. "V PnriCc Kupci i buily iNew; Saturday, March 29, 19o2 MUSIC . . . DRAMA . . . ART . . . BOOKS d Cuts, the wood'shows, giving an interesting texture. The wood engraving being done on the end grain of some hard close grained wood such as box-ogd, is tree from danger of chipping, &o meticulous work can Classical Research Jo I lon-ls.uAAiQnS Children's Records by Record Guild ' CINDERELLA (Prokofieffs) 10" 78 R.P.M. ,. THREE LITTLE PIGS 10" 78 R.P.M. RIP VAN WINKLE 10" 78 R.P.M. ALICE IN WONDERLAND 45 and 78 R.P.M. ANM MANY OTHERS at pgrapnb healing MOSCOW (AP) Stalin prizes in literature were given today tr! Seven non -Russians the first time prizes went outside the doviet Union. Among the 104 awards, one went to Russian composer DmKri ; I A MtnSlTMMPB Nir.HT'R ! , . I ' I ' v ' S ) i r ... . i'.'I f - i 1 , r--- H ! fD1?lir HlnnJnlrMt.nl 111, be done with a variety of fine tools that scratch and gouge the surface. Such fine .shadings of jrtys can be obtained with olo.se parallel or criss crossed llne.s, that the wood engraving is often called the more refined of the so woodcuts and the Berlin Pnilharmonlc Or-, . chestra, Fcrenec Fricsay oon- : ) , ;,.-Uii(! me every of Shostakovich for his eompoji-; tion of 10 poems for chorus. He pnvironme.H ducting. two types of prints, At the age of 17. Mendelssohn aot a second place award of 4 f t (v Woodblock prints are used In i composed the overture to Shake- national sur-nare , their included many , which will nPPal Artsa-iclCra'U 50,000 rubles ($12,500 at the Ru.- i slan-set official exchange rate'. ! jorne books. They can be print 9 ML (Shostakovich has been de- i speare's "Midsummer . Night's Dream," Opus 21, which was the result of an extraordinary sen Centre next nounced frequently on the! i the Civic grounds he has strayed from the : Phone 100 ed ea.sily along with type, and the wood stands up to a larga printing. If done by a good arti.st the blackness of the print blends with the thickness of the line of the type making a very unified and artistic whole. Opposite Totem Theatre from the School of ion-toviei winners were au-! sArls. i.A Mexico Mexico I'liy. lithographic lithosra pnn'-8 i triors of works translated into 'I M S -.'JV'-,-')' !. V . i ,irh activities Russian. AU these awards were if tf a j" W of second and. third prizes. ; Easter Parade sitivity to the unique qualities of the Shakespeare play. For even a mature composer, much less a boy of J7, the work was astonishing In its remarkable evocation of the play's atmosphere. Sixteen years Utter, ill connection with a series of plays to be presented, the King of Prussia commissioned Mendelssohn to produce complete incidental Four of the foreign winners 1, junk caecum 'uJ one print shows ljns.ma.n form of re- were Chinese. French writer A I.ITUOGKAPU To make a lithograph the artist draws on a nu piece ol porous limestone with a. greasy lithographic pencil. The stone Li of , Andre Steele won a second prize Vi i . J "Iff for his novel "First Blow." Third Novelties prizes were awarded to two Hungarians. . . m int tia ' tnen we'ted- The greasy pencil lock print is P,M' : drawing repels the water but will .-tie frm a , i pick up ink, whereas the uncov- FRO.M HERE TO ETERNITY -nigh on Wrh a Pjered portion of the stone absorbs EASTER CARDS, BASKETS, BUNNIES By James Jones One of the ' ittn cut. wiii ie ! water. so making it repel ink. Ii music for "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The composer went to work and the overture he had composed In 1826 was to play an important part in the new work. It would be used intact as an' in a pwrturc ! follows then, that rh- paper is most Impressive novels which we have read in years. Many fc4- mle r hi,-, placed over the stone it ptciu up will rank it vlth the besti AND A HOST OF OTHER LOVELY EASTEJt GIFTS Be sure 1? see the Window Display at ' , ..re leit piuuMii" ;""-. , ink only from the pencil ed line ink. work' of Dreiser, Herniiigway,l take the V Of the drawing. A ainc plate. ,: dwired cH-.v , ab.sorhs water, often I r ..w fnltirpc ttiitria In rA'nr rvintino- ... W1 incii ui garrison ine m tne months before Pearl Harbor of their loneliness and the women they seek; of their unspoken .varti df the Dirtuie K J ' . 7 ' , r oiner music. Many critics nave . tha nut nee. need o luke U tnturI t'i'- b,ut effect U of the the Intere.stnis stone W e0mWninMhe held tna, the youthful unlt' 0, Mendel- ,t e ln TOTEM POLE GIFT SHOP 211 Sixth Street missing. RELIGIOUS ART Theodore Baran, from the Ukraine, came to Saskatoon after two years in Poland and four years in a displaced persons1 camp in Germany. Trained as an artist he has done a number of religious paintings in Greek Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches in Saskatchewan, since his arrival. (CP PHOTO) ft woodcuts and wood R. H. comradeship and the savage feuds of men living close to I s For the wooucui uir I I nf the wood is used awnii oi ibo vo me Menaeissonn of 1843 is the result fit a perfectly controlled technique and singular objectivity. The fact remains, however, COLORFUL POSTERS COPENHAGEN (CP) Dairies fee wood engraving the ''here pnmmLvsionpd 20 wfH- n ror wuouiuis gether; of their sardonic humor,1 1 their wild nights on the town.; and the poignancy of Taps play-. ed in the melting Hawaiian ; I darkness. "Written with merci- ; j less clarity for adults and not : isuaiy useu '""'"s - known Danish artLsts to execute "1' ic"uwwiui ivuicms vi ts then an uie murals far 20 big gatile walls iiityustic development were never All These and Many More RECORDS I cut out with a .small The artists may 1s0 unease as inose 01 me cnar Juniors Preparing For Forthcoming Hobby Show lor teen-agers," says John Mar-; quand, ". . . but definitely the: work of a major novelist." ; :,eooacut leuu ' paint what they wish so long as I Hack and white masses, tne sIogan ..Milk Gives Health" Kith considerable free- ; u wrltlcn ln 0lle corner. M artut changes the i orks out the picture auLtrnsiic romaniic composers. He found an expressive language (o his innate lyricism when he was young, and form concerned him only in that it should supply a suitable frame for uls special lyric qualities. This present LP recording on at If you want to sell it, advertise Often the grain of It. News classified. McRAE BROS. LTD. Most of the craft work done by all classes at the! Civic Centre these days is in preparation for the; hobby show, April 5 to 7. Especially busy have been j the junior girls' and boys' departments. J A new craft was Introduced j : 1 ' Decca Gold Label, with Ferenec Fricsay conducting the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, is com Platter Parade by DICK WESCH Monday to the junior girls with j plete except for a certain amount of musical material tne use 01 rama. oin jwaneia 1 Ferguson and Ann Chris-j supporting dialogue and characterization. Two choral numbers are presented by the Rias Chamber Choir with Rita SU'ekh.aud Diana Eustrati soluk-.s. SONGS OF THE VELD Record- Reading Machine Speeds Students ANTIOONISH, N.S. Stu dents at St. Francis Xavier Uni slated for top popu-j have a fine arrangement of the e ap;n are '1 Hear alold favorite. "I ll Never Smile i.wi i ii Waik A:uiU'."! Again" (Mercury); Dean Mar- tensen made hot pads and were j pleased with their work. Other ! girls in the class were busy with J work started last week. ! Diane Forman completed her shopping bag; Margaret Cable wound colored wool on her flower vase bottle, and Marina Pos- y is from the new pic-! tins "frewy as a riciure an-i n by Night, and should l ed by Josef Marais and His i versity here are being taught to K.iy ftninony S inere nie outu Things" (Capitol), and Don Cherry's "Take Me Back" (Deccai. Two of the nation's :;e most popular 01 me A Sinatra gives a styl- i Bushveld. South Africa, like America, i? read faster by a machine. trmance on the number a country where many races So far, the "reader rater," as the collegians call it, is still in tule and Innes Macphee dui weaving. All are eager to complete their projects for the top vocalists, Billy tcKsune ana b,lu,k and whlte, have mingled. r line waxinss by Ar-ock i Deccai, Fran Wa.'-M, Norman Kaye and Sarah Vaughn, team up w ao The earllest settlers were Dutch the experimental stage but professors report that definite im you 't , - t Ml k. A. ' . i ', , "J,, " i - i 1 .; i 4 t 4' Jl ' "' ' ' e -m 't I ' 1 '1 ,1 ! ,.. : :.. r," . -t, 4 J . 'I II t " I I t ' , It A , "'- , it v. I i, . hH. J tt- ' "': I-.'. J -4 . : . 1 y . 6 r. :" 1 ' K ' 1 V,- ! the old favorite, "I Iove Popular Records Long Ploy Available by tb l9.U0wi.ap popular artists: Kqy Starr Patri Page Mills Brothers Al Jotlsan Ink Spots Bing Crosby - Carmen Cavallaro Jerry Gray Frankie Laine Available at RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC or Boers, followed by French hoooy snow. Hugoenots, English, Scots and' The junior provement has been shown in boys' class in i.ony ibnth Capitol i , an.l , , LP RELEASES La Jroviata Complete Toscanim with Licia Albanese ana" cast A Treasury of Easter Songs Robert Show Chorale LP POPULAR Jazz Band Ball Eddie Condon Blue of the Night .: B Cosby Earl Hines Jazz Mercury 78 R.P.M. POPULAR Blue Tango Leroy Anderson Belle of the Ball Perfidia Four Aces You Brought Me Love Please Mr. Sun. Tommy Edwards Where I Mav Live With My Love Eggbert The Easter Egg Giselle McKenzie Benny the Bunny WESTERN The Tale a SoWier Told : E. Britt Kiss Bv Kiss . . ' ' . One More Ride . : Hank Snow The Mystery of No. 5 leather work, for those aged 11 j most cases. Day i Victor i. j I iMGM). NATION'S HONOR ROLL ;OF HITS j. 1 Wheel of Fortune. JKay i Starr. 'ilk Alone" Is featured i new Susan Haywarc! or over, is the busiest place in j Harry R. Lent, the university the Centre Wednesday nights. , registrar, found that many stu-Last minute touches also are j derits entering college' were' being added to projects by thejp00I.y trained in the rudiments junior woodworking class? Boys ; of reading. He asked physics f'.th a Song in My Heart Germans. The Boer Influence remained dominant and through the years the language spoken by the early Dutch farmers persisted, gradually evolving into a kind of dialect or "Plat Hollands" known as "Afrikaans." spoken or understood by all peoples in South Africa. South Africa Is primarily a who have taken projects nome ; D1 ofessor William Reid to con- which they completed at the struct a machine similar to one 2 Cry, Johnny Ray. 3 Tell Me Why, 4 Aces. 4 Any Time, Eddy Fisher. 5 Blue Tango, Leroy Anderson. 6 Please, Mr. Sun, Johnny Ray. lire story of Jane at this writing there fine discing.? of the Burt Taylor for Colum- a wonderful perform -n the other three re- by Patty Andrews Richard Haye.s iMer- Centre have been asked to bring 1 them to their classes this com-jing week for final touches of farming country and the varie scattered iu" u V?. " . VZL gated population is fi by Don Cornell on his being tried out in United Spates colleges. The machine consists of an electric motor geared to move an aluminum cover at varying speeds, thereby forcing the student to read faster and elimiB-ating min,d-wandering. Students take the test cue hour a week for six weeks, and over what is known in South Africa as "the veld." The term jin me itauieiwuii ucuan,-me.nt, Rodney Pearce successfully completed a combination Jl release. 7 Little White Cloud That Cried, Johnny Ray. 8 Slow Poke, Pee Wee King. 9 Blacksmith Blues, Ella Mae Morse. I MBERS vC.u ta Bppi.ru w B.cv d Iolding purse an flat expanse of land, broken J ,.. useiui ,fi JV IS A GUY - Advance 10 Bermuda, Bell Sisters. ndicate this tune isi inexpensive but very item. Drawing is to be made April 1 on the raffle being held in lor a landslide. Two THIS WEEK'S ARTIST each trial is followsd by a comprehension test. ADVERTISING IN THE DAiLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS connection with the Hobby i Show. ions are by Doris Day j f and Ella Fltgerald j ONE - With four discs! ta date the novelty is ! 3i8 and fast. Two Col-! BILLY MAY A most distinctive sound and beat mark the unusual dance music of Billy May. May's new band is being acclaimed as the hottest entry in the music business. He conies up with an Individual sound, only by undulating "kopjies" or little hills. From this region has come a wealth of 'delightful folk lore and folk song, to which all the many races have contributed something although the dominant flavor is Boer and the language "Afrikaans." Josef Marais was born on a sheep farm in the Bushveld. Ho showed special apptitudes for music in his early years, and in Capetown the young Josef gained much of his basic musical DIVIDING CHANNEL , Cook Strait, separating the north and south islands of New NITRATE SOURCE Two ot the northern provinces prsions are the original sunders and the power which could be responsible lor duced 95 per cent of the world's j Zealand, is only 16 miles wide at supply of nitrates. I its narrowest part. ue Laine-Jo Stafford ' rpstfirinir the hand business to -'-winner two by Phil I what it was ten years ago. HW 'he Bell Riir n, . .. and Tnmm,. r. 1 Lixe many names new 10 me lommy Dorscy on public BUly hfts been promlnent training. At 20 he went to Lon-; t rtn onH t.h f'nnt.inpnt. t.n rnn- : IMPORTANT DATES Onward unci lpward Ii' 1 Door c I n tne muslc proiession ior a --ULE The Mod- 1 number of vears. He has scored tinue his studies. Marais is the first South Af- j rlcan to attempt an English I f their years of j for some of the biggest bands " '"" around: unarne tiarnei, uieen translation of these African , m up wltb a fine Mm Aivlnn Biv Tn addition. ! at the 01 the Old Stiinrllirrf I K U.'. H In roHin songs. He has tried as far as possible to keep the original spirit, although he admits that in many cases it is quite impos- sible to do justice to piquant ; tBR0H, PENNSYL- Gy Mitch. hi famous "Roving comes .:.u . broadcasting studios where he worked on many of the nation's leading shows, including Red Skelton and Duffy's Tavern. He now appears regularly as the conductor of the band on the Ozzie and Harriet Nelson program. The father of two young daughters, 1 Billy May fell nat Afrikaans expressions in the; English language. However, he ; has succeeded admirably ln r$-1 2 t0r Popularity "WI rati. CIVIC CENTRE ARTS AND CRAFTS DISPLAY April 5th, 6th and 7th tainine the naive simplicity and i P jookcys. on the f ne hniinj ..... . the peculiar flavor which make j , taicning these little songs so attractive. Guy For lovers of folk songs, Volumes """in rne '" h ii, lh Sawdust Heart. I and II by Joseph Marais will prove a source of continuous ALBUM urally to his assignments of writing and arranging music for children's albums. . The new Billy May Instru . Advancement in civilization calls for continual effort on "the part of all, which in itself gives satisfaction. . , This, page on Music, Art and Literature tells, of men and women who not only derived satisfaction from their work, but contributed a never failing source of pleasure to the world. Danny Thomas 7 -wion and his or- '" a flno . mental, tops with listeners and dancers alike, run from "pop" tunes like "Charmaine" and "Unforgettable" to oldies like new Col- EDDIE'S ROSES... - ted inn.. . . "All of Me" and "My Silent Love." Many fans find the moat Get your Eddie's Roses NOW K"1 "The enjoyment in his original compositions, "Fat Man Boogie" and "Lean, Baby." Other fine May recordings are "Silver and Gold," "When I Take ds's s Whoopee!" S-L -wcetneart, "My it?.''. All select named varieties &fcfi$. a Girl." My Sugar to Tea." "When My DP Vr.,. COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED arid RECONDITIONED Fhona Black 389 210 4th Street "Ain't Wn f Coursp th r" See Yo'u in Also order your Bl'I.BS, GLADIOLI Kfr" RECORDS: THE ' s : r DAILY NEWS j stronfrpKt. ." the Sugar Walks Down the Street," "I guess I'll Have to Change My Plans," and his latest, "Always and "There Is No Greater Love." All of these numbers are on the Capitol label. Besides his own on records, the "May Way" of making music can also Be heard ln the background when you hear some of Capitol records' top vocalists. PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS Box 516 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 Mtl and orchestra,