r-flnce Rupert uouy incw. Tuesday. April 29, 1852 iSincss PRECISION SAW FILING P.liie 5!U Box I tK.'i (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publicattsm) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Pleaae refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. Death Notioet. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. BLACKWOOD on bridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Af?"iit: Itus Terminal Inland Cily Builders CARS FOR ALE ANNOCNCF.MENTS Spring RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycle United Church W. Bazaar May 1. Spade I.ead Nailed Abel to the Table CFPR FOR SALE 1951 Custom Foidor sedan new tires, overdrive, air conditioner. Reasonable. W. G. Soloniuk. 238 6th West. (ltp STONE bcj,, BLUE 55; PO. BOS 1: From the time Mr. Abel opened the king 01 John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs : 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves ': by appointment only a - 23 Besner Block Thone Blue 442 Catholic card party May 1st. (Subject Us ChanRt) Canadian Lesion -Bring the FQR SALE Three busses as iotio" niaht nit.Wt Friday fcViillv M'lu May 'tfirl 2nd . . r . ..: xir i,J spades he was squeezed, although .nobody at trw YJI. table knew it until several tricks later. j offt&xfr Missus units or for wrecking. Would (104c i serve as housing. Green 219. U02pl TUESDAY 5:1S John Fisher 6:20 Stories of New Asia A king Is usually a second Home- L.O.B.A. Spring sale. Piano rUayhoiise 65& rookine. etc.. Mav 3. rno siirc Whnt, am 1 offered 8:30 electro South dealer Neither side vulnerable Virih Olf- Keen) B J 6 4 H Q 10 4 D A gJH for '40 Plymouth convertible? 6:oo Blue 393. tiup i , Phone 6 4. Junlor c,iamber of Commerce Forty-second Anniversary First Presbyterian Church will be held Sunday May 4. j scott McLaren CHAUTERED ACCOUNTANT lame!) Block 608 3rd Ave. W. ov- 7:00 CBC News round winner. But, owing to the peculiar distribution of the diamonds, Mr. Abel'j kind of diamonds was reduced to the fifth card in the suit. In other words Mr. Champion could finesse diamonds three times and then lav down the ace, before for SALE 1950 Monarch 1.13 V ri m a iiuu..u 7:30 Leicester Squnre to Broadway cellent condition. Phone 677. (tfel C- 5 3 Prince Rupert, B.C. Sales and Str NOW LOCATE-SANSON'S CHLV Phone: Gwr. Svetiiiiss Biipp, For genuine parts Phone or write Canadian Lepion card party May 7. Sonja's Tea, May 10. Phono 347 P.O. Box !74 W e.t (Mr. Ahel) FOR SALE 1949 Prefect. 4-door. in good condition. 15.000 miles. Almost new. Red 140. (103p) (Mr. Itule) S 10 8 7 2 H 0 5 2 D None C-Q 10 9 0 4 5 tne King wouia oecome a win- Ha tlqiief CoMrol Bovd w by ikt GofniM D K 10 8 7 2 C K 1 Hospital Day tea, Nurses' Home, May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea REAL ESTATE South ner. In addition, Mr. Abel would have to hold the ace of spades to prevent dummy's Jack from winning. TWO SPECIALS GEORGE RORIE& CO. ACC'OUNTAN IS U AUDITORS l!c:;ner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 May 14 (Mr. Ctliilhiioii ) S- Q H A K J 8 7 3 D6 5 3 C A J 8 HANDYW. 8:00 The Nation h Business H I 5 Tho Commodores 8 Id Hecorrt Album 9:00 Sweet and Lively 9:30 Musical Program 10:00 CBU News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Etrypt 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather Renort and Stun-off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Moderns CASH. balan nt. Eastern Star tea, Ma son U ( HOME SEP. This is how tho play develop Temple, May 15. the ; The bidding: Full ed. After winning with : ment. hot air furnace I kins of soades. Mr. Abel shift-, . .. I u.n.i Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Ka-I u c Pass GENERAL COffi. " - - - i i n ' wui. ed to the deuce of diamonds. Tho ; 2 h pss 3 h i!-lr il'ss nlnved from duramvi 4 H All Pass I price $5500.00 j HARBOR VIEW THREE bedroom house, base-! ment. hot air furnace. Price $6,800.00. Terms arranged Ex Building and fe; kind Men's Rotary tea, Civic May 22. Canadian Legion Dance, formal, May 23rd, Legion Auditorium. 1 122c) clusive listings. ROOFS - CE HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Vermancnt Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches "fit-4'h R'rcct Phone 655 9:30 Sunrise Serenade YOUNO LIVE-WIRE TAUNTON, England 0 A 12-1 year-old boy here sold confetti j to wedding guests at two pence and Mr. Dale ruffed. The 10 oi clubs was returned and Mr. Champion realized that If he permitted Mr. Abel to win this trick, another diamond would Show ARMSTRONG AGENCIES .o j on. burk: rliule insr hnnrTnl After the weddinu. Did it ever occur to you Uiat you need distinctive prh-.ted be led and ruffed, to defeat the;the young.ster produced a clothes PHOSE contract. brush and was ready for new P .O. Box 1670 .natter for your particular Limited j 9:59 Time Signal Phone 342. Black 197 evenings.! jo ;oo "show . I 10:30 This Week's Artist "att ' 10:45 Musical Kitchen k rnnm .(iitinfl 5-room cottage, FOR s-ALE i n:00 KlncU,r(?art(,n of ttw Atr newly decorated inside. Furn- u l5 Roumlup Time ished. Immediate possession. n:30 weather Report Annlv 95 1st East. Industrial I 1 1 Ml Mrwe Period He won with the ace of clubs, business. easiness? ' . took the rjueen and ace of hearts, led a diamond and fin Cathedral tea and rummage sale, May 31. ' PERSONAL HAIR TROUBLE? If you're having hair troubles consult Mr. Powell at Jerry's Beauty dalun across irom Super-Valu. Phone 855. (tf) WE PAY cash lor turnt out motors, any size or make. Wil-ford L'bctrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 3U1. (tf) MATTSO: essed the nine spot. He returned FOR YOUR ROCK ..AND CONCRETE WOKK SAUNDERS BROS. Pour Convent For H'ss Phone Blue 939 WnlHin.T (tf) ill:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodie uPHOism: Phone Blue 12J. p HOUSES WANT K I) TO BUY to his hand with a trump. Ho led two more trumps and Mr. Abel had got rid of all of his small spades and the king of P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies Type faces give you this outstanding di.stinc'.ivrncss . . . and these ca:i be suppled by our nuilvri printing d' 234 3rd i WE HAVE buyers with all cash j ,c;r?,mw,Resum, for two to lour 0 e a r O O m ! 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast Prince Rap: clubs. He was holding onto the accj houses. For quick sale pnone 112:55 Recorded Interlude I51RTII NOTICE Armstrong AcenciCS Lta.l 1:00 Afternoon Concert phone 342. (104c) DIBBEN Born to Mr. and Mrs Dibb Printing Co. FOR KENT W. A. Dibben in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on H. G. helg: lmte; QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heel autl Worn Bolei Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL of spades and three diamonds to the king. When Mr. Champion led his last trump, Mr. Abel's hand was strangled. If he threw away the ace of spades, obviously dummy's jack would be promoted to a winner. Sunday. April 27 a daughter, FOR RENT Store premises, for Irene May. dtp) 1:45 My Own Mother: comty. 2:00 BC. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 3:00 Yea Time With the Stars 3:15 Musical Program 3 :3C Solo Ouest 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4:15 Piano Pops 4:30 Mncgle Mug(rln 4:45 Stock Quottttlous and Int. 4:55 CBC News 6:00 Rawhide " REAL ESTATE i merly Dom's Dept. Store on McBride, write Box 71, city. (101c) HELP WANTED FEMALE Phone 98 Era'r.r Hopelessly, he dropped the WANTED -Reliable woman to FOR r enT Store 01 show room, rnrp fnr 4-vpnr nld er. rlavs eight of diamonds and the Jack 24 x 50. at 844 3rd Ave. West. LING THE No weekends. Central location.) 1138 2nd Ave. West. Phone Blue 668 evenings. (102p) Front will be fixed to suit tenant. Prince Rupert Rea;ty Co., ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS '. FOR YOU . of spades was then discarded from the board. Mr. Champion now took the proven finesse In diamonds and won the last two Tjilorinj PORTRAITS Filmi Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE ' CHANDLER'S STl'DIO 2a--4'h Street Boi 845 Plume Green 389 ' Prince Rurtert over Broadway Cafe. tl) WILL GIVE room to working HELP WANTED MALE and -I tricks with the ace and four spot of that suit. Clothes Mide-I. 220 Sixth St. ENGINEER with fourth class certificate or equivalent qualification. Apply Chief Engineer. Miller Bay Hospital. ( 105c " WOKK WANTED girl for loosing after three-vear-old child at nights. Phone 867. U04p) FOR RENT Room and uoard I for two sharing. Sepaite Deds. I Available May 1. Phone Red 192. (tf) For the MEAL that REFRE; WANTED Job on 2 man troller TAX BURDEN LIGHTENED To YOU our customers we are passing tin t!n HI'", rcdui linn in federal taxes. Our Completely New-in I'Ct line lias been reiluo il as much as FORDS as per mmlcl $141 to $195 MONARCH ' $185 to $233 Come in and "lest (hive" e All-New Ford mid Mm.ar. h Also f?.e our complete lino of inspected used curs at reduced prices. BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service"' Phone 03 Plan Sales Drive Al Toronto Fair LONDON if Britain's modern or cook's job on. halibut or' - . - r,T. , , seine boat. Write Box 1015 ROCM RENT-GhK?.l,sf!;Z reu. iwi eveiuiiKS. . qui Station B., Prince Rupert Fi'' '104p) ! v U01p,l wIl WAN'iED TO RENT WORK WANTED Experienced BEST OF FOOD merchant adventurers will set out for Toronto's International iTrade Fair in June with new ideas of drumming up business. accountant, 28 years old, mar- YOUNG wm:king C0Upie, no chil-ned, capable of handling full rirpn VPnnl,Pb fHrnish shp m coa f ' ' They discussed their plans at Start or house' W1U COnsider good etc- Available to June 'BrH n81," boarding house. May 1. Room FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS PHONE l 27, New Royal Hotel. (104c ) FOR SALE BROADWAY CAFE URGENTLY NEEDED 3-room for SAi.ES-niecp chPprfiniH suite or house. Phone Black 729. (103p) suite, typewriter, piano, wash- i?LmaC,5inre'. .,miscellaneous WANTED TO RENT - Apart BASEMENTS 1)1 f I STUMPS PI I-1.FI DITCHES MADE DB1VEWAYS MILT ROCK BROKEN FILLS PI T IN TOP SOIL a reception given to prospective British exhibitors by R. P. Bower, commercial counsellor at Canada House. J. S. Byam-Grounds, manufacturer of heavy machinery, said he would leave for Canada next month te look over the country's steel industry. He believes Canada offers a potential market worth thousands of pounds once Canadian steelmen see the high Phone GENERAL CONSTRUCTS 'c, ifp'' ment, suite or house i . and a Stratton ,r , ' .Bnggs 1 h p. Well Red 860 motor with generator and bat- ' ? (lOlp) tery $50.00. 1050 Ambrose. YOUNG MAN wishes room and (106p) ... - 1 .far, I -HMftlir W. board, centre or east end of town. Write Box 367, Daily News. U05p FLOOR SANDING GENERAL REPAIRS CABINET WORK UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT FOR EFFICIENT WORK FOR SALE Paint outfit. Two-cycle compressor, 3 gal. tank, extension ladder, step ladders, URGENTLY needed house, suite brushes and paint stock or apartment by May 1. Box 354 Daily News. UOlp) standard of machinery produced in the United Kingdom. Sir Holland Goddard said he will take over an exhibit of wood-working machinery worth fin nnn 1 i Daytime . , Phone 387 Evenings. Call Mack 435 REGAINS SIGHT Two-year-old Cora DeZwat, Dutch immigrant child blinded in a car-train crash, recovered her sight a week after the accident. Awakening from a nap in their Chilli wacH home she found she could see. She is shown with her foster-mother, Mrs. Sid Hardy, (CP PHOTO) WANTFD GREER & BRIDDENLj IV. DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mc'n Open 6 p.m. - S:30 p.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Thone ICS ?!, Estimates Given Cheap for cash. 1174 Park y Aye. Call after 5:30 evenings, ft- -j ; g ;lHp)- tATlONAL Machinery Co? Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) 213 First Avenue Phone 09 WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steei, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Another guest was Maurice Paynter, representing fives pack-aglng-trade organizations. Just returned from the inaugural meeting of the New Institute of Shipping ALLAN E. BARR Contractor Try Daily News Want Ads Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B. C. Phone PAcific 6357. (tf) Material Handling, he said he FOR SALE Furniture. 736 Fraser Street (rear). 6 to 8 would seek to put across a plan he believed would save British p.m. (lOlp) CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop IN RE ESTATE OP JAME3 RICHARD GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 Complete, Bel-cient Service. A.Canadian Liquid for Oxygen, A welding supp!'t! industry 50,000,000 a year in more efficient handling of export goods. ' per, Dattenes anct radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) FOR SALE Cabinet radio, $45. Phone Green 848. (104p) HOOPER. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the Court of the estate of James Richard Hooper, who died at Juneau, Alaska. WHAT HALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Green 136 Bo 78 LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE 9 x 12 rug corner ornament stand, magazine LINDSAY'SC on the 29th da.y of August, 1951. I table. From wartime four: LOST Six-month-old Boston remiirp Hi) rrpfHtnrc otiH nth... V, n YnA nil oil nsn.n I TD . . 1 1 U ,1 ... V- : t ,11,. , converted range, windows, 4 STORAbt i cor 2nd and mg claims against the said estate to send the same to me, properly veri- Bull, brown and white. If found, return to 218 fyh Ave. West or phone 228. Reward. (lOlp) Venetian blinds. Red 820. (lOlp) nea, t the address mentioned be- SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES PLUMBING and HEAWJG The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith&ElkinsLtd. P.O. Box 271 FOR SALE New lumber, 2000 B.M. 2 x 12 rough, 1300 B.M. shiplap. Phone Blue 954. (lOlp) Saville Row Is Hit By Textiles Slump LONDON r Sales of men's suits reflect the current country, wide slump In the textile trade, say London clothing retailers. "The public just isn't In a buying mood," said T. W. Hewitt, secretary of the National Federation of Merchant Tailors. low on or before the 31st day of May, 1952, after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to 'said estate are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. LaSalle Extens:on University 3743 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. (102c) ACCOUNTANTS DATfcD at Prince Rupert. B.C., this ' "johM I "Tnirii (1 FOR SALE Pure bred Airdale pups, $10.00 each freight on board Evelyn. George Storey, Evelyn, B.C. (104p) FOR SALE3 piece chesterfield suite, perfect condition. Quick sale, $125.00. Box 365, Daily News. (102p) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. S. G. Furk, Stone Buildine. Red 593. (20m) Cjomlijccir "The Greatest Name in Rubber" Hose lieltinr Matlins Tins Tubes Batteries Airfoam Products Wholesale Only NORTHERN TIRE & RUBBER CO. 712 2nd Ave. P.O. Box 1481 Phone Green 992 lutn day or April, 1852. JAMES RYLEY. Official Administrator. Atlln, British Columbia (A22.29,M6,13-'p) DINING PLEASURE IN . SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Orders held by firms In Saville TENDERS BOATS FOR SALE Row, London's "Main Street" for j men's tailoring, have seldom, been so meagre. Price cuts of five guineas or more on suits of a higher grade XAVHi Alll.i: WATKRS I'KOTI'.f'TION ACT , R.S.C. 1927. Chapter 140 Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited, hereby Rives notice that it has. under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and with the Deputy Registrar in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registration FOR SALE 10 h p. Johnson OFFERS plainly marked "Offer for Plymouth" on the envelope will be received by the undersigned up to noon May 16, If you mu.st sell It, advertise it 'DAILY NEWS" Classified. outboard motor, very good condition. 1 year old. Phone Green 626. (106p) nave evoKea mile response and so far, there's no hint of Im 1952, for a 1946 Plymouth provement. RLONIDIF Doqwood's Met His Vnfcrlco! District of Prince Rupert, Province of FOR SALE 40 ft. packer "Lili-mak." Moored at New Floats. (105p) i hapnt fcvtyRXiy KNOwi British Columbia, a description of tho site and plan of a pier proposed to be constructed on the foreshore and "It means much unemployment and short time in the trade," said Hewitt. BUT I T'S fcVMNIMG --J I DON'T HAVE TO i V"""- -s THAT PAIN WATER ( DARLING, MDU PROMISED THAT r.-N i wt i ( TO OPPiMKLE MY GAPGEN Coach Vehicle No. 568, located "as is and where is" at Prince Rupert; licence and registration not included. Further information and permission to view may be obtained from the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C. All bids must be accompanied A3 a soaking ;;?y, V 'MZKV. Fro TfTMV always got Hn-T-rt f SOME EXCUSE FOR SALE 14 ft. carvel built rowboat. Phone Green 626. U06o) CARS FOR SALE hose r" oA ? ' .... ;. bed of the easterly side of Kemano Bay, Range 4, .Coast District, Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, will, under Section 7 of the said AUSSIE'S TRIBUTE . NEW DELHI The retiring T WI-iEN I AiK ? S. Mil 1 TO 1X1 Australian high commissioner to India, H. R. Oollan, said at a ceremony that he had iment 15 by a certified cheque for at least 10 of the bid, and are ' n" FOR SALE 1950 Austin A-40 sedan, excellent condition havint? travelled rr.ninlv on Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of subject to 3 S.S. & M.A. tax on the amount offered, and n 1 1 first class roads. Priced at j for approval of the said site and plan. Vancouver. Price $1250 00 cash. Phone Mr. Fraser, 477. (tf) years of his diplomatic career in India and that nowhere else could so many years have been spent more usefully. He praised India as a stable country where democratic principles and law prevail. the highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Purchasing Commission, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. (A 29 M2 H) Dated this 3rd day of April. 1952. ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED. PAUL S, WHITE, Vice-President and Secretary. (A8, 15,22, 29-cj It FOR SALE 1937 DeSoto sedan, excellent mechanical condition. Phone Black 756. UOlp) to