.' NAVY NEWS ,,,,,. K.iMfMi Uuly News Saturday. March 29, 1952 J orwaij Sc oni i n"1?' 'ven thougfi it did cost the girls tired and aching leet. Hoa- j ever, they will get used to that, as they will have plenty or marching during their summer j training period at CornwallU. Ihl Pari xow siiowi.vu: tl sizi:s ft Sailing and Summer Days Big Talk at HMCS Chatham Sons of Norway whist drive I. wren rnyuis Tomlinson was IN THE 'ARROW DAM" ! elected president of the Wrens' I m.s at a short meeting after last night attracted forty players of which the following won prizes: Mrs. Steve Ericksen, evening Quarters. Other offi- -i- tames iirsi; Mrs. l. Larsen, ur:u tu. . x -a j. r., ,t,i - AMtllltA-S WHITE MIIIIT ST Alt SI. I tiiwi tut anivai 01 me two new sailing " " second; K. Dahli, men's first; H. dinghies, talk at Chatham has turned to fine summer; wren , oh mmJ secretary"1' ?indsl'and. m- mc- i i , . ... Tl. , , , . oci.ici.diy. Manus, door prize; O. K. Olsen, days and sailing. Plans are under way to have races As expected, the first duty of chair prize held over a triangle course which will be laid out mSTX ;K C SLhSXJ. EStS the harbor and a monthly prize will be awarded to out t0 clean the windows and by Mr. and Mrs. John Pedersen. ' the rrew u it h tYiP fatt timo I WaX and polLsh the de.ck of their Mr- and Mrs- EmU Peterson, Miss .1 j new mess. This took "place Fri-. Astrid Pedersen and Mr. Olsen. a Jffai I 1 I 1 VS THK.SE tOLLAR SU.V& i 1 1 1 1 14 14V4 IS ISM 1 UVi 17 17VS 1 M 31 'ilea cirniin 'j charmingly adorned with Easter -. ..-.j ..... ....... r . i ""j "t "icns is now ready t-,.i fr.n,..o in nf j,,uot little mo'dels ranginir in aires from sUU used lor basl- instruction Bl'SY stokeman ifor thelr furnUure which snould Mike Colussl. .j, tf"1" , , , I.J.' 1 , ln Doth rowing and sailing but A Naval storemns me is ai- arrive soon. The Wrens hoDe to l. THESE SLEEVE LENGTHS ears displayed attractive and practical since these waft require a stiff ways Interesting and usually ; take occupancy by the middle of , . , mj U (Kn CAMntim,',, breeze to make headwav the . I ADrll. esty the King approved that the vnlinircniiureii wiicii ".c U'v,PHu,nt wuu ou. out aa uie governme..., Canadian Naval Service ba i'fhion show at the Civic Centre Thurs-mre sailing ,cal vear cl"5M Maren 31- Lead- PERSONALS taovra as the Royal Canadian .l,lit inn charm nrr dresses for t.ho ' - .,SItlUmuons w uougia Rear - Admiral Sir Charles II tmv.. , - o , Tl Ill flnrU lh linrlr no f av is nut lU6nman Who vCac attnatrf lv.tr ...... . Watts & Nickerson MEN'S CLOTHING r . i t lit iiie new inin nrniiri,i(in riMni Shown IOUr moaeiS. with the me-KCN as an ngmm n, oecame me r, ltinjr were Dy lovely has completely redecorat- lonS n to cope ordinary sea- J F e ident Mrs. M. ed by Apm 1? Chatham year1nd rUShnf Pr JabTu' by h'"10 n ThUrS" Rol NavarColgf of wel1 ,he da"y.day Langham. welcomed thc'Mrs. Bea Grant's Stork Shoppe. Him library 1U coiU of mw rrports' "f, Canada wa7 founded in the produced the com-1 The fashion show was con-j than 100 reels of Instructional stores routine. j Chief .Cleghom and family ' are Naval "" ii.jva Hartal Buildim ""'S, HMC T ,..i,.n Rnltjin. i k.. d..i r...i. film i v,oo v....-k rnntrnctji for fnpl and stores nnar rnmfnrfoki., .... . vcucu ujr uiiLim ouuitun , luuiiu i-uivus1 I -.wii,auiy bciwcu n ine Dockyard Halifax ;ve remarKs auu- and MrS- H couiing. , experience mat the use of film "aye w ce c.uaeu on aim iicuuinica quarters of Montreal ll;r imciii v -- Assisung oeiuna ine scenes cfiuuiea a ciass unaer in- """ wiiuuiu.. 1 (Mure Social News Page 5) ,,ty main ai were Mrs. U. Forward, Mrs. D. sirucuon to learn more quickly uipmnu nuia v-uauiam uuui npreted me muuu M Newton, Mrs. K. Andren, Mm. ana in more detan. ancnor.s 10 iurnaure as wen lh - -( - n Background w c Pctei-sim Mrs N R c ' clothing stores Is "mustered" ?mlat home atter a lengthy stay For Your Easier Parade at Home EASTER CARDS A EASTER EGGS CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES EASTER WRAPPED. BOXED CHOCOLATES in Prince Rupert General Hos redden vided by McRae christensen. Mrs. McBrlde, Mrs.1 The repair or control of dam- and t0 top H off new storus Bert Jeffries. Mrs. M. W. Gor-'age suffered by a warship Is the ledSers are being rewritten. Berg and Mas- mely, and inn. J. Stromdahl. ; theme of the new course com- A "blg Same" hunt is at pres- pital. Friends of Chief Harry Cut-ress will be glad to hear that he Ld modelled smart; tka SERVED menced last week and entitled ent if' ProSss in the Station- Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Whist drive and tournament ....Ho fc. l . , eru St.nrPA T.K WnHHAll V,Qa nrriitarf .nFnl.. l ue sanui rue wu tunvuiu'u Dy Mrs. uamaae control. Leadine Sea- ' ""vu "w "" oaiciy auu :iuw nucu dov. With smart c. G. Ham who was assisted by man Dennis Umpleby who re- y nls "and at cxler- at the Navy Wirele&s Station at Saturday, March 29, Moose ,!4the little sulu Miss Muriel Vincent, Mrs. J'cently passed the examinations minatin8 rats who have taken a Coverdale, N.B. Mrs. Cutress will Temple. Everyone welcome. (76c) CANDY EGGS IN CELLO BAGS mtinentai ioucii. Alexander, Miss E. Clement, RN, for this course with hl"h marks Ly ",c U11'U'"B'5 l"e 'eaye eariy in April 10 join ncr ' program . Master and Miss Norma Irving. , is the instructor. ooks fitored tncre- husband. ; in a neat tweed Scrviteurs were Mrs. Norton, '. WRENS CANADIAN NAVAL tang hat. Youngs, Mrs. J. P. Macdonald,: Eah Naval vphiin is Tin. wron. SWnt fn ta. iustobv' ta'n A new location T. "Norton" i Youngs Heal Estate and Insurance has moved his office build- ing to Third Street across from 1 Post Office, behind the Besner Building. Phone 451. (77c) ,;;tle Sister set was Mrs. O O. Withers, Mrs. P. equipped with & first aid kit. and a half aT drill during the ... . deGormely and Mark, Miss Muriel Vance, Mrs. The.se im were recentlv rerMvert last narade under the rilre,-.l.ion ' "tuning lor the RCN wai . The little girls Ralph Smith and Mrs. A. Dows- from Naval Dockyard Esoulmalt of Lt. N. Lanizham. Ther was 'Started in February, but was cllow glazed cot- ley. ' on the reauest of I,t. N Vs. Lanu- a decided imDrovemnt in their stopped about a vear later due Joint mcetinir of Halibut Ves- marchlng by the end of the eve- to a change In policy when Sir sel wncrs and Deep Sea Fish- vnrt dj ,jj oi. ri' crmen will be held in the Union orcKriskay bon-! Cashier for the afternoon was nam Mrs. Robert Gordon. i Sharon Pierce In charge of the raffles were """ ircsses. Sharon's Miss Doris Hallt, RN, and Mr3. ;rbkuy and "oil- Ralph Smith. Winning ticket Barbara's dress for the hamper of groceries wa Hall Sunday., at 2:30 p.m. (76c! For Sale Set of German frid Laurier as prime mini-ji. 'In this period all training was Amazint New feint Gives IflQTIMA RCAIITV ft? To Members of Branch 27, Canadian Legion . otton with "bra' No. 204. carried out cn the Niobe anu draughting instruments, set of Rainbow. The latter veisel often spline weights and spline, large visited Prince Huperl in the drawing board and square, heavy early days. Uniforms worn oy duty steel tripod. Must be sold girls wore sweet a fniniirmnmel 7 It Is wjth pleasure that the ings and it Is our hope to do ofncers and men were the same immediately. Box 341, Daily President and Executive tf even better in the future. We as 1" the Royal Navy. His Maj- Nws. (ltci :i Scherk was all i go out for the a blue gabardine Peter Knutsen Laid at Rest C'Hiicu it ui wie uiiauiuii ix;- nave mv ..mem, tue urauizeia, gion look forward to the party, the facilities and look forward i was adorable in weskitt suit with Relax and Enjoy ... REVELSTOKE LAGER ft.OUSf. , on the occasion oi the secona to a most successiui year. Many frlc:ids of deceased and anniversary of the official open- Let us start out the new year his family were present yester- lug of thi present premises. by being In attendance at the day afternoon at thn chapel of Much has been done In the last second anniversary party on B.C. Undertakers to pay final two years Uj make our premises April 1 and assure Its success, tributes and esteem arid respect something our members may be Invitations have been mailed ihn momnru nf tha int.. Pntpr nroud of and well worthv of a to all members. min0 wns Allison .lit cordui y coat or Here's Marshall-Wells revolutionary RUBBERIZED paint made from a latex rubber base that dries to form a tough, easily-washable film on your walls and woodwork! 1 I 1 Vance displayed KnuUon wno passed away sud-. celebration. ; Any member who has not re- ENGLISH DARK BEER ,,a.m denly earier in the week. Rv. During the past two years your ccivea nis invuauon aue ij h. O. Olsen of St. Paul's Luth- executive, In conjunction with change of address Is requested friends. Allison ffio.nj j ih i.nriips' Au!linrv ha nro-1 in contact the sccretary-man- , , v 'nil vuuiLii ui m.in w u nitu ... t .) . ..w . v - ..... r l'nice Rye. model J. C. Oilker presided at the organ vided some very fine social even- , agcr, Mr. Brasn. to accompany the hymns which A. HAIO, President. 77c -get coat sets In ;jid. The Little : m with the child i sleeves let down tl iiem. 'if Carrie appear-i; and useful navy DRIES QUICKIY Both beers awarded "Cross of Honor" for the Dominion of Canada, Brusse:s, Belgium, 1951. in: SlRfl TO . . . Ask for Them by Name Enterprise Brewery. Limited, Rerelstoke, B.C. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or b; the Government of British Columbia. READY TO USE Just stir briefly, then smooth on t No mixing or thin ODORLESS Super Wall-Tcne dri without ofTrn- ive ed or no tuffy paint smell f ONE COAT Just one coat of Super Wall-Ton ia required for moat a ur faces. Super Wall-Tone" dries in minutes , ; to a velvet hniah. No streaks or laps. ning required- were "What a Friend Wj Have in Jesus," and "When I Survey .he Wondrous Cross." Pallbearers were Percy Cameron. Hani Knutsen,' E. Wlllman, J. Wilson, Lars Olsen and Reuben Schork. Mi. Knutson was 56 years of age and a Norwegian. He came as a boy to Vlkln?, Alberta, in 190C with his parents and moved to. Prince Rupert 28 years ago. l;'.h matching hat. :Jtn Jeffries first sets-Bunnv in '?r Ellen in blue. REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS f ogram they mod- e "Royal visitor" FREE! Ask for free folden on lovelier home color harmony. MARSHALL-HULLS' , PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS " SOLD DY wTl KAIEN CO-OP HARDWARE " ; 251 Third Avenue Phone 179 widow, son and daughter sur CIVIC CENTRE a Stewart looked a blue coat which wvable white lace Unda Livingstone "tty dresses. Jan- vive. Those sending flowers were' Mag.ius.. Alfild and Borghlld,; Sister Anna and. Brothers Carl.' Cayper, John and families; Mar- WAS oi... ...A caret and Percy, Betty ana NOW 305.00 332.95 323.00 dress Jpan nd Alvln. Ingcr and . is bVhw m,.rf.j Hans, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Han-' 9V2 cu. ft. 50 Ib.frcczer chest.. 339.00 8 cu ft. 52 lb. freezer chest..-' 369.95 7 Vi cu. ft. 20" !'-- freezer chest 359.00 TONIGHT In The Auditorium Large Reductions on Certain Lines V JlffV suit 1 olnr '"'""'i : Mr. and Mrs. K. Jensen' nat nl'Koru and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Pete t Mussaiipm i.n Person, Mr. and Mrs. John j i coat' This sweet alderhauSl Mr. and Mrs. Joh.i arid trimmed with n Valderhaug. Mr. and Mrs. John Ciaus-n, Mi. and Mrs. Neis Jrn- & was daintv In sen and sons A11('e and Cnrl't' Dartv rirJ Ian Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben ; PLUS Jyi IV Aw "Sm'ie was also torturing wine and yellow silk ocnerx ana sous, ivnu. wmcn, M-. and Mrs. Veinon Scherk, Mr. and Mis. Oscar Oiske, Mr. and Mrs. J. Husvlck. Mr. and Mrs. ' M. Fladset and Peter. Mr. and vFOUR DUKE'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to 12 p.m. Non-members 75c Members 50c UN THIS OUTSTANDING REFRIGERATOR VALUE 8Vi cu. ft., 28 lb. frccxer n OO OO chest ONLY 299.00 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED TERMS AVAILABLE Wurioi . Mrs. Martin Valderhaug and ""'"I wc offor you hm; (iooiis at and Mrs. ErUng Boultcn and '"""' mr c naywood mod Wilman, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anderson and Molvln. Mr. and Mrs. l. Mork. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'm morning, Rf enin? . t Mrs w,,i Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Carl with grev ki'rt strand- James Gcorgeson, Mr. 1 For afters and Mrs. Alton Dybhavn, Jack THE ROBERT SIMPSON PACIFIC LTD. 312 Third Ayc. W. Phone 460 SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED FN to a and Irene Wilson. Mrs. Benson. . . oilldrv r.. r nr.A Ho ui. Later she bd Kl-y "ivuii, ocnc anu lovely afternoon 'k Fellow 'orei's In Colum-ie "( and aciin b'a Cellulose Co. power house, tractive drPsrJ IB.I'.S. and F.M.W household F taffeta. ' kitchen staff of Prince Rupert nose for mn,,i. General Hospital, Doroinj HEAL SAVINGS Great news for the thousands of ' women, who make thcirownclothes . SINGER has a new mail order fabric service for you. ' Here's How It Works: . All you do is choose from among the season's lincst fabrics from the sample line at your SIM.I R SEWING CUNTLR. . It is as simple as that! ale Herman and Mar-1 naw ana Betty, r Fr afternoon earct pctcrson 'Viking. Alberta i. For Your GARDEN NEEDS u w a eharniinir ur,s ivuien auu sik. Latpr Z 'Vancouver!, Mr. and Mrs. H. ll:'rt naw fi. ' Hvedlnc (Vancouver). Mr. and finally a suit Mls' E- Berg Vancouver!, Mr. Aardinc- una Mrs. A. ErlcKsotl Vancouver i. Mi', and Mrs. H. Howarth 'Vancouver) and Mr. and Mrs. "rst modelled RAKES FORKS HOF.S ,w'th remov- Id cutls. Lat,,, H. Johansen iNew Westminster). The service is prompt and ! you save from 20 to W'i because we carry no stock wc order you material for vou by mail. PRINCE RUPERT (DISTRICT) PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION MEETING CIVIC CENTRE LOUNGE APRIL 17-8:30 P.M. O All Progressive-Conservatives , in Prince Rupert Electoral District are requested to attend a meeting of the District Association for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the forthcoming Provincial Election. W. D. LAMB IE, President. Hr! smart irnv Luavik Pettersen and family She also dip ; Mr' anti Mrs- G- stava and amlly actlv'e navy cai;and Mr- and "Mrs- B- Pedersen 11 trim r, pe'anrl Rolf niurfn rni-mnrlal rontri- v- - - - i, --..ti. ror pup. ' .... t Chn . . ,c but.lnne tn St Ph ill 'a T .11 t.hprun "in a enirt ...r .nurcn. acket IP' m tlr.( Yes, under one roof SINGER has everything for the woman who sews the fabrics the patterns Ihi notions our famous SINCEH , Sewing Machine. :ai fn-L. i hume on the ChllcoMn last even- or "la i In" after a trn tn California Complete Selection of small GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER 'llanl.,: ' . Sny-: Which ujq mori-ul h opnlflpnt. P'aid top and tnodpliorf i "'"tn rcsuaea in injuries neLs- sitatlng her stay for several Kl.. . t sr., Brev u ,ue wn "m . ceks In hnsnlt.ul at. Wnnrllnnri tt . ' 8Mn Howev SINGER SEWING CENTRE ''r"1 tttUU tent recovered, although not Mr. Gordon & Anderson Phone 864 her fin i 2 to get around freely. lovciv Vcly k . ManseH is now at Summer: 639 3rd Ave. W. land Phone 46 1 lac trim and kanaga Lake preparing n w.r ' lne summer home there for oc- from cupane.y.