Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, June 28, 1954 Big Chief May Be Key I' (. SPORTS ROUND-UP In Yank s Pennant Drive ?asy-goncj s a NEW YORK (AD It's a matter of opinion, but! By KEN IMILKGAK Reynolds, who had the backache often In the closing stages of 1953, was ready to stay on his, Allie Reynolds' reluctant decl- BRITISH BOXING TEAM ALL MEMBERS OF FORCES LONDON (by cablet Five British boxers all Amateur Boxing Association champions will represent Britain In the British Empire Games In Vancouver in August, It was announced here today. All but one of the young men are In the Forces and all but one come from London. Twenty-year-old Cpl. Bruce Wells of the RAF will represent Britain in the light middleweight class. He stands 6 feet 3 inches and is the holder of the European championship. Youngest of the five is 18-year-old David Charnley in the featherweight class. The others are Cpl. Brian Harper, RAF, Blackpool, heavyweight; Pte. George Whelan, lightweight and Pte. Nick Oarguno, welterweight. we can't avoid a small feeling of irritation every time we see Rocky Marciano referred' to as awkward. siun to abandon nis roie as an vaUon with his 0a weils oil tycoon with an aching back uness thg yanks met hls askjng 1 OK THAI EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY in favor of one more season of Rocky isn't exactly graceful, nitchine looks more and more granted. He doesn't dance about on his toes and make picture moves. He's too busy and impatient to waste any time posing and posturing. But we insist he isn't awkward and wil bet thit price of $40,000. They finally did. Reynolds really didn't need a shutout. His mates clinched the contest in the third with seven runs. The Chief got a bunt single and a driving single as 12 men batted during the rally. In other American League names Dlaved yesterday Wash- m like the key move in New York Yankees' drive for their sixth straight pennant. The Big Chief from Oklahoma has been magnificent. When he beat the first-place .Cleveland Indians 11-0 Friday he would have been knocked cold a dozen times. Exactiy. Kocky has possibly the greatest chin the ficlit game ever saw, and he doesn't have to. worry about getting hit. He can wade in with immunity and throw his own bombs without being fearful that he'll catch a few himself. It'a a wonderful way to be Ezzard Charles would be the first to agree. No man who can hit such a cagey and -experienced dude asj Charles the way Marc.lHno did: the other night can be awkward. Neither can he be clumsy to any1 mnrrnA flnffrAD lt mlffhl'lflllV North Stars Down Sea Kings To Move Back Into Top Spot night it marked his ninth ington edged Detroit 4-3. Chlcaeo straight victory after losing his beat Boston 6-4 and Baltimore first decision. The third-place ' Orioles trounced Philadelphia Yankees moved within three 15-1. games of the Indians and the j over in the National League, ry Duiiv Ni.s 1 able to fight. 1 '-'ussififtj second place Chicago White Sox, Py BOB MORKIS Brooklyn Dodgers trimmed St. ! Louis Cards 3-1, New York Giants 'clobbered Chicago 6-2; Cincin : ged for three hits and gave up sn a, ps hut'the boxpr who ,s TODAY 6:45 -9 p.m. 'ChaVge al Feather River a walk before he managed to put out the fire. Johnson walked only two men. North, Stars moved back Into first place. In Little League standings last night with a 7-3 victory nati downed Pittsburgh 8-4 and Milwaukee Braves shut out Philadelphia 7-0. 1 I lover Sea Kings at Algoma Park. 1 SUNDAY AT MIDNITE ONLY " DICK POWELL , REX ALLEN rEGOY DOW PENNY EDWARDS In ln jso unfortunate as to be In the I ring with him knows better In a hurry. I ELUSIVE TAflGKT ; Those who called Rocky awkward after his last fight pointed : mainly to the many wild swings who defeated Boston 6-4, climbed within one. SPORTSMAN'S HOW TO CLEAN SALT WATER TACKLE "YOU NEVER CAN TELL" UTAH WAGON TRAIN" RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR I-feA si gave up four hits and struck out two batters while he was pitching. Greene gave up three hits and walked one. striking out four and is only charged with one run. Roy Helland, who pitched the first four Innings for North Stars, pave up four hits, two walks, fjnd struck out 3 and hit one batter for the first two Sea Kimr runs. Ted Careless, who relieved to start the fifth inning, allowed one hit and one walk, registering three strikeouts for one run. Monday to Wednesday - 7 p.m. Lost show 8:15 5 h! PRIMITIVt lOVfl Regardless of how well A REEL IS SAVAGE THRILISI Arnold Johnson, starting on the mound for the first time this season for Sea Kings, pitched three fine innings, allowing only one. hit for one run. The North Star bats began to find the mark In the fourth and when Johnson gave up three hits and a walk and an error saw another runner safe on base. Sea Kins coach Frank Comadina decided Johnson had done well enough for his first try. Mike Green went in to relieve and was tag- Chicago Bears' Sizzling Mad UWB'KMWfi MADE, IT U5T BE 4mi he missed after he got Charles In serious trouble In the sixth round and was trying desperately to. score a knockout. What they overlooked was the fact that Ezzard. though badly hurt, slill had a clear head and knew how to make himself on elusive target. Under Ihf rlrnunstunces, we thoucht Rocky was rather restrained, if anything. He did not go windmilling in and let Charles tie him up. He stalked :x-. - CLEANED AFTER EACH ' ' KI.V4.tO tHAOMUNIHt O I Ml AMAIO - a wt Mai nmii "CEASE FIRE IN KOREA" DAV'S USE IN SALT WATER TECHNICOLOR Ez. carefully and threw his looping right only as he appeared to have a clear target. That more "- A l".inmit KM.... . . PUvtm Ttttatre . .,,:..:,.,. . .. . I . At Canadians LAST TIMES TODAY, ' MARILYN MONROE 7 9:10 "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" to avoid corrosion. Remove the spool from the reel. thfn hold each part under warm running : water, turning it about to rinse away all particles i of salty residue. increase water's force to wash the line on the spool. salt will-not harm a nylon line, but it causes the line to cake . on the spool. :-. Shake off water, thh( pry pari r. apply a good brand of ri:el oil to movin& parts, vax all anodized surfaces. l" '- r IM V'MHW WATFR, THEN WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE CHICAGO 1 Chicarn Brar are sizzling, not in the wake of 100-degree weather but from an Big hitter of the night was Sea ' Kings' Chris Downing who slammed a single and three doubles ; In his four trips to the plate. 1 David Allen got his first hit of , the season and the only other 1 hit given up by North Star pitchers. Downlng's double in the fourth drove in Kerr and Mc-Leod with the first two Sea King : runs and his single in the last Inning drove McLeod In again I with the only other run. I North Star hits wpre by Hell- j and and Turcotte with two safe- ; ties each, and Kangus, Careless j and Kurdziel witr; one each. Helland with one two-bagger for the only North Star extra base blow scored twice. Thoin. Maska-luk, Kangus. Turcotte and Kurd- zlcl each added one counter. Sea Kings 000 201 North Star 001 OOx STARTS MONDAY 7 - 9:10 p.m. Romulus m . of them did not land solidly on Ez's Jaw and perhaps end the fight ritrht there was more a testimonial to the challenger's great defensive skill than proof of the champion's awkwardness. GREATEST CHIN? Some observers, we have noted, accused Rocky of being less than clever because of the fact that when he missed one of his whooshing swings he left himself wide open for Charles' counter punches squarely on the buttcn. They said that If Rocky had anything like a normal chin JOSE FERRER alleged Canadian pirating wave. I The Penrs Friday filed their second damage suit in two weeks 'against a Canadian professional 1 football team for allegedly swiping a player. The suit, filed In federal court i at Miami, Fla., asked $150 000 L -A ; f .. l:L- ALU LURES. (Subject t Change) SATURDAY P M B 00 cut: Nfwa 6:05 Halmltw AlliluB P ''n PrHirlf Kchtnr 7:00 The Denny VaUL'hun Show 7:30 Siiturday PUyhousn 8:00 Serenade for Strings 8:30Soirce a Quebec " no Sunshine Club 9:30 Canadiun Symphonies 10:00 CBC new 10:15 Dunce Time 10:30 Western Five 11:00 Mrali'-r Hefnirt MiKir till Midnight l?:00 Mgn-oti SUNDAY AM 8:30 Chamber Mu:,ic a 00- BBC News and CuinuicnUr; 9:15 What's Next 0 :30 Concerto 10:00 Be. Oai-iiener and Weather Forecast 10:15 Just iviary 10:30 The Way ol the Spirit il:O0 CBC Kews 11:UJ- Capital Bepurt U:;10 Kcllgloua Period f M. 12:00 Invitation to Music , .n , fitiniM- rsiieaklug 2:00 Strlngalong 4:00 tiiu aj., , Mankind a 05 iAsK the ri'eatherman i tt Weather force 3:15 U.N. on the Kecctrd. ; 3:ao--Misic 1 L.,.e .ale . 4 30 Once Upon a Time ! 5:00 Stratford '64 5:30 Elizabethan Music Today ouitniiLi ineatrc 6:30 Canadian beetles j .ou tut rew6 7:10 Vveeltend Review '1 :. j our special ftpeukc, 'i :30 Littie ouipnony urchcsLru ( tt uu . 11111, p,:(j ouiiauy Conceit it .ou StTeiiaut; i;30 Veapur Hour . . .,u - 10:15 Oeorgc Woodcock Speaks ( 1 . .o It rata , :.rpHl ttlld ..ii-ull MuNUA Y 1 du ' .'O dl-lUC!Ml 7:13 .MllhluJ llutk i.w-- ..v...., .citiicr .... -...-,.... ( Mi. k 7 40 Mornlnn Devotions :.V Interlude 'iiA from the Hamilton Tiger-Cats for inducing linebacker Jim f Xi :'-- :i ' .. f' ' ( J . . ." I" A V4 ; 4X ': i .' 5. - (,sv It T A. f' v'i ; -a - f ' 1 V r Dempsey to quit the Bears. j j 1 It was coupled with a $?5.000 ; breach of contrart suit aeainst I Dempsey, who lives In Minmi j and has played for the Bears ! since 1950. Dnmnspv starred for mm FUR TORAGE Elks Rally To Earn 9-9 Tie With Pony League Leaders TOTEM Donold Duck Cartoon" Fast Parnrrr and Freichl Sailings from Trince Rupert AU times Duylight Saving 1 T Vancnuver Friday and , Sunday 8:00 p.m. T Kitimat Friday 8:00 p.m. T Kcmano Sunday 8:00 p.m. T Stewart, Alire Arm Saturday 6:00 a.m. the University of Tlorida. The Bears last week. In Stock- ton. Calif., filed a $100,000 suit j against Calgary Stampeders, of the Western Interorovtnclal I I'miHtiiN ltarr Tlimlrr PHONE nmrie It 8-4 in their half, after Fabulously beautiful . . .Savagely real... Football Union for coaxing halfback Eddie Macon to Jump his ! T Masset anil North (Jucen Charlottes Thursday 6.00 KCitingl DIFFERENT! ' Elks of the Prince Rupert unofficial Pony League last night Overcame an 8-3 deficit going Into the fifth to earn a 9-9 tie With the league leading Gyro sound at Roosevelt Park last night. Gyros took the lead from the start, with one run In the first and four in the second before Elk's F. Cawdell came home in the boHom of the third on Char-He Llndstrom's double to put the Fred Oulbranson tripled and I stole home. Llndstrom held the Gyros down in the top of the sixth, while in their half of the Inning. Elks , racked up four runs to tie the game at 8-8. Majore. who was walked, put the Gyros ahead again In the seventh as he came around to score while Stewart was grounding out and relief pitcher Wesley Kelly was striking out. Lambie tied the game up again In th Elks seventh sftcr singl TODAY NT a.m.; June 3, 17 July 1. T South Queen Charloltrs June 10, 24, July a Favscnger Reservations Freight ISookif'gs LES SMITH Prince Rupert Ancnt 5l 3rd Ave. Phone 5UH fc 5(!l serving B.C. since lf!8fl BILL SCUBY FURS Elks into the scoring column. The league leaders added another In the fourth when pitcher Oakey walked, stole second and thtrd' and came home on a ing, goisg to second on the throw ' X:l."i Popular hinger uiutt'iit.ary I Bear contract. j "WE WANT HIM" - ! I Owner-coach fteorTc Mains of ! I the Sears said Hamilton and its j general manager and head eoarh : Ca rl M. Vovles of Vero Beach, I Fia tried unsuccessfully to lure away several other Bear players. 1 j Halas did not identify the players. i In Hamilton. Vovles said he j l .was not disturbed about the ac- ' tlon. Tine-Cat president Jake i Gaudar said he wasn't either. 1 1 "They ithe Bearsi started this," Voyles said. "The Bears ' slsrned Bill Grepus when he was under contract to us The Bears i have just traded Bob Cross to I.os Angeles and he's under contract with us. 1 "I'm only going after Chlcaeo Bears and Cleveland players," he xHded. "And I'm not going for players upder c o n t r a c t just those on the option clnuse. That's what they're doing to us so I . guess it can work both ways." fn and coming in on Rudolphs ore ns up A WHOLE NEW WORLD Aunt Lury ! Daily Ne.v Classifieds- 9:15 9:30 left field. Rudolph Laura Lttf. ny duu. cms auut-u iwu in inrii , gjgip iq fourth on a single by Warner, a stole . , second, went to third while OF ENTERTAINMENT "HOUSE of STONE" walk by Lamoie and singles by Cawdell. Gyros added two more runs In the top of the fifth and Elks . i A- FREE! FREE! FREE! Bellls was grounding out and was thrown out at home trying to bring In the winning run on a' steal. Elk's Lincstrom gave up five hits and ten walks, while striking out nine. Oakcy, the Gyro starter, alkiwed three runs on five hits and walked four. Kelly allowed fx runs pit four hits. Extra Pants free with every suit. Also free Slacks or Skirts for Women. 15 OFF for Topcoats, Sports Jackets, Pants or Slacks. LING THE; TAILOR 220 Sixth St. Dempsey, 59 Nostalgic Over Old Days 10:15-rElwood Olovcr 10 :45 Musical Program , 11. OU .1 rf.u.. .UrtlC 1 1 :.u K'.MiKf IVuod ll:l.i .iltfl'a V.M. .-.u CBC News 12. o i-kil o..o,.cttC t.ju J5.C ."".iiu oiinUca. i..V liitrrluiJe I :'Ml Htt'iirii mr Vou 1 ::10 AfUruoon Concert 4..J0 1 ruii-cumtuH MuUiie 3:11 iiruve Voyuo .l::i liovilmtn J:S tut Una 3:4 BC. Iloilii(liii Mink iiiiiliilill. A in-ill 4::i0 Wrsiwurd to OolO 5.00 l.owdy Uoouy 5:15 Ctluiiuolictltb t :-.o -iiHA:i ii.tioiiui Comnirnlury 5:43- t:BC Nrwii. Weullior .i:.i.i Unity Ni-hn ) -A v True-Life Advenlurc! 1 i Archie Moore I To Meet Johnson j NEW YORK WU-Liimt-hcavy-iweiuht champion Archie Moore and top contender Harold John-! son of Philadelphia slened Fri n TICHN.C0L0R CITY TRANSFER CRATING PACKING STORAGE AlbJbt- day tor a 15-round title fight at Madison Square Garden Aug. 11. Boost for Fido LONDLM Wi-LtfinsaU-s at the Wuiiu Contjicss ol Animal Wel-l:i ir iSuriclirx hern na.sserl a re.i- DINING PLEASURE MCIl --.IS r soon LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING PCL STANDINGS i im i. r .... olu iMi drploiiiv' the tencJeiK v ! tin k .sw iw TTC Kll i Poll V'ft'tf i " i'- autlioi iiies to exclude in rw .') sun ,s:) W M 4t 44 40 dogs from city life. A delegate i ! Hun OBkiHnrt" Dii"; 9501 71 i Phone TICHNICOIOI A argued a OOgiess World Would be Sn Franclim) SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS iu. 1..1U JOuty uuiid.l and cniento 3D 37 Seattle Thcorrc SOON 4? VI VI 4(1 40 the tliu .481 u 478 12 48 121, .425 IB .418 181, Los AnirelnH 34 Portland 33 Commodore Cafe NEW YORK i It was Jack Dempscy's 59th birthday, and the boxing writers and old friends of the Manassa Mauler came over Thursday night to Jack's restaurant on Broadway to say happy birthday to the 'Champ.' Still black-haired and trim at 225 pounds, some 40 over his best fighting weight, the Mauler moved restlessly about, signing autographs and posing for pictures. The crowds gawked outside) as the champ sat by the window facing the main stem. But it -was different some 37 years ago wh"n Jack visited the big town looking for work. It was a cold town to Jack then, and the bltlnK winds chilled his lightly-clad frame. "If It wasn't for the free lunches In some of the bars then I might of starved," said Jack as he puffed on a fat ctonr., "If you had a nickel you could buy a beer and eat a good lunch. They had salami, ham. pigs' knuckles and other stuff on tables 'and you could eat all you wanted if you had the nickel. Sometimes I didn't have It. , "They had piles of hard-boiled eggs too, and If you had a chance you could put four or five in your pocket and on those you could eat for a week." NOTI BASEBALL SCORES Western Inlernalional Edmonton 5, Yakima 4 Victoria 9, Wenatchee 3-Tri-City 3, Salem 1 Pacific Coast League Portland 2, Oakland 0 Hollywood 7, Seattle 2 Sacramento 10, Los Angeles 5 San Diego 12, San Francisco 1. VANCOUVER 5 Hours $44.85 . One Woy Phone .795 W RUPERT ROD AND GUN CLUB WORK PARTY .... 9 a.m. Sunday TRAP SHOOT .... 2 p.m. Sunday For tronsportotion by cor phone ony Club Member "EVERYONE WELCOME" . FASHION FOOTWEAR CaMnHiiM Pasty M V pit tmm F a 4 ammn mu u iommi wfirw cahm Pacific Evaporated Milk is protected by golden lined, vacuum ' . sealed cans. Tht only canned milk processed In B.C. OPTOMETRIST Fred "J Dowdle 103 Thhrl Ave. W. Phone Green 960 Ink MvetiKment not puUndrd or splayed by the Liquor Control Wwf or by tbe Government W L i:ivi.i.n.M.yji;t .... Phoni. n Sennl S.,