K. LIBRARY r:.:vi.;:iAL li:;. r ORMES DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Greot Northwest" Phone 81 i!" VOL. XLI, No. 76 - PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 29. 1952 TEN CENTS (including comic section) 4.' m mm : - t . MS H IF!? ---JPoliceJake 0uMad Killer j ' i ' V 1 ... i " !'' CABS IPtTdlKD mm SGI ! i .: . -. Captured in Vancouver , While Trying to Take Wife - Inflation Reversing W- k -R. KEMANO HMCS Cayuga Itself in Canada - So AT 0 TUGS ASHORE j VANCOUVER Oft Ontario's ; mad killer was captured by police i Friday when he refused to leave ! behind his ninetesn-year-old j raven-haired common iaw wife. Melville Wilkie, 2, 'one of ; Canada's tvn mo.it wanted crim Sees Action L r a. D-.! bays Trade Minister to Towing Vessels OTTAWA (CP) The Minister of Trade, Hon. C. D. Howe, said Friday there are indications that SEOUL (CP) The Canadian destroyer Cayuga took part in an attack off 'the west coast of Korea yesterday. The Cayuga participated in inals, dared a police trap fntn-times in a desperate attempt to keep his freedom and the woman he loved. Three times he snaked through a police cordon to meet the girl and try t6 talk her Into escaping with him On the fourth t-y he was run down in a 90 mile an. "inflation is reversing itself" in Canada. ' l-.mmivT tues were tuuay i euui leu suit -- heavy attacks which hit Red po Addressing a delegation from 1 U,..,r. ' ar Keinano, means punei nuuse jjuiw in the Canadian Confederation of Labor, he said figures to be issued In a few davs will show the anal, south of Prince Rupert, following al--v sltions and started a large fire with an attack on boat concentrations. I . : Transit Fares in South Upped . VICTORIA CP Increased bus and car fares will go into effect on Vancouver Island and main cost of living index dropped hour car chase and taken with- quite substantially in February. u violence. Preliminary figures indicated a Wilkie, alias Andy McP th 'wts further drop will be shown at known to the police as the "mad the end of March. killer" after tie had killed his Mr. Howe blamed the sharp wife and child 19 years ago at owstorm which swept the area yesterday. I The tugs are the Le Mars and the Laverne and two heavily laden barges, all owned by the Lvl Vancouver Tugboat Co. They nipnt nirrminrl Int. vp.ctjrr!fiv Blizzard Hits British Isles rise in index last year to heavy Owen Sound. Or.t. He was com- land April 6. LONDON (CP) The coldest L J m The Victoria tug Island Com- Qylj mandcr, owned by the Island Vlctorians will pay a straight buying in anticipation of short- mittert to the Ontario mental ten cent fare instead of three ages of goods and higher prices, hospital for the criminally i l-tickets for 25 cents. ' The heavy buying has stopped, sane at Penetanguishene frfm Vancouver will be boosted he said, and people are now which he escaped for the fif'.h from ten cents to 13 ce Us or saving their money in anticloa- time July 19. 1950. spring blizzard in 38 years lashed; the British Isles today and snow and cold gripped the most ofj Europe. Shipping In the churning Eng-llsji Channel was virtually at a standstill. tion of dropping prices. j -Melting snows rn slopes of the , ,ied the Canadian jy transcontinen- Jour tickets far fifty cents. Children's fares In North Van Tug and Barge Co., was reportca at Kemano awaiting a let-up in the storm to assist the stranded vessels. Radio report. i Indicated that the tugs were towing barges couver and New Westminster A number of small boats sent wil". be eieht for 25 cents instead i PoMce quoted the girl as saying she met Wilkie is a Winnipeg boarding house soon after his escape. She did not know his ' Identity although he used the name of McBeth. She lived with him and they came to Vancou-, ver three months ago where they moved into a small vacant bun- galow in the squalid East End. FOOTBALL distress calls. o the recent 10 for 25 centsr- Road and railway transporta- The decision for increased I 1 t 1 t. 1 ....... 1 . .1 I . .1 .l .. laden with costly machinery and i ,n south Albert:! wtcrs have swol-1 . and acts. Hat, the city en- equipment being delivered from a. Vancouver to Kemano. J' l'o" 111 oouwieiu cugisiHi was lares was nauusa uuwn rnuny blocked In many places by drifts by the Public Utilities Commis-j piled as high as two'feet. : sion. .. Car.swcll. prcdlc- I ASSOCIATION CtP SEMI-FINALS Blackburn Rovers 0, Newcastle United 0 (tie). Police say they were tipped off Today's Stocks k run-off flood on i I a cold snap stops I i: warmth. j f.;i.i in the city ( I rts have been cva- two days ago they declined to Iiiiip 10 AArRapVfiiiPH about where. Wil- Chelse vs. Arsenal Dostuoned. ' say by whom rurtry K I). Juli Hi-tun u. Ltd.; e was living. ENGLISH LEAGUE "I'J rr . if i fven other names CFR westward! bppn standing In , a tor Provincial vote VANCOUVER American Standard 21 Bralorne ' 8.10 Division I Bolton Wanderers 1, Liverpool 1.(583). . , Burnley 0, Sunderland 1. k TliuiMlay as a re- , OCEAN-GOING BARREL--Peter Olsen, rear, veteran Norwegian hnut on the main ' west of this city. Oxford Wins Boat Race Local MLA expects Early Announcement Of Contract for Rental Housing Here Villa postponed. Fulham vs. Derby County post- .03 Vi 1.45 05 'j 44 .92 .19 7.20 B R X ... Cariboo Quartz Congress Cronln Babine Oiant Mascot Indian Mines Pcnd Oreille k (erne poned. Middlesbrough 2, Manchester J. D. McRae, MLA for Prince Rupert, guesses seaman, plans to return to his homeland in June In the barrel-shaped vessel made ln Waterloo, Ont., by a barrel and keg company. He hopes to cross the ocean, leaving from Sydney. NJB, The baviel was given to him by Mark Charlton, front, of Windsor, who had the barrel made in 1945. The barrel boat is ; equipped wi':h two small hommocks, charcoal stove, batteries, lights, concentrated foods and a motorcycle. Mr. Charlton, who originally had the plan to cross the ocean to England in the strange craft", said the motorcycle was for touring the country. that the provincial election will be held June 10. Of Clt 2 ,tie)- Wis City .1 i i. ...mi i. l ; ..!! . division it Pioneer 2.15 COUrse, me aaie Will not ue UBinuteiy miuwu unm Birmipgham City 2. Hull City Cambridge Quarter-Length Behind in Bad Weather V'pset v LONDON . r!-rOxfordr Unlve ., s ty crew pulled a stunninb upset; bv defeating Cambridge today l i thj annual boat race. Oxiord f trained along the 4U i the official announcement is made by the Fremier, 2 .tie). Brentford 1, West Ham United , 1 (abandoned at half time). Premier Border .28 j Privateer .08 ! Reno 03 Sheep Creek 155 Sllbak Premier 56 Taku River 07 i With tuiiipira y into l.S. :'. Maryland (CP) ' bfcn pt for next : Jeanettc Vclma ( Doncaster ttovers i, Coventry jmlle wind and snow driven Citv 0. When the announcement was made that the Queen's Birthday would be celebrated June 9, , Mr. McRae saw some mouths fall which indicated to him that ' that was the date which was Erroll Flynn Collects $14,000 I Everton 2, Swansea Town 1. Thames River course, winning by fr'ilby Murphy, aged Leeds United 1. Notts County 0. a scant quarter leng.n. The official time was 20 min Leicester City 1, Barnsley 2. Nottingham Forest 0, Shef- WASSAtr Bahama Tslands iff1 is she came from : and who was ar-n charges of con-k Into the United under consideration. Therefore, he thinks that June 10 will be the date although it could be later in June. The barrel, six feet nine Inches In diameter and 10 fecMong. has a 700-pound keel and a 250 pound rudder and a stabilizing scoop at the stern. There is a 29-foot mast with three sails. (CP PHOTO Ottawa Charges B.C. With Buck Passing in Dealing With Doukhobor Problem ute? and 23 seconds. Heavy slow and biting wind made for the worst conditions in the history t)f the rare, the first of which was rowed in 1829. Errol Flynn was on Friday cia unnea i. awarded $14,000 damages from ' Rotherham United I, Queen's ran. itangers u. ' ! I', v. f - i I"' ! I ' - ' i ' ..... .1' r t f . I t. " , . 6 , (11 " , 3 J , k '. t ' -., ; .- ' 1 1 4 t. the Canadian millionaire, Dun- nited States mar- Vananda ; Salmon Gold 03' j, Spud Valley H I Silver Standard 230 j Western Uranium 4.50 j Oils-Anglo Canadian 9 00 A P Con -53 Calmont 1-85 Central Lcduc 3 75 Home Oil 15.50 Mercury 32' a Okalta 3.80 Southampton 4, Bury 2. j Mr. McRae has already inti- can McMartin, who was alleged warrant at the mated that he is willing to be Liberal candidate again. It.icreby breaking up to have struck the movie star and keeping him from working Speaking following his return in the movies. Flynn was awara- one has been the oruary of Richard last night from Victoria, Mr. eci costs. hy, Salisbury con- 'McRae expressed confidence .that a contract would soon be had c!a!:-..cu $225,000 from McMartin for the blow, struck last March in the bar of the acy charge orlgl- i OTTAWA fTPlTliP Rritish Columbia jroveri. let for the 50-unit housing pro- Royal Canadian 26 Royalite 18.25 ! .-. ....'., A ntf.,. if c. ,.ocmc!h;ii(l. iect. '.n. Prince RuPe.rt und?r WUidsor Hotel in Nassau. SCOTTISH CUP SEMI-FINAL j Montiierwell 1. Hearts 1 (tie).1 Third Lanark 0, Dundee 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE . , . j Division A Celtic 2. Aberdeen 0. Queen oi the South 2, Rangers 2 (tie). Division B Supplementary Cup First Round Albion Rovers 0, St. Johnstone 3. Alloa Athletic 3, Stenhouse-mulr 3 (tie). -' ' at St. Paul, Min-'tcuses her of con-six men to sneak i int.' lit. is ti niu iu uap uu uiiona ito h.hiiioh;iii.,i joint lederai-provtnciai-munici- TORONTO f t. Konrllinir nf ltd Finnic hnhrir ninihlpm asserted pal auspices. Athona .09 ,iu, u,,,, - r The minister of lands and Beattie Duquesne 47'2 ; Minister of Justice Hon. Stuai't Larson. . , public works. Hon. E. T. Kenney, Many Mourn for Late Mrs. Smith "tea States near; U, November 17, ' ; for her arrest said ' flashily and : lnl working as a I Buffalo Canadian -o C M & S 34.25 The minister told a railway- will be coming north soon to union group that lawlessness visit Prince Rupert and Terrace, ; . , y. i , , f Mr. McRae expects. ! among the Doukhobor Sons of RMer in a nitrht. i Cigarette Case Takes New Turn Many friends attended the Church of the Annunciation this ' Clydu 7, Forf&r Athletic, 1. Dumbarton 1,. Dundee Unit- Four Canadians i Freedom sect comes clearly un-!der the provincial government's ! dutv of maintaining, law . and 4000 New . Canadians Steady Flow of Immigrants Through Halifax This Week-End HALIFAX More than 4,000 new Canadians' arrived at Halifax since Saturday. Canadian National Railways operated 13 boat trains, from dockside to Montreal. Toronto and Winnipeg. Starting off the steady lio.v i of Immigrants was the arrival 1 of the Cunard liner Georgic with! ' 1,463 passengers Saturday. The ! other transatlantic ships were ; the Ryndam with 318, Qrosa , Kulm with 851 and the Ascania ! with 577 Sunday, and the Vul-; cania with 753 and the Skaubryn. 1 with 1.155 today. ! The arrivals this week-end : brought the total number of immigrants welcomed at Halifax during the month of March U 14.600, the largest number to ar Conwest 3.80 ! Eldona 32- i East Sullivan 8.20 Olant Ycllowknife 10.50 God's Lake -38 Hardrock -15 Harrlcana 1334 Hcva lO'zi morning when high requiem e(J Q 'said she had alsoi o' Rita Gordon, ! rs and Ruth Freld- ' British North f KOfGd order under the I America Act. Crown Asks For New Charge Against 1 arrington a now turn aDDeared in the Hamilton Academicals 1, Queen's Park 1 (tie). , Kilmarnock 1, Falkirk 0. Arbroath 0, Dunfermline Athletic 3. Ayr United 2, Cowdenbeath 0. rtes Commici.,. I There Is, the minister said, "no OTTAWA The Army, on Friday, Issued its ninety-ninth casualty list of the Korean war, reporting four men killed In action and six wounded, bringing to 35 the number of casualties report- "cigarette case" yesterday aUer-1 ground whatever" for the sug-niion at County Court when i gcsti0n that the federal govern-down Prosecutor T. W. Brown. ment nas any responsibility. QC, asked uclge W, O Fulton for, Mf Gafson made thls state. yman released the ! of $2500 pending ! "r removal to Min-1 i '"Ns wife had post-1 J"1 when a similar j mass ior ine laie mis. cisic Mary Smith, esteemed pioneer woman of the city, was celebrated by Rev. Father F. J. Rayner, O.M.I., the parish priest. The church choir was ln attendance. Following the mass service, in- 1 terment was made In the Roman : Catholic section of Fairview Cemetery. Pallbearers, all old friends of the family, were Dennis Garon, Jack Judge, M. J. Saunders, James Hadden sr., Fred Balan-ger and William Bremner. S There w'ere numerous floral on her re- am. Florida. pcrmutton iu iuy a .w .-.b. , within three days, the accused. I ment to the Dominion Dominion joint jomi ed against indicated that Canada's Frederick Farrington U on , legislative committee of railway 25th Brlgade nas been ln some 0f speedy trial, chalged with retain- ; transportation brotherhoods. ( tne heaviest fighting of the war lnir stolen cigarettes, property; Thp nmmittee. in its annual certatnlv the toughest since Liberals Have Power Meeting Northern British Columbia Jollct Quebec 45 Little Long Lac 75 Lynx 14 Madsen Red Lake 195 McKenzle Red Lake ... .41 McLeod Cockshutt 2.85 Negus 62 Noranda 78.00 Louvlcourt 35 Pickle Crow 170 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn 15 Sherritt Gordon 4.20 Steep Rock 7.10 Silver Miller 1.64 Upper Canada 1.73 Golden Manltou 6.30 IDES- mid-December. ' of Kelly-Douglas CO. Lia.,wnoit- ubmlsslon cMnet ha(J rive this year in anv month ani salcrs. I ot-rt t.ho fpriprfll envernment to arch 30, 1952 offerings. 3:51 Last evening at the chapel of it should be guaranteed adequate "'re to em? -WEATHER- nr. Undertakers there was a 20.5 feet j 17.2 feet I 4 2 feet 16:45 10:29 22:20 ; prayer service at which Rev. latioos estimated" at a cost ot Synopsis An aetivR disturbance whlcji Father O. f . Monan, u.m.i., ui- jou.uuu wniun snouiu uc mauc 8.6 feet 1 take action to protect the railway service ln British Columbia areas where the Sons of Freedom have been active, describing the situation' as grave. The union said they are advised that, within the next two months, there will be "Intensified acts of violence." moved down the British Colum- ficiated. Case, was adjourned until' Tuesday while Mr, Brown will seek to lay a second charge against Farrington of "receiving stolon goods." j Two cases of cigarettes a total of 23.320 which the crown' has introduced as exhibits are alleged to be the property of Kelly-Douglas, and to have been in the hands of Faivrlngton be section of Canad from the Atlantic provinces to the Pacific coast. To transport the heavy month's immigration traffic, the Canadian National will have operated 29 special trains from docksi.i, as well as a number of extra protect the city from possible power shortage within the next year came before the executive of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association at a special meeting mkite Tec Cnmmnns bla coast last night brought strong winds and frequent snow , showers to the north coast. On the south coast, however, tem-: pcratures were more moderate and light rain preceded the Local. Boys For Bisco m Dock Here Could Pay Durir" 'Tk i! " ' ' m,,i car 0" regular trains. ...c jHUjnicwjr v the month the had to body injecting itself ln a matter ... company . AWA (Special tn nail NWllf t.ha stor.m'.. Tne turbf"?e. I' which was primarily the concern " " 7" ZZ IZLV i' I Cellulose pllllf) CP bfO Guard ' Expires f '' 'flf in Room Dnnm Two Juveniles one 14 and the of the city council was discussed. if flr,f,, J move uirougn tne unenoi mu. 1 ?e ,uion would make use of tween November la ana n. RCMP RCMP testified testified, . they they arrested arrested' Farrington Farrington Novembr November 23 23 when when the! he was discovered ce delivering the cigarettes cigarettes to w a a ciuy city cafe cuic owner. uwun.. Jack Clough, then owner or Three Sisters Sc Cafe, told told the thel court court Farrington Farrington had had also also offer offer- 11 ministpr tranennrt urnn H nut , herp vesterdav by Juvenile Court decision to defer making any Advertising TWith Canadian National Railways' A 62-year-old former guard at all the province during the next; -f SlT cSlltS ' l t0 Overhaul their nwn shins t.h an- co unio , - - 'Z" i industrial school. Coquitlam. had time to deal with the matter Prim Ic I nw r ,f ii. . w..., , i"""" "c" w..Hv. n,itv, rpmp ps- iir, " " ed , . him rhivn chocolates, ates. ana ana lorxsier master l"e tt'incP. Riinpvf Am rlrwb- nmilrl be :"'"r "cheau- ing.' He was William Albert Em- Forecast , - .. " " f V"" "t. ,r" u.u. ) for for 6tue le "cneap Mont v m ---r-"-'j .r" fh tt.h;Tni lard of Inlander Rooms. Death North Coast Region - Cloudy, cor u ' ., . ..,.. T " rt,,.. ' , :. (CP) The increase of 0US; ; p ' APP'eWlte, MP for Skeenai"-'jrrZl U assumed due to natural with sunn, r Interval, and: Zr cp. wl3T summons Vesterdav. ' Mrs. David Slater and daugh-1 , . "'w-t - .".;" lQf breaking and enuring, Dan's The matter came before the more more than than 100 100 perc percent in news- - ........ ...v. v. v, nr.rn n faiirarv rip enme to umwiciu uarL ann ram siiuwcio .. r., n... ... . ... ... . ... ter, uaroune, wuu " " ' ! Service tauon ana vni.ulcl Liberal executive ln letter from paper .production in tne last ten ILB. when the dry dock deficit was '!n"'' T 30 0i also hi in i the toe southern smiths par rTart hnth ivs a HAVw( i under dfscuss on the Skeena visiting here for several weeks Prince , Rupert years ago: studlo Tnomas B Black) genera, man. years te low, A. G Muir a, time at Stewart "un"'"8 cool, winds-wortn Island i member drew attention to the with Mrs. Slater's parents. Mr., worked for a -est ager of the.Northern B. C. Power manager of the Hamilton Speo- o 1 Sma" vol-! and Mrs. Floyd Smith, are re-, He left employment of the pulp (20) today light .tomorrow tator, said, when he addressed fact that the defclt for the cur-! hustorio POST Co.wh o emphasized the urgency - Atlanuc rent less.turnlng next week to their nom m.u in u-- - i of there being further ex-, the Hamilton Real Estate 0f, fiscal year was $40,000 n Hardy. 32 an 40: The flrrt Hudson's Bay Com- early Bparo He discussed classified and dis in : ""l' 18 ""ted for l" '?f !ar' , .' , J "X ,M;, - of The Tate Mrs. charge of B.C. Undertakers, will Sandspit and Prince Rupert. '28'pany post at Churchill on Hud- -unot power get.erauon play advertising. the city. 'deflqU TaTrled J. A. SiniUi, who died this week., be announced later: , m and 28. Bay was ou.um