCES The Drift to War , f A GOOD many people, in; high and low positions; in life, have claimed that the H-hombs are actually j an aid to peace. 1 ; Both aides havp ciiourh '! i j bombs to bla.st the other fcl -f ! low's country to smithprvi-ns. ! they say. So both sides will he! afraid to start a war. ! i Kven Sir Winston (.'hurchiU ! has given chviilalion to tlii; ' t heory. In my mind, it will not stun I up to close examination. H seems to ino that the world Ls now en ; ' BaRed in the deadliest armament race in all history. The very j iTrementum of the forces which ' both sides are building up is the i greatest of all reasons to con- j elude that It will end as all arm - ; anient races of the past ' have ' ended In war. I I DO NOT believe that we can 1 get even the beginnim of world peace until the Uniled States is willing' to lead th world In an entirely new cause that of establishing peace, based ; Right now, all that the U.S.A. is doing is playing power politics against Russia and China, Moreover, she is playing power politics with a great deal more clumsiness even crudity than the older exponents of that un cient and tragic game. Half aft the recent trouble between th big allies of the west is due lo the fact that British, French and other old-time European profes- jsionals are appalled and even confounded at the crude way in j 1 which their dominant partner, ! the U.S.A., goes about his inter- j ! national business. I ' ! THE RUSSIANS, and their new j and mighty allies, the Red Chinese have a world program of ! extreme simplicity and awesome ! power. 1 They organize the class race J and color struggle in every coun-jtry on earth. Where they hive ; already won out, they set up a ; total dictatorship. Where they j have not yet won out, they ad-j just their plan to locj) conrii- tions. Their most fertile fields of expansion are in those coun , tries where the great mass of the ! people are poor, and have no real political freedonr. Where colonial rule is aggravated by lously easy, IN MY opinion, the west w.ll never really begin to beat the Communists in tne world strug- gle until the west plays its ac'5 trump card, That ace trump card is world law. Onlv bv besnnnintr to write real world law can the U.S.A. and her allies reverse the steady expansion of Red power i nn ov-.mnio nf u,w r ! out: le ,. n;. ril.-pcacoiiiL. tH' world "-untli"the Red 'armies of Russia are persuaded, or forced, to withdraw from Poland and the other countries of occupied Europe. But how could the United States demand such an evacuation and liberation unless It could show a clean bill of health for itself and its allies? World law means not just that Russia get out of Poland. It means that cveYy foreign army get out and stay out of every . .. ... .. country omer man lis own homeland. Came Parley Urges Agency On Pollution NANAIMO, B.C. (CP) A resolution calling for creation by the British Columbia government of a fresh witer pollution control agency was adopted Saturday at the final session of the provincial game convention. Delegates represented fish and game associations from all parts of the province, as well as registered trappers, district guides and gun clubs. The 1955 convention will be: held at Nelson. The convention also urged es-! tablishment of a separate gov- j eminent department to adminis-! ter fish and game resources of the province. At a meeting of the B.C. game j council officers were re-elected, i They are: J. J. McEwen, Nelson,; president; Geo. Horman, Pentlc-ton, vice-president; Hume Ritchie, Grand Forks, treasurer and Jack Bailie, Nelson, secretary. """""" aBA j discrimination against the na-Anone who is afraid of a ser- ; wagons. The boy of the house 1 live people on the ground of race sus unemployment situation in j had to saw and split wood in a 'and Cblor, the job of the Com-'.anaria isn't looking very far ! wootlhouse. The woodbox stood I munisLs is made almost rldicu- For Summer W' . 1 "... ."(,. . i ' 4. 4 .tv.:,-,.A. 4 ' v mi, -. yt i 1- c -i,, .;4!'-i 444', h'4 WW ' 2 - : $ I. :4 4.vu 1 . . 4,v . '"V s.t...' J2f v.4-' V f 44' ; "A. f 4 1' 4'4 ,!?'44 ' - By AI.VIN STFIXKOPT LONDON t Augustus John is a painter whose beret, bead and coiduioy pants seem permanent fixtures oil the British scene. In his 76th year and still a dominant urtit. of thw rtuwt-u John has long been fondly reJJ garded by Britons as an atithen- tic Bohemian who even in ma- ! turlty never stopped living lustily. These days the craggy un- I kempt John, is sharply ni Uie 1 public eye because of un extra-' ordinary one-man show u , exhibiting 4fi0 canvases at the ! Roval Ai flrieinv in pi,...oh,o where living urtists. including , mme Minister. Churchill, show1 their works if they are aecept- aoie 10 nangmg committees. Le.sser arti.st.s are happy to have even one picture accepted by a committee, but here Is John with 460. 1 STILI. STRONG Painter of- statesmen, gypsies, millionaires and fishermen, John is a?: rugged today as some of his more scraealv models He l o shagey us ever, but the russet beard and moustache have turn- ed w hite In his youth and middle years he was a powerful man, holding his own in gypsy camps and rowdy bistros in Marseille. He is still strong and agile, but he ad- mits that tne tempestuous rale at which he works is fatiguing So he sits now while painting. A model says he leans forward like a Cossa m the saddle and attacks the '.jtivas viciously. One of the Uusie.si, artists in the country, he is reported to be among the highest paid portrait painters with u usual charge of 3,000 guineas a canvas. He tloesn't'palnt as many portraits, as he might because in the last few years he has dlscoy- J THOI'CHT IT MAY appear that the U.S. Chief Executive has donned coveralls while repairing X-ray equipment, In reality the cover-ailed figure is Ivar Wiberg, chief serviceman of the Chicago office of the General Electric X-ray Department. Wiberg finds his resemblance to President Elsenhower alarming at times And, like Ike, Wiberg likes to play golf, and also has similar facial expressions and a, friendly manner. ROOFING - Cool Sturdy ShJ by the kitchen stove. Clocks had i to be wound by hand. Watches ; were worn in pockets, not on wrists. " I Be.' t man i to angler bride- j groom i "That's a wonderful girl; you've caught," I Angler: "Yes. But you should have seen the one that got away .. - Two Vancouver men were re cenuy cnargeo wnn having head. It only remains for the Rus-lans now to prove they did the our-niinute mile race a long, ong time ago. As a consequence of a legal tiling in the United States, seg regation further aggravates the ioope of widened school attend-1- ee o"n the part of both white I u roioieu etiiioren. wen, u i wfc feel like: geing'back far eii-1 stolen six pounds of coffee. Whol:mean- We all know that there When it was first put on the desk of Immi'iration Minister Walter Harm, the proposal to mark the arrival of Po.;t War II ' Immigrant No 1()03no:) 'Hh ' ! special ceremony seemed ii!;.' a I good idea. ' But looking brrfk now uijon the j fiasco to which, the sugge.itici ! lert. neither Mlnhter Harris nor i his Immigration Department ofticials are .sure that it evr had any merit. They have a strong suspicion, on the contrary, that it would have been lor. trie comfort of al concerned if th- U'ea hi.o -evrr i been put forv . '. i The main r.t'ucuUy w.u th.it the idea looked s.j good on tli"; surface that a general hint of what was afoot was allowed til go out to the Pre ,'; Gallery and ; to new.s photo.i a pliers. In a,-- , cordance with no; mal p a . .- these imterprisin;' . per.im.tlit;- ; started in at once to ma'ite ar-; rangements to cover Ui- even'.. I They wanted to know in advaiH-e Who the one-millionth imiiii-i grant would be and when: ho; would arrive. They wantVd to have bioi'.r.iphieal material read and thi.-ir cain-'r:u position 'the dock. 4 That was when tl.e depi- t-.cueilt. officials ciLscov: red , that i they didn't kH)wwh- Irnmi'-ry'it No. 1 000.000 von id be. It appear- ; ed that no less th:in five ship;! beat-in", immigrant; to (nud:i were on the high seas. It was im- : possible to tell which ship would 1 arrive first. It wasn't even known I for certain at which Canadian, ports they would dock. I Conceivably the Departmental oiii.'iai.i cuuld have overcome these uncertainties bv Just put- I ting the No. 1,000 000 on any im migrant of their .selection. But when Liberal M P.'s, who In recent months have become unemployment-conscious to a high degree, learned that five Immigrant ships were do::king all about the same time, they went into a public relations panic. CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone V.I ough und tknii,a JooX around ton earth, could '.M'er fall thai itf wasn't the Afi'ican'sln the firstp'ty larceny? v ' place who crossed the Atlantic, ! seined the first white folks they j saw and sold them to a couple 'it centuries of slavery. A youthful officer of high ef- SOME LIKE IT fitiency was inspecting selective The Russian deputy premier service in the American Deep i iias warned consumers of an im-South, and could not but note 1 pending meat shortage eyen if tfie number of desks, telephones i the Geneva talks end before the and typewriters. He paused, to : supply of bologna becomes com-a.k a blonde: "What is the nor- j pletely exhau-sted. mal complement in this office?" . by SAVAtiE Featiiriiii: - I.HJU-ue.irin; S'i stiles sofl Iralhrrs Katiiliiil ("i- l" hralfliit-r rf Selection inriuilfs BOOTS . . . OXFOK' SADDLE SHOES . TEN. STR.U S . . DAI..S Fashion Foolw tillfi 3rd Ave. IV. - 1: i Phone 3H One of the greatest pleasures of life is conversation. Sydney Smith. . . 1 niin.lHn hill,!. U ruilu .u tr , , Z" 7""" " ! iiir iji ui iiuui iiijii uurio which will be shortly operating! The huge new project such as Kitimat is about to operate. Canada is to soon have more horse power per worker than anywhere else. An electrolytic process for titanium., will give Quebec the world's best blending metal. These are onlv a few of the development., so'.a to sit on Canada's threshold. Jet plane or no jet plane, our dollar is still the fastest thing on wings and it seems to be getting faster and faster all the time. Ask Dad! Vessels, loaded with wona- ganda armament are arriving In central America as a conse- quence of the activities of Com munlst agencies. Asked if he cared to make any comment sa to this. President Eisenhower remarked he considered the news disturbing. Who wouldn't, if he thought of Panama, and we reckon Ike has. There was a horse auction in Calgary recently. Fewer sellers and buyers were noted, but prices advanced to $91 a head. But the fact of the situation, Dobbin is becoming a collectors' item. EVER DEPENDABIE I was only for a minute the 1 ulrl seemed nulled -wii ch i Ah believe the most usual com- ! pliment Is 'Howdy honey. You're sure lusclous-lookln' this mawn-in" 'Thousands of harried young Britons are said to be concluding it's far better to marry and get a refund up to forty pounds. Payment of that full tax required of a bachelor can look pretty formidable, darned if it can't. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking financially, has had wide experience. He might attempt to bribe the public, but it need not be called that. I Not Russia, but Britain will "be the reason for an outbreak of war, predicts a correspondent of j earlier years who has not been across the Atlantic in a decade. If he's planning on resuming the old Job, or trying to, it's quite possible he will commit a few blunders when he thought he was well posted. Remember when people were contented and healthy,, inquires the Toronto Star, and oranges had to be Imported. Bicycles were called "safeties." Children got home from school by "hanging on" farmers' sleighs and HERCULES Renew your roof with Asphalt Shingles McRAE BROS. LIMITED The Store that Service Built' RENOVATING mmm House interiors FOUNDATIONS i Work of All Kinds FsMmatrj Qivcn on Work GREER & BRIDDEN tf GORDON'S HARDWAR Phone 909 LIMITED 215 First Ave. West McBride Street r