V 1 5 Pi'IfiCS RuDeii' uuiiy Saturdav. March 29. 1952 Easter IP Ml l CM "9 HJetfifiiW a Cards Miss Lavinia Elliott and Peter Gerard Excnange Vows (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day f publicattrjn) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Deatb Notlcei, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announremeuu $2.00. , SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PIGGOTT PLACE Box 10U Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders Room FOR SALE FOR SALE Commode chair, child's crib, full size bed, baby buggy, cheap. Phone Green 937. (76p 1 ': ' , '. . i j i- .r'JU r 'Is j ! ; ? STOS'E Bit piO.V, BLUE:' ELECTS' In due course, the magnificent bridal cake, iced in white and pink and topped with a miniature bridal couple, was cut by the bride and groom. The serv.ng or delicious refreshments was hi the hands of Mrs. Foster Husov. Mrs. Anna Dimitrov. . Mrs. Frank Elliott. Mrs. William McLean, Mrs. Jack Eby and the Misses Lois Digby, Margaret Keays, Daisy Ardern. Mary Storrie and Sheila Mac-' Rae. The punch was in charge the bride's brother, Frank Elliott. Music for the dancing which followed was provided by Mike " Colussi. Candid photos were taken during the course of the evening. Following the reef j.tior., tlio bridal couple departed aboard the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver and Seattle for a two weeks' honeymoon before returning to the city to make their home. Far her travelling costume, the bride chose a navy tailored suit with matching accessories, enhanced by a crisp white blouse SALES AND Cleaners p M--..'. Mock-In it Phnne Blue n ... 4 fit I t-! ' 'I i it :!i;v: 1 1 H " John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608-3rd Ave. W. Trlncc Rupert, B.C. Phone 541 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 10 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Stret Phone 655 WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, dny or month. Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn 8oles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films peveloped and Printed PROMPT BFRVTCR CHANDLER'S STI DIO 218-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert FOR SALE Heavy built Inglis "Sterling" washing machine, built-in pump. Like new. Phone Black 269. 76pi CARS I OR !-AlE FOR SALE '51 Austin sedan. Excellent condition. Only 1700 8 miles. Owner leaving town. Call 212, 9 to 6 p.m. Uf w FOR SALE 1950 Austin- sedan. S500 down, full price $1,000. Phone Black 548, ask for Jim. (77pl FOR SALE 1950 Oldsmobile All K;, dramatic, in first class con-i dition. Complete with radio. 9 custom heater and many other extras. Phone Red 622. (77pi FOR PENT FOR RENT Sleeping room, 11 close in. Blue 432. 1 76c) 1 1 FOR RENT Room and board for respectable young man. Phone; Blue 639. (76pl ( 1 FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. No drinkers. 221 5th East. (76c) FOR RENT 3 room suite fur-and nished. 645 7th West Thompson. dtp) FOR RENT 2 room furnished suite with bath. No Children. 1235 Park Ave. 78p FOP RENT General Electric 7 flour polishers. $1 per day. 9 1-hone Bine 992. Pacific Electric. tf ELECTRIC portable sewing machines bv the week or month. Free delivery. Singer Sewing , Machine Co. Sew and Save.ii Phone 864. 81c j A WANTED TO RENT Two young business men require house-! Vppninir keening anrl and slppniner sleeping facilities facilities, i 8 preferably self contained. Per-: manent. Close in. Phone 866. I 78pi' WANTED IO REST j t HANDY-HOME $ GENERAL CCS: Building and f, ROOFS - C: OIL Bit PHC5I P 0. BuX 1S70 MAm uphold: Phone Blue lis : 234-: Prince Rjt h. g. hi:: REAL ESTATE t Phone 96 Ere Train Scht ' J ! llil. ',l For the East-Daily except Sir From the East Dally excep! M.: WANTED TO RENT By B. C.l : Forest Service employee. un-',0:00 furnished house. Phone Red io:i5 583. 776i,io.30 AA'XOUXC EMENTS Lutheran Tea, March 29. Presbyterian Church Spring Sale, April 3. Catholic card party, April 3. Rotary Rummage and Auction Sale, April 5. Conrad Street School Parent-Teacher White Elephant Sale, Conrad School, April 5 Canadian Legion card party. April 9. Legion Auxiliary Soring Sale, April 9. -not Job's Daughters Easter tea, April 10. I : Queen Mary Chapter daffodil tea, April 14, Canadian Legion. I ' Women of the "Moose Sprin. Bazaar and Tea, April 17. Cathedral Spring Bazaar, April 17. St. Peter's Spring bazaar, ' April 24. Girl Guide tea and sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall. Saturday, April 26. United Church W. A. Spring Bazaar May 1. L.O.B.A. Spring sale, l:ome- cooking, etc., May 3. Sonja's Tea, May 10. Presbyterian Mitoi r.ary Tea May 14. Eastern Star .ea. M a s o n i c Temple, May 15. ,i Cathedral tea a.i:J ru:i.aac sale. May 31. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who were so ! kwnd in our recent bereavement in the loss of our brother Peter Knutson. The Family. (ltpi PERSONAL I AVOID the rush, get vour Easter Perm now. Large stock to1 choose from. Phone 855. Jerry's ! . Beauty Salon, under new man- j agement. Itfl OODLES of Poodles for Easter. Jerry's Beauty Salon, Phone 855 i80ct PRINCE RUPERT Football As- ; sociation annual general meet-1 ing 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Legion! auditorium. 76c) WE PAY cash for burnt out . motors, any size or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) FOR Hertz U-Drlve, Phone Bus Terminal, 530. (76p) "IF vou must move to the Vancouver Area contact Robert E Montador at Norlh 2976 in North Vancouver for hor.est j and courteous solution to vour housing problems." h) .UNWANTED riAjR-.Permane.nt-lv eradicated with Raca-Pelo The most remarkbale discov ery of the aie. Saca-PeJo is guaranteed to kill the roots oi any nair and contains no oru;;s or chemicals LorBecr Lab. 679 Granville, Vancouver, BC. - H) t'HONF, 16 your Northland Dfiiry, . lornianv delivery except Sunday. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. Keep it cool. Ail milk guaranteed. (if) HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Young married man i wuik m Miwmin. write i uiijiijj nuns, twna Kiver, bu, (82pl WANTED Reliable man as Rawlcigh' Dealer. A fine opportunity to step into a good Rawlcigh Business where the Products have been .sold for almost 40 years. Experience not necessary. Write Rawleigh's Dept. WG-C-16G-163, ' Winnipeg. VACANCY exists as Customs Officer Grade 2. Prince Rupert. Apply in person to Collector of Customs. (76pi HELP WANTED I EMALE WANTED Qualified hairdresser full or part time. Apply to Muriel Gapmon at Modern Beauty Shoppe, Besner Block. Phone 947. tltc) FOR SALE SINGLE njxjm C ...r-n!in woman, omol-ioH employed, HaJll M RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 KUocvcie of of (Subject c Change) c a SATURDAY PM. 5:00 CBC Sport P:ige 5:J0 Limit Concert Orchratra 8:041 CBC News 6:05 Hockey Broadcast 7:30 Orijan Mufic OO Bold Venture 8.30 The Julleife Show 9.00 Prairie Sohoouer ..iO Sni iiiid Lively 10:00 cm: Nes I 10:10 C BC News 10:15 Armclale ChoriLS j 10:30 Trocarlcro Orchestra j 11:00 Weather Report and S:gn-ofl cut SUNK) AY : 8:30 Sundnv Morning Recital 00 BBC News i 9:15 Music for Meditation ; a 9:30 Harmony Harbor I 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B C. Ciartlener ' ; 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 The Way of the Spirit :00 CBC News' :03 Capital Report J 11:30 Reunions Period j ' P.M. 12:00 New York Philharmonic , :30 Critically Speaking 2:00 Fiddle Joe's Yarns I 2:30 Jake and the Kid 3oo The tour Gentlemen 3:15 CBC News 3:30 Ask tlie Weatherman ; 3:27 Regional Weather Forecast i 3:30 Vancouver Symptftmy Orch. j 4:30 Roll Back the Years j 5:00 National Sunday Evening Hr. 5:30 Little Symphonies j 6:00 Sti;e '52 7:00 C BC News 7:10 Weekend Review ' 7:20 Our Special Speaker 30 Music lor Strums 8:00 Musical Comedies 00 Red Skelum Show , 9:30 Vesper Hour ' 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Pioneer Disasters , 10:30 Ballad Time 10:45 Composer's Corner oo Weather Report and Sin-ft' MONDAY M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 10 Here's Bill Good 1 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade (I nil Ixiruthy Douglas Show i Recorded Interlude Time Signal Mornini: Visit Barry Wood Show This Week's Artist Musical Kitchrn Kin-Jerarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11 :30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11 :33 Recorded Interlurte :45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M 12:00 Mid-dny Melodies ' I 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 BC. farm Broadcast I 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert j 1 :45 The Will of Peace: Comty. 2:00 B C. bchonl Broadcast i 2:30 Records at Random 3:00 Tea Tlni" With the Stars ! 3:15 Musical Hroeram 3:30 Today's Ouest 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Suns'.' Ine Society AUCTION SALE Timher .sale X 5:iK.-.X There will he offered for sale at Puhlic Auction, at 11:00 am., on Tuesday, May 27th. 1952. In the office of the District Forester. Prince Ru- i pert, B.C.. the Licence X 53858. to cut 9.105.000 f.b m. of Hemlock and of Lots 1310. 4600 and 478. situated miles south of Stewart. Cassiar Land District. Three (3) years wit be allowed for removal of limber. "Provided .fanyone unable to attend the auction m person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B C . or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. (M29 A4. 11. 18.25. M2.9.16) "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" I Section 27.) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE. Notice Is hereby iven that on the ina uay oi prn next, tne uncier- Control Board for consent to transfer f Beer Licence No. 1074. Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known as Commercial Hotel. situate at 901 First Avenue West, the city of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 13 and 14. Block 9. Section 1, Map 923, Prince Rupert Land . ReKistraUon District. In the Province of British Columbia, from Harold Willard Hel-Eerson to William Harvey Murray, of 665 Eighth Avenue East, Prince Ru pert, British Columbia, the transferee. Dated at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 24th day of March, 1952. " WILLIAM HARVEY MURRAY, Applicant and Transferee (lOfic) NATURAL HEATING Hot water piped from volcanic springs supplies heating for many buildings In Reykjavik, capital of Iceland. For the MEAL that REFfc For a wide selection of first quality EASTER CARDS order early from Dibb Prinlina Co. DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe JOHN H. BULGER Ottnnvlrisl John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE 74 For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins Ltd. P.O. Hox 274 1153 WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS RfH'GIIT And SOLD" New' and Rebuilt Generator G - 12 - 32 volts Kox 1307 Ph. Blue 391 .IOk(.K OAWF.S AUCTIONEER 1 Phone Green 810 and Red WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES ?hone Green 136 Hox 478 -Walking in His Sleep! CAN'T GO DOWN NOW-- I'M SOUND ASLEEP v. .' Before a candlelit flower decked altar in friendly little St. Peter's Church at Seal Cove, Lavinia Doreen. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott of this city, and Peter Gerard, son Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Finnigan Smithe'rs. were united in marriage by Rev. H. O. Bird at 7 'clock Thursday evening before large congregation of relatives and friends. of To the strains of the traditional wadding march from "Lo-1 hengrin," the radiant bride.1 wearing an exrmisite floor length 1 white bridal pown of fine French lace fashioned into a three-jquarUr length everstirt ovcrj rustling tatfeta, entered the church on the arm of her father, Her gown featured a dainty low-i scalloped neckline and lily point sleeves. A delicately bor-; dered fingertip veil, cascading from a pearl studded tiara, and pearl necklace, gift of the groom, completed her costume. ' Her bouquet was American .Beauty roses and white stephan-! otis. i The bride's three pretty at-; tendants were each in diverse j pastel shades in keeping with the vernal season. ; The matron of honor, Mrs. Charles Graham, wore a 'frothy floor length gown of sea mist green fashioned with a full skirt and tiny matching bolero. The bridesmaids. Misses Margaret Wide and Margaret Johansen. wore diaphonous gowns of sub-'' dued mauve and soft pink respectively. Ail three attendants had hair coronets of gathered lace hold-ling in place shoulder length veils in colors matching their gowns. All three wore matching elbow length gloves and carried bouquets of mixed daffodils, tu-1 lips and iris. Charles Graham was grooms man and Lloyd Pedersen and Ernie Braman acted as ushers. RECEPTION Following the exchange of vows, a reception was held in the 'Sons of Norway Hall on Fifth Avenue for a large gathering of friends and well wishers, The newly married couple, with the parents of both bride and groom, rec?ived the guests beneath an archway of spring colored streamers. Mrs. Elliott looked charming in a go'n of black net with matching acces-ories set off by a small grey hat. Mrs. Finnigan's smart costume consisted of a wine ciepe gown (with black accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of white carnations. Toast to the bride was proposed by Charles Graham and to the bridal attendants by the groom. Andrew Wyatt, who act-! ed as master of ceremonies for the evening, read several out-of- town telegrams of congratulation. "Woman Is Dangerous ff A high-powered drama of romance and intrigue, "This Woman Is Dangerous," which stars Joan Crawford, Dennis Morgan and David Brian, begins a local engagement at the Capitol Theatre on Monday. ; ''. As a woman high in the social register of the underworld. Miss Crawford is seen in the type of role which affords her the opportunity to display her dramatic talents to their best advantage. She also is seen in some outstanding dress creations. In one of the leading male .roles, Morgan portrays a doctor in love with Joan who believes he can help her elude the government agents on her trail. It is Morgan, however, who brings about her downfall and subse quent reform. David Brian is a notorious gangster whose unbridled jealousy leads to the picture's sus- penseful climax. Felix Feist directed "This Woman Is Dangerous." HOTELS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. H. Reld, Port Es-sington; K. Hamolka, Kamloops; A. C. Lamb, San Francisco; R. G. Milligan, New York; C. R. Jones, Seattle; J. A. Brynilson, L. Kyry-luk, H. E. Roy, George Faulkner, A. R. Johnstone, L. Clarke, R. H. Londale and P. H. Demidoff, Vancouver; R. Penny, Prince George; A. H. Austin, Toronto; G. H. Beley, Smithers. BELL, C.A. Prince Rupert P.O. Box 1247 Vancouver BEST OF FOOD FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS M0SI BROADWAY CAFE topped with a shortie coat of apricot rose, and a corsage of vari-colored carnations. PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY VAXCOl'VER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Chilcotin 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Coquitlam 12 noon ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS March 28 ss. Chilcotin midnight FOR SOL'TII Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun April 4 and18 i midnight i FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 CjooJijear "The Greatest Name in Rubber" Hose Belting Mattin? Tires Tubes Batteries Airfoam Products Wholesale Only - NORTHERN TIRE & RUBEER CO. 712 2nd Ave. P.O. Box 1181 Phone Green 992 WHY WALK? It's Cheaper to Ride! CLEANING I P THE LOT These are not new but are in good running order 1948 Monarch Sedan New rnarroon paint job. Only . S13G5 1947 Willys Station Wagon Nice utility and family car $1375.00 1940 Ford Sedan Doesn't look so good but runs like a clock $575.00 1937 Ford Sedan Economical transportation $299.00 TRI CK BARGAIN 1948 Chev Pick-up Al motor, good rubber. Very useful truck 1195.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" Phone 93 ftLONDIF ... MS i 1 ' 4 . ' i ".! f . .': " ' .: i- -ft " i ' '.IJ-( RE-ROOF NO YOl'U ROOF may not last throufh another : We will give free estimates on RE-KOOW ASPHALT or CI UAR SIUN'GI.ES GREER & BRIDDEN 215 First Avenue V. Phone 909 sires room and board in private home, quiet surroundings. Box 338 Daily .News. (76p) 11 WANTED Small apartment or house by well-known local couple, non-drinkers, no chi!- riren. Quiet, close-in surround ings desired. Green 84. (tf-nc) WANTED Sinele housekeeping room bv gentleman. Mechanic. Close iii. Box 335, Daily News. (78p) WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, coDper. lead, etc. . Honest eradicg. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B. C. Phone PAcific 0357. tf CASH for scran cast, brass, coo per, battei les anrt radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue 3 West. Citv. tf WANTED Bedroom suite, reasonable price. Box 337 Daily H News. (77pi WANTED TO BUY Used bedroom and chesterfield suites in good condition. Box 339 Daily News. 76p) j I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, close in. Furnished or unfurnished. Harbor view. Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. (tfc) FOR SALE Nice home in dandy location, Wartime four, lovely condition, has upstairs and oacK piireii. oevemn Ave. tasi, near McBride. Exclusive with I T. Norton Youngs. Real Estate and Insurance. Phones 451 or 648. (77c) j ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist, s! G. Furk, Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) CARTAGE AND CONTRACTING KAIEN TRANSFER General contracting, lots cleared. stumps pulled, rock, garden dirt, general hauling. Phone Black 503. 84p) IN RE ESTATE OF HARRY ETHER-IDOE WETMON, DECEASED. TAKS NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the Court, of the estate of Harry Etheridge Wet-mon, who died at Masset, British Columbia, on the 1st day of January. 1952. I require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the lfith day of May, 1952. after -which date WELDiNG Government Certified Operators Hijrn Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO, 225 1st K. Phone Green 884 HINESE V- DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 .m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 13S (ihimlinf r'' Movinr, F Cartas wc Comp'eW. cient Service- Canadian "y for Oxygen, Acs' welding supP" LINDSAY') H & STORAW nr !! and T- .A FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield" beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co., Third Ave. (tf) ' t ' t " f I- .f ' ! iv--- . i " . . ( i ' . -,,& 4 f C DAS'.'.'OOD- I FCPG0T - to put out the (milk bottles-vou'll j have to go down v-r AND DO IT y NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) , ! ... xJ A i A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FOR SALE ment range, Blue 296. Hotpoint apart-good condition. (76p) 19 rV 77 "N ALFRED L. Resident Partner I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, hav-inK regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND further take notice that all persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 21st day of March. 1952. Cordon Fraser Forbes, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B C. (M22 29. A5 12n) - I, FOR SALE Boat stove 22"x26". Like new. Phone Black 9R9. (76p) GUARANTEED r e c o n ditioned '" sewing machines. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. 17 3J5 Fourth Ave. East Telephone: Red 879 Terrace Prince George Mission City 2 rw XJIl. Lit n L