! toiee anyone to rece: ive His bur, I i; as Saviour. Each person must Illn. Prince Rupert Daily News T 1 i f C " 1 K VI i am11 : 4 - '7W ami ,.. "' rb t::ir. Unit . " . , V 1 I' 7 if v f m m m m w g m m j rrince ttupen ana Norinern ana t-viurai cnusn uuiumoiu. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations t Canon 1 I. SunDAY ewiE; ; Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. O. A HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director! f V HKtY. i choose Him for Himself. Those who seek earthly greatness anrl lame will be disappointed at the Gospel message. "The natural : man receiveth not the things of ; the spirit of God for they are I foolishness unto him." Jesus Christ is revealed only to the faith of a penitent sinner. All that Christ wrought on our behalf becomes ours pnly as we personally appropriate Him In all His humiliation and victorious resurrection as our substi-, tute our Saviour. When the Holy Spirit reveals what we have in Christ we will break out in "the deepest gratitude, "Surely , He has borne our griefs and our , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'fly carrier, per week, 25e; per month, $1.00; per year ! S10: by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. 1 Saturday Sermon H .1 - j ! ! Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Ruoert Dailv News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. jr -V-u; lAuthorizcd assecond clas mall hy Post Office Department, Ottawa, f t A, ' t- I i h". V C JJe (Carried Our JorrouJ (By REV. H. O. OLSON, St. Paul's Lutheran Church i Isa. 53:4 "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and atf lifted."- Should Get Square Deal Wl-Vuii,. sorrows. He was wounded for J'.C. WOMEN'S LUNCHEON Mrs. Ellen Fairclough, Progressive Conservative member of Parliament lor Hamilton West, addresses a luncheon meeting o fth Progressive Conservative Women's Association -during the annual meeting in Ottawa. Seated at the head table, left to right, are: Mrs. George Drew, wife of the Progressive Conservative leader; Mrs. Fairclough and Miss Sybil Bennett of Georgetown, Ont., president of the Women's Association. (CP PHOTO i The wickedness and carnal prejudices of the-Jews ur transgressions and ne was . , . . bruised for our Iniquities." It induced them to reject Christ, r,, but various circum- was our punishment He carried stances proved occasion for it. They expected the and Ioun" euiing m Messiah to spring- from the acknowledged heir of. This is the message of the King David and "to be openly known as born and X educated at Bethlehem and to come forth in a splen- that everyone thai bei.evetn u , ,Him shall not perish b'lt have did manner, as a King and conqueror. . elernai life. There are no ex- . But He was born of an unnotic- 'ceptions with God. Either you '111 Ave K Rrcuir: RfVV As I See It Reflects and Reminisces i Ha firt ' It is a scenic ed Virgin conceived of the Holy have received Christ and have Simtluv B-MJ 6U Ave ( monument to his memory. Spirit. He grew up and lived a eternal life, or you are without long time In obscurity. He ap- Him and eternal life destined peared as an itinerant teacher lor eternal death. AMEN. Cl more DLL The Federal member for SKee Fitty-five thou-sanc 'ill be, ... . i t, nnniithnri'zrl hu Iho nrlnsits flnri ' ; T IS not unreasonable but certainly natural that the Northern British Columbia Power Co.,' which, Viirhtly or wrongly, is faced with the possibility of posing its franchise to supply the city with power jon the expiry of its contract in 1954, should 'seek koine guarantee that it will be 'reimbursed for in-uj im measures it says it is prepared to undertake to keep the city adequately supplied with power in ho meantime and particularly during the year or immediately ahead. ! Nor would it be unreasonable for the city council to do what it can to see that the power company &ets a fair deal in this matter should such a thing iiccur as the British Columbia Power Commission or iiny other concern taking over the city's power supply. We think that the city council, no matter what it thinks about the merits or otherwise of the' power company, would be disposed to- do what it can to Jcnsure that such a fair deal is granted. ' ! Meantime, it is important above all that the city's power supply should be adequately main-fained. We do not want more winters like some we have had in the recent past when there was serious shortage of power. Call the present anxiety of the power company about the possible power shortage spent in magazine advertising to a slasluns " e CCF CZ m scrTbes. He gr7w up before God' a help draw visitors to British Co umbia and arouse interest in all " "le .hen .to WummM peared as a tsnder shoot, whose m come parts of the province. If. about w ! Big Two No Fools I r We know local d ioneers 1 "--." , c ,kc that, niithir ; time. grew so notwithstanding went becomes a necssity. ' who came to Prince Rupert in the wisdom and graca of His 1 words, the power of His miracles , ANUlrlLK writer n a s and'have not been up river ' j come up with a book to yet. I ' ' . . . . .... 1 anri he hnlv hennl V of His char ! uouoie iractures ana oroKen . !.,,, , . ,,!,.. h if.acter, they could perceive no .1 A. il. - i ' suggest mat me weMern EAciI CAN SPEAK - - "3 " r r:rhi: a ilorm or comeliness U Him for Organized laoor, veiling aoom ',- y,nu: . which they should desire and nart of the came Ken Masdells leaders lost out to Russia ; mipmninvment. oroiesis iresn ar- r. . . . . . welcome Him as their Ie..3iah. VVtVk."V - V. V . ,..-v. .......I . . . 1 " - . He was, therefore, despised and ! twice, and Canadiens are In tracts awarded out west, call for nnt r.crmamr in 1944 in- vv "v.......v , more men. So do oil 'develop- nl0U1'ninE- The blow Is harder j rejected of men. The people hid , ., than the average hockey stick : their faces from Him as asham-; way way f-,, irom d.iKu- ... ... . . .. ,, ,., . i,.,,..u Stead Of li)4o. I ments all the ed to own H:ni- until at l.'iifUft inflicts. And Johi.nny Mac- Columbia. " "'" I have not yet read tne Brmsn " Cormack's smashed a. m U an-military rk . of w oik- thclTnousand. women are writer's book. But lnd lew.and anxious. Its the soil .on0rt ,.,,-hph opnprm.s situation where anybody can digests of its main arguments. ;f death bed repentance if we like; admit, if we like, Tney are convincing as far as starl the. argument and Hi even the discii' s at Oethsem-ane and at the Judgment hall denied or forsook Him. The Js with one consent preferred a ; murderer to Him. Likewire today. GoU will not ', First Presbyterian Church i il'i . 1. ll i?l.T. - 'V.n.. O... i ... nnfninr. V.t,., latest THE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH inai we are ai uie mercy 01 me power company, ior j ej 1 s!3eakins of Profitable lines of on e a alf the s story y- y tSe next couple of years, it is important that we : business, finding out how to i' i i i i j i i ' e ; uto HIS MAIN jf atm amnmant ic is this, Viic j i mind ycur own may be classed a sho-ild not make any false moves from a spirit of argument . ,. . .i . it j i When General- Eisenhower's . prejudice or indifference that would endanger our ; armies had broken out of Nor. rTr;iIT FASHION FO0TW Services conducted at I.O.O.F. l iu A lav? v v I mandy, Montgomery tried des- power supply. fig one saw $681,000 stolen fi'om IJCiaicij iu '"""-c Jiic mai, . . . rianupra MassnphllJi. '"iVAViViViV The general manager of the power company- i Germany could be beaten quickly an a bright and busy.fore- by a single strong Bnusn-iea MjjjAj..u.iii..W.'."..VAVAWASV nnnti tVl woplr DCprn-Hino tn tVP has warned the council that there is real danger of thrust through the Ruhr and poUce'cWef. Danvers But then, 0 f erlln- . no one had enough imagination But to keep peace in the allied tj ict a t:veU tnat ize. Had family Ike chose to advance on u been a mert ,1(mo or $15 .,23 a broad front. That proved a now! ' tragic mistake. It Uas imposs- f ' "fv - .. . 1 ii Ji .'- f t tM SHADES! SHAi FOR TRIUGH1 REG. TO 6.95 SPECIAL Hall, Fourth Avenue East Sunday School 11 am. , Classes for all ages. Morning Service 12:15 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Cpmc a.nd enjoy . . . 'The warm Christian Fel lowship The good Gospel singing. The inspiring Bible messages. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as tl.e manner of some is." (Hcb. 10:21.) PASTOR. C. W. SINCLAIR ible to sustain such a dire at Brigadier General urnes A. tack and in fact the forward drive stalled for lack of supplies. O Connor, under whose super-vi.sion was built the Alaska High The Germans gained time to from Dawson Creek to Fair- recover and thp wnr rirneaari . way 3 .... .. 5 recently .... .in ".. , 'a- oajik! in ia42-44 was $3.99 ond m uut mi may mu. THE WRITER seems to i bulled at San Diego. In a land of magnificent ci'-ives, this ranks have - . - i liiuo nnma intn tVlp war aaani. i ALL SILK SHADES AT DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS Monty's Plan would have ended ""' " ' " ' " (J , event-agreement the war in 1944. But he is on . .... . . . further power shortage, developing if augmented generating facilities are not at once installed. Whether we like the source of the warning or not, it is warning that should not be passed off lightly. And the city certainly has nothing to lose nor will if. cost it anything to express itself in favor of the ji.ower company getting a fair break in the event of it losing the franchise. The question of whether or not the power company has lived up to its obligations and contract daring the past is extraneous to the particular point now in question. t Korean War of Nerves IT IS hardly surprising that nerves should have I become raw and tempers thin over the course of the so-called "negotiation"- in Korea. It has been apparent for a long time that 'there has not been, 'and perhaps never was, any real meeting of minds. The various Communist gambits designed to prolong and confuse the discussions have become increasingly transparent. We extend a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Aw. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wilght, D.D. Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and John Currie. MARCH30. 1952 Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Sunday School 12:15. Evening Service 7:30. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep It Holy'' - 7. iT or no agreement, sne, voo, naa dubious ground . when u he argues , j And she E A S " T E R " SEALS w r " 1 RUPERT RADIO & ELECU that, that thp the British Rntiuh anri and Americans Amprlcnns would therefore have got to Berlin before the Russians in that was in a position to take over far more territory than she did tnkp FRIZZELL'S MO HELP eVnt'- . . , .. j That applies to Korea, where During the' Hitler war it wu;W(, t occupied half the own job to make nightly my a ; 0unt weefcs before the u s war analysis the CBC. over My; ,M were in a ition t0 old radio scripts clearly show 1 lanj at aj where the various armies were ; Jn t column on War on such and such a day. When ; v M AUowances x wrote I check back on any authori- tnal The DVA 0icia)s are tative source I see plenty of forced b Jaw tQ crack d evidence to cast doubt that our tnem and reduce their , western armies could have beat- amQun en the Russians to Berlin if a , 'M AAa 1V, PRODUCTS LT Your General Motors Dealer anuuiu i in w auucu 11 tiip race had developed in 1944. Used Car c I i total income including the WVa ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th Ave. at Mcl'.ride St. Rev. II. ). Olson You are inviti'd to come and Worship at St. Paul's Lutheran Church., , "The Just Shall Live By Faith" ! SUNDAY SERVICES MARCH 30, 1952 i .Morning Service 11 :00 a.m. I Sermon: "Mary's Testimony" 'Evening Service 7:30 p.m. j Sermon: "Hold Fast Our GENERAL Truck Valu 6 ' " ", w 1UI 1945 elves the kev y dates in the ,n! , i single persons or $91.66 for -v. u T 1944 battles. Thus on July 31 the marrled couples." Russian army drove to within ; Tne WVA men are t ten miles of Warsaw. On the next ,. -t .. day the U.S. First army broke ' L?? ? 42 X mont H b fore the cut Off.appUes. out of the Nazi defence lines in ; MOTORS PRODUCTS .. . p COUPE-Raaio. B.C. CHILDREN'S INSTITUTIONS Easter Seals r $1.00 a sheet, but donations of any amount art filtt-tully accepted. Pleas mail your contribution t Lion's Crippled Children's Fund o B.C. 407 West Hastings St., Vancouver 2. (Receipts mailed on request only). Make cheques payable) to Lion's Crippled Children's Fund of B.C. 1919 C11EV. 5-PASSF.NGER Normandy. But the Russians then halted their main push west and took covers. Only 19.000 miles. Used car guarantee 1910 CHEV SEDAN New paint job. lntpnor riniohori i.i toother Heater Fly . . . 1 Confession." Sunday School 12:15 p.m. 19,'ift PONTIAC-New '51 motor, excellent -j tires. Body repainted CDFf-IAL "time out" to extend their control over the whole Balkan peninsula. By August 31 they had taken the capital of Rumania. By September 9 Bulgaria was knocked out. By December 30 they had effective control of Hungary. THE THEORY that the western ; allies were let down or" "sold - . ,ww.n ckdAN C01PE-U Under those conditions it is only natural that many persons should feel that the logical course for the United Nations is to put an end to the nonsense and to avoid at least the appearance, if not the substance, of continuing hypocrisy. We are fully convinced that there will be peace when, and only when, the Communists are persuaded that it is to their advantage and to our disadvantage. It is therefore frequently suggested that we might do well to take some abrupt action to put an end to what is an exceptionally irritating stalemate. r This point of view, however, does not take into account the factor of Communist motive. It is clearly the intention of the adversary to evoke precisely tfiose sentiments among us. The negotiation, in the Communist book, is part of a real war of nerves. It is expected that in any such contest we, as against our, more-stolid and better-disciplined antagonists, , would be the first to break. For that reason this is the time, above all, when we must meet guile with guile and obduracy with resolution. There should be no diminution of firmness on the one hand, but there should be no purely adventurous attempt to force an issue on the other. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth West (across from Armouries) 1950 I Hr.V UMA'Afc - tlia accessories: Heater, raaiu, ""' . Hx 8ara. to ...,m -,i trunk seat covers, gr.ue - : and , ,1 stopping ngni, enrume -accessories. Come and see 11. ALICE ARM STEWART Full price SUNDAY Sunday School and Bible Class 10:30 Morning Service 11:30 "A Tes'ator Dies." Evening Service , 7:30 "And the prayer f faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if be have committed any ttins, they shall be forgiven him." James 5:15. artial J .. i, I)VII New pn S3 MON. THURS. 54 body work and new paint Jod. "Man Without Excuse AMJ 1 P.M. 9:00 Lv. Prince Rupert Ar. 1:15 Full price now only . n . m Twt 'inner uiheelbas6 2-speed out" at "Teheran and Yalta Is a giant fallacy. Things would not have gone worse for Russia, arid better for the west, had there! been no agreements. On the ' contrary. : That half-baked argument Implies that Churchill and Roosevelt were Boobs, or suckers, and hence Stalin was able to "put it all over them." The very reverse Is the truth. Our leaders played shrewd power politics. F a 1 li n g agreement. Alice Arm F "WE PRAY FOR THE SICK" Pastor C. FAWCETT 10:15 Ar. Stewart Green Ul Lv.i 12:00 i P.M. AM axle, new partial motor. New low Pc 194C CiMC I-1TON PANEL Nice shape. roHured to ii.t i Mrtr tteroiioiuunru. i-"jyy hr, 194!) FARCO 2-TON 2-speed axir. bc5 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH KITlMAT KEMANO short whwlbase. Ideal for dww available. Has van body at pre-s n a n i 57 TUE8. PHI. SAT. 58 crinlure 1 aSSaae for Jodau A M : i P.M. 9:00 Lv. Prince Rupert Ar.i 12:45 Price now only short rt liee 1947 FAittiO FLAT JDECK-JVi-ton. $ axle, box and hotst available. nly ."'rji-! lom r.MC. I-TON PlCKUP-4-sPf'ed ''r',,rice "Sit still, my daughter, until thou Ttnow." Ruth 3:18. I , Kltlmat I Kilctala 10:45! Ar- Kemmio Lv 11:00 AM.: (a.m. SATURDAY, March 29 Bibel Abend In Deutschcr Sprache Sonnabend Abend 20 Uhr. Bible-Meeting in German language Saturday evening at 8 p m,v MONDAY, March 30 7 p.m. Children's Church TUESDAY. April I 8 p.m. Bible and Prayer Hour. "DUST or DESTINY" SUNDAY, March 30, 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, March 31, 8 p.m. This is fourth In a series of scientific motion pictures, which have been attracting world-wide attention. The first film "God of Creation" Is being distributed in 12 languages. AU are fascinating representations of the religious significance of the world, which we have discovered through science. Stalin was in a physical position to take over much more than he did take as a result of prior agreement with the other two of the Big Three. THE SAME principle holds true about the Far East. Roosevelt and Churchill used all sorts of inducements to Russia to promise secretly to come into the war against Japan. As President Truman makes clear in his published diary, this finally proved to be unnecessary and, in fact, unwelcome. But Russia would probably Charles Dudoward sails tomorrow night for Alert Bay where he will attend a Native Brotherhood of British Columbia convention. RoJ Judge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. H. Elkins left on today's plane for a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. City Clerk R. W. Long left on today's plane for Victoria where he will join Aid. K M. Daggett , as a delegation which will take up a number of matters with the Queen Charlotte AIRLINES sion. A sound truck In good shap- J We have privately "Tj I at ownefs prices fr l'mf,ifs4)dJll ftp See our Itudsct plan for financing ON AB TRADE-INS ACCEPTED See iol Phone 871 ieej J. J. Judge of this city, after spending a few days here on business, left by today's plane on his return to Vancouver. P.O. Box 280 provincial government on behalf PRINCE RUPERT Phone 476 of the city.