WHITEHALL NOTEBOOK Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, January 18. 1952 r trr ?K r" rr-, Welder Suffers Burns by Faulty Torch "" JU-wuh 1 1 flafa Prejudice Factor in Economy '.Li I A 58-yeur-old bollerm.iker and welder for Canadian National Railways here suffered severe By ALAN HARVEY iuuulian I'rrss fcSU.IT Writer LONDON - Of all the urobleiiw confronting este ?fA""00" i o me nose ui an uuuLjicne whu .. t contemporary Britain, none reveals the perversity of he was using came off the cyi-1 JNn 4 " 4 inder. human relationships more clearly than the prejudices which prevent Italian miners from contributing to western recovery. o. ....... .,i ulc,hri,ai newspaper articles, that a " - ' V if - s f t!' w - In Prince Rupert General Hospital in good condition Is A. J. "Bert" Teng, 037 Ambrose Avenue, with fjcond-degree burns to face and stomach region. Teng told ambulance driver? the full blast of flame hit him in the stomach -when the hose suddenly became detached. Then he had to run through a bali ol ON KEMANO RUN Union Steamship Co. has now placed its liner Camosun on the Kemano run northbound. The steamer Chilcotin also calls there. complex of factors Is involved. The miners don't want to share hard-won benefits with outsid-c s. Television in the miner's cottage is the symbol of a new prosperity, and pvrhaps a new story of frustration: Europe needs coal. Britain has the coal but hasn't the men to dig it. Italy has a pool of 2.000,000 ui.vmployed. many of whom are uathelically eacer to work in llame to e.scape the intense heat : British mine.r But The BHtish ' b.ato.h.'ouYTf r. ill0e'Cal "hat" admitly no c.'U-! trol. The welder was workin3 at the round house. I labor for FLOOD WATFRS RISE Unoccupied summer co lages wjre flooded when the SI Lawrer-. overflowed the north shore just cast of Mont 'oil island, borne families in nearby to fled to higher ground but damage was not ex ject 'd to be extensive. 'Cp pt. : reasons, won't take them. alone puff industry. Some think the BLACK GOLD . i Italians don't have to pay income the im- tax Others claim they are lazy Everybody agrees on had pounded off one ot t portance of the coal, Britain's and unambitious. cnors. Lal.T a nicssagp Pamir said the wpa moderated and she t resume her vojMKr witi, 1 U. r........ ..... "black gold and keystone or her prosperity since the Indus-; trial revolution. Another 20,000,- Chinook Gales fW' SWeepAlbertalas ROMANTIC ANtiLK There ore even romantic factor:;, says an article In the Yurk- School for Dangerous Car Drivers arrived here by airmail late yesterday. "My uncle, David Campbell-Johnstone, has promised to cooperate with me in deciding what to do with it when I die," Mrs Hurley said. "Unless the Communists have occupied Great Britain when I die it will be returned there." Mrs. Hurley was presented with the heart recently as a wedding present from her husband, 64-vear old Thomas Hurley, dean of Vancouver lawyers. The heart was held up for some time by English customs and was not released until it wa.; shown it had "practically no value." Relative Gets Hart of Royalist Scot VANCOUVER (CP) The heart of Montrose, which has arrived in Vancouver, will be returned to Great Britain after the death of its owner. Mrs. Ihcmas Hu.-ley, direcL descendant of the Scottish Marquis of Montrose who was handed, drawn and quartered 300 years ago, said today the hemt . i.c ! v.qup oarx ! a burg for Rio de Janeiro the ecjiiomy. As it is, the country ", "' ""T ; that the country that once was LET1IBRIDOE (CP) Chinook: j" iu wun a caruo oH , hostility to the Italians would . have sent D. H. Lawrejice hurry- I the world's greatest producer now has to import coal fiom the United States. nig away to write a new novel. 1 VANCOUVER (CP) A police Thonsnnrls nf miners whn havp . i , j .Th.ere l'.tVI ,C.l: "5 nevei seen an Italian regard him d ',. ha. b(,en fiUBCesteKd bv angles. Sweden, for instance, winds averaging 40 to 60 miles! DEAL, England r The four- oi ccn. rn. the txiys n, per hour and gustlng to more ; masted German bark Pamir, one are training for th 1 1 than 100 In half-minute period.1 of the last of the big sea-going marine. Gales . raiting an. j yesterday ripped through south- j wind-jammers, today rode out cvei the British Isles itoj western Alberta. i the North Sea gale which had pi"g tc shelter today. There were no immediate rc-;senl "fe boala scudding to her .1 re-cuc. . It U no more difflculv.J porta of any extensive damage to buildings Trash cans were ' Tlle VCl,scl 5 cadets, 40 plants Indwrs from sm I blown along downtown Lelh- Germans, four Brllains and one ir tc bake a cake Butjai tariri"e strppts Pliht nf Trans- ' Italian, and 46 crew members portant to follow inwj as an amorous tenor with a Alderman Birt Showier. Mr. fondness for ice cream and fchcwlcr made the suggestion in women.' his annual report as chairman oi ired to get her coal from Britain. Now she has t!o look to Poland. In return, the Swedes send im. tsriusn aversion seems an , the Traffic and Safety Commit machine tools which would come the more remarkable when con tee of the B.C. Automobile As- I" nauuy uns sioe ui ure uuu tiasteri wlt.h th, hpart-hronlrinv ........ ...... ...... curtain. rnthiwinsm nf iho Tiniinn, n ' . . ' 'V . . ' ! Onnnrln Air t.lnps werp mnrpiiprf aboard had radioed an urgent you undertake to dolt. He; said such is British miners are said to be reports suugest that the new- ......... ."', ; 1. LTt A ........ .. ". .,': a .. plan ' ... .1.. - ., ttnl ',: Outside Ontxlrf. the t.h. rttv city, highways hi.i,.v..n(i' and tor "'l' aUt1' nwvy seas uirecuons wen. . i-pnsnnnhlp f. ipn.llu men with a mr. hu nmm., '""- "- ted States. slJe roaas were arutea over by ui,... c n ....,' 'n-'"8 snow which reduced visibility to half mile or less. Motorists, unable to see further ' also addressed the meeting. He said there was little hone of a respect for international soli- acteristic: an astonishing capac-daiity. Why do they object to ity for work. w:rk-nmtes from Palermo or The recruits already here, aged Naples? If seems clear, from belwcvn 18 and 31, take in stride talks with union officials and i such difficulties as a 10-wek politicians and from magazines ! course in basic English. But .... : fewer tnan j poo Italians have reduction In taxes for automobile! than a ear length In the blinding owners In the forseeablc future. I snow, turned on their headlights. Harry Duker was eelcted pres- WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ' : Expansion Sale j Now in Progress : 5 Store wide at Z WALLACE'S of Course incnt of the a.ssoclation. He sue been accepted. If you wart to iCll it, advertise it. News classified. ceeds Fred G. Brown. Everett Irwin was elected vice-president, succeeding Duker. Fly-Fishing Rights Hit Auction Block By JOHN MOSHER Prairie Man Collects an Armed Force STEAM trt Prince George Egypt Denounces Churchill's Call For Token Troops PARIS y A spokesman of Egypt's United Nations delegation SAILS FOR ,' Vancouver JEFF CHANDLER EVELYN KEYES ramp mm 1 Canadian Press SUII Writer WINNIPEG (CP)-An -interna-FREDERICTON CP If it fol- tional army stands in this prairio lows previous patterns, the pub- capital, ready to attack with ar-11c auction of angling leases in miery and fixed bayonets. Winter Comes . . . Can Spring Be Far Behind? TODAY ond SATUIT Alf CARTOON - NLWS said here today Egypt would Mput Hrnncujipu tt'l 1 hp a nfimi'T ill t,.. i ' ........ .... our u.L'ii; a i.u I r'il.s. )n lur . . .... .. I'venincs Shows 7 - 9:05 "" V Saturday Matinees 2 - 4:25 -A l-'AMOI S Pl.AYMIh Ul'I and Inlermecliale PorU 1 Each Thursdoy 1 at 11:15 p.m. j For KETCHIKAN I WMLNiiSIMY !M!fM(ilH I Luxury ul Low Cost i i For Rcsl-1 valions i And . . . Spring Cleaning! affair in the old legislative Canadian defence officials to be 1 " lTrZT budding here March ,2. i a'armoc, The army includes 38 The umque sale, held every 10 regmirnts from eight counUiB. , (.,.,.,,. ,nvltaUon U) wnd years attraets a variety of bid- but it takes up no n.ore room ! ()kf. f),m,8 , u SuM Cana, ders for the nghu to cast .their tl.au the tops of five- card' The spokesman said that fl.es in some of the worlds best tables. -! Churchill's invitation to send angling waters. The "army ', is nothing more : such forces "constitutes a new Wealthy United States sports-: than an extra large collection ! attack on the sovereignty of men, or their nattily dressed of metal soldiers. Commander-: Enypt." Write or Call CITY OK DI.POT OI-HtL PRINCE RUPERI. BC. BOB wrov THe:C rqcKin' Morocco RAY t&VQRfTE SPY T0D1T legal representatives, rub shoul-1 m-cnier is a-year-old Grant l Churchill said In his address Hopkins wit h his father acting; To Congress yesterday, "It Is no as second-in-command. ioniser-for us alone to bear the The collection was started by whole burden of maintaining the Grant's father while Ire served j freedom of the famous waterway a" an aeronautical engineer with ; It would enormously aid us in the RCAF. He picked up many I our task if even only token forces of the pieces travelling through- I of ether partners were stationed ders with gum-rubbered, mac-inawed guides who hope to pick up good fishing stretches for a minimum expenditure. However, many of the stretches a stake in the auction represent, pleasure for only the rich. 1 rC SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF LINOLEUM l.arsc Color Variety I!e -oleum, Consoleum "Gold Seal" English frit base canvas back inlaid ' Canadian inlaid in tile patterns from 95c to $4.00 per souare yard A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A Good Place To Buy For Over a Quarter Century" Stf 3rd Avenue Phone 775 7 - p.m. MATI.NKK SAT. - 2 p.m TOTEM KuiMotu flutr Tliratrr Prices for some sections of the out Canada and the United 1 LOCAL TALENT lii the Canal Zone as a symbol of the resolution of the purpose which inspires us." The Egyptian spokesman Ma-hmoud Azmi Bey read out a statement which challenged Churchill's claim that Britain was only in thj Canal Zone. to safeguard- world commerce. R'-st louche River range up to States. tt-OOC. The lowest price is $100 The complete collection com-i for a stretch of Indian Lake, prises 1,590 foot soldiers plus; Stretches of the Kedgwick River equipment of the modern-day will bring up to $4,000 or more. aimy.- One scaled-down field Conducted by the provincial niece shoots small projectiles i department of lands and mines, and emits a belch of smoke. the sale of salmon and trout NOTABLE AltRAY j angling leases is for exclusive Th'j army has In Its ranks such ; angling rights on numerous colorful figures as the Bengal 1 rivers and lakes where they arc Lancers, Togoland Warriors, ' bordered by crown-owned land. Welsh Guards, French Legion- VARIETY CONCER Rum stories... SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - CIVIC B' LITTLE THEATRE The 10-year leases will expire n&'rcs. United States Marines and many Scot regiments.. It probably is the only peace-! time army which Includes five: Russian cavalrymen. The only' country known to have an army! Mavcn i, Lesees are re stricted to surface fly fishing with rod and line. Some clubs, whose membership comprises wealthy U.S. residents, v T ' . and not represented is Czecho- i d'.-n't have to worry about the s'ovakia. yi ji o- auctions. Years ago they bought Tni-S ran ('a-s"y b(! changed by ; the proprietary rights for certain 1"olfi"K up tJhe,conoct data 0,1 ' , . , uniforms and doing a quick re- i angling s. retches at great ex- modelling Job with paint I mv mi -m i . , CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM o Tonight . : si ; pense. IP? ADMISSION - Non -Members Members Reserved 1.0U & .75 M & .(ill Adult Rush .50 .4(1 Student Rush .35 .Z (.1 OKt.K DAW ICS AUCTIONEER Phone Green 81(1 and Red 1TJ PAARL At diiyier, your family and friends will enjoy the warm hospitality of Paarl South African Dry Red Wine. It', a distinctive wine, dcli- . . i . . ,i . . Grant says the collection requires a lot of leg work to lib-' railes to find historical data. He lias magazines listing 10.000 collectors with more than 1,000 pieces. Ashton McDown of Pennsylvania is the largest collector in the United States with 10.000 pieces worth an estimated $20,-000. Canada's largest collection is owned by Maj. W. J. Mac-Oougald of Montreal and Winnipeg Fred Hemswerth Returns to City Fred Hemsworth, former provincial government resident engineer here, revisited this ciLy today enroute to Stewart. He left last spring on transfer as East Kootenay resident engineer but in November gave up the job U: go Into private business. J ui y , .jj FESTIVAL MUSIC and DRAMA "By the great Horn Spoon, those were gales," said the hosun. "Not only could we not round the Horn, but the fury of the elements was driving us backwards up the coast of America. Only by the unusual feat of using the bowsprit as a rudder could I keep us from perishing on those inhospitable shores. At this point, a flock of gigantic albatrosses sank exhausted on the deck. Hastily reviving them with tots of our cargo, Lamb's Navy Rum, 1 harnessed them to the vessel and encouraged them to fly in the desired direction. The upshot was that our time for the Boston-Sacramento run stood as a record for thirty years." "That's a Rum Story," suid the unsuspecting guest. "Thank you, sir. I should enjoy nothing better than a Lamb's Navy Rum." t j - w ) ncrfect comnli - . mcnt to hearty O- meats like rare roast beef. 1952 Copies of Printed Syllobus available ot Civic Centre desk or Mrs. H. S. Wholcn. Box 405 Serve this superb red wine at dinner. No need to wait for a special occasion . . . Paarl South African Dry Red Wine makes Ihe occasion special! And the moderate price says serve it often. VAMOlVMt VICTORIA Chilcolin ji p.m. January 20 Chilcolin midnight January 13 and 27 Camosun Tuesday. 12 Noon M.IVK ARM, STEWART AND I'OKT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS January 18 ss. Chilcotin midnight KfK SOITII QUEEN ' CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss Chilcotin January 11 and 25 I RANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 C"ORAL SINGING vini in - SINGING PIANO iOLOS DRAMA DANCING ' ACCORDION BAND INSTRUMENTAL Mr. Hemsworth now is a part-, ncr in the firm of mining con-! sultants, Hill, Legg & Hems- i wortn, in Vancouver. His trip to Stewart, delayed oy bad flying weather. Is on behalf of Indian Mines, a client. Decide Now To Enter Entries Close March 1st Co-Optrotiv Win Crowwi Attoclation of ScrJtii Africa, Limitec1 Poorl, South Africa. Thtft advertisement ie nut published or dlspluycd by the Liquor Control Board or by 4he Oovtirument of Bi-ltUh Columbia. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia. For best results, adveiuse!