"1 -t lUitU HiMiru Orttlu j'hUiy Lflu - i, Ju.it: IJ.! IUH-.K .A''''Kh - ,V , : The tidal bore ol-the Pnitro-. , Mamnm!' l,lS1' iliac river lushes upstream pat,h h. cr'Ve ir' f Moncton with a helRht of three , wlth n tTr at "'at to five feet, i "h1d0 "' of dlfft.t As I See It I 1 ; n independent daily nwpapt-r dftrd vt the upbuilding of Prlnc Ruj.t aud Northern and Central British Columbia Mcmlr of Canadian Prrss Audit bureau at Circulations Canadian tJaiiy Newspaper Association. Published by The Prlnro Rupert Daiiy News Limited. J. F. MAGOR, Prudent H O. PF.RRY. Vt-p(esld-nt 13Y r " M r . . I Subscription fiats: Jy carrier fr tK, ihh per month 61 uj; per yar. 10fJG. 7 CA y met) Per month, 'be; per year, Ibuu -s.si - uUiorlzed as beeonu tMaa man try tr.e P jst Oitie Department. Ottawa. Acrosi, (lie Tuv.n The UK-US liift rliOne il or Uie Nati. Less Noise Please! AS THK top statesmen of Britain hee;in talks in 'Washington it is well for the Vest of "its 'to consider the main cause of the rift hetween them. to csino t City Council to Lindsay's CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. nti-iioi:v liy-'av,' in Prince Rupert (lie ncilicc to crack down on own- . or to clamor foi The Americans want some kind of it collective defense igreement for Southeast Asia which would be" frankly antl- ' ers of automobiles hut comm in and trucks of the more rowdy lS i (' i v 1 hy this newspaper t hat suhic action lie taken to V.oiiiid:-; ll.at echo about our it impcT.liivc the stficcai lo SPILSBURYandTINDAU ; make Icorh : -. I rcc ' ' I ff - !'' : f ' ' - " . - 4 . 1 late at. iiielit ami in the early morn. all the nai-ions wilicn signed the nuct would have been obligated to go to the help of France, j had she oeeu attacked hy Germany. But the same nations would have been obligated to go to the help of Germany had Germany been attacked by France. 11 is that same principle which Sir Winston Churchill himself has iccently suggested mlgli' again be applied In Kuroje, and which Mr. Kden now urgea as the basis for peace In Asia. MR. KDEN '3 plan drugs right out Into the open the dceer . Now Present the A iha.ce that come.-, a. id imk-s with each Melioration is" (he "tanijiered witl'.-inuffler," which I provides .satisfactory noisuss for the owner and means sleepless nij-lits lo many a hearer. Various means of iiiakiii;.'; an ordinary four-wheel cotivey-ance sound like a let plane taking off are used. 6-12-32 Volt MRT-15D 15 Watt Phone . $359.oo and li-eal hona 1 nli? inutller :ype of i''adp;et is il Commmiisl in lis put poses and actions. ! Hot the Biilisli want some-; thing ouile dlUerent. They, wung wh.il Mr. Anthony Kilen calls "ml A ian Locarno" w hich would i'-e ( h.ll i lilt- same .chalice lo ' join us any other j-o-.v". r !.: that alea. 'IN OVKR-SIMPLIFIKD terms we could say that the Dulles plan bo. Is down to this? A group of allies Including the ', United States, Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, plus .Siam, and the Philippines would draw a line and would later use ; ill means In their combined , power lo keep Communist Influence outside that line, i "I hey would say "if your Red ! armies cross that line we will nil i (i;Uit you, not only at the line 1 you cross, but in your honie-j lands; and we will also fight your underground armies and ; fifth columns even li they ox r-jute on our side of the line, as -ilizens." The FC 'il approach Is very different. He. says, in effect: 'Let all the nations of Asia enter Into a compact similar to (hat which almost succeeded In - DIKI CTIONAL FOI NTAIN Like a fountain, streamlined jet-plane models shoot into the air from a monument at Frankfurt's Rhine-Main Airport to indicate directions and flying times to world Vowibi. Flags show Ihut London is only two hours away rroin the German city, and that Tokyo, almost in the oimosite diifction. is Just 39 hours away. Note the Statue of Liberty, Kilfi l Tower, and other landmarks on the appropriate slens. Dominions' Fight for Recognition Sparked by Borden Asserts limes J liasically, removal of tli( J .substit utioii of any other I and leaves the owner op;'i Since tin's is written I suggest that owners of sue lo prosecution, as a mild warning, we 1 illeyally-filted Vehicles, ' bmo:i compact Rugged Dcpendo difference between the United Kingdom and Hie United Slates. Britain accepts tlte fact that a revolution has taken place In China; that the Communist government is now the effective government of China and tile sooner the whole world accepts that fact, and acts accordingly, the sooner we may reach some sort of international stability. But the United Stales, to date, has resolutely refused to accept the Chinese revolution. Before he became Secretary of Stale, John Foster Dulles even wrote a book urging recognition of the facts of life re. Red China. But YOUR AGLNT IN PRINCE. RUPERT AND DISTMf 644 - Rupert Radio & Electric - i It devoted an editorial to Borden's career on the 100th anniversary of his birth. LONDON (KHitersi - Th 'l imes today says that Kir Robert Borden, Conservative prime minister of Canada from'lUll lo i 1920, was primarily responsible I for fclw - memorandum - which gave pffuclive recognition to full - nationhood for the dominions. PRINCE RUPERT TO Kouert Lan d Borden was as , ; ' successful as any of his prede- sessors or successors in advauc- j ' : ing what must be the dual policy : j of any Commonwealth stales- : man lo keep his country an j I active member of the Common-! wealth hut at the same lime to 1 insist on Her sovereignty us a ; nation," The Times says. j "It was he who, at the im-: perial conference of 1917, moved the resolution which was accepted as a formal recognition of the equality of the status of the dominions with the United laying the foundations or peace between France and Germany, before the rise of Hitler." Under the Locarno principle. f THE ETTERBOX I between the writing the book, and his appointment us President Eisenhower's expert In foreign affairs, things had gone from bud to worse In Asia. Red China had intervened In the Korean war. ending It by deadlock and stalemale. Instead of outright US. victory. : Now the near-hy-itei ia created by McCarlhyisin in the USA. would make It impossible for any Republican government to recogn.zc- the real governim-nt of China. , II Is on this background tli.it the leaders of two great woikl powers meet. To me, the very tact that they are meeting is proof that the ties which unite them are stronger Lhan Hie factors which tend to pull them apart. IOK INK AN CONOR ATI' f.ATlONS The Editor, The Daily News: I would like to express my appreciation to Ian Dobbie and the cast of Brlgadoon for a won IM.00 'I'd Kingdom. , ' "Borden's crowning acliieve- ment was to be primarily re- themselves lake steps to hriuii' hack their vehicles into line with the law. Owners of lare trucks "could also help keep the city quieter at niht hy ensuring that the exhausts on'the hit;- vehicles are jiot faulty, since they could not he included in the class of owner that child-like, takes in delipht in producing- noise for noise's sake. At the risk of beinjj dull, hut wall sincere intent we quote covering passages from the "Kee;u-lations . . . Motor Vehicle Act, rape 11, TaratM aiih 1." "Kvery motor vehicie propelled by an internal combustion engine shall he equipped with an exhaust muffler, consisting of a series of pipes and chambers so proportioned ami constructed as to allow the exhaust ases.froin the engine to expand and cool to a degree of noiseless expulsion; and the muffler shall not lie cut or disconnected while the motor vehicle is in operation on any highway. "No motor vehicle, the muffler of which has had any baffle plate or other part for the suppression of exhaust noises removed, or exhaust outlet opened so as to create more noise, shall be'operated on any highway. Nor shall any device be attached to such motor. vehicle muffler or exhaust system which will increase the noise of the exhaust." The act is so complete that there should n be any question in the minds of any car owners who might he offending, as to what their action should be. We hope that this will be the first and last time we have to write on the subject. If not, the noisy drivers may find that their 'toys," instead of providing enjoyment :md amusement, have merely icrved lo betray them. i sponsible for drafting the fam-j ous memorandum of 1018 which derful performance. Mr. Dobbie U ltANGI I.I. $27-oo'- has only been here for -a short secured for the dominions sep al the time bait he has done something Urate respresentatlon I'll .:':i lor us that the majority of resl- I conierence. ' f'lT I KSIil ICI $29-70 WHEN YOU This was the effective rero't- , .! - ,J .... .. JCNKAII nition of full nationhood or the dominions." : The Times says the First World War "set problems, acute In any $41.40 FLY I IVIIITI.IHIHsl Envoy's Wife In Hospital dents will never forget. I was not lucky enough to see any of jour previous shows but if .they came close to Brigadoon, then 'the Prince Rupert Little Theatre is "tops." My lmprestilons of Thursday night's performance are something I will always remember. Pat Bolton as Harry Beaton did a grand job; Shirley Hill as Meg, -should keep up the good work;, Harley Lewis and Pat Wicks as Tommy and Fiona played their parts like veterans and their songs were delightful. Ed Har IIC AIR writ L L L I j LINES .... Third A I country but doubly so in a ifoun- try divided by race. 'Borden not only brought a I united Canada Immediately Into the war with a Canadian ex- ; ' ,)editionary force springing Into life without delay but he1 gra.Sed firmly the prickly Issue lol conscription. UN Picketed 0n War Issue Phone 266 ,0'fice opiioslte Post Office LONDON t Reuters Mrs. An-. thonv Eden, wife of the foreum secretary, entered a Ixifidon h'i -pilal Thursday night after seeing her husband off to Washington with Prime Minister Chun hill, I It was announced today Nature of her Illness was not disclosed. I 1 Mr. Fflen accomimnird I he foreign secretary to the oiienlng lot th'- Fur Knsiern conference nt .Geneva but returned after a few weeks. She has been under cIim'- loi.-'' cure since. University College hospital, where Mrs. Eden Is being treated, said her condltiuii Is i.T.-cor.. i n. m i i i., dbo. 411, of Brockviile, Out , and Ottawa has been apiioint'-d director of militia and cadets wiili the rank of colonel. The directorate of militia and ca-deti Is a new organization at Army Headquarters implemented as a result of the recent review of the reserve force hy. a board of senior officers, (ilor to his appointment, Col. Buell was general stuff officer in the directorate of military training and responsible ior . Royal Canadian Cadet activities, i CP from National ! Defence I. rington as Jeff was a grand foil for "Tommy's" seriousness. To f lordie Dell as Charlie, thanks f; ' the two songs, "I'll Go Home Willi j Bonnie Jean" and 'Dome to Me, j "end to Me." Jiinmv Ntc.uH' and Will Ilankinson as the father of i Jean , and (he Iximrnie resoect-ively, also turned In excellent performances. Marjorie Clec.ohe as UNITFD NATIONS, N Y. i More than 300 men and women picketed Thursday outside United Nations headquarters with flLlTake the family CSpSEnjoa Big Sawhff 1. REFLECTS and REMINISCE Ray ean won well-earned nraise for her sword- dance. a-h irtw.ro Placards reading "tmp Hlond- BE CLEARLY INFORMED in ami- ipiflinlia acciuud Ihem- shed In Guatemala" and "U.S. oivuery,, workers In Burslem fJt "MusV )h),,g: '& noing 'well. A factory i . )uZ,".l! 1TOl,A..iei icu-." h.y-J ha-.f out t Will it he Dominion Day, or Canada fay '' 'Wiere'iHis' :hl lie said, 1-ols of lime between today and Thursday. . , , . ' wrciWI Wl jUtlll WOI, ' 1 s ' i . leafleLs demanding that the UN sei-iM-lty council enforce its iinan- nine ii.tn uii uiun jui iiiuic mi i . , Thanks again to you all or half a million plates, cups, .sauc-1 ,..h.,r 0mu f,.e f.r .,,: Rl&lKl ShOW. liners running between Australia! HCOTTY. j l,"oui resolution of last Sunday and Britain. ; nri nee Rupert. ' for a cease-fire In Guatemala. Bir Winston Cliurchill. in Washington today, was threatened witli a second stroke in Loudon about a year ago but managed to recover sufficiently to accompany the Queen to Bermuda. After two days in Ottawa, with Ajithnny Kden, he will return overseas. As for more paralysis, all engagements are "off" CFPR TONIGHT A. P. GARDNER -& CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT1) SOUNDS JUST I.IKE (INI? Iist Thursday Federal members in Ottawa appeared to lie feeling anything except cheerful. Rome CCF supporters in particular hated to think of unemployment Insurance. It was June 28 week's f"UBh to make one tremble, this Getting a pay for a day's work Is said to he one of dread picture of trying to find BELL. CA. Pl tnce Rupert Telephone: Vancouver ALFRED L Resident Partner 325 Fiiurlli Avenue Easf, Terrace Prince George 10:15 p.m. the biggest evils of the modern economic system. lied 870 Quesnel food and shelter during the next lew winters. He couldn't have been a Communist! Yet It sounds that way. ONE WAY i l I ONEWAY ' FARE for ftufld If ifl by other parnl. POUND TRIP FAPE For ttt "Had of fomily". FARE (or rounrl Hip.' blwf 5 "I gndi-r 12; under S ! lo.l!i JUST ONE SHAI1E , Tourists are rennrted to be disappointed In Ttuonto. They are unable to discover a Mountie whose tunic is a particular color Plenty of other lines are available, but nothing else will be considered, even for a moment. 1 . I THFSUN LITE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 4 rr.IKlNTO a rr' I llxiunplcs: 1'lllNf K Kl'l'l.ni - Farnily fl,f HON. P. A. GAGLARDI AAinister of Public Works Tells the Truth About BRITISH COLUMBIA'S HIGHWAYS Family of fuur riinr - 1 ' riot h ...... Save Takes pleasure in announcing . the appointment of Street ear chivalry used to be the thing. It is now a .standing Joke! A 22-storey office building has been newly completed in New York. The walls were thin, prefabricated sheets of aluminum, each section two storeys high. To put tip an entire slorey required 98 minutes. What next won't aluminum be up to? Perhans we will nped all that can be found. J . T.irUI ai"i 1Z " Inquire alimit Family lrr for I""" v., l.vtT'""' 3nnc j-t Leaving n i' A Vt'etliiesdays. vri rri""- Snip liin"' J In effect June 1 to Stpt. .VI. Between raitcrn ami Western ( anaila. Hetween Canatla ami Midwestern nd Western I'niteil Stales. Hetween Western Canada and l asiern United States. , (.rnernus Rel ,ravel any Alli"!",i AS REPRESENTATIVE EOR Prince Rupert and District . vki II &Wlff DO NOT BE MISLED ! SOCIAL CREDIT KEEPS YOU INFORMED llritish Columbia Social Credit League C f, flrliMD'"'' C.N. o' Complete informofion dom any By this time there appears to be no question concerning the incidence of cigarette smoking, the state of the lungs and development of cancer. Tens of thousands have ceased smoking. But it must be confessed scores of millions have done notlvlng of the sort. Phone Green 487 712 Taylor