Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. March 29. 1952 to be so provided. There may be no third world war, but if there ever is, it is felt this will not be neglected by the enemy. I ' I C"7 r a i i k i r- a Exciting Program Is Billed for Season s Final Hoop Display Season's awards, two minor league playoffs and a high-tension exhibition match will feature fn the final basketball prog-ram of the season tonight. WATERFRONT WHIFFS ear y for ,, . fruti m Its When a fishermen's leet called at Victoria recently to meet and talk over economic affairs with the government, no fewer than forty of their wives were aboard They report having enjoyed an experience novel as well as stim- ' Wfc.'.W , i , ri ... "Se to catrhaT5'!t A season's Booth Memorial Ulic U L T , IN tW5 . v 1 11 - I championship trophies. In the pee-wee division, Kin High School debate will be settled when senior Bo-Me-Hi Welcome Back, Good Old SS Prince Iiupert-Kearming Coastal Ships Edward meets Helldivers in the TODAY CARY GRANT . r, Rainmakers (Hi-Golds) meet 6:50-9:00 -tooMwroaa intermediate Hi-Greens in a B"mc u wmi-poini series student basketball tussle on the in whlcn Kln Ed eads by 13 , r.. j. j . i.j.i n , ,1 i i r I'nn rrtr cm:i n n th i 1 1 1 i iruiiii I. I 1 1 1 1 Civic Centre floor. - , i""- ; wv,, - ------ The Hi-Onid-Hi-r,repn htt.i! In tne Junior finals, the third irhun fW marv -a vear. the steamshin Prince KUDCrt i Sunday Midnight Only 7 LON McCALLISTER TOTrn bas been selected the feature Bame lllf derlde J champion-j . as p r.lnrr thi, ,vppk t.p,lirnjno. hpr niP between Mansons and was back in ttince luipert tnis weeK, usummg nei : Hodgkinson Leads Jewellers exhibition exhibition attraction attraction 'o fo sunoort support Beavers. Each have a one-game) schedule for the first time since last summer's acci win. dent. the pee-wee.' and jurw league finals. On the bench, coaching the younger students will be Les In Junior Scoring Division "YANK IN KOREA" FLAME C STAMBOL Although Beavers headed all teams in junior basketball league Matthews: for the seniors. Jack or the greatest number of wins in the season. Mansons topped Evans. Even the coaches are re-' heir season's scoring by 159 points, with a total of 387. Leadine! Martin Itjin shipped his one-man street car from Skagway to Seattle, from which city he drove to Los Angeles where he soon made the acquaintance of Mae West, celebrated screen star. There was something about Martin's yarns of the north that Just how many times the Prince Rupert has saikd around the globe, should one wish, to reckon the total mileage of her coastal trips in that way, can be discovered easily enongh. It would make an impressive number of miles. For more than 1 Bell Enters Final Against De Man Rink STARTS MONDAY Uwrnv him A I rv 4he way for Mansons and topping all individual scoring is Alf i discourses" on which team Is the xTN-the high score department are also fZT ', Afnnsnns nlaver.wMnl Anriprsnn a-ith 71 anri vhn,-t no,... a noil 01 DasKetball fans. I LVMLflUr...tillyM,00ta(ftl with 70. fnrtv vears in war and in Deace.i captivated the actress. It had Between the junior playoff and the exhibition came, sea- The final game of a best-of-three final series will be featured onignt between Beavers and Mansons for league championship, son's awards will be presented. Skip Peter Bell's rink bested """" "l.lll.MHS - which trill ln.l,,o c. ,..., Jack Rna hn'ham 1 1 -3 la of YilirK. ' - - - .. . . . ...WUUl. kipUl tOlliatl" " ' ' - ...... . . w uuV tM.lV ship award and the Most Valu- In 'he semi-finals of the high Mostd. Mansons 10 McNeil. Bulgers 9 Pts. . H7 . 71 . 70 in storm and in sunshine, this ,ne touch of a new novelty. The dependable craft with her three I largest daily in Los Angeles funnels of red. white and blue i Panted a half page- picture of and familiar whistle, has been a j Mr- Ililn and Miss West standing feature of northern travel. ' y the street car and looking in- She's good fori another fifty I terested In life as they were years," remarked Captain Eccles j finding it. Itjin has long since Wednesday. ! departed. He sleeps in the hlll- "And we'll be glad to have ' slde cemetery, a, few miles out her," may 'be the unspoken I the road from Skagway, where Bury. Annupciation Letourneau. Annunciation . able Player award; league and school Armstrong Trophy com- petition. Bell meets the De Man ! rink in the finals this afternoon. H Hodgkinson. Mansons M. Anderson. Mansons R. Barnes. Mansons f': Morrison Mnple Leafs 3. Fitzgerald. Annunciation . Clmeiianscn. Beavers . . . . 48 H. MeKav. Maple Leafs 18 D. Husvlk. Bulgers . . . 47 rv-i. Mnwji. Maple Leafs English Cup is Webber. Mansons 46 D. Flood Bulgers . . . Rowbotham rink started out strong with a 3-1 lead then gradually lost it and could not withstand the steady curling and leadership of Bell. Rink mem Forward. Maple Leafs Nelson. Maple Leafs Stanwootl. Bulgers . P"estv. Annunciation Semi-Final thought of old timers dwelling ! Soapy and Commissioner Reid, I "" "' lTr" i ii mn who shot him, also repose. along the shores of Skeena. bers on the winning team were r. Mah. Beavers 42 B. ft. Strand. Maple Leafs . . 42 E. B "TUfeotte. Annuneiatlon 42 B f. Stwrt. Maple Leafs 30 D Hautlcnscliild. Beavers 38 R. S. Yaniamotn. Beavers . 37 M, Tanaka. Beavers 37 D JtoUa.xMansons 30 O. T. Shentcn. Mnple Leafs I 33 F rilack. Mansons 33 It. Snowed Out Peter Bartlett, second; Roy Sle CWfordMoTganB Pcdersen. Beavers 3 1 'umatf. Annunciation 3 Newneld. Bulgers 2 Desornieau. Annunciation 2 Matsuba, Beavers '2 Utinias. Annunciation 1 Arrival of the SS Prince George j here on June 15 will inaugurate j her summer series of ten-day ber, third, and Larry Linklater lead. i Curlers on the Robotham rink, Jens the troller, who spends; most of the winters In and I around Terrace, was in Prince i Rupert yesterday on a brief; business' trip, and expects to mrnnn i Shows 7 - 9:02 Smith. Annunciation besides the skip, were Jimmy ! .u,a "UI 111 BS fT r,. ....j ...... ... .....i..,' There will be sewn Dorts of call. B. E. M Pilford. Bulgers 0 Nakatsu. Beavers 0 Plus , CAItTOON - NEWS " '! lli5,hlll(I nnrtVilviiinH Vnt l ! SOIlll D( hrK fOr ihH KPflSlin and Nilaud Brechin, LONDON (CP) The Football Association Cup semi-final between Arsenal and Chelsea was postponed today because of snow. It was the first time in Football Association cup history that a semi-final match had to be postponed because of weather. rcon lead. kan. Juneau and Skagway. andWnen he isn't fishing, he oper-siithhnnnH a' Wramroii wo iaes a trat line. The tiast. wln- IK. 8edKiek. Bulgers 31 X Smith. Bulgers 31 B DeMan, Bulgers 27 P, Parnell. Maple Leafs . . 21 P. Brcntxcn. Mansons 20 T. NakRtsu. Beavers 17 T. Tolh, Annunciation 1(1 p, Husvik. Mansons 14 G. Forbes. Maple. Leafs 12 .. ' -ini 'ri-n liln0e Lcafs u S. Matsuo. Beaiers G. Delgren. Beavers A. Davidson, Beavers B Tsuchija, Beavers 0 0 0 0 R. Pedersen. Maple Leafs 0 R. Basso. Annunciation 0 TEAM STANDING Mansnna aa7 Blair De Man will skip a rink : cllikarl, Prince Rupert and'ocean ter, so far as the lat.,er is con-composed of Roald Fcncss. third; j Fans ah told there wlll be ' cerned, has not been particularly j Stan Kaardal, second, and Billy j ejght cruises. New and luxurious ' active. Beavers were compara- ' Greene, lead. In a secondary ; the Prince George ranks among lively few. competition played down last ! .n finest, afloat nnrl It. I ntilw tn t.MJ.S TUO.IY 7: - 9: STERLING HAYDEN in 'FLAMING FEATHER j. aaviue. Bulgers u: iVioren. Beavers 1U Beavers 228. Maple Leats' 227. Bulgers 10 126. Annunciation 120. Try a DAILY NEV.'S classified j night, Kaardal won 9-3 against Husvlk. INIJIBBBIBIBI THE LOVES OF PANDORA rrn k IN FLAMING TECHNICOLOR! 91 a m m a : Wallaces NEW Millinery Department be expected that virtually all of 1 Although he did not get back her accommodation for the to business until he had figured whol list of voyages Is taken 'n a bus accident.- 'Dutchy" up. Martin, halibut fisherman of ; many a years' experience, is ' he wlll be at sea again -wnfident r.,1, ,11.11,1. (. nv tih.-itv TKL.IT I ; thg ypar ft8 usua, j,e hag gpent The fisheries treaty with . part- of the winter In Holland, : Japan does not enjoy the un- , hir native land, and It ".as while qualified support of Frank Cald- j in Seattle, enroute to his home, i Filmed by M-O-M in actual loction 2" fJ on the love -swept shores of the JL . s Castellan. Is asy Winner romantic Mediterranean ! .JS J:- 5 r : -- :th If v-- ---5 1 J. U: .,-HS f- NEW YORK Oi Sharp-shoot- Ing Rookv Castenanl of Lucerne ! er' CCF member for Atlin In the that he suffered a head Injury.! Pa., piled up a big lead Friday Provlncla' legislature. He was recently, reported to be! YOU'LL LOVE THE WAY YOU LOOK IN OUR i ' "I 1 would oppose ue '" tht signing 'S'"R of ' making making a satisfactory night and then withstood a blaz- . u'.u recoveiy any treaty with Japan until ii i lb 1 ing late rally by Johnny Bratton am fully convinced that the i vie Kobler. fisherman. Is get-rights and privileges of Cana- i ting along in yea's, but that does ' j dan fishvrmen are completely ' not mean he isn't n ItP. n fur a. f &m aim i immn ip i i h i i u i. n ihmw "i iare?uarried." he declared recent interview. in a . catch a. ever. He is 73. He has been in hospital at Aiort Bay for a while. His boat was smashed to gain an upset, unanimous tea round decision over :hc Chica-gcan in Madisoa Square Garden. Castellanl, 18 to 5 unde-dos. -iic! ':4;,4 to Bratton 's Hockey Scores Pacific Coast s Victoria 3. New Westminster 2 ffl u III prtitvU he spectacular roviaKi! at Cormorant Island, but he managed to replace it. In many respects this has been a mean winter but he refuses to admit Tourists, when they journey north, arc hungry for the unusual. Each has a keen eye for what Is nowl. and If there is a James Mason-Ava Gmm lauRh, anywhere, so much the ! defeat. He Is 'still a flsnerman. fluvcwa cuvllta ftyDuti better. It's what so manv watch &ni active at that. when sauntering through ! (Best of seven semi-final th-d for i m 0 Jir colon r . TECHNICOLOR Prince Rupert or when getting : REARMING COAST SHIPS 1-1 Tacoma 6. Seattle I iTacoma I Dltler acquainted witn Juneau I Ottawa has appropriated half i a million dollars to arm deep sea lead? best of five quarter-final aua Say. 2-0) MONDAY to WEDNESDAY TOTEI ! ! land coastal craft. Ships total- j It was Martin Itjin of the llnK 151 tons will be equipped I latter camp who provided tht; wItn defensive gear against i maximum of amusement. He had magnetic mtnes, and strength-! converted his automobile into an ened to carry gun platforms. At Western Canada Allan Cup Srmi-Final Trail 4. Edmonton 2 (Best of seven scries tied 1-1 1 F.vrnlnr Sliuwx 1: 9:05 n.m. kmiih s Vi .-.'rHIsTll enlarged vehicle which became 1,ast thirteen coastal steamers Phone Red 1'JO today for reservations on "CurUin l j I known as 'he "Skagway Street ' the CNR, the CPR and he iCai." It called at all spots made Union line fleets are expected 2), 'ante j notorious by Soapy Smith end i other sourdough celebrities. Mar-Uln always had a special story for each. He had a genius for (bringing ' . things up to . date. FOOTBALL MEETING Frlnce Rupert Football Asso cla'lon annual general meeting 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Legion auditorium. 77cj I't'idi so I'rcllily EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd. EXPLORATION DEPT. will be located in new offices above Wallace's Dept. Store Entrance on Fulton St. off 3rd Ave. A bi-monthly event which has l""e w,as an nswer 10 every swept the 'teen-agers of Prince qucry luH!s Patrons-and there Rupert with Its popularity is the )YCre thusands Jjon ? over the coitinen.-did not look for Friday night 'teen dance at the Civic Centre. Last night was no ! n'uch !" the way ot service-but on lour icnj innr Hun-Do I exception of iU fast gaining at- ! "'ey u,u "riainment. j.n.-r hcic 51V- i ccii uiiu iiiuie j humor than any had known in i months. i j tendance as 150 students and j friends danced for two-and : half hours., ' i o And for your happy new-scoson selection we've a beautifully complete array of crisp new straws and felts dressed up in the flowers and gay finery of Springtime. Come see! ON SALE TUESDAY. APRIL 3 BASKETBALL TONIGHT FINALS 7:00 p.m. Juvenile KImk Ed vs Helldivers 1:'t p.m Junior Manson's vs Beavers (lust game of 2 out of 3 8:30: Presentation of Trophies 8:50 Inhibition Hi-Green ( Intermediate i vs Hl-Gold (Senlori B ! The dances, organized by the Civic Centre Teen Club two j months ago, were first held in i the small gym but attendance i has Increased so much that more J j room was required and last night a j the first dance was held in the ! auditorium. ! Music was supplied by records, I purchased or loaned by the club, I and a popular part of the night's J - program was given to playing m request numbers. : With several High School teachers and Civic Centre Dir- WALLACE'S ( y 1 X .V DEPT ST ORE - t -t Ml BETTER FAST! f "ctor Jack Stirn attending, the event was described as very pleasure-giving. Several younger 'teens also attended, the dance, with ,14 nnd 15-year-old boys being very formal In their bowing and requesting the pleasure of. the young ladies'' company in a dance. Most popular tunes 3DDcamrl v STEAM krt Prince Rupert RIGERAT0R USED CARS FOR SALE SPECIALS to be slow fox trots standards j and waltzes, with the novelty schottischc playing a prominent! part. It appears that tccn-agcrs have fallen away from the mora ! SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday -U 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WHIVV.SKAV MIDMGIIi C'oiiifort and Service demonstrative type of "jive" ; dancing that was an evident ' j rage In the late Second World 19-11 International 'Ji-ton I'unel l!ll!) Austin Panel 1948 Ford Panel 1911 Ford Sedan 1917 Austin 8 .Sedan 1911 Morris 8 Sedan 1937 Tcrraplane Sedan 1343 Ford Sedan 1918 Thames Ford) Panel 9 cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 8'2 cu. ft. Refrigerator, with frozen food compartment $41 1.50 war period and for several post- war years. ! Included In the executive ' a 8' cu. ft. Refrigerator $382.00 Tor Reservations Write or Call CITV OR DKPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. R C. Northern B. C Power Co. L id. : which arranged the dance and i gave- service were "Popcye" : Kristmanson, Ross and Rcna i ! Ingram, Danny McAphce. Teach- 1 : ers present included R. H. David- i 'son. Les Matthews and Misses' i Elaine Maynard and Ball. j Next dance, which is to be 1 held after Easter will be the : Easter Ball complete with decor- j ations, refreshments and prizes. I Parents . and friends of Teen I Club members will be invited. I Superior Auto Service Besner Block Phone 210 B.C. Limited Prince Rupert, Stewart, B.C. Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 This advertisement is not nublishcu r alsM C" !i-lrol Board or by the Government ol