Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, May 31, lt54 Greenville Band Concert Enjoyed by Large Crovd Museum Briefs By jocixyn noiroN A. . J I plause from the appreciative . 1 rowd as it swung through a var-1 led program of marches, over-j vuies, waiues and novelty numbers. The program included: "The! tpiclnl to Tlip Dully Nc-s KINCOUTH Close to 300 local resldenis anil ,vlsitoia .vom oilier Skeena villages enjoyed a banrl concert, stagd here May 24 by the popular Greenville Concert Band. The 50-plece band, conducted w Fred McKay, won warm ap- This has been another busy our country :ml (old us she did week for your Museum. Thanks not know anyone wh n she came, to Mr. J. B. Scott of the Forestry now h is a host of friends. Shs Department, we are to have a 'felt the Rupert people were so Very attractive Forestry display, kind and hospitable. It was also Mr. Scott is arranging other nice to hear, exhibits for us and we are most, Also she WJS happv to Inform grateful. It gives the upstairs me tnat since DOinR in 01lr clly of the Museum a new look. Also bne nad not heard mention of others have been kind and r lhc a,.ollUC iJ(lilio. She felt the t thouRhful and we have promises ', ueonle had too rvich to do and of more exhibits to come. Don't Panic Over Rashes Says Doctor Royal Salute" (march J. Old Hume; "Raymond" (The Queen's Secret) (overture) Ambrose Thomas; ."My Congratulations" (march) H. L. Biankenberi;; "Old Timers" (waltz) M. L. Lake; "The Thunderer" (march) John P. Sousa; "Time Out f.n a Jain .Session" (novelty) James E. Handelon; "Stradella" (overture) F. V. Flotow; "Good Lurk" (Bonne Chance) (marciii W. Velth; "The Iron Count" (overture) K. L. King; "Albion ' (Grand Fantasia) (Scotch, Irish and English airs) Baetea. oe armchair other intr.rc.-' inesieam.sinp companies nave strate;;ists. i; ls n.f to have a been most co-operative with the . . , . . - . boo!:t"r lor 0l" t0' n' l'ooplu Tourist Bureau (with offices in the Museum). Also a meet;r- ofTand attitude. There's no need to nanic when the executive of the Chamber of Commerce wm held ".n th? new! r Uonv Nw Cjossif.eo me emmren get a rash, says Orcville Park, M.D., in a recent Issue of "Family Doctor," pub- " I office this week. You cant qo m We have hd hit-i-stint; visitors this week. Atxmt 50 tonrif.;.--off the C.P.R. boat visited ih' museum May 24. All s-cmed Im Jn ! i -. . - .' . . I I fit - May Payments Aii.niiT iiahed by the British Medical Association. "It is a fact," says Dr. Park, "that children can have flat feet., short sight, curvature of the Spine or septic tonsils and their parents will remain blissfully pressed with our exhibits. They HLL uui Set New Record! were from Denver, Col, Kmsv. City, Mo., Los Angeles, Cilif. Inglewood, Calif., Iowa, Ott.iwi. happy and unaware of trouble. VICTORIA With a total of r IF you feel But a rash always seems to scare , $5,690,349, Federal welfare pay-them. ments in British Columbia dur- 'All 111 Ogdcn, Utah. RiwIiM, Wv ... j .Comoton. Celif.. Berkeley Calil . Moricetown B.C., Long Beich. i Calif., East Orange, N.J., Sett' "Aim PHolo by Van Mot Htudlu Dl'E HOME SOON from a honeymoon in the south are Miller Bay New Canadians, Mr. and Mrs Egon Weik, whose marriage took place here May 14 in Bethel German Baptist Church. The bride, Ingrid, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Patzold, 1041 Eleventh Avenue East, and the groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weik, Schwaigern, Germany. The couple will make their home at Miller Bay Hospital, where both are employed. ing May set an all-time record, according to W. R. Bone, regional director, Department of National Health and Welfare. Of this amount $3,458,260 was paid to 85,980 Old Age Security pensioners and $2,232,089 was in "There are only two Infections diseases in which the rash is the first thing to be noticed. These are chicken pox and German measles. It is very very rare for either of these diseases to be serious In a child." As for measles and scarlet a aWaaaal . ...... ... the form of Family Allowances. Pnoto by Van Mter Htudlu. IK iiiniK IN CAI.GAHY are Lieut, and Mrs. Brian Inc y.nv at a St. Andrew's Cathedral ceremony. V ..V .., e it!' The latter was paid on behalf ThcM days most people wrk under preiture. warry more, ftleep leu. Thu strkia M tody etMl brain make phytkal fttneaa easier ta loae iiarder la regain. Today's tente liring, lowered resialance, rerwork, worry any of these aaay affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in th system. Then backache disturbed rest, that "tired-out" heary-headed feeling often follow. That's tha time to lake Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dsdd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better sleep better work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Fills al nr dnia muntar. Wash., Philadelphia, Pa., Winnipeg, Man., Victoria. B.C.. Burns Lake, B.C., Ketchikan, Alaska. .lB.sper Aha.. Ban Diceo. Cal L. Tacoma, Wash., Edmonton. A!t. Also there were a great number of local peopi' . which is very encouraging. Mr. John Currie paid us a visit and told as he had lived In Prince Rupert 46 yenrs and had never bcrn in the Museum, but he remembers Sir Wilfred Laur-icr making a speech from the ' -J" ,'"-" of 368,472 children in 181,650 fiuuut-uiy seen witnouui fumilies. 9 s ;; in;n u in waigmj wnn ine i.anaaian Army, is warning in an otherwise healthy ;r. W. F Munro of VVinnipri;. The bride, Olga, Is Mail Order Liquor System In Kitimat Assailed by MLA During the month 481 families child. The mctuslcs child has al (Mrv Mawt Suther of Prince Rupert and the late in receipt of Family Allowances ready had a cold, a cough, blootl- lh ' couple honeymooned in the south en route shot eyes and a temperature for:le't British Columbia for other several davs And she usually ' Parts of the Dominion, while 363 "Hotel builders and cafe men are reluctant to build In Kili-niat now, because they are not Museum steps in the old days. We enjoyed hi3 vls.t and hope lecls better when the rash does families came to this province, come. The child with scarlet One hundred and seven pc nsion-fever has a sore throat and ar5 ieft British Columbia, while Special to Tlie Dully News KITIMAT Lack of a liquor store In Kitimat is "providing fertilizer for what is already a breeding ground for boo'l-Rgers," VJLj ' cble to apply for liquor licences." j he comes again 93 entered. He said he couldn't under-1 Mr. Srnour of Senttle was an said Frank Howard, MLA for lll(l( 0 Uj Skeena in an address Ivrc yes- stand wny tne alea njd not br'en i interested visitor. He is head of terdav (designated a - licencing 7ono. ; the Alaska Tourist Burcni and Vr ' i A .... I ! Prospective businessmen in Kiti 7 VA lime -J- V 7 temperature as wen as tne biusn-red ra-li on Uie trunk." Quite often these rashes which appear suddenly come from nothing more serious than nettles or flea-bites. Dr. Park says. Occasionally a clean child may catch scabies from one who U not so clean. All these rashes arc Blasting the Liquor Control was h"adin!i for his office In Ketchikan. wh"re Miss Cue operates the bureau. j mat should be given equal trcat-i ment with what they would re- Village Fears Shark ''Devil" CUTTACK, India (Reuters) Piinrri for its failure to provide an outlet in the community, Mr. Howard said, "I know of no other municipality in B.C where people have to buy liquor by mail reive elsewhere in British Colum: ; Mrs j0Sephs 0f Victoria wt ma- i a charming guest and although "In order to develop this com-! she was In oui cily for a sad oc- ' ' ' TV N.s ?: ;ir.i inn.--, ol-rv.av !:itp foe '.i "ii fun .i;er Days :iji ;I L.ibor Day. very easily and quickly cured 'A rash that appears out of A man-eating "sea-tiger" shark order. Almost 4.000 prople are i munuy, as iasi as is numiniy ; casion, ine tunerai oi nrr son. forced to pay up to 25 per cent ' """sible, we must have proper !she had time to visit us, admire the blue with no other symptoms; ls terrorizing a tiny village near is very unlikely to be due to here on the muddy Baitarani anything serious. If the chil: ! river. The shark has already at- ai the u :lux;t the! ( DiiVPi ;e on ! more than people in other com- , "ou-18 ana resiauiams. ,' .InrilK tVta nrnifi ,1 ra' c nhn, llnonr munities lor tne same type .ui i j" ""- i"-" seems well, lust nut him to bed: tacked a man and his son. Now we laws oeiiig wiiai tuey aie COME as usual, and Its an even chancel mothers in ine village reiuse u i , i won't get those hotels and rest- 11 urill n,i K nu-rnlnn 1 9 i 1M. thftir oViilHrpn nlnv npnr t.hp ' Wnfr-i-rfnit In Lhr- unnlini' rr I ,; 1: .v uc i v.... i j . .-.. tt v-. r- - auranus until liquor licences an AND the thing persists, ask your doc river banks. They fear the shark ( liquor licences, Mr. Howard said I g,ante(i :hi' tr.xl 1 1 ii uin i ga)a :. il'.i a., crowds oi f : ii m throughout BC. j V.ilirv Coimmm-i'';,i:iu!i i: drawing : tit ur's rodeo. W.'rr and. better I tor to have a look." is a "devil" which will gobble up : mai ine Doura snoum. wnnuuv. Mr. Howard spoke in Kitimat in the course of a tour of north- establish KiUmut as a anyone else venturing Into the 1 delay. Heating Must Be Planned Efficiently river, licencing area. t V - , it- - , I I - 1 "' ( ' " ' ; i : t ii . . ! gfe. I . f ' '"J m i U.S. To Copy Flying Saucer k i I nes iNeea Workers NEW YORK ( Time magazine says the United States Air j Force- is interested In a Cana- i dian "flying saucer" and hopes j within three years to have a pro- totype that can take off straight i TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a good economical car try our A-.10 AUSTIN. A complete car with a low price of only $1495, that includes foam rubber seats, leather upholstery, directional signals and beater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Outstanding Safety Award Won by Local Swift Branch Finl iyces of Swift's Prince Rupert saks unit have been honored with an Award of Merit certificate for outstanding safety performance during the past year, granted by company President A. E. Millard. The local staff has a record of no lost time accidents during the years 1950 to 1953. Commenting on the award. Manager L. C. Chambers praised employees for the successful safety program, saying that the effectiveness of the program was due to the safety-minded attitude of employees. I Women ,...' .- . J '; western B.C., during which he Is j reporting on. activities at the i past legislative session and dis-I cursing local problems in the ' various centres. ! PERSONALS j Miss Inez Amadio and her ! uncle, Mr. Louis Amadio, 732 Sixth Avenue West have return- ed from a week in Terrace, j ' Miss Amadio stopped at Terrace en route home from Sioux Look-I out, Ontario, where she visited ; her brother. Rev. Fr Louis Ama- dio, parish priest in the Ontario i centre, formerly of Prince Ru-I pert. I . j Mrs. Collen Carrell and sons t John and Byron of Mission City, I are spending a three-week visit An elx..i'y planned heal- ' IMS system pays for Itself in a few years through greater comfort that pro-moles better health for the family. Phone 174 SMITH & ELKINS LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. up, hover in mid-air and ny at nearly 2.000 miles cn hour The magazine, In us Canaoian section"! says a mock-up, non-woiking model, of a flying saucer has been built under top- i - Mure workers r rhim h activities, : nial mi-etmg of the i urrt of the Woman's icty of the United . s'ia was told here. Awial address of! Oiiliiim. said many w and uhroiid are ; Mt'.unal workers are ..s ot Canada not Tin ni's, as well as in ) work and in ' hflp the lonely and ! secret conditions at the A. V. Roe I aircraft plant near Toronto, the I design of John C. M. Frost, 35- year-old Briton. ! Frost, who lives in Toronto "LOOK! I'M CLEAN!" It's bustles and bows these days for the tottering tots. Here's one baby who's not too big for her britches because fancy prints are the fashion find of the year for the youngest set. The nylon Haucll Panties are plastic lined. Th"s Week- The Prince Rupert Lode No. 63, IOOF, wilt meet Tuesday night in Valhalla Hall, at 8 . P.m. I at the home of Miss M. A. Way, 4 m s f m itm. T i $ 428 Fifth Avenue West. I with his wife and son, helped de- j sign wartime gliders and British ! Jet aircraft, the Time story says. j later he worked on Canada's I first home-built Jet fighter, i Walter D. Longwill arrived yesterday by plane from Lis Angeles. Calif., to spend the summer at his home here. ' m Korea, Africa, ! !i. residents are 1 a hotter life but are " to w. .-.tern mater- 1 to Clii is) iauity. A mri'tinc of Hie Jnh's Daughters will be held i'rlday at 8 p.m., with initiation. Silver March an-1 ?nv.y. Avro's CF-100, and "meanwhile, j in a top-secret screebed area at j Avro's Malton plnnt he designed i frying saucers at least one 40- i foot mock-up with a flattened j end spindly .nclcrcarrir ' : " I "This model, quickly nlcknnni-ed the 'praying mantis,' was designed to take off at a 40-degrce FOR THAT - EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING , COMPANY t -4i .' an"ie after a short run. "But Frost wanted a vertical i trk;-eff whi"h is nulte a trick. ! . . . Frost finnllv found what he j thlrke is n solution In on aero-j rivnnmle nHn"t"le known as the 'Connda effect'." 1 The mpfrazinc says the Coonda , ff""-. rtnnvd for Romanian Inventor .Henri Connda. involves i the prlnclnle he discovered that I M-"lnr; one side of a norale will ricHect a Jet blast to follow the I curved side. "Baaaaaaw I - : I MM DRYER $329.95 WASHER .... $419.95 New Low Terms GORDON & ANDERSON . Phone 46 ":- . ' -" I Trail Man Uaycee Head j PENTTCTON, B C. (CP) A Tnll man Flp Filtnclli. was elected j president of the B.C. and Yu-I kon region of the Junior chmibcr I of commerce at the wind up of NI'AVKST THING In London and Paris hair fashions is a stylishly careless coiffure presenting a youthful and chic look. For the sophisticate there is this sea-dream style by Steinerof Mayfair, decorated by a crab-style cap of satin, gold beads and pearls for cvenlnR wear. The hair is cut close to the head and styl"d In a claw fringe. It twirls back from Hie temples m claw g urls that give a cap-shaped, sea-shell effect. iCP Photo) '( mnm cook .!IWi:l.i:ks PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THEIR APPOINTMENT AS Official Healers for OMtiA WATCHES Officiol Timepiece British Empire Games . . AS SIMPLE A PHONE CALL their convention Saturday in Penile ton. It was decided that the 1!)55 convention will be held in Victoria. Bill EUers of he North Vancouver unit became a two-way winner when he on the championship In the Jaycce western oratorical fina.i. He also won the B.C. and Yukon championship during the regional finals Thursday. Phone (0 Across the Town or the Nation li'fXNET TIME in London's Mayfair hat salons a "t women with money to burn arc purchasing frothy ." of die llrw smallcr lln(s are styled to tip to one forehead in the manner of this smart bonier. In stripes the boater has an impudent similarity ' peculiar to Muurice Chevalier. This shape comes iU'ii:,is und co,ors and (s wom wlth matci,lng bow '"'' '"ilor collar 'CP Photo1 Uruguay, with hills around 2.0C9 feet, is sometimes called "the Switzerland of South Local and Long Distance Moving